
Is Gaming Ready For Sex?

Every once in a while comes a game that manages to shake up the entire industry with it’s brute honesty. The way the gaming industry responds to such games normally exposes a deep underlying double standard, but still falls right in line with what we, as a society, believe in. Are we, as gamers, a hypocritical group?

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Double_Oh_Snap4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

I would like to think so. But going by the way the industry responds to these types of things I doubt it.

As far as rapelay goes there needs to be a line to not cross. Seeing a full intimate sex scene in Heavy Rain? Fine gaming might be ready or not who knows.

Rape however is way over the line, and should never be a game mechanic ever. Brought up in a game fine, seen in a game for what ever reason if the narrative fits fine.

Actually interacting an rapeing women (be it only pixels) in a game is just wrong. Don't even try to bring up the killing in games either.

If you can't understand the difference and why one's okay and the other's not there's not enough time on earth for me to explain it to you.

As technology evolves, and games continue to progress more towards photo realism. More life like tendencies ect... This type of controversy will only grow larger.

Cupid_Viper_34257d ago

No I totally with the you couldn't partake in raping a woman as a game character, and it's not that it's not double standard, but still a line needs to be drawn somewhere and I'm fine with that.

I just think that by this time in gaming's evolution, we would have at least started to address those situation more, especially since there's still a lot of ignorance regarding sexuality and its many different it affects people.

It seems like all we get is war, kill this, kill that, and very few games are brave enough to step outside of that comfort zone, and attack other topics like movies, music, and even animes do.

Double_Oh_Snap4257d ago

I absolutely agree, but looking at what just recently happened with tomb raider. Like many other games before it. Do really think people could handle addressing those situations more?

I do wish developers thought about and addressed these things more. How can they though the way people react to anything these days.

Cupid_Viper_34257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

I know there's a risk there, but if they really want to, they'll figure out how to get it done.

It wasn't too hard to for developers and publishers to introduce everyone to DLCs, so I doubt that this is something that they can't pull off.

Edit: @ below
You're spot on with that, and that's the point being made in the article. Sure we'll have a line that we can't touch, but that's no excuse for the recycled ideas that we're being resold over and over.

Double_Oh_Snap4257d ago

I don't think it's a matter of can't pull it off. I think it's more about they really don't care.

I believe we will see this more and more. But your right this industry needs to grow up and mature.

There are more topics and themes games should address then just shoot x number of guys an win.
I'm not saying all games, or anywhere near all are like that.

Frankly no game is really that shallow, but you get the idea games need to grow up. They need to tackle these more mature complex themes in a very believable way, like sex as your article states. Not the way it's portrayed now.

knowyourstuff4257d ago

What people are too simple, small-minded and stupid to understand is that this is an issue of bad taste. It's extremely bad taste to have rape in anything, it puts a bad taste in virtually everyone's mouth, moreso than graphic violence. It's like abortion, even though it is a fact of life it's just in bad taste to have it featured in games, movies, or any other entertainment medium.

Those who get it, understand. Those who don't need to get out of the house and get some fresh air, as can be evidenced by a great deal of morons commenting on this post below.

MaxXAttaxX4257d ago

Pornographic video games should be sold at adult stores just like pornographic movies.

It's that simple.

cleft54257d ago

One of main game developers that is brave enough to even attempt to tackle issues of sexuality gets hated on like crazy by hardcore gamers. I am of course talking about games made by Bioware. Despite flaws in games like Me3, Me2, and DA2 those games actually deal with the issue of sexuality and sexual preference.

Yet this is completely overlooked in favor of hating on those games because they where rush or had bad endings. We as gamers can claim we want more mature games, but when those games do come along they don't find the support they deserve.

madjedi4256d ago (Edited 4256d ago )

@Cleft5 Some of us are playing games to enjoy the story line, the combat, the environment, the lore.

Not because we can play a hetero or homo relationship simulator, with differing main character genders. And imagine being gay or straight ect.

" I am of course talking about games made by Bioware. Despite flaws in games like Me3, Me2, and DA2 those games actually deal with the issue of sexuality and sexual preference. "

"Yet this is completely overlooked in favor of hating on those games because they where rush or had bad endings."

Yes it failed to live up to the purchasers expections, so they failed in the most important aspect which is to be a fun game and good experience for the player.

Does this actually have to be addressed to gamers? You do realize these aren't marketed as dating/marriage simulators right.

"We as gamers can claim we want more mature games, but when those games do come along they don't find the support they deserve."

We as individuals should stop speaking for gamers other than ourselves, because mature content is subjective. Even them deserving support is subjective to the user.

And that is perfect example as to why sex should be left out of most games to me. Because the you can see the crusaders dying to use video games as a perfect medium to try and push a agenda on people.

Realize not everyone wants repeated drama, like when hitman's assassin "nuns" were revealed or the numerous white knight bloggers went apeshit over the girlfriend mode quote.

"One of main game developers that is brave enough to even attempt to tackle issues of sexuality gets hated on like crazy by hardcore gamers."

Too bad a healthy percentage of bioware fans, also consider bioware have really lost touch with their real fanbase and the kinds of things that are important to gamers. Judging by the reception of da2 and me2(complaints of the rpg elements being gutted) and me3.

Be a gamer first, then a "insert whatever category you want" second, if not you don't belong on a gaming website. Because you sound more like a political mouth piece than an actual gamer.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4256d ago
Bloodraid4257d ago

Nope, I can't understand why it's fine to brutally mutilate and torture people, but rape is way over the line.

Care to explain?

Pushagree4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

Watch the 2010 remake of "I spit on your grave." All of it. If you still can't understand after that, i'd advise counceling.

thehitman4257d ago

1 is pure violence. The other is an disgraceful sexual act. Its like going to prison for doing a crime depending on what u are there for inmates see certain acts of crime as disgraceful and will make your life hell for it even though they all there because they have done bad/horrible things. Certain things just shouldn't be played/acted out so ya raping some one in game would be quite over the line and if u cant see that then ya like hollow said not enough time in the world to help explain that.

Bloodraid4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

Not gonna bother.

So.. something is automatically worse just because society sees it that way, even if there's no reason to. Right, got it.

Bimkoblerutso4257d ago

Rape is a crime predicated on innocent victims. For the most part (and just to be clear, I am not attempting to justify the amount of violence in our games) violence is USUALLY presented in a very black and white environment in games. Enemies or opponents are either clearly evil, or at least willing participants in the violence.

Rape is just preying on the weak. Surely you can see the difference between shooting a bunch of armed, hostile soldiers and raping a seemingly unwilling, underage girl....

Pushagree4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

If you're not even going to take an objective look at the other side of the argument to see if what you are saying is total lunacy or not, then maybe you don't deserve to even have an opinion on this subject.

You think you are being deep and insightful, but you're not. You're being a close minded prick. Go ahead and report that if it makes you feel sad. You will just prove that i'm right.

Bloodraid4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

You seem to be under the impression that every game that involves killing has willing participants, which is a load of shit.

Objectively, murder is far worse than rape. It's just become so commonplace in society that nobody thinks twice when it happens.

Edit: I think that I should clarify that I'm not defending rape in any way. I just think it's ridiculous and hypocritical to condemn rape and justify mass genocide and torture in the same sentence.

Murder(Verb): "Kill intentionally and with premeditation."

That's because games portray anyone who is an opponent as a bad guy. Subjectively, everyone that you kill is a bad guy. But looking at it objectively, that's not necessarily the case.

- Hitman Games
- Postal Games
- Grand Theft Auto Games (In general, you're a criminal).
- Payday: the Heist (In general, you're a criminal).
- Museum Scenes in Uncharted 2 & 3 (Not killing, but just goes to show that your enemies are not always 'bad guys').
- Dark Brotherhood in the Elder Scrolls games.
- InFamous (Evil Side-missions usually involve killing innocents).

thehitman4257d ago

@blood not all killing is considered "murder" first off. Thats like saying everyone in the army are just murderers because they have to kill people. In games usually killing is a form of objective against the enemy "bad guys". I have yet to play a game where your just killing random innocent people for fun maybe GTA... is the small exception but still if u do that they have mechanics to show that it isnt good to do that and cops will come after u. Even in that game they have sense of right and wrong, but leave it to the gamer to chose that. In terms of raping someone there should never be any reason behind it. NOTHING can justify raping a person. There is not even a slither of good that can come out of it, nothing can make it seem right to do. So to group rape with just killing in games is kinda retarded and u need help if u think they should be held to the same standard.

nukeitall4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

There are plenty of things I see wrong with society including religion, superstition and smoking.

Still it doesn't mean it shouldn't be available to others.

Therefore I believe rape in game (even though I would never play such a game) should be allowed just like violence is.

As a group, gamers are heavily stigmatized and stereotyped yet we do it to another group of people. Because you play a rape game doesn't mean you are going to rape people nor does playing a shooter game mean you are going to kill people.

Rape in real life tends to be about power, not about sexual desires.

Don't like it, don't play it, but don't stop others from doing it!!!

inb4its2late4257d ago


I totally disagree. Lets just put it this way. Would you rather be raped or just shot in cold blood? If you had to choose one which would you choose?

vortis4257d ago


I'd rather be shot than raped. What kind of f***ed up logic is it to want to live with the shame and psychological impairment that comes with rape?

You do know that people NEVER and I do mean NEVER fully recover from rape right? Go read up some horror stories from real life victims of how they have to spend the rest of their life in therapy and counseling to deal with that.

Rape is worse than murder because it's like living in a tortured shell for the entirety of your life. Dying can be honorable, rape is NEVER honorable.

I could die defending a family member and die proud. Could you say the same about being raped?

Too many kids have no idea how real-life work and are just talking out of their arses on here.

There was a recent story about a jury who wanted to overturn a sentence on a guy after he murdered two people. The reason they wanted to overturn the sentence was because the two guys he murdered repeatedly raped him when he was young and it destroyed his life. He's been quacked up ever since.

As I said, read some real-life accounts of rape victims, you'll think twice about saying it's better than dying.

insomnium24256d ago (Edited 4256d ago )


" I just think it's ridiculous and hypocritical to condemn rape and justify mass genocide and torture in the same sentence"

I would love to hear the name of the games that include torture and mass genocide. There is torture and over the top violence in Manhunt and we have all read the uproar that game got. It was banned in several countries for it.

We all heard the uproar with that one particular mission in MW2. People DON'T approve mindless killing. There's always a clear bad guy who is shooting back at you in 99% of violent games.

You talk about rape with a tone that clearly tells me you have never been around rape victims. It's kinda sad to read your comments. I'll just leave it at that.

Sex in games should be ok in my books. There has always been oversexualuzed combatants in fighting games for example and it's ok. When we talk about actual intercourse the game needs to show it in a proper way. As in real life too the women cannot be there just to satisfy men. This is what pornography has ruined for many women.

We need to portray sex as the way so that BOTH participants enjoy the ride. Do the woman first since we all know what happens after a guy shoots his load.

@ nuke

smh....you must be under 20yo.

@ vortis

"You do know that people NEVER and I do mean NEVER fully recover from rape right? Go read up some horror stories from real life victims of how they have to spend the rest of their life in therapy and counseling to deal with that. "

I'm glad to see a sane person in here every now and then. This must be an age thing. Like I've said most of the time people under 25yo are effed up KIDS.

Sheikh Yerbouti4256d ago (Edited 4256d ago )

Wow. Just talking about this with a rape victim, and you guys scare me.

To paraphrase...rape is more than just an assault. It is a violation, physical and mental torture. It takes your body, your very self and makes it a weapon against you. Something wonderful is made into something horrid.

Maybe Bloodraid needs to take Pushagree's advice and watch the damn movie. Maybe we all should for God's sake. From his viewpoint, he should rule a African country. Rape is used as a weapon in wars on the continent. He'd be okay with it.

nukeitall4256d ago (Edited 4256d ago )


"smh....you must be under 20yo."

That is a very intelligent response! You really shed some light on what is wrong with my comment and opened up a debate there. /s

If anything, the comment shows you likely have the mental capacity of someone in the early teens. I suggest you come back with an argument or read more, and say less.

"I'm glad to see a sane person in here every now and then. This must be an age thing. Like I've said most of the time people under 25yo are effed up KIDS."

I have met plenty of kids far more mature than legal adults! Perhaps you are one of those adults since you keep talking about others as "kids".

Imalwaysright4256d ago

Great now we have a war on wich act is worst! Killing VS rape. Both those actions are equally despicable and condemned by society as it should be. Performing one isnt better or worst than performing the other one so i dont understand why is it ok to portray one but not ok to portray the other! Should they both be portrayed in videogames? Maybe not but videogames, like most art forms, are a reflection of our society and we cant run away from reality so wether we like it or not those acts will be recurring themes on our movies, books and even videogames.

TheTimeDoctor4254d ago (Edited 4254d ago )

rape is egregiously worse. there are plenty of good reasons to kill, but there isn't a single reason to rape. heinous. still should be in games if it is part of narrative. games are stories.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4254d ago
Blaze9294257d ago

The way I see it, they didn't make that AO rating for nothing.

terrordactyl4256d ago

So, it's ok to murder 500 prostitutes in GTA, but totally wrong to have a rape scene?

Are you suggesting rape is worse than mass murder?

Sheikh Yerbouti4256d ago (Edited 4256d ago )

Personally, I don't kill the prostitutes unless I'm in a car. Then I'm killing anyone on the sidewalk with the cops chasing me!

Having a game put you in a open world with guns and people running around doesn't justify a rape scene.

Really, are we so sick we're justifying rape in games? Women play games, so we're just going to be insensitive to a demographics that makes up at least half the frickin' world.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4254d ago
MDC314257d ago ShowReplies(7)
corrus4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

I think that in the games have to have and little sex

ninjabake4257d ago

I say no, considering it's impossible for those kind of games that explicitly depict sex or any extreme nudity in any way, to be put on consoles. They'll warrant an AO rating and essentially receive the kiss of death. There is hope in the PC market tho

vortis4257d ago

There's also porn.

Just sayin'.

ninjabake4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )


Getowned4257d ago (Edited 4257d ago )

I say yes, maybe not a full out sex game but sex in a game. For example Dragon Age Origins had dry humping LOL it would of been nice to have seen them have actual sex instead of rubbing themselves on each other in their undies. Maybe a mode for anyone under 18 to censor out the naughty bits.

Censored version


Adult version(not sex but a nude mod) WARNING ADULTS ONLY naked cartoon girls


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