
Outrage expressed over planned change to Mass Effect 3 ending

There's an old addage that states "You can't please everyone." BioWare, the acclaimed video game studio behind Mass Effect 3, is finding this out as gamers and non-gamers alike are speaking out against the developer's descision to change the game's ending via downloadable content due out this Summer.

Nate-Dog4417d ago

A quote from one university student counts as "outrage"? The ending isn't being changed anyway, they're just adding on to it.

deep_fried_bum_cake4417d ago

OUTRAGE!!! Yeah it's a silly article.

da_2pacalypse4416d ago

I kind of agree with the university student. I don't think they can simply fix the problems in the ending with an "extended cut". There are things that are fundamentally wrong that can't just be fixed with a tacked on addition. There is virtually no change in either of the three ending choices you are given.

In addition, why are we only given three choices in the first place? Casey Hudson clearly said in an interview before the game was launched that the ending would not consist of "an A B C choice". Whether you liked the ending or not, that was exactly what it was, and so they clearly lied (and it wasn't unintentional).


In my opinion, the fact that we're not even given the chance to talk with the "ghost child" is just a big smack in the face. No questions, no nothing. Why can't we at least argue with the kid, and say "hey, i got the geth and quarians to finally cooperate, we don't need to continue with this cycle"

In all reality though, I think the explanation for why the cycle is there in the first place is kind of stupid. But perhaps that wouldn't stick out so much if there wasn't so many problems with the way the game ended.

mistajeff4416d ago


^^ it's because the explanation of the reason for the cycles is bullshit to begin with, it's all in shepard's head and the explanation is just harbinger trying to trick shepard. it's a clever ending in its own right, the problem is that it doesn't actually wrap anything up or resolve the central conflict of the series. what i'm worried about is how EA is going to try to milk the franchise going forward, since the reaper war isn't actually over. but i could see bioware using the end choice in a clever way for their next ME game.. if you chose green or blue and became indoctrinated, what if shepard becomes a main antagonist in the next game? what if you got the ending where shepard wakes up, and he/she could be an NPC with appearance and behavior based on your save data? what i don't want is to see the conflict dragged out across a ton of games and have real answers withheld for so long that the fan base will stop caring and move on before anything is actually resolved.

Gaming1014416d ago

Have you not heard the constant griping of infantile man-children on the internet whining about the ending for months now? It's everywhere, not just limited to what was mentioned in the article. Yes there is outrage, and yes the people with infantile mentalities in the article were also outraged. Look up the meaning of words before commenting.

ShinMaster4416d ago

The movement and shooting mechanics are sluggish.
The RPG elements are lacking.
The animations are decent.

All there's left is the graphics and story. But even the story in Mass Effect 3 seems to be struggling.

ME1 was the best one.

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lord_of_balrogs4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

It was so easy to create an ending to Mass Effect 3, I don't know how they screwed it up.

Paragon option high EMS: destroy the reapers, Shep lives, hug your romance, earth is saved, see a series of epilogue cutscenes from your actions throughout the series.

Paragon option low EMS: destroy the reapers, Shep dies, romance option goes to your funeral, earth blows up, see a series of epilogue cutscenes from your actions throughout the series.

Renegade option high EMS: control the reapers, humans now control all of the galaxy due to controlling the reapers and they subjugate all aliens, Shep lives, alien romance dumps you for this betrayal, human romance is okay with it, earth is saved, see a series of epilogue cutscenes from your actions throughout the series.


oh and destroying the mass relays was stupid, how will sequels happen without the mass relays?

Lyle914417d ago

Galactic society's need to travel vast distances leads them to making their own Mass Relay technology.

Blacktric4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

At least now the stupid Asari Matriarchs will listen to Aetheyta s suggestions about creating their own Mass Relays instead of laughing the blue off their asses at her like she said. Hell, maybe Shepard can find a memory shard from Protheans that details the construction of the Conduit from the first Mass Effect. BTW; the sequels CAN happen since Mass Relays were just an easy way to travel between star clusters. Since most of the ships have FTL drives, they can use them to reach certain clusters in a matter of months or years.

Pillville4417d ago

Assuming the Indoctrination Theory is true, nothing at the Citadel at the end actually happened. It was all a "dream".

The only reason I hope the Indoctrination Theory is true is so that they can "undo" the plot holes and bad choices.

There's no star child
Citadel not destroyed
Illusive man is not dead
Mass Relays are not destroyed
Reapers not destroyed/controlled/synthesiz ed
Shepard is still in London, Reapers still attacking, crucible still might work, squad still alive, etc.., etc...

mistajeff4416d ago

the indoctrination theory is the only possible explanation that makes sense. to be honest, i don't even see how the current ending could've gotten approved unless the indoctrination theory were true.

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wicko4417d ago

Glad I didn't give them any clicks - hurray for comments.

deep_fried_bum_cake4417d ago

That's the best way to go about it.

DeadlyFire4417d ago

I still have not read anything about a changed ending. I have read that we will actually see some extra cutscenes/clips + likely text boxes explaining bits that are missing.

BlackPrince 424416d ago

Next comes the outrage over the outrage by the people who were outraged by the original ending in the first place.

Bioware should not have responded in anyway. Once they started feeding the trolls by being accomodating they prolonged this nonsense further.

Had they kept mum everyone would have forgotten this in a few months.

salinidus4416d ago

hey peoples if you wanna know whats going on in the gaming world and laugh so hard you might have a bowel movement then head on over to our channel at 2andahalfgamerz1 we do gaming news, reviews, and random stuff so rate, comment, and subscribe

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VanillaBear4417d ago

Sorry but what idiot wouldn't want them to clear up the plothole filled mess that we have to call the ending to a great trilogy.

Theres just trying to make sense to the ending we currently have.....although I will admit if over time we find out they aren't using the indoctrination theory then I will be p*ssed off since theres no way you can explain all the plotholes in the ending.....theres just to many, plus they havent denied that theory yet.

I'am still a little dissapointed it won't come in the form of gameplay like one last level/boss AND THEN the ending cutscene but this is better then nothing.

Nimblest-Assassin4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

no... the outrage is from people who want a completely new ending rather than the extended cut.

Mass Effect "fans" are becoming annoying now. It was a bad ending, they want to explain it... WHY DON'T YOU LET THEM? It won't cost you anything, they did not have to do it.

No... they want some completely new ending, rather than letting Bioware clarify theirs.

They are doing it for free, let them do it, and then judge. Getting mad over them wanting to help the fans and adress their concerns is idiotic.

The people who want the ending changed are not entitled.... no, they just do not understand that life is filled with disappointments. You move on... you don't whine and complain that something does not meet your liking. It will happen a lot in life.

I actually feel sorry for those people who are "outraged" over the ending. They just can not accept disappointment



I love Mass Effect, and sure the ending sucked. Im annoyed by the fact that Bioware wants to address these issues, and people refuse to listen or even give them the benifit of the doubt, it is always change the ending or GTFO...

Thats why I say, get over it. If this is how they want to approach the issue, give them a chance, and see how it goes, rather than complain that once again life is filled with disappointments.

VanillaBear4417d ago

Look the people who wanted the ending changed at the beginging are right and are entitled because there the ones who made got Bioware were they are today and made ME popular. If the ending is full of plotholes which goes against the rest of the game which is well written then yeah...theres something wrong.

I could go on but all of this has been said before.

We get it though, you don't care about the ending and if you don't care why get upset over people who wanted the ending changed in the first place.

Nimblest-Assassin4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

Do they deserve it though? Do you think George Lucas knew that Star Wars would explode to the lengths it has today?

No... I chose to keep watching Star Wars and playing Mass effect. Those people owe me nothing. I kept paying for their product because I chose to.

Why do you think Lucas keeps tweaking the films? He wants his own personal satisfaction in the movies he created. He does not care for the fan backlash. He never asked for millions of fans to obsess over his work. We chose to...

Fans annoy me because they laugh at artistic integrity. They think conforming to the people who pay for your product is the right thing. For artists, it is painful to do, because they feel like they would be cheating themselves.

Why do you think they refuse to change the ending? Because if they do, it hurts them on that scale, because the work 'they' wanted to do is squandered, due to what other people want you to do.

If you had a dream, and you wanted to do this so badly, but everyone else laughed at you and forced you to do something else, don't you think you would be disappointed with yourself.

If this is how they wanted Mass Effect to end, this is how they wanted Mass Effect to end. If thats how George Lucas wants Star Wars to be, thats how he wants it to be.

We choose to try these things, we chose to like them and continue to buy their products. They do not owe us anything. Bioware does not tell people to dress up and cosplay as their characters. These people choose to do so.

We took the blue pill, we saw how deep the rabbit hole goes. We did not like what we found, this is expected in life.

Its a labour of love for these people, we decided to go along for the ride.

I too can go on and on about how that integrity is important, but it will fall on deaf ears. I expect disagrees, but I really do not care.

We made these choices, we need to accept them. Thats how life goes.

All these people who complain for refunds, a new ending, etc, etc should not act like this. We should understand that Bioware did not tell us to love their product, we choose what we like, and do not like.

Im tired of complaining. I will wait for this extended cut, but this is the last time I will return to the Bioware Social Network, or talk about the ending. Im done

antz11044417d ago

@ Vanilla,

People aren't entitled to anything unless you're royalty, lol.

People are going to find a way to b%tch about anything. While not the best ending, I need to look at it like I got sixty awesome hours (so far) out of a game with an ok ending. There are far worse games out there. Admittedly I was disappointed I didn't get to dropkick Harbinger into the next galaxy though.

upallnightgamer4416d ago

Well-spoken, sir. I'm waiting to see what this Extended Cut will include. I can even look past the fact that they destroyed the Mass Relay network, since Patrick Weekes said they weren't necessary for interstellar travel. They were just a convenience. BioWare is finding themselves in a damned if you do, damned if you don't sitch.

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sly-Famous4417d ago

"Sorry but what idiot wouldn't want them to clear up the plothole filled mess that we have to call the ending to a great trilogy."

The idiot that will have to pay a fee for it.

Nimblest-Assassin4416d ago

you have a problem with free?

upallnightgamer4416d ago

Did you just ignore the fact that it's FREE?!!! As in "WILL NOT COST YOU ONE RED CENT"?

SageHonor4417d ago

Misleading title. Not surprised. Not worth a look. Pathetic article. I guess its that " slow time " of the month

RXL4417d ago

better than "that time of the month" if you ask me..

*continues hiding from girlfriend*

dredgewalker4417d ago

better than "jail time" if you ask me....

*continues hiding from the cops*

IIC0mPLeXII4417d ago

Simply put if they are angry about an ending change they aren't real fans of the series.

Hicken4417d ago

Lots of non real fans out there, then. Not saying I'm one of em, though.

Bimkoblerutso4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

Don't be ridiculous. I think many of us just think it sets a poor precedent in the industry, especially when the topic of whether or not games should be considered art comes up. Community influence is never conducive to artistic integrity....ever.

Luckily, they're not really changing it.

Qazdaz4417d ago

It sets a much worse precedent if they don't change it. The ending was piss poor. A 10 year old could have wrote better. If that's the standard for storytelling in gaming then games will never be considered art.

aliengmr4417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

Maybe it will, and next time a developer decides to make a story driven trilogy like Mass Effect, they'll plan for the ending from the very beginning of production instead of waiting till the last minute.

Maybe they consider the quality of the ending before tacking on an incoherent mess and calling it an ending. Then just assume the fans should happy they're allowed to buy the game in the first place.

I hope it sets a precedent. Think twice before handing garbage to your customers and telling them its gold.

Anon19744417d ago (Edited 4417d ago )

I said this exact thing would happen. Let's face it. There was a group that wanted to hate Mass Effect way before it even launched. They moaned about changes in Mass Effect 2. They called for a boycott when the game went multiplatform. They lost their damn minds when it dared offer day one DLC, they freaked when the ending wasn't all things to all players. Face it. They'll be pissed no matter what Bioware does.

And isn't it the journey, not the destination? If you can play a game, but a hundred hours into it and enjoy it every step of the way and then lose your mind when it doesn't exactly stick the landing - why are you even gaming? I've played so many great games with shite endings I've lost count over the years - but I still look back fondly on a number of those titles because playing them was damn entertaining, even if the ending let me down.

And what of the fans and critics that had no issue with the endings? It's funny to me that those pissed off by the endings are so self absorbed, so unbelievably arrogant that they thing their will should be forced on everyone. Thankfully Bioware isn't having any of it. I think the extended cut could patch up some plot holes, but I love they aren't changing the ending - and why should they? It's their creation.

Don't like it, tough. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to play, or to support their future products. If you think you can do better, prove it. Make your own damn game. Feel free to share your opinion, but don't for a second think your can ram your opinion down everyone else's throats. Nor do you have the write to threaten individual Bioware employees or their families - like we've seen done here. Games aren't made by corporations. They're made by people. Talented writers, artists, coders, etc - and the people who love and support them. And I can't get over how quickly these little shits turn on those people who gave them so much gaming joy just like that. It's despicable. Didn't like the ending? Complain and move on. Stop trying to punish these people and their families because your daddy didn't give you enough hugs.

Bravo, Bioware, for even trying to placate these people, but more so for leaving your ending intact.

TekoIie4417d ago

I too am giving bubbles.

I liked the ending because it leaves the story open to speculation. I wanted a "sacrifice yourself" ending and I got something similar. I think that if fans dictated the ending to games/movies entertainment wouldn't be the same.

upallnightgamer4416d ago

And one that didn't have to happen. They could've just left it alone.

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Megaton4417d ago

The ending isn't being changed, so whoever is "outraged" needs to pay more attention to what's going on.

SactoGamer4417d ago

The feeling with these folks is, apparently, that even adding onto the ending is the same as changing it.

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BioWare Could be Working on More than Just Dragon Age Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4

Earlier this year, BioWare was hit with layoffs as part of a downsizing of parent company Electronic Arts, but fans have been reassured that the next Mass Effect game hasn’t been impacted. Likewise, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s development is still churning along, with BioWare putting it at the forefront of its focus and rumors suggesting that it could launch sometime later this year. Fans might be getting another look at the long-in-development Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest in June.

If the recently posted job offering for a temporary development manager is any indication, BioWare could have yet another surprise up its sleeve for when Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are nearing completion. This mystery BioWare video game could truly be anything, from another spin-off of its two major properties to something entirely new. All there is to go on at the moment is a vague mention in the job posting, and it might still be some time before BioWare is ready to confirm any new games in its pipeline.

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just_looken42d ago

So a studio that spent years on anthem then this dragon age thing is now also working on another ip along with mass effect,

You think they would be worried that there brand has been on 3 major screw ups

Dragon age 3 launched broken with the frostbite engine yes its a good game but you can see in the late game how rough it was


Mass effect 4 well that dev team was fired so yeah.....

They should make sure this new dragon age is a goat instead of putting more work on the table

bababooiy41d ago

Bioware today is like 150 poeple i dont see how they are seemingly working on all these projects at the same time.

Michiel198941d ago

Inquisition wasn't broken, it just had some flaws and on the contrary it also had some strengths. If you call inquisition a major screw up then idk what to say.

That said with what happened to the study since then and now, I'm not really confident that their next game will be any good.

just_looken41d ago

If you played it fully to get plat like me back in its novemeber launch window you had that castle with empty area's endgame missions not there or working and a mp that was made around loot box grind like the mass effect mp.

Its hard to explain to those that played it years later after they tossed out the dlc/patch's

Michiel198941d ago

entitled much? I played it at launch too. Why you even platted it if it was a "major screw up"?
It was good enough for you to sink 100 hours in but also a complete fuckup at the same time, make up your mind.
So either you like shitty games or you're just talking out of your ass.

RaidenBlack41d ago

Well just wanna say, Archetype Entertainment is the new BioWare, composed of mainly ex-BioWare vets.
And they're developing Exodus (starring Matthew McConaughey), a new sci-fi RPG (spiritual successor to Mass Effect, dare I say?)

CantThinkOfAUsername41d ago

I hope it's a single player game with Anthem's gameplay mechanics.

Becuzisaid41d ago

They're owned by EA. What makes you think that they wouldn't publish for PS5? Shoot, if your fridge could connect to your bank account EA would try to release it for that if they could!

Double_O_Revan42d ago

How about they focus on those games and not over extend themselves? We don't need another Anthem.

Becuzisaid41d ago

Bioware died after Inquisition (some would even argue after ME3). They are no longer the same company.

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Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

Based on one narratively fitting ending in Mass Effect 3, Prothean squadmate Javik is highly unlikely to return in the next Mass Effect game.

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anast69d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Mass Effect Writer Reveals Why He Left BioWare

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