
KojiPro explains why it took so long to add trophies to Metal Gear Solid 4

Kojima Productions’ Sean Eyestone explains why it took so long to add trophy support for the Playstation 3 exclusive title, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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NBT914315d ago

Better on time than late.

Baka-akaB4315d ago

lol really smart when they never gave you a time to begin with

chazjamie4315d ago

what projects is this guy talking about. they make it seem like they created a plethora of games already. basically they didnt give a shit and had no intention of doing it. its trophies, not dlc. what a pathetic excuse.

Ares84HU4315d ago

Yeah, it should be released sooner to be honest. But I was waiting for trophy support to get back to MGS4. When it came out I played it for months and it was great.

Does anyone know when it's out exactly???

Dasteru4315d ago

On who's time? Kojima never previously gave a release date so "on time" is whenever it happens to release.

_-EDMIX-_4315d ago

does someone even care? I'm a huge MGS fan, played every MGS no less then 5 times, played MGS3 over 13 times! And very much plan to get the HD collection for it and i have to say....who cares?

Are you guys mad? Its trophies, what is it going to do for you? I've never understood why anyone would care. I mean are you guys really crying over something that flashes on the screen after you complete something?

I didn't care for silly achievements and when Trophys came out, i cared for them even less.

Kojima has better things to do then was time on trophies. making MGS Peace Walker, over seeing Rising, over seeing the MGS HD collections, over seeing MGS3 for 3DS, over seeing ZOE HD collection, producing ZOE III, making MGS5...oh yeah and developing a new engine for all 3 systems. Out of all that, i just don't care if trophies where never released for it. There are more important projects to finish.

Gaming1014315d ago

A lot of people lost hope years ago for trophies, as it was never a priority, they didn't bother hiring any new programmers (it's an entry level project, making a game trophy enabled) so it was never a concern. People didn't shout loud enough, and the cost benefit analysis just wasn't there.

The problem now is people will have to buy back the game if they sold it. I kept mine, but for those who didn't, the question becomes whether they would be willing to buy it again just for trophies, and if so are they buying it brand new? Because if they buy it used, which I take it the vast majority of them will, then Konami won't see a dime from it, so I don't see the cost benefit here from Konami's standpoint.


crxss4315d ago

maybe they planned this, as in announce trophy support and a full install option knowing a flock of us would return to mgs4, shame they're doing this after mgo just went offline.

badz1494314d ago

WTF haters? nobody is forcing anybody to replay through MGS4 again just because it has trophies! it's just an update to refresh an old game and personally, I think this is pure FAN SERVICE!

just think about it! MGS4 sold like 6+mil and bagged them a lot of profit already and MGS5 is also already confirmed! why would they even care to add trophies to the 4 years old MGS4? FAN SERVICE! personally, I am grateful that this is finally happening! MGS4 is simply 1 of my favorite game of all time and now I will bring myself to play it again just for the trophies and I'll have it posted on my profile proudly!

GTAIV didn't have trophies at 1st and I couldn't bring myself to finish it and when the trophies were added, I play it 1 more time and I still can't bring myself to finish it too! I've finished MGS4 3 times and now with trophies? IT CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH!

Korix4314d ago

To those saying they never gave a release date for trophies and therefore can't have been late - guess what - trophies don't *get* release dates, they are a basic part of every proper PS3 game and are expected to ship along with the game. Any later than release date is late. Stop pretending they can't be blamed for late trophy support. It's like saying CoD can't be blamed for after-release online support. It's such a basic thing that it needs to be there from the start.

Dasteru4314d ago


It would be great if game companies could do the impossible but unfortunately they can't. MGS4 came out in June 08, Trophies weren't patched into the PS3 firmware til July 08.

You may "expect" the impossible but most gamers have enough common sense not to.

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pixelsword4315d ago

*Looks at copy of Resistance: Fall of Man*


*Throws at pet store across the street*

*gets gang-chomped by puppies*

Larry L4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )


Those are the only 3 pre-trophy games I think really deserved to get a trophy update. MGS4, Heavenly Sword and Oblivion.

Heavenly Sword I understand though. It was a victim of the time. Thrashed by the media, not only the game, but PS3 at the time too, and the install base was low. So the game didn't sell great.

But neither Konami nor Bethesda have any excuse (imo) for not adding trophies to these games. There was huge demand for MGS4 trophies, and all Bethesda would've had to do was port over the Live achievments. Not only that but Oblivion has even had a recent re-release (what was it?, last year?), why didn't the PS3 version get trophies then?

But I digress, I'm happy MGS4 is getting trophies now, and I'm going to rebuy the game in a couple days to prepare. Can't wait.

Corepred44315d ago

I will never have as much fun with another game on ps3 as I had with Resistance: Fall of Man. Say what you want but I LOVED that game! COD my ass! RFOM was in my ps3 almost 95% of the time!

roguewarrior4314d ago

@ corepred4

Agreed, Played the shit out of that game. Also the game that got me addicted to online MP

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I_LOVE_MYSELF4315d ago

Better late than never, but never late is better.

andibandit4315d ago

took so long because he was busy trying to figure out his own storyline.

Reibooi4315d ago

I actually like the timing to be honest. I loved MGS4 when i played it but it was such a satisfying conclusion that I probably at the time wouldn't have wanted to play it a ton more just to get trophies but now that it's been a few years. I can go back and take my time and do what I want to get the trophies without feeling the pressure to plow through the game to see the story.

I know it doesn't make alot of sense but yeah I like the timing.

t0mmyb0y4315d ago

I'm in the exact same boat as you.

WeskerChildReborned4315d ago

True that, i never really thought MGS4 would get trophys but now, i think it's awesome they are adding them.

ReservoirDog3164315d ago

Haha, true....

Now they need to add trophies to Valkyria Chronicles and rerelease it on the PS Store. They'd sell so much and finally make us (me) really happy.

showtimefolks4315d ago

i started playing like my 5th or 6th play through but now i stopped when trophies launch it will be a special feeling to play

i bet you there will be trophies for 2nd or 3rd play through for not skipping cut scenes

tawak4315d ago Show
xtremeimport4315d ago

summary "we just didnt really want to"

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bahabeast4315d ago

i payed $110.00 for this game in 2008 trophies was on NO GAMES still have the cd im gonna play it again

TronEOL4315d ago

Same here. Still have my collectors edition sitting on my shelf. Can't wait to pop it open again and platinum the poop out of this game.


I payed around 150 USD (250 BRL at the time) for the standard version... The game was imported as PS3 games only started releasing here in 2010. With high taxes and the uber demand, the only version available at stores got that high, some people payed even more, but I don't regret getting it on release, it was major fun through single player and the multiplayer held me for some good six months (despite the whole Konami ID matter).

My only regret is that I recently re-played it with my cousin. And actually had a hard time making a no kills, no deaths and no alerts playthrouh... Oh well, not like I really mind playing it again, it's really fun!

SnotyTheRocket4315d ago

I paid $100, the day it came out. Best Buy only had the Collectors Edition, so, I was forced to buy that. Never regretted it. Still have it.

Snookies124315d ago

Woo! Still have my Collector's Edition as well! Sitting up proudly displayed on my dresser, exactly where it should be... Where everyone can see it lol.


vickers5004315d ago

I got the collectors edition as well, but damn, that's how much it was back in the day? I don't remember the price of it when I bought it. Kind of a rip off of a collectors edition compared to todays CEs.

A special box and a making of blu-ray with a soundtrack on it I believe was all that was in there.

For that price these days, you usually get that, plus a really cool and pretty well detailed statue, and two little trinkets (like a belt buckle, a ring, a medallion or some replica of some in-game item), some lithographs or special papers that look like they were hand written, some exclusive (though virtually pointless) dlc, an artbook.

Hell, Deus Ex Human Revolution had the same stuff as MGS4s CE but only cost 10 more dollars than the regular edition I believe.

Collectors editions sure have gotten better over the years it seems.

Jazz41084314d ago (Edited 4314d ago )

Game stop upgraded everyone who preordered deus to the ce for free. I still can't believe with the 360 out a year ahead of time it still took $ony another year to come up with a trophy program that borrowed heavely from ms idea to make them standard and required in every game. So if you like trophys in your games you need to thank ms for making them standard as its obvious sony wasn't going to go that route when they released and only copied ms since they were successfull. Say what you want but that's the truth 100 percent and every sony fan knows this.

vickers5004314d ago


Go away troll.

KwietStorm_BLM4315d ago

Where the hell did you pay $110? I paid $80 for the collector's edition on release.

Double_O_Revan4315d ago

I paid $8 a few weeks ago. Yes, $8! Since Gamestop doesn't differentiate between regular and collectors on trade in, some poor schmuck was wiling to take the $2.50 trade value. Which means I got it at the $8 used price tag. Still in fantastic condition!

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Spydiggity4315d ago

Save yourself the time. The reason is, "we didn't have time."

we needed an article for that...

fastNslowww4315d ago

It's just pointless now, they should've just waited it out until MGS5.

forevercloud30004315d ago

Its actually a pretty smart(yet calculated move) right now. I find it a bit funny that they decide to give us trophies after recent studies that say that most PS3 players will not play a game without trophies and they would buy a game again simply for trophies.
They know this game was at the top of the list and they will squeeze a few extra thousand from those who sold it and will buy it back now.

I don't care what there reasoning for it now really is though. Just glad I can collect my precious in one of my favorite games. Here is hoping Valkyria Chronicles is next..... ;)

Snookies124315d ago

I think it's nice... After all this time, I haven't played MGS4 in quite a while. It'll give me a very solid reason to go back through it for the tenth time haha.

Tundra4315d ago

I've played through MGS4 3 times. Come August, I'll be playing it again.

_-EDMIX-_4315d ago

though i don't like it as much as MGS3, its a great MGS game none the less. I think out of the 4 MGS, its the weakest in some areas, but in terms of every other game released this gen, its STILL in my top 10 of best games this gen!

I didn't like the bosses, and some of the segments. Other then that, i loved the whole game.

Old Snake in the microwave scene might be one of the most baddest ass moments in gaming! The man was OG'ing it and the way you had to keep pressing that button made you feel like you where OGing it too. Amazing directing and amazing cinematic! The best scenes in that game i can't even say in fear of spoiling it. The ending....Tundra...the ending..OMG Tundra the ending.


Summons754315d ago

Should have left them out, trophies and achievements are the most pointless things I have seen in all my life of gaming, and before someone say "but they add replay value" stop it because they do not. If they did why would so many people play this game over and over again without any trophies or why do people play past generation games without any achievements? It's because you replay a game for enjoyment and love of the game not some intangible reward that dose not mean a things.

TBM4315d ago

can't argue with what you said here, often times i don't care about the trophies or achievement pts. like you said if i replay a game its because i really enjoyed said game.

pixelsword4315d ago

I like them when they are done well; I don't like going around a level the size of a city looking for a few hundred orbs.

I piss on games like that.

Not literally.

Jdoki4315d ago

What's wrong with playing a game over and over, and having something to work towards?

If I play the main game for 50hours, then 25 hours replaying it, and then another 25hours trying to get Trophies... how is that a bad thing?

What I like about Trophies / Achievements is that they make me think about playing games in a different way. I played Crackdown to death, just messing about after the main game was done... but there were some Achievements in there that gave me hours and hours of extra stuff to do that I wouldn't have thought of trying. I didn't care about the arbitrary points value, I just cared about beating a challenge the devs had set.

SAE4315d ago

It is true what you said , some are really crazy about trophies that makes them not wanting to play a game like mgs Just because it doesnt have trophies , these kind of people enjoy collecting stuff instead of enjoying the game ...

But trophies could be usefull if you finished the game , it will encourage you to play It again and do what you missed , it will give you more fun , so i believe that they should unlock the trophies after completing the game then do what you missed by looking at the rest of the trophies ....

TrueGaming4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )

I 100% agree with Summons on the fact that this game with or without trophies is worth playing over & over just because it's one of the best games you can buy PERIOD. IMPO I'm not a trophy collector, I generally think they're pointless because trophies don't make me a better gamer & besides I play my games on the hardest difficulty possible & I generally get most of the tropies anyway. I believe I have 2000+ of 'em & just 1 is a platinum ( GOW3 just because I couldn't get enough of that damn game). I'd rather enjoy a game that has brilliant AI, graphics, story, & gameplay that kills me over & over until I beat it for a feeling of personal acheivment rather than a crap load of trophies for doing something that doesn't affect me gameplay wise. But for those that like them ... It's whatever, you like what you like & thats your MO... YEEEAAAAHWAAAAHHHH

AvatarTwasCheesy4315d ago

How unnecessary of a comment, "pointless" is an opinionated term; what's considered pointless to yourself doesn't make it pointless for everyone. Heck, I might as well throw in the word "enjoyment" into that pile, who's to say trophies/achievements don't bring enjoyment? - another opinionated term.

What really bugs me is you saying; "Should have left them out", they easily could have been left out and forgotten for another 4 years but the developers put in work and are understandable enough to think otherwise.

So instead of slandering the integration of trophies for a 4 year-old game, think about the fact that no-one is forcing you to play the game again, you're not being told to acknowledge trophies. Trophies are just there for those who enjoy accomplishing them, not for people to bitch about something which they don't care about and which doesn't effect them or the gameplay experience at all.

Summons754315d ago

see it's funny how you say care, when it's not possible to care about something that dosen't actually have a meaning or actual relevance. In previous generations people did not re-play games because of a trophy or collect the best or hidden things or any special reward they did it because it was fun and enjoyable.

TrueGaming4315d ago

@ CHEESY... why get butt hurt when you're not bright enough to decipher that it's SUMMONS opinion about the subject but he just didn't specify it was in his own view ... You should quit acting like the B!TCH because if you're smart enough to bring up the point about the devs implementing them in after 4 years... then you're should be smart enough to get that he's saying he enjoys the game because its fun to play to play instead of playing it just for the trophies. But yet you came to the conclusion that he's bitching & acting like he's saying he's being forced to play it again when only YOU that came to that a$$ backwards conclusion... In short stay on simple topic instead of trolling someone's comment geek. BTW your entire comment except the middle was unnecessary... YEEEAAAHWAAAHHH

BlackTar1874315d ago

I have been playing games for over 20+ years and i love trophies. I got all the old MGS items bandana optic camo from old games got the big boss emblem for mgs4. I will be going back and playing it for the 6th 7th and 8th times now and will enjoy it because of trophies. I would probably never have played the game again on a ps3 systems without them.

Trophies/ achievements are awesome complaining about them because other people like them and you don't is childish. They do not hamper anything they only add to the experience.

I bet you yell at people for loving a football team too?

Campy da Camper4315d ago

If trophies are pointless then why does every sporting event hand them out to winners? So we should quit having the award ceremony for the Olympics? The athletes should just compete for the love of the game?

That's fine if it your opinion but a lot of people like to receive a medal for doing something they love that can be quite difficult.

Summons754315d ago

That's different, those are tangible, those you actually work for and earn. Completing a tutorial in a game dose not count as dedicating your life to something like Olympic Swimming. People who play sports dedicate their LIFE to that whereas spending 5-40 hours in a game dose not qualify for a reward. Your reward for doing things in a game should be more weapons or armor or skins or whatever...you know like old games have. Trophies tell you what to look for and how to do it, nothing in FF7 awarded me for getting a Gold Chocobo besides actually getting one that is reward enough for my hard work not some loud annoying DING that tells me I did it and nothing else

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro62d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7262d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_62d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga62d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2362d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200062d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin62d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole62d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix62d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198962d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

62d ago
Michiel198962d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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One Last Smoke - The significance of Snake's cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4

An article looking at the symbolic meaning behind the cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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Hideo Kojima laments that Metal Gear Solid 4's digital battlefield 'is no longer science fiction'

Game creator Hideo Kojima is and probably will always be best-known for his creation and stewardship of the Metal Gear series at Konami, which since his departure has been more-or-less on permanent hiatus (don't mention Survive). In his almost three decades these games evolved to the point where they predicted certain problems of the information age (MGS 2), took aim at contemporary topics like Guantanamo Bay (MGS: Ground Zeroes), and ended on a profound sense of sadness about our species' inability to break the cycles of global conflict (MGS V).

It's not clear what sparked this reflection, but Kojima's been thinking about Metal Gear Solid 4, an entry that was (and unfortunately still remains) a PlayStation 3 exclusive. In that entry the player controls an aged Solid Snake in the year 2014, caught up in a civil war being fought between Private Military Companies (PMCs).

Dirty_Lemons372d ago

That was a great fucking game/ movie.

DarXyde372d ago

To this day, it's one of those games where I refuse to skip the cutscenes, no matter how many playthroughs I've done.

But if you ask me...MGS2 was bloody prophetic and has aged like fine wine. That game was blasted as the weakest entry, and yet it's so enduring. I replayed it some time last year and it was remarkable.

sadraiden372d ago

Heed not the lamentations of people that say that MGS2 is bad because of the Snake/Raiden bait and switch. Every MGS game has its own merits, and while most people consider 3 to be the best, they all shine equally in my opinion.

porkChop372d ago


I would generally agree but with the exception of MGSV. It had truly excellent gameplay/combat, but dull and largely empty open world(s), and a narrative that is literally only half finished.

I really wish Kojima hadn't tried to go open world with MGS. It just wasn't right for the series. But I get it. He didn't want to make MG anymore but he wasn't allowed to make anything else. So he had to experiment within that franchise. Still, it was the wrong direction.

Santouryuu372d ago

I have been thinking about this a lot, MGS2 being the weakest and getting blasted.
My conclusion, for some years now, it's my favorite game of the series.
Going from MGS1 to MGS2 was such a big leap, in graphics, mechanics, etc.
And now it's even more relevant for being 'bloody prophetic' as you stated.

Maybe dust of my vita and play it again...

porkChop372d ago

It's a shame we never got a remaster of MGS4. The original game only rendered at 1024x768, and it ran anywhere from like 20fps to 60fps depending on the area. A remaster could have very easily cleaned up the visuals and performance. It's such a great game. I just want to play it again but in its best possible state.

MIDGETonSTILTS17372d ago

I agree, but they did all sorts of tricks to make use of the ps3’s cell processor….they’d probably have to rebuild the game in order to make it run on another machine. And, if that involves remaking those cutscenes somehow, then itll never happen, unfortunately.

porkChop372d ago

Nah. There have been plenty of remasters of PS3 games and they've turned out fine. It can be done.

ANIALATOR136371d ago (Edited 371d ago )

You can get near enough 4k 60 with it on RPCS3 these days

FallenAngel1984372d ago

War... war never changes. Or does it? The war has changed ...did it? The answer is no! Unless it is yes! No, of course it is! Is war! Yes! No! Yes?

PitbullMonster371d ago

Ah a man of culture. Duty calls

cell989372d ago

He was always ahead with this series. MSG1 taught me about the importance of passing on our genes into future generations but in a responsible way, for they are bound to what we experienced in our lifetime. Sons of liberty taught me about global control and simulation runs to test society in a grand scale, the importance and dangers of control of information. MGS3 taught me about patriotism and how that can blind you into doing things you never would have otherwise, all for the sake of politicians who only see you as another pawn in their grand scheme of things. MSG4 taught me war is inevitable and always orchestrated because it's great for the economy. Soon simulation systems will start dictating who goes to war and why, all run through proxies. Privatization of military company are already here. We already started to see how a small group of elites dictates everything that happens. Nothing is done, nothing happens without strings being pulled.

Eidolon372d ago

You learned all this from MGS?

Tody_za372d ago

All that was literally the themes and core story of each game, so not surprising he learned that from MGS. Metal Gear Solid 2 in particular is so relevant today, it was more than a decade ahead of its time and a work of genius. Kojima saw what the digital future was going to become when it was in its infancy. Even MGS 5 despite being unfinished and less of a traditional Metal Gear Solid game with regards to story, had a fair bit to say about language and control over it that is relevant today.

It's a highly acclaimed series for a reason, and one of my favourite.

Eidolon372d ago

I've watched my brother play the MGS games, but I only beat MGS1 myself on the PSP in 2014, and MGSV in 2016. I took the themes and plots as lore, tbh.. trying to piece together the story of MGS rather than relating them to our current times.

Tody_za372d ago

It's definitely social commentary, Eidolon. You should read the "themes and analysis" section of the Wikipedia page for MGS2: Sons of Liberty for a start! Game was heavy on this.

Eidolon372d ago

I'll take a look, thanks. Actually might pick up MGS2 again (PS Vita), It's been years since I last played. Might start a new game tbh.

sadraiden372d ago

MGS2 literally predicted digital manipulation of information that we see today all the way back in 2001. MGS2 became Zucc's playbook.

Knushwood Butt372d ago

MGS taught me not to pee my pants.

cell989372d ago

Yes back in 1998 when I was 13. Throughout the years more information has been shown on this subject matters, but go back to early 2000s and information wasn't as prominent. Kojima was ahead of the game

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 372d ago
MaxiPower90372d ago

He was on the ball about many things. A true visionary.

sadraiden372d ago

If it wasn't for the retconning of how FOXDIE works, including clunky scenes with Naomi and Liquid, MGS4 would be a perfect game. There are so many gameplay options. It felt like us PS3 owners got something truly unique and special.

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