
RUMOR: EA CEO John Riccitiello to be Removed, Peter Moore to Step In

Game Front has been told by an anonymous source close to the matter that there may be substance to Riccitiello’s worries.

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JBSleek4454d ago

Wow really I wouldn't think EA is doing bad. Peter Moore was the head of EA Sports Gaming division before he became COO. This is going to be interesting.

vallencer4454d ago

Let's remove peter moore, who does a good job, and put in the most pretentious douche of gaming in his place. Seems like a great idea >.> /s

vallencer4452d ago

bahahaha misread this whole article...whoops

darthv724454d ago

if companies who had former high ranking employees that move onto other companies get preferential treatment.

Meaning that PM was once in big with MS and then went to EA but at the time was not in a position of power to influence decisions made regarding game development or exclusivity.

Now if he becomes the CEO he could be more influential in making exclusive deals with his former boss (MS) that could potentially change the release of games to come.

For the good of the company you wold think EA would remain neutral. however, this business is just as cutthroat as any other. It all depends on how well PM was treated while at MS to even entertain such a conspiracy theory.

pompombrum4454d ago

PM probably left MS because of their change in focus to a more family friendly console. He left around about the time they were doing Kinect related stuff.

. I don't know how much influence he had but when he was at Microsoft, they were doing great great things and since he went to EA sports, EA sports have gone from strength to strength. I'd love to see what difference he can make to EA overall.

EVILDEAD3604454d ago

'PM probably left MS because of their change in focus to a more family friendly console. He left around about the time they were doing Kinect related stuff'

LMFAO @ this fankid fantasy story made up out of this air.


pompombrum4454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

O here comes the resident 360 fanboy to defend his beloved. I have no facts as to why he left Microsoft but it just so happens that it was around the time I imagine that Microsoft were planning Kinect. It seems like it was a good call that he left them because of their shift in focus away from the core gamer.

nukeitall4454d ago


That's funny because EA Sports is a major supporter of Kinect!

A huge portion of EA is casual gaming to boot!

Sounds to me like EVILDEAD360 is actually correct!!!

JBSleek4454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

On 17 July 2007, Electronic Arts announced that Peter Moore would be leaving Microsoft to head the sports division at Electronic Arts Moore reportedly wanted to move back to the San Francisco Bay area to live with his family, which was possible with EA. His position as Vice President of Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft was filled by Don Mattrick.

Facts they are useful.

EVILDEAD3604454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

'O here comes the resident 360 fanboy to defend his beloved'

Here comes the two week old profile doing what they do best..

LOL..what's there to defend exactly? Some fankid die fantasy world where everything has to do with console bias?

LMAO @ Peter leaving b-b-because Kinet isn't c-c-core...classic fail


NewMonday4454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

Their was a story that Moor had a hand in pulling the plug on the dreamcast when he worked at Sega, it made room for the original X-box in the market, he later joined MS.

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dcbronco4454d ago (Edited 4454d ago )

Peter Moore was most likely pushed out of MS. At that executive level people don't always get fired like most of us. Peter Moore was most directly responsible for RRoD. His situation was more like Ken Kutaragi's. After a major screw-up they were pushed aside. I doubt Kinect had anything to do with it. It was more like he cost the company close to two billion dollars. And who knows how many sales because of the unreliability issue.

And EA needs new management. After the ME3 screw-up someone needed to go. Forcing that game out early and doing that POS story ending has hurt EA a ton. Not worse company in the world bad, but bad. Not sure Peter Moore is the right guy for the job though considering MS has a rep for micromanaging projects too while Moore was there. Not that that changed once Moore left. It just seems to be their culture. Big business has surely hurt gaming in some ways.

310dodo4454d ago

this guy has helped EA since joining IMO
loved that he came at COD

Bad Company/2 and BF3 are awesome

OC_MurphysLaw4454d ago

I was not a big fan of Riccitiello and some of the changes that happened under his watch... Peter Moore has always been a good spokes person but his leadership track record is a bit spotty. I guess time will tell.

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Electronic Arts CEO: AI Is "At the Very Core of Our Business"

Today EA hosted its Investors Day, and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Wilson talked about the company's dedication to generative AI.

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Chocoburger3d ago

He's so excited to layoff more employees for FAKE STUPIDITY computer programing to replace them.

Hopefully EA takes a nosedive just like Ubisoft is currently doing. Lack of money is the only thing that can hurt them and possibly change them.

DarXyde2d ago

Knowing EA, I think they're more likely to sell their games cheaper or make Access the only way to play their titles than change course. They seem committed to destroying their labour force.

And the sad part here is that the proof of concept is there, where games can be made using AI.

I hate to say it, but those working in the gaming industry might be cooked. And unfortunately, I'm doubting most people will care as long as they get games they want. EA would absolutely dangle Dead Space 4 or a new Burnout in front of us, developed with AI. I wouldn't take it, but I think most fans would.

CantThinkOfAUsername2d ago

If AI does a better job then yeah why not? Though, I have massive doubts it will. If developers aren't willing to put effort in their games then they shouldn't be surprised that they're replaceable.

Chocoburger2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Damn, a new Burnout, don't even bring that up. It hurts just to read those words.

The indie scene is massive theses days, but the big budget scene is mostly trash. I wouldn't mind to see these big publishers suffer or crumble away.

But that can only happen when the casual gamer stops buying yearly roster updates or whatever garbage is marketed to them on TV.

DarXyde2d ago


I disagree. I don't believe the developers are at fault here. I would think those people don't like what EA is doing, but it's EA and they have tremendous power in the industry. Not everyone has the leadership qualities to peel off and form their own company. Add to the fact that falling out of grace with EA might just be an industry kiss of death. These people don't have any power, so I really don't agree with saying they're not willing to put in the effort.

thorstein2d ago

Now we just need to develop AI CEO and sell it to the board of trustees.

staticall2d ago

Hopefully, the only people who're going to be replaced by an AI are Andrew Wilson and his top management goons.

TheNamelessOne3d ago

And EA games aren't at the core of my purchases.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Lmfao ea needs to do an ubisoft rn

ApocalypseShadow2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Of course it is. EA has been lazy for years. Profiting for investors and themselves without putting in the work. Having AI write code or build graphics for them just makes them even more lazy.

I'd laugh if those same investors built "executive code" and got rid of EA's CEO and board of directors and replaced them with AI.

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Next Battlefield Developers Are "Obsessed With Finding the Fun"

Today Electronic Arts hosted its Investors Day and its executives shared what's next for the Battlefield franchise.

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1nsomniac3d ago

ohh god, here we go!

This is exactly why the gaming industry is failing. It's now an industry of suits "trying to find the fun".

...I'll help you out a little, If you're trying to find it, then it's not fun and neither are you. move on!

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I disagree, tbh. I definitely wouldn't classify Vince Zampella as a soulless suit. It's kind of an acknowledgement that Battlefield fell off which is why they had to bring him in in the first place. He's probably the best shot EA has of making this franchise fun again.

From a software development perspective, what I read in the article of Zampella's approach of being able to easily playtest and iterate from early on in development is a good thing. That's likely a big part of why his COD games and Titanfall were so fun.

PapaBop2d ago

Calling Zampella a suit lol! People like Zampella are the half suits if you will, they bridge the gap between art and business. Suits don't care how fun a game is, they only care about profit margins.

Markdn2d ago

It's people like you that's ruining the gaming platform, negativity already before it's even dropped

Noskypeno1d 22h ago

20 years ago, Bungie used to have the motto "making games we want to play", if the devs are having fun it's a good sign it's going to be an enjoyable experience. If the devs are worried about shareholders, quotas, fitting in with current trends and trying to make a small percentage of the population happy, it's not an encouraging sign.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 22h ago
gold_drake3d ago

if u need to "find the fun", thats a huge problem lol

Redgrave2d ago

This rings a bit like they might be looking for a good, long while

Relientk772d ago

Do they actually mean fun, or "surprise mechanics" and ways to monetize?

EazyC2d ago

Honestly, get them to sit down and play Bad Company 2 together.

If they can't see why that had the magic, they shouldn't be game developers.

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EA CEO Dubs The Next Battlefield "One Of The Most Ambitious Projects In Our History"

The CEO of EA has iterated his massive ambitions about the next Battlefield entry in the new Q1 2025 financial results.

Inverno49d ago

Clicked to say exactly this. They set themselves up for disappointing failure.

Cacabunga48d ago

When i hear them say this sounds like they keep surpassing themselves… just backwards..

micro transactions, always online, no SP campaign.. everything that makes me🤮

RaidenBlack49d ago

It ain't Bad Company 3 ... so stop false-promising ... but make it current-gen only plz ... it'll be 2025 ffs

blacktiger49d ago

damn! I was about that dream thing

Chocoburger49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

More intentionally released broken games with micro-trash-actions, and of course fake apologies written by ChatGPT instead of doing it yourself because you don't give a crap if you sell people garbage for their hard earned money.


Seth_hun49d ago

They are always saying this, with every title. :)

Bebedora49d ago

EA is the superior do not doubt them. They are Canadian,

Snookies1249d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Isn't that the whole point of having a "series" of games? Isn't the follow-up supposed to be inherently better or "more ambitious" than the previous entries? Unfortunately, this has not been the case for Battlefield in quite some time. I've still never even redeemed the free BF 2042 code I got a year and a half ago lol. Such a shame, used to be one of my favorite shooters back in the day.

Bebedora49d ago

You just need colurs and some rainbows. Anything will work. BF was killed once EA got their filthy paws over it, like the monkeys they are.

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