
Hideki Kamiya: PlayStation All-Stars is “just a rip-off”

Bayonetta, Okami, and Project P-100 director Hideki Kamiya has been sharing a few thoughts about PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale on Twitter.

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Pedantic914300d ago

He isn't wrong you know.

It's a rip-off but that doesn't mean the game can't be fun.

asyouburn4300d ago

Exactly. Who cares if it's derivative. I would think fans of smash who are also fans of playstation games would enjoy playing with some of the characters in ps allstars

HammadTheBeast4300d ago

If it is a rip off, then P-100 is a rip off of Pikmin, Bayonetta is a blatant rip off of God if War, and as said before, every game in every genre today is a rip off of a previous game.

Enough said.

-Alpha4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I dont disagree with you, pedrami. The game clearly takes inspiration from SSB, that is undeniable. But, a rip off would imply that the game is in any shape inferior, and that's not necessarily the case. Does it copy the core structure? Yeah, sure. But the way the game plays is fundamentally different, and IMO, this is something you need to try to really understand. I've played the beta a lot, I've talked to a lot of SSB fans, die hard fans, who have agreed that the game is a lot of fun and much more in-depth than SSB. A lot of people in the beta are surprised at how strong of a game this is, regardless of the similarity of the structure.

Not saying one is better than the other, but Superbot have done a good job making the game fun and making it its own thing. If people can't get past the idea of Sony copying the concept, then that's their loss, but I think anyone with a passive interest in Smash or games in general could at least give it a try.

blue7_74300d ago

lol @hammad Bayonetta a rip off of God of War yeah okay at least now we know you haven't played bayonetta.

Anyways I agree yes it is a rip but who cares the whole industry is made up of developers who rip off each other.

Ducky4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

"Bayonetta is a blatant rip off of God if War"

... then GoW is a ripoff of DevilMayCry.

Edit: oricon, your comment is a ripoff of mine. Where's your morals man?

oricon4300d ago

And then GoW is a rip off DMC

jony_dols4300d ago

Does Hideki Kamiya also think that Bioshock is a rip-off of Half Life?

Just because you defined a genre doesn't mean every one else is a cheap imitation.

4300d ago
nukeitall4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I don't care if it is a rip-off it is damn good!

Besides it does look like it evolved some. More power to Sony!

If it is good, and there is competition bring it on!!! Besides copying is the most sincere form of flattering.

WeskerChildReborned4300d ago

I would just say it's inspired cause a rip off would be like an exact copy which this one seems to be adding elements from SSB and also adding some new elements that will make it pretty fun.

Larry L4300d ago

Bayonetta doesn't rip-off God of War. I consider them to play completely different. Bayonetta is a complete carbon copy of Devil May Cry just with a new coat of paint. But Bayonetta's creator is DMC's creator........so can a guy rip himself off?

Everything is influenced by SOMETHING. Very few things today can be completely original in any field. Even DMC wasn't the first 3-D hack n slash, I'm sure. I bet it took alot of influence from a game like Nightmare Creatures. ANd that was influenced by something else.

sikbeta4300d ago

Kamiya is so right. lol XD

yess4300d ago

Every game is a rip off of Pong 0__o

Mainsqueeze4300d ago

Its just like all other fighting games...without getting into it very deep, street fighter, tekken, and mortal kombat are all pretty similar. Super Smash bros is a pretty unique and fun fighting game and imo there aren't enough games like it. I will probably get Playstation Allstars because i love super smash bothers and would love the same experience with some of the playstation characters i grew up with.

SuperLupe4300d ago

Its fine to call Tomb Raider a rip off of Uncharted even if it came out before but calling Playstation All Stars a SSB rip off is blasphemy ...

And how on planet earth do you consider Bayonetta a rip off of GOW ?? In that case Killzone is a rip off of insert-random-fps-here and Gran Turismo is a rip of of whatever-sim-came-out before and like others said above GOW must be a rip-off of DMC and so on and so on.

Post 1.1 is right, it IS a rip-off but that doesnt mean it sucks, it just means that ... well its a rip-off.

BitbyDeath4300d ago

I thought the game came about because of the popularity of the 'Michael' ad?

Amaterasu54300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

GoW isn't a ripoff because it's completely different even if it's in the same genre.
In fact, the new DmC is trying to ripoff GoW in some aspects.

Still ironic how the bayonetta guy rips off other H&S games ....and makes them shitty.

Go back to making fanservice games xD

MmaFan-Qc4300d ago

afterall, isnt all the FPS we saw in the last years blatant Wolfenstein3D rip-off?

btw, who care if its the same game genre than brawl, it will simply push nintendo to do better with their next game.

ShinMaster4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Maybe if it played exactly the same. But it doesn't. It simply uses a similar formula.

Is every 2D fighter a Street Fighter rip-off? And how much did people bitch about that? Exactly.
Is Forza a Gran Turismo rip off?
Is Castlevania:LoS a God of War and SotC rip off?
Is Mega Man a Metroid rip off?
Is Super Mario a Pac-Land rip off on shrooms inspired by Alice in Wonderland?
Is every modern FPS a rip off of each other?
Is everything with similar gameplay a rip off with no merit of its own?
Of course not!

Is only Nintendo allowed to make 4-player brawlers?
Oh wait, no they're not:
* Jump Super Stars
* Digimon Rumble Arena
* Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion
* Battle Stadium
* Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
* DreamMix TV World Fighters
* Rag Doll Kung Fu
* Power Stone
* The Outfoxies
* Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu (Kunio Kun)

This is only an issue because it's a PS3 exclusive and the fanboy haters can't take it.
Does it borrow a lot from SSB? Sure it does. Does it have it's own original characters, rules and gameplay mechanics? Yes.
So give credit where it's due.

LastDance4300d ago

I wish they ripped off a good game.

stragomccloud4300d ago

Agree. I could hardly care it's a rip off. It's looks fun to me!

tehnoob34300d ago

I don't think of PS All Stars being a rip-off, I think of it being a new game in the same genre.

Currently the only game in that genre is SSBB.

Nobody calls ripoffs on every fps game because of Wolfenstien 3D.

pixelsword4299d ago


Someone's mad that their characters weren't chosen.

Razmossis4299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

Now if we could just rip off Halo's multiplayer and pokemon I would have zero desire for any other consoles besides playstation !

die_fiend4299d ago

This is a more shameful rip-off than most though. This is exactly the same concept, and looks to be attempting a very similar execution. From what I've seen, it'll never live up to Smash but I hope I'm proven wrong. I thought Sony were about innovation though, but they have ripped so much from Ninty this time

MikeGdaGod4299d ago

it may be a rip-off, but i would never know because i haven't played a Nintendo system since i was 10 (now 30) and by the looks of things never will again...i like systems that actually push technology

fr0sty4299d ago

So the guy who ripped off Devil May Cry is calling other games a ripoff? Pointing fingers with dirty hands there Hideki...

Gamerpeanuts4299d ago

ALthough i think it is a ripp off, i dont think it will be bad at all, but will it ever come close to SSB? Never...never.

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Blastoise4300d ago

I thought we were all passed this rip-off BS. Yes, it borrows heavily from SSB, get over it. Can't we just give the game the benefit of the doubt for now?

-Alpha4300d ago

We can give them more than the benefit of the doubt-- those who have played it love it, myself included. Superbot has something very good going here, and very different where it matters most: the core gameplay and the way you play.

LOGICWINS4300d ago

The fact that its a ripoff(which it is) shouldn't bother anyone. If the game is good and different enough from SSBB, people will buy it. Simple as that.

princejb1344300d ago

this is retarded
it looks bad on him as a developer
every game out there has rip off each other
lets see
the first adventure game and soon others followed
the first rpg and others followed
the first 2d fighter
the first First person shooter
and other genres

i remember playing mario 64 the first time which i believe was the first 3d game to come out and than many others followed because of its amazing gameplay

so isn't everything else that came after sort off like a rip off also
there has been many developers who ripped off smash brothers fighting genre but i havent seen anyone bash them
but because sony is doing it now all of a sudden is a big deal

LOGICWINS4300d ago

"every game out there has rip off each other"

But some games copy more than others no?

pixelsword4299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

@ Logic:

True, but I don't know why some people look at some consoles more than others.

For example SSBB and PAS are very alike, but GeOW is more so compared with K.S.

But people don't like that comparison, do they?

Slapshot824300d ago

Well, I've played Brawl to death and back now, and Nintendo isn't giving us a new Smash Bros. anytime soon, so All-Stars it is. It's kinda plain and simple.

StraightPath4300d ago ShowReplies(2)
TheTwelve4300d ago

Anybody who has played the original God of War and the original Devil May Cry would know that they play VERY differently! --- 12

Rainstorm814300d ago

Exactly if any game is similar to God of War it would be the PS2 version of Rygar...

Its so funny cause as soon as anyone calls Forza a Gran Turismo rip-off its a problem.

So many games this gen in particular borrow form games in the same genre, why is it a problem now?

So i guess Rayman and the New Super Mario brothers ripped-off 4 player platforming fro Little BIG Planet??? people are so dumb...

Disccordia4300d ago

I can't wait for this bloody game to release so I can visit n4g without seeing crap articles about this being a rip off and characters that should be in the game every day. I'm so sick of them.

showtimefolks4300d ago

Does he knw that there were these kind of games before smash bros right?

Smash bros is about staying on stage while all star is about holding on to specials until you can knock someone out.

Maybe smash bros will learn something from all stars because in my opinion competition will only help improve this gener going forward

Stop hating now instead of one we have 2 great games. Most of us have more than one console so why hate on 2 games that are on 2 different systems

MasterCornholio4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Nintendo fans don't want to embrace the idea of Nintendo learning something from all stars but they better. Because if there's one thing that Nintendo will learn from all stars is how to structure the online multiplayer.

And that in my opinion will be an improvement that will benefit fans of Super Smash Brothers.


ozzywazzy4300d ago


Try not to be so obvious with your boner. Troll.

yeahokchief4300d ago

haha. who cares what this guy says.

PS allstars is going to be BETTER than nintnendo's.

nintendo is for casuals.

Gamer19824299d ago

Okay and every FPS is a rip off of wolfenstein.

showtimefolks4299d ago

So because Nintendo made SSB now no ne else can try to make their own version with a different twist

Than a lot of games are rip offs

Bayoneetta rip from DMC
GOW rip other hack and slash

Give me a break all stars while takes sme things from SSB it's also doing newer things and Nintendo needs to take nice on how a online structure will work since wii u version of SSB will have a heavy online component

In SSB your goal is to stay on stage
In all stars your goal is to fill your special meter to knock someone off

And before N made SSB there were their games so N ripped them off too

Enjoy the game and give it a chance everyone who has played it love it so why not wait for a final release and Than We can decide

Jaces4299d ago

PS3 community asked for it, we got it. Why do we care if we were the ones asking for something similar/ripoff in the first place?

I'm a big fan of the SSB series and was excited when I saw the reveal, didn't care if it was ripped straight from the SSB games. Can't wait for this!

specialguest4299d ago

Remember when fanboys were so quick to claim that everything was either an Uncharted rip-off or a God of War rip-off???

Games they claimed were Uncharted rip-offs:
Far Cry 3 (not even in the same genra)
New Tomb Raider
Adventurer (not even in the same genra)

Games they claimed were GOW rip-offs:
ANY AND ALL Hack & Slash, even if it plays completely different.

Now they're flip-flopping their position when the table's been turned.

Suddenly... "every game out there has rip off each other" and other hypocritical justifications.

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Whitefeather4300d ago

Wow I used to have a lot of respect for him but from those tweets he seems to be acting very childish not a very good image. Either way PSABR is a good game and I'm enjoying the beta so far.

LOGICWINS4300d ago

So telling the truth means that your being childish?

Whitefeather4300d ago

He was being childish in not even giving it a chance and it is not a rip off a rip off is when you copy everything exactly. Play the game it feels nothing like SSB.

Another reason it came off childish is how absolute he was, only a closed minded person acts that way. Also lets not forget he is currently working freelance for nintendo of course he's gonna hate a PS3 exclusive, and he didn't even bother porting Beyonetta to PS3 him and his team just handed it over to Sega.

He seems biased.

BrianC62344300d ago

He didn't tell the truth. He acted like a baby. His mommy should spank him.

HammadTheBeast4300d ago

The game has the elements of a brawler, and shares gameplay elements from another game. It is not a rip off.


GribbleGrunger4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

What was the Beta like, Logicwins? did you enjoy playing it? Clearly logic suggests that you played it to make that statement... no?

LOGICWINS4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

^^Ummm..when did I say I played? The games CLEARLY a rip-off to anyone with half a brain and eyes. Whether it will be good rip off or a bad rip off is yet to be determined. Whether or not I enjoy the game when I play it this fall is irrelevant, the game will still be a rip off in my eyes.


WOW..how original! How long did it take u to come up with that one?

PopRocks3594300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

Apparently speaking your opinion in a candid manner is now considered being a "spoiled crybaby."

DigitalRaptor4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )


The way in which rip-offs are referred to these days is terrible. It's like no one understands how genres have evolved and diversified. I'm sick of this attitude.

Killzone was created by Sony as a competitor to Halo. They are both first-person shooters, but are fundamentally different in gameplay, story, style etc. So Killzone is not a rip-off of Halo, and if you blindly come back at me saying "yes it is", then you are closed minded and actually lack logic.

The same goes for PlayStation All-Stars. The concept and genre (like FPS example) is the same but the execution, style, gameplay and goals are different. So it's not a rip-off per se.

LOGICWINS4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I'm a HUGE Killzone fanatic and I don't see Killzone as a rip-off to Halo at all because it does enough to differentiate itself from Halo and every other shooter on the market.

-Better graphics
-Move/Sharpshooter control scheme
-Mature dialouge/atmosphere
-Different weapons
-Realistic gunplay

PS All Stars is different. 3D cartoonish character models fighting on a 2D plane trying to build up super meters for more powerful attacks to vanquish their foes. Backgrounds consist of environments respective to the characters in the game.

SAME thing as SSBB. Killzone does much MUCH more to differentiate itself from Halo than PS All Stars does to differentiate itself from SSBB. Bad analogy.

smashman984300d ago

you dont build up super meters in smash bros

battle royale has deeper fighting system

and you dont vanquish you foes with finishers in smash bros you knock them off

now im starting to doubt you've played either one

SuperLupe4300d ago

And another developer added to the long hate list of Sony fanboys for speaking the truth rather than kissing up to Sony. And he wasnt even dissing the game, just stating a pretty obvious fact, well not that obvious I see for some people.

Advent994300d ago

"battle royale has deeper fighting system"

Just wondering, but how exactly does PSASBR have a deeper fighting system?

Honky Kong4300d ago

Its a rip off is the first thing most people thought, admit it or not.
Lets just wait and see how good it actually is. What makes Smash such a good game is the amount of content. Nintendo has some real history that most people arent even aware of. Smash is like a museum of nintendo history.

IAmLee4300d ago

Don't you find it ironic that your username is logicwins, yet you always get more disagrees then agrees? :')

ALLWRONG4300d ago

So... uh... it's not a rip off because he was being childish?


You guys are right, it's one of a kind :P

XabiDaChosenOne4299d ago

@Logicwins But he wasnt telling the truth, its not a ripoff, the only similarities the games share is the presentation. The actual gameplay is completely different. And not all of the chracters are cartoonish for example: Cole, Drake, Kratos, Sweettooth, Big Daddy, Heiachi.
@Superlupe I dont think you even know what the term truth means do you?

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wishingW3L4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I expected more from him, specially when he has never played the game. The exchange of messages he has with his twitter fans is even worse. When they corner him he responds with: I don't like rip-off. That's all. =/

STONEY44300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I wouldn't take his tweets so seriously. 90% of them are him joking around rather than giving serious replies. I think people are overreacting. I mean, look at this.


Neogaf even has a whole thread devoted to his tweets. Just read the first post, it's comedy gold.


Jazz41084300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I would say a univesal trophy system tacked on after the ps3 launch is more a blatant rip off of microsofts achievement system. Sony is known for borrowing whats popular at the time and adding it in. This game, trophys, move are all rip offs of other ideas. Psn when it launched is another blantant rip off of live and sega who came together to create live. Im not sure sony even counted on online play being popular as again it didnt come out till ms made it popular on consoles. First mmo on consoles was ms. First cross platform game with pc and consoles was ms and shadowrun. Ms has innovated so much this gen while sony keeps borrowing. Im not saying all ms innovations are great as im not a fan of kinect but at least they are trying and still supporting it unlike sony who keeps removing features since launch and ms keeps adding.

Rainstorm814300d ago

UM....Jazz SOCOM & Twisted Metal Black was online on the PS2 before Xbox Live went live in 2002......

If anything more credit should go to Sega than MS...The first console MMO i played was Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast


pixelsword4299d ago

@ Jazz:

You know that PlayStation games had achievements since spyro on the PS1, right?

Trophies are an evolution of that.

BlackTar1874299d ago (Edited 4299d ago )

Jazz you also know that FF13 was on PC/ps2 right? Before the invention of the 360.

i swear you can't believe everything you just typed. Im ot saying PS is original but you list of nonsense is exactly that. Did you research anything while doing that?

Achievements have been around in game for awhile so yes making them universal isn't some super crazy idea just moving forward.

i also agree with below sega deserves more credit. So making a Universal Online system for video games which have been played competitively thru the outlet they have had at the times(Arcade,side by side,LAN, Online MP) is copying? lol at you jazz LOL at you.

To add i had motion controlled golfing on ps2 i have also had motion contorl controllers on PC long before Wii, kinect or Move so im not sure what you even mean.

Look at wiki before you go on a tangent to prove to everyone you have no idea what you are talking about.

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majiebeast4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I find it hilarious that he calls out Superbot when project P-100 looks like a ripoff of Pikmin but i bet it plays completely different. Just like pasbr plays different from brawl plus the controls in pasbr are actually tight and not a float fest as in brawl that game was such a nose dive from melee.

Think its just a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

@Lordme:The answer is simple if your sony dev you cant win the media will bash you regardless what you do. Suckerpunch changes Cole in infamous 2 fans outrage, Suckerpunch goes back to old Cole media rages cause of artistic integrity. Simple you cant win in the media so just go and please your fans and fuck the *gaming journalists* hahahaha.

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A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

While Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale didn't get the best review, there are still some aspects of the game that deserve some credit.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

Though PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale is a bit of a cult classic, it could have been a big hit if it launched in 2022 instead of 2012.

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Inverno540d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69540d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop540d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard540d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi540d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin540d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus547d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer546d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.