
Why Does Call of Duty Have So Many Haters ?

I’ve been told that Call of Duty is an abomination. It’s a slap in the face to a “real” game, if you will. I’ve been told ‘this game takes no talent,’ ‘is garbage,’ ‘is filled with nine-year-old kids,’ and is flawed beyond belief.

It makes me feel like these are excuses for not playing the game, not reasons. I don’t know what your views are (please tell me), but I know where I stand.

As for the game ‘taking no talent’ to play, that’s all a matter of opinion. I have a feeling that most of the people saying it ‘takes no talent,’ most likely have no talent in the game, or get beaten into submission when trying to play.

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NovusTerminus4303d ago

I am not just against CoD, I am against the over saturation of shooters that has infested the market, and made innovation much harder to come by...

DarkBlood4303d ago

well activision is ensuring complete global Saturation

knowyourstuff4303d ago

It's supply and demand, shooters wouldn't get made if gamers weren't buying them up by the millions, it's gamers who drive what gets made, whatever sells well gets made, and shooters sell, end of story.

insomnium24303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

COD is a casual game with it's aim assist. Kids love it since they can succeed in it fairly easily. Put a 11 yo child in a match of BF3 and he'll squeal like a pig and ragequit and go back to COD.

the success of a casual shooter is a threat to this entire industry as far as real gamers are concerned. That's why there is so much hate.

It must be carefully planned at Activision HQ to make the game accessible to children. They are bound to play it since their parents don't care. They are bound to be hooked to the game.

IMO Activision is exploiting parents' neglectting their kids. Not that they would ever admit it though. It's all a part of the great big plan. Activision can easily say this is not true since the game has a mature rating. They can wash their hands from that dirt just like that. The plan is perfect.

ALLWRONG4303d ago

Activision and EA are both guilty of it.

InactiveUser4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

I hated CoD due to the multiplayer being anti-competitive with killstreak rewards handing out free or easier unearned kills. The low shots to kill favors campers and noob tubers; and puts very little focus on headshots or the ability to maintain your aim on a target. Etc. In short, the multiplayer is unskilled, uncompetitive.

That is why I think Resistance: Fall of Man had/has the best, most competitive multiplayer. Besides a few weapons like the LAARK, 40mm, Bullseye tag, prepatch shotgun, and postpatch Arc Charger.. R:FoM was all skill. High shot to kill ratio, so you had to maintain your aim on your target. Significant enough headshot/bodyshot damage difference for more focus again placed on aiming and maintaining aim on a target (and not too much so 1 stray headshot isn't a lucky premature kill). No BS free killstreak rewards. No BS deathstreak rewards. No invisibility. No impenetrable mobile shields. No health or armor bonuses. No playing dead. No auto turrets. Etc. Aiming skill could turn around a corner camper getting the jump on you. 2 & 3 became more and more CoDified and anti-competitive.

I eventually did buy CoDs when they hit $10-15 (and platinumed each of them.. WaW, BO, MW2, MW3.. along with R2 and R3 mentioned above). I bought them for Single Player and coop. They're worth eventual buys for Campign, Spec Ops, and Zombies; but not Multiplayer. There are minimal decent MP modes in CoD like BlackOps' Gun Game, which doesn't have killstreak rewards or give more experienced players extra advantage with upgraded weapons.

Don't pay $60 every year on the new CoD. Buy it around $30 a few months after release or even lower later on if you're patient. Don't pay for overpriced map packs. Don't pay for Elite for things like clans that should be included. Don't play its garb anti-competitive MP that much. Do play through its very playable Campaign and Co-op modes including Spec Ops and Zombies. Then you won't have much to 'hate' about CoD.

zeeshan4303d ago

Why? Because it's the same shit every year and some gamers are intelligent enough to realize when they are being screwed over by giant corporations.

SilentNegotiator4303d ago

Gamers that have been around the block know that COD hasn't REALLY changed in 5 years.

The same exact situations and events happen over and over in the series. The multiplayer changes are minor. The maps keep getting worse.

It's just one of those things where the fans are massive, but the people who recognize the game's flaws have a strong voice because the game's popularity is way over what it should be considering. Another example; Angry Birds.

Mainsqueeze4303d ago

I have no idea why CoD gets so much hate. I haven't bought a CoD game since MW2 but i still don't go around the internet trying to tell people they are retarded or not a real gamer for playing something they like. Yes alot of games are trying to be like CoD right now and it is currently making the video game market not as diverse as it used to be, but i have a feeling that will pass just like when platformers is all they made on the old systems. I think CoD is good for the gaming industry because its actually creating more gamers by taking all the casual/non gamer ppl and getting them more involved with the gaming community. And yes i agree with EeJLP the game has a VERY low skill cap do to everything he just said(small health pools, huge body shot damage, and free kills with kill streaks/death streaks) thats the reason I don't buy it, but it doesn't bother me that other people enjoy a good easy shooter, ill just stick to playing games like Halo or tribes. And no im not saying CoD is easy because i suck at it, i was great at MW2, all you have to do is be aware of your surrounding and play smart as apposed to other games where, along with the previously mentioned, strafing/jumping and actually landing precise shots in succession matters.

Mainsqueeze4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

This is an addition to my last post. If your issue is that every game is trying to be like CoD, don't hate the game, hate the developers/publishers that can't innovate and try to be like CoD. CoD isn't necessarily the problem, the problem is games cost alot to make now adays and greedy publishers make their dev teams develop what they think will be successful rather than innovative.

MaxXAttaxX4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Because of its noob friendly twitchy repetitive sprint-shoot-die gameplay and its sequels are just glorified yearly expansions(like Madden) and undeserving of its sales. It's a game that "everyone plays" so it's supposed to be good and better than anything else, right? /s

Many of the sheep who play it think that any other game is inferior and don't give other really great games a chance. Some of these sheep seem to be addicted and don't have fun playing it and spend most of the time cursing at 12 year-old kids online because they take that shit so serious.

Okay, maybe a bit harsh. But it's a shame when other developers change elements in their games because they want a piece of the pie.
It's a disease.

PoSTedUP4303d ago

cod haters= 1 million- all of them on Gaming sites.
cod fans= 20-25million- 0.2 being on gaming sites.

StayStatic4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Activsion are complete ass holes and runied Infinity Ward , most of the team fled for the hills after mw2 was not up to par , well the real MW2 will come out when Respawn Entertainment say so.

BrutallyBlunt4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Here's a few reasons i can think of

1. Some people just love to downplay what is popular/successful and fight for the underdog. Whether it be Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Kinect, the Wii, Halo, Mario and Call of Duty. The more successful it is the more they want to hate it.

2. Some feel that Call of Duty is too successful and hurts the competition around it. So by hating it and being negative towards it they hope others will follow and hope the next one isn't as popular. As we can see that tactic hasn't worked.

3. Some people act like elitists and think they are better gamers than that. So they take an arrogant stance and say things like why are you playing such a noob game. The reality is you shouldn't care what other people enjoy.

4. Some see the marketing and big corporations brainwashing gamers and getting them to buy the same game over and over again. What they fail to realize is Call of Duty has a feel to it that millions seem to enjoy. It's no different than those who continue to support Gran Turismo, Halo and even a lot of Mario games. They too share the same formula.

5. Many, including myself, see publishers like Activision take less chances and focus on mostly what works and oversaturate the market with it. It happened with Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero. There comes a time the IP simply gets too watered down with not enough new ideas to take it to. Since Call of Duty does so well that is where the main focus is instead of creating new IP's. What's happening this generation is less risks and a large reason for that is simply the cost to make these games have gotten out of hand.

stormskiier4303d ago

I think EA is worse then activison actually. No online passes, on disk DLC, and subscribion service that doesnt just give 5 camos to the same 5 guns, ect ect.

Getowned4303d ago

I hate COD because every other shooter trys to be like COD, Not because its popular.. That really is ruining this gen for me, and games are becomeing so simple and mainstream because of games like cod to a point where games not even in the same genera play like COD. Twisted Metal PS3 is a good example, it felt like a COD tdm racing game.(vary sad thing to happen to my favorite franchise). Just tired of all the hype over a shooter that isnt even that great. Devs message to you: Stop making everything like COD! find your own style,and stop trying to steal COD players, if you make a good game people will play it!

If it wasn't for Demons Souls and Dark Souls and other decent games, this gen would really be a suckie mainstream mess

JRoyale4303d ago

@NathanExplosion Best way to negate your opinion is to call your opposition sheep.


@darkblood you my friend get a bubble!

guitarded774303d ago

Call of Duty is the most popular first person shooter on earth. It has the most fans of any shooter on earth. Therefor, it will have the most haters of any shooter on earth.

I'm not a lover or a hater of the franchise... I could live without it, but I still play the campaigns... very rarely I'll play the online.

My main concerns with the game are the overpriced DLC, which has set a standard in the industry for overpriced DLC, the unbalanced online in some of the CoD games, the lack of open beta which could fix bugs pre-launch, and the lack of fixing bugs post-launch. Some within the development community of CoD have gone as far as to blame players for exploiting bugs instead of fixing them. Lastly, the lack of taking some of that money they make hand over fist and investing in new tech for the game, like a new engine.

Even with all that, I do not hate CoD, I just expect more from the premier shooter with the most sales in the industry. It's okay to be critical if you have real concerns. I've played every CoD title since the first and really hope the series can improve in the areas I listed, that would be great.

StayStatic4303d ago

Suppose I should say I don't hate Call Of Duty , I just hate Activision and what they do with great franchises.

yabhero4303d ago

People are so sour. I like COD. Is it hard? No. Are there better games I play? Yes for example Ghost Tecon is cooler than COD. But COD is fun. It's not that I love it do much but my friends like it a lot and playing with them is so much fun. We're all sily and having a good time. I'll pick up a COD game everyone once in a while at half price an I have to say Black Ops is adding some new stuff that the series needs. It doesn't make me not a real gamer. I think a lot of people are sore because games are becoming mainstream. Why on earth is that bad? Companies get more money to make awesome games. Ubisoft Sao they use the money from Just Dance and stuff to make Assassins Creed and Watch Dogs and Splinter Cell. I play Uncharted, Batman, Zelda, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Civilization, Mario, Kid Icarus, FIFA, NBA, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and more. You can't tell me I'm not a gamer because I say COD is fun.

decrypt4302d ago

It doesnt:

20 million People love COD
a very small percentage of people actually show up on the forums to complain.

Console gamers just can get enough of COD.

4302d ago
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snipes1014303d ago

There are pretty much two ways to go about dealing with CoD's presence, and these depend entirely on your like or dislike of the game --

1) You love it: Do what any fan would do -- follow and play the game ravenously.

2) You hate it: Pretend it doesnt exist. You will look like an idiot because no matter what you say, it's not going anywhere. Play your own game and avoid getting trolled.

jessupj4303d ago

I'd love to be able to ignore COD and pretend like it doesn't affect me because I don't play it.

Unfortunately that isn't true.

COD isn't entirely to blame but it has contributed a significant amount to the lack of innovation and over saturation of dull FPSs.

That's why we hate it so much, and we have a very big right to hate it.

Straightupbeastly4303d ago

If u openly hate cod you were obviously once a former lover. These haters are upset because their love had abandoned them and they go around bashing the game to look for sympathy from similar players feeling their pain.

If u truly to not care about a game you'd pay no attention to it. Where there is hate there is love and admiration.

-major in psychology

fatalred alarm4303d ago

Like many here said, it's to noob friendly.

Killstreaks encourage camping.
Small maps and just packed with claymores, c4, campers killstreaks flying above you, it's just no fun anymore.

I used to play it, and i still do sometimes because it seems like this is the only game my friends have, but starting from cod 4 and 5, the game just went downhill, FAST.

Just my 2cents,

snipes1014303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

That is such a typical response. Sorry to fly off the handle, but it is not CoD's fault CoD is successful or that these idiot publishers (and in some cases, developers) dont have the damn brains to realize that CoD4 blew up because it did the shooter in a way that hadn't really been done before -- not because they made a carbon copy of a shooter before it (though it did draw influences).

CoD is not responsible for the lack of innovation in the industry -- it is the developers and the publishers that are to blame. Activision didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and say "you must be exactly like us and only develop half-baked clones of CoD forever!"

It's just so convenient to blame CoD for everything. F*ck it wont be long before people are blaming CoD for global warming and the poor economy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4303d ago
Nimblest-Assassin4303d ago

I dislike COD for its lone wolf multiplayer, and the fact team based games (which I love in multiplayer) turn to garbage due to killstreaks

I never bought a COD with my own money, but I was amazed at the sheer stupidness of MW2's tactical nuke

Im running flags, and you tell me that even with one flag away, with the enemy team taking none of ours... we lose because someone was camping in a corner and used a grenade launcher, resuplied it over and over again, and then ultimatelty wins the game, with out contributing to the objective?

Thats why I hate COD

matgrowcott4303d ago

With all due respect, anybody who can get 20+ kills without dying deserves that nuke. If your team doesn't much care about K/D and was focussed on the objective, great, but if they're walking into the same area time and time again and/or are unable/uninterested in dealing with one person, you can't blame THAT person for taking advantage of the situation.

Take the killstreaks out, change the game, that guy is still kicking your ass. The only difference is you'd have won the match.

roguewarrior4302d ago

@ matgrowcott
That would be true if MW2 wasn't a broken, or to put it nicely, very exploitable game. For example, I was playing Domo on the airport level. Dropped care package, got a gunship, and now comes the fun part. Thanks to the broken spawn system, the entire enemy team keeps spawning in that room in the back of the terminal. There was nothing they could do, they couldn't move, it was spawn and die. 25 kills, nuke, broken game. A Utube search will show many examples of how easy it is to get a cheap Tac. Nuke.

matgrowcott4302d ago


I'm not saying that there aren't glitches and people willing to exploit them. I'm saying that the game itself doesn't frequently spawn you in crazy places.

In this particular case though, the guy doesn't complain about any of that. He just says that he should have won and didn't thanks to the nuke. In those circumstances, with negative K/D and a single guy making a joke of our entire team (whatever he might be doing to earn it), I wouldn't be happy with a win.

showtimefolks4303d ago

I hate cod because other publishers are scared to release a awesome game because they think their game wouldn't sell. Borderlands released around cod and did quite well when all the pundits said t would fail n a huge way, yeh I am looking at u patcher. So did uncharted 2 and we all knw it did well

I am just against any game that has a yearly release

Med of honor
Assassins creed. I hate AC more than COD because all the AC games have been kind f same old but AC3 looks to have changed a lot f things

The reason Sony,Microsoft and Nintendo posted looses because gamers are kind of tred of been there done that. Watch halo 4 will not sell more than halo 3 and halo 3 launched when xbox360 had a much smaller fan base.

Please bring out some new fresh games. A least Sony has done that a lt this gen many great new IP and last of us along with beyond 2 souls shuld be a fitting end to ps3.

matgrowcott4303d ago

The reason the big three posted losses isn't because they didn't put millions and millions of dollars into untested and potentially risky IP. If you believe that (and you're not alone) then you have no idea.

Binary Domain was one of the best games I've played this year. Excellently designed, enjoyable, great story - why don't you ask SEGA how that new IP went down for them. It was in the bargain bins within a month of release. How many of these people screaming for new IPs bothered to buy that brand new?

Gamerpeanuts4303d ago

You really cant hate CoD, when Modern Warfare came out it was revolutionary. There are still some innovative shooters, Hybrid, Transformers WFC, etc. Why dont you complain about Halo huh!? Look I like Halo and i dont mind CoD, if you dont like it then stop buying it simple as that.CoD isnt a bad game at its core you guys dont see that...its the fact they dont change anything is why its bad. Halo is on its 6th shooter nothing has changed I dont complain...i bet if they spread out the production of the CoD games so you dont get one every year we wouldnt complain so much. Sadly lots of people complain about CoD but end up getting it anyways. It is a fun game guys...gosh dont hate so much. Do what i do...get bored play Halo or somthing else. Plus if you were a videogame company would you stop making something thats flooding you with cash!? I mean look Microsoft will never get rid of Halo, or stall its death because they get so mush $$$. Look the shooter genre is saturated...but complaining about one that was revolutionary and saying its not is just dumb...and dont say Battlefield is tottally diffrent cuz its not.

NovusTerminus4303d ago

Don't be so defensive just because you don't agree with me... And I don't like Halo, I loved the first one, but never could get into it again. CoD4 was good, I will hand you that. But I have never, and will never purchase a CoD game, nor do I play Battlefield.

The only FPS I have really played this generation is Killzone, because the story is kinda cool. I guess The Darkness II might count, but I use melee more then guns...

I don't play Battlefield, CoD or Halo.

Gamerpeanuts4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

I dont disagree with you and im not defensive im just saying CoD is revolutionary.How can you really have an opinion on modern FPS if the only one you really played is Killzone, the most bland FPS out there. I dont hate Killzone I own all 3. I agree shooters are bland but to say CoD and is bad is an insult to FPS. Its like saying Zelda sux...you dont do that LOL.

NovusTerminus4302d ago

Okay, I have played CoD2, 4, Mw2, WaW, and Blops. I never liked them much. I will concede that CoD4 was the best, and I had fun with the offline mode in it. And again, I play Killzone for it's story, but the gameplay is cool, and I like the cover system in it, very well done.

But all in all, one shooter is like the next to me. So I found one franchise I liked the story to, and got it, I liked KZ2 online, but generally, I don't play online games, I used to play a massive amount of SOCOM 2, for most modern shooters are to much like a frag fest.

I prefer more tactical gameplay.

Tonester9254302d ago

That's like the question "Why do people hate Apple iPhone"

Kos-Mos4302d ago

Don`t ever forget Demon`s Soul`s.

GuyThatPlaysGames4302d ago

The main people that complain are the ones that just aren't good at the game. Everyone can hate all they want to but I guarantee at midnight release, every single one of you will be in line waiting for your copy of Black Ops 2.

iagainsti1204302d ago

I won't be last COD game i bought was MW2. And i played the shit out of it until all the hackers and glitchers came.

Awesome_Gamer4302d ago

Because it's a copy-pasted pile of crap. Simple

Gamerpeanuts4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I agree games with tactical emphasis like League of Legends and Warcraft are really cool, CoD4 was the best undoubtedly but saying you play Killzone for the story is some-what agreeable but the story in Halo is way cooler...being a very picky guy when it comes to story...sorry off topic, i do agree with you though...there really isnt anymore variation in shooters now...but hey if you like tactics and hate normal shooters play Hybrid...the game is very tactical...and its so different from all shooters

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SOD_Delta4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

I don't hate CoD. I'm just tried of it and as LordMe said the over saturation of shooters. By no means are CoD games bad. I want a new MP game that can hold my interest as long as CoD did.

LOGICWINS4303d ago

There's nothing wrong with more shooters if they are original/fresh like Borderlands. The fact that Borderlands 2's pre-orders are through the roof indicate that PLENTY of gamers out there are either tired of buying COD every year, willing to try something new, or both.

SOD_Delta4303d ago

Yea Borderlands 1/2 is awesome. I have it pre-ordered.

SnotyTheRocket4303d ago

Maybe I should try out Boarderlands.....

DrNikki4303d ago

I agree with all of you, but companies make what people want. SpiderMike said it to me best when he said, "CoD is the McDonalds of the gaming industry. Everyone knows it's garbage but they play it. It's convenient, you know what you are getting and almost everyone else does as well." I agree with that, and counter with--"Or, deep down, you either secretly love it, or can't cook."

Emilio_Estevez4303d ago

And they're both filled with recycled materials! Bam!

But 1 is cheap, the other is not :(

mochachino4303d ago

My theory is that a lot of people experienced buyers remorse.

They loved COD4 then as the years went by and they bought essentially the same game a few too many times, they directed the anger meant for themselves towards the COD series.

For me it happened after buying MW2, the campaign was short and shit and the MP was plagued by constant arial attacks. I was pissed I spent $60 on a game I got bored with after 10hrs.

Generally, I think COD is a great series as a lot of people have a tonne of fun with it. It's just not for me because I got my fill in COD4 and not much has changed.

Emilio_Estevez4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

Wha?! I MW2 was my favorite and the last one I put a considerable amount of time into. I loved the fact that it was so unbalanced for people that are good (me). Noob tube, scavanger and airstrikes all day made it awesome.

iagainsti1204302d ago

I bought MW2, and i played the shit out of it until all the hackers and glitchers came and Activision / Infinity Ward never got rid of them.

That was what turned me off from MW2. Then a friend showed me BF: BC2 that changed my gaming world. Now I am currently hooked on Battlefield 3. There is nothing like planting C4 on a tank and blowing it up or flying an attack helicopter shooting down jets, evading javelin missiles. Or Sniping a guy from 1/2 way across the map while you have to adjust your aim for bullet drop.

Outside_ofthe_Box4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

***"Why Does Call of Duty Have So Many Haters"***

Because it isn't as good as everyone makes it out to be.

Nexgensensation4303d ago

I personally hate when youngster comes up to me and praise how good COD is, and how real it looks, and how fast the game plays. Then when I play it, the gameplay is way too fast pace, i don't even know what the game is about or why i am in the war in the first place....

solidjun54303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

That and other shooterss try to emulate COD elements. COD copycats. -__-

ChunkyLover534302d ago

There are a lot of games that aren't as good as everyone makes them out to be, yet they don't get the forum hate that COD gets.

Hipsters these days, I think I'll stick to liking unpopular games, just so all the cool kids aren't complaining about those games.

Outside_ofthe_Box4302d ago

So because someone doesn't like CoD that makes them a hipster? LOL

There are more reasons than that as to why people hate CoD. Being popular is one of them, but definitely not the main reason as there are a lot of games that are popular, yet they don't get the forum hate that CoD gets.

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CoD devs share temporary fix for dev error 5433 plaguing MW3 after Season 3 Reloaded update

The developers have provided a little band-aid while PlayStation players attempt to get back into MW3.

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Call of Duty Players Disappointed by $80 B.E.A.S.T. Glove Bundle Deal

Recently, players of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone were met with a new bundle featuring the B.E.A.S.T. Glove, inspired by King Kong's armament in the Godzilla x Kong movie. However, the $80 price tag attached to this themed accessory left many Call of Duty fans feeling underwhelmed.

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Kaii34d ago

Morons that allow themselves to be milked continuously by this company is the definition of irony.
Spend more $$ and you'll end up In easier lobbies so you win both ways when ya spend that cash

melons34d ago

Controversy in the COD community feels like it happens within an alternate timeline. Activision will take the piss with something, there will be a momentary fuss about it, and then they will forget about it and carry on anyway. Repeat this cycle literally every year for the rest of time.

Gridknac34d ago

They call that a crack head! Thats what this is really about, its an addiction. People who dont smoke cigarettes look and laugh at the addicts that spend $8-$10 a pack, but they cant help themselves, they are addicted. That same analogy applies perfectly to the whole MT industry. Only an addict that was not thinking clearly would spend this kind of money on something so frivolous. A round of multiplayer provides the same high a person gets from scratching a lotto ticket, or putting money on a sports bet. MT in general need to really be regulated because you have a generation of kids becoming adults who grew up only knowing the MT era of gaming. Its normal to them and they will in turn teach their kids the same by just being a gaming parent and getting their kids involved with them in gaming. Thats why no matter how ridiculous the headlines keep getting out of the MT industry, it never seems to fade or go away.

X-2332d ago

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.


Cheech And Chong Are Coming To Call Of Duty Because Everything Must Be Consumed

The famous comedy duo is the latest example of pop culture becoming one big grey blob

Christopher48d ago

Certain to have some sort of reference to their online store for CBD/THC chews, which is advertising heavily online the last month or two.

Sciurus_vulgaris48d ago

The randomness of the multiplayer characters is one of reason I quit playing COD after briefly returning in 2022. We got Space Marines, rappers, tree monsters etc. all in a series called “ Modern Warfare”.

OtterX48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I think if there was ever a time for a competitor to rise up and take away some of Call of Duty's thunder, the time would be now. A military shooter that takes itself seriously, not sold out to Fortnitism. Easier said than done, I know... but the time is ripe.

I can't stand this stuff either.

Palitera48d ago

There are tons of MP shooters that make no profit, if you're looking for one of those

fsfsxii48d ago

You guys have been saying this shit since 2009. Fortunately, nobody’s bringing down cod anytime soon, if ever.

crazyCoconuts47d ago

I agree. I really didn't like how the silliness takes away the gritty origins. That and all the crazy effects... dunno. I'm still playing it but I'd love for someone to steal their cheese and cater to grittier players

OtterX47d ago

@fsfsxii It's not so much wanting COD itself to die as it is wanting this silliness to die. Like CrazyCoconuts said, it takes from the grittiness. Many OG COD players want a straightup Military shooter experience, not silly costume time at Carnival.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 47d ago
Profchaos48d ago

is this what the kids want these days a pair of iconic stoners who were big in the 70s and have kind of held on I enjoyed their movies decades ago but I never recall the movie where cheech infiltrates a enemy base while chong snipes for support guess I must of missed that one

Man I'm getting to old for this

Knightofelemia48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Cheech just looks so wrong in the picture.

Profchaos48d ago

Why just why. cod up in smoke

anast48d ago

They charge too much for a game that is kitsch.

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