
Resistance Burning Skies Review | Destructoid

Destructoid: For a long time, Sony has wanted to bring the console experience to handheld devices, and the PlayStation Vita represents its most successful attempt to date, armed as it is with impressive visual capabilities and a wealth of control options. Ironically, the Vita's early games ignored the Vita's strength in this regard, instead focusing on tech demos for touch controls in an industry where touch control has very much been demonstrated to death.

Resistance: Burning Skies was the potential jewel in the crown, though, an online-capable first-person shooter to show the world just how close a gamer can come to playing their favorite titles on the go. As the world's first portable twin-stick FPS, Burning Skies had a golden opportunity to set a benchmark for handheld gaming.

Instead, it settled on being the new worst Vita game to date.

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WrAiTh Sp3cTr34363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

Better luck with Killzone I guess...

I looked at the screenshot and said "This game looks great!", then I read.."Don't believe the screenshots attached to this review -- this is an ugly game, and it doesn't look anywhere near as good as several of the Vita's launch titles (tellingly, this game blocks the Vita's screen capture software)."

mafiahajeri4363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

What in the heck does better luck next time mean?? Lol do you even have a personality? Opinion maybe? I ask because people who look at reviews as a standard for games are pitiful. Mindsets like yours are even worse where it takes one review to give you an impression that a game is doomed to fail. Its sad to see gamers like this when more and more people need to be told to play a game or not based on one bad review...

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34363d ago

Can you read? I said, and I quote "Better luck with Killzone I guess... " because that would be the next game up that would induce me to maybe buying a Vita. And do I have a personality you ask? Lol, do you think I'm here to impress people, let alone YOU? You're a nobody...kick rocks, lol.

miyamoto4363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

Where do you think they get their living?

From hits & clicks.

Anyone who thinks reviews are not a business left their brains in the 1980's.

Its all but a show to get the most clicks from angered Xbox, Sony, or Nintendo fanboys.

Don't be a mindless victim.

Look at Call of Duty reviews for example & how the anonymous vigilantes & renegades stormed Metacritic!

That should tell us something. That is how it should be done.

See for your selves. You know where to look. Trust your honed gaming instincts, gamers.

Blastoise4363d ago

At first i was like fair enough, maybe the game sucks =/ but then i noticed the same guy gave gravity rush a 6.5...

leahcim4363d ago

so evident

vita hater level 100

Mounce4363d ago

It's confusing and I'm unsure how to put it, but IGN and Destructoid have together been smashing the most recent Vita games. Out comes Wipeout, Uncharted and Rayman for a few and it's all well amongst the 'Meh' releases that have also come. Just now it seems and hopefully just for now that everything else is just being pummeled.

thorstein4359d ago

That fat POS is the douchewagon Jim Sterling. He thinks he is a journalist but he is just a fat virgin.

Keep voting Retardoid down and their approvals will be above 30 in no time. Lulz!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4359d ago
Nimblest-Assassin4363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

Never cared for destructiod, just find a reviewer you trust and go by their opinion,or if you are a fan of resistance, you were probably going to get it any ways.... this guy did give deadly premonition a perfect score if you remember... also just ignore metacritic... seriously how is one review site justified to be aggregated, where as other's aren't? I don't see the point of freaking out over a score a reviewer you are not familiar with... just ignore it, and find a reviewer you rely on. I use gametrailers.

Also read some of the comments, damn fanboys are freaking out... but oddly enough not sony ones, but nintendo fanboys.I mean, its a tragedy that gamers laugh at the hard work of people who actually tried to make a game. Even AMY, as horrible a game it is, I still felt bad for the dev's thanks to the sheer mockery gamers gave them. I doubt the game is a 2, but its his opinion, and frankly I never cared for Jim Sterlings opinion, mr 4.5 on Ac2.

Never was a big fan of resistance also, but my friend wants to pick it up due to it being the first FPS with two analogs on a portable.

Personally the second game and third games I am getting for my vita are gravity rush and MGS collection, but thats just me

Shikoro4363d ago

Or people could just try out the demo. It costs you nothing and it will give you the answer to your "Should I buy it?" question...

4363d ago Replies(1)
NAGNEWS4362d ago

the website down they are looking for hits

thorstein4359d ago

Exactly. Dtoid couldn't pay me to advertise on their crap site.

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Jio4363d ago

Two other reviews I saw gave this game a great score...who do I believe? The man who gave Gravity Rush the worst score, or PSM3?

Rampaged Death4363d ago

I wouldn't even trust console exclusive magazines.

GuruStarr784363d ago

I don't really ever trust Sterling's reviews... He's usually a little too over-critical...

mistajeff4363d ago

though he DID give killzone 3 a 10.

that said, i rarely agree with sterling's reviews, but i have a lot of respect for his opinion pieces. i'm still going to get this game, because i have the feeling that, like most of the games sterling reviews, i will respectfully disagree with his reception of the game.

jony_dols4363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )

He also looks a bit like the fat loser from the South Park episode 'Make Love, not Warcraft'. So I have an immediate dislike of him!

thorstein4359d ago

He is a fat, virgin troll. No surprise there.

trouble_bubble4363d ago

Sterling also gave Assassins Creed 2 a 4.5/10.

Just throwing that out there as a barometer.

eg. "Speaking of absolute crap, I don't know what Ubisoft has done to the game's engine, but Jesus Christ is it bad. There's really no excuse for standards to be so low here. Assassin's Creed 2 is supposedly a triple-A game. It should have acted like one." http://www.destructoid.com/...

MattyG4363d ago

Haha good find. This really gives some perspective. Wow Jimmy, you've got some weird opinions.

Jazz41084362d ago

Here is how it works. If its a ps3 exclusive and rated pooorly th reviewer is paid or looking fo hits. Same exact site gives another ps3 game a high score then the responses are sony is the best, best grpahics on any console. My point is learn to judge for yourself and use your head instead of your second head getting pumped for all things Sony.

trouble_bubble4361d ago

So you're the lone disagree? Assassin's Creed 2 isn't a PS3 exclusive. Your conspiracy just died in a fire.

dafegamer4363d ago

Dont trust Jim sterling
The Majority of sites gave Gravity Rush 9-10 reviews
check metacritic and make up your mind

colonel1794363d ago

You just have to look at that fat-ass' face to know that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Surely he was that kid that everybody made fun of, and didn't get over it.

Everytime I see a review from Destructod written by him I know is a POS review. (Whether is a 0 or a 10).

remanutd554363d ago

hey jio i personally don't care for any magazine reviews, i do think the official playstation magazine is very harsh with ps3 exclusive sometimes but listen i'd rather trust my fellow psn friends than a game journalist, yeap its like that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4359d ago
Rampaged Death4363d ago

I've always thought this series was overrated but damn this game has to be bad to get a 2/10.

NastyLeftHook04363d ago

Rampaged Death

this game has to be good to get many 9/10 scores and 8/10 scores.

Nimblest-Assassin4363d ago

well there are only 4 reviews... but im sure the game will be fine. I was never a fan of resistance, and I want to take a break from the FPS genre, but my friend has been excited as hell for this game... simply due to it being the first portable shooter with two analogs

360GamerFG4363d ago

Where are these many 9's and 8's? I only see 3

SoundGamer4363d ago

Only Jim Sterling's review (so far) has rated this game negatively.

So, is he honestly, objectively, reviewing this game and that's how he reached his conclusion? Or is he just being Jim and trolling?

I guess once the game releases, we'll hear the masses' opinion.

VictoriousB134363d ago

Jim doesn't troll with any of his reviews. He gives his honest opinion.

creamydingle4363d ago

And how do you know that Vic?

4363d ago
andibandit4363d ago (Edited 4363d ago )


Wish you'd take your own advice.

VictoriousB134363d ago

Because I actually read the reviews Jim posts, not just the score at the end. And if you've read any of his other articles you'd know he's actually a very intelligent individual. Jim doesn't write reviews just to confirm your opinions, he writes them based on his own because he loves playing videogames.

xflo3604363d ago

OR... You ARE jim!!!!!! Dun dun dun!

Solid_Snake374362d ago

hmmm you surely are defending him like you know him personally... OR... *gasp* You ARE jim!!!!! Dun dun dun!

VictoriousB134362d ago

Yikes, I need a distraction. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty.


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Resistance: Burning Skies Pitch Presentation Leaked, Was Originally Resistance: Homefront

Resistance: Burning Skies was pitched on October 19, 2009 as Resistance: Homefront, 2.5 years before it was released on the PS Vita.

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Espangerish1027d ago

Game was a wasted opportunity on the Vita. Really disappointing release that stank of a rough rush job.

SullysCigar1027d ago

Especially compared to the awesome Killzone Mercenary.

AnotherProGamer1026d ago

I never understood how Nihilistic Software got so much work, they were allowed to make Resistence and Call of Duty on Vita when their track record is terrible. was their really no talented devs they could find

Blank1027d ago

Crazy to think this dev team also failed with COD. I think that unproven team bit off more than what they could chew. In a parallel universe they could’ve been the next big thing by this point if they had only tried to be creative with these major game licenses.

Ratchet751027d ago

If bend studio wasn't busy working on uncharted vita, they would probably have been the best studio to work on that project.

Rimeskeem1027d ago

Makes me wonder if Bend could make a new Resistance, especially if they aren't doing Days Gone 2.

LucasRuinedChildhood1027d ago (Edited 1027d ago )

The question is, how do make a good sequel to a series where all of the games are all actually quite a bit different from one another?

R1 had much more horror and the chimera were tougher, R2 was obsessed with scale and had so many enemies on screen (the Chicago Battle was amazing), and R3 felt smaller (the scale of the battles was only big towards the end) and less scary than the others and it took some inspiration from Half Life 2. R3 had the best shooting mechanics by far though and it was cool that they brought back the weapon wheel.

I would like them to try balance the horror of R1, the scale of R2 and shooting mechanics more like R3, of course with all the crazy upgradeable weapons, but that seems like a tough task. The only way they they could really continue the story is if they sort of ignore Resistance 3's ending and we see the Chimera that Dedalus talked about.

Extermin8or3_1026d ago

a sequel of sorts to osp's resistance retribution would be awesome

SullysCigar1027d ago

Loved Uncharted Golden Abyss, more for it's inventiveness than anything else. Using the motion controls to fine tune aiming down scope was bordering on genius and worked beautifully.

spicelicka1027d ago

Damn read Resistance and got excited for a moment

Yobo51027d ago

When are we getting a new resistance for PS5??

Extermin8or3_1026d ago

I don't know but I hope we do get one....


A Look at How Well the Vita Works as a Portable PS3

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "As the Vita provides a brilliant portable legacy experience for Sony’s other two home consoles (PS1 and PS2), I decided to focus this article on the next in line – the PlayStation 3. Unlike its predecessors, the PS3 far outpaces Vita in terms of power, on top of being built on an extremely unique architecture which meant porting between the two wasn’t as straightforward as it could have been. Still, thanks to engine compatibility and some brilliant efforts from developers, the two consoles shared numerous pieces of software and, where this wasn’t possible, others sought to provide bespoke experiences instead. Altogether this means that the Vita does a pretty good job at providing a portable PS3 experience."

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FallenAngel19842026d ago

“Sony may have advertised Vita as ‘console quality on the go’, which irritated many buyers due to games with reduced framerates and graphical elements being released“

Why would some people complain about that then but praise the Switch now for doing the same thing?

“The PS3 might not be remembered as Sony’s finest hour in gaming”

I and many others see PS3 as Sony’s best console

Neonridr2026d ago (Edited 2026d ago )

The Switch still offers the same game though. Sure in docked mode the game may have run at a higher resolution or framerate, but the game was still the same in terms of content. Most Vita games were altered from any console equivalents (unless they were smaller indie titles). Look at Call of Duty for example, which made a horrible transition and this was a game that they bundled with the Vita and tried to promote. That's not to say there weren't some great titles on Vita though. Killzone and Uncharted were great and closely mirrored the console games while offering a new story.

Razmiran2025d ago

I remember the early fps hype on the vita was murdered after a few botch jobs (Borderlands, Call of duty, Resistance) which helped put some nails on the "Portable triple A" coffin
Killzone Mercenary was awesome tho

EddieNX 2025d ago

The Switch is doing a much better job of delivering on that premise perhaps?

InKnight7s2025d ago

Because Switch is much larger device + a gen years later device, and despite of that the gap isn't that much.

Bruh2025d ago

The PS3 was the most revolutionary console of its time, Blu Ray, built in WiFi, bluetooth for its accessories, the Cell

It was a multi-media powerhouse

SierraGuy2025d ago

Same ... anyone who disagrees is confused.

@neon...you bring up COD at least that game made it to Vita. We still have yet to see it on Switch I might remind you.

When developers are asked if COD would make it to Switch...they laugh... because it's funny.

Neonridr2024d ago

but look at Doom and Wolfenstein 2 for example. Those games are identical. Sure some sacrifices to resolution or framerate had to be made, but it's still the same game. That was my point. No larger studio games made the transition over to the Vita and remained the same, they were usually stripped down versions much like Wii versions of games compared to the 360/PS3 at the time.

Razmiran2024d ago

That pitiful CoD game on vita was pure trash, you cant even use it as an "At least"

TekoIie2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )

"Why would some people complain about that then but praise the Switch now for doing the same thing?"

Because the Vita never delivered whereas the Switch delivered day 1. BotW was easily big budget AAA console quality and seeing as it won GOTY it's clear that it succeeded. If we look back at the Vitas initial games from Sony like Uncharted they felt like discount versions of the prior releases in the franchise. BotW stands alongside the top releases in it's franchise. There's a clear difference there.

The Switch is doing the same thing but succeeding. That's why it gets a pass. There were a few gems on the Vita but they were so few and far between that they couldn't be impactful and help the system grow.

TekoIie2024d ago (Edited 2024d ago )


Then refute what I wrote. List all the games that are comparable to a big budget AAA game that would release on the PS3 and how they helped the Vita sell.

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WhyWai882025d ago

I heard comment that the unused port on Vita was originally planned for Vita TV function.
But Sony decided to take it out and release a separated failed Vita TV...

Aww... Vita could have been the Switch, but Sony got greedy and worried Vita will capitalize on PS4 market...


A Look at All of the First-Person Shooters Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright "Despite being the first handheld console with dual-analogue controls and claims to offer console-quality experiences on the go, the Vita has an embarrassingly bad library of FPS titles for fans of the genre. With that said, it still houses arguably the best portable shooter ever made in Killzone Mercenary, as well as a wonky port of one of the more recent genre greats in Borderlands 2, providing just enough to satisfy gamers - although plenty more is available through its backwards-compatible library".

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