
His Hair is Brown – Get Over It: In Defense of DmC

GP: "Ninja Theory just can't seem to catch a break. After a series of solid but quiet releases they at long last got a hold of an awesome franchise like Devil May Cry. They went ahead to give it a whole new story and look, adding an interesting string of action scenes, fighting mechanics, and a rather intriguing and visceral combat set up that appears to makes it completely fresh and interesting.

Then they put out a trailer replete with their re-imagining of Dante and the cool gameplay. And what do they get for their efforts? Hatred! Scorn! Ridicule! And why is this? The gameplay? The story? The overall development? Nope, nope, and nope. It was the hair. The hair? Yes, the hair."

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gnvr4513d ago

Lol its so much more. what a stupid article. the gameplay is slow, the environments dont suit devil may cry style the gameplay has become the main thing about devil may cry games, and yes Dante looks like a bag of shit. if you do your research you will find out that no it is not dante's origin anymore its a parallel universe?? wtf. Also why did they turn his hair all whie in devil trigger? what was the point of changing his hair and look if your oing to do that? they add angels and demons?

WhiteLightning4513d ago

"Lol its so much more"

Thats what I don't get

People who aren't big fans of DMC or havent played them yet defend it keep saying "Your complaining because his hair is a differen't colour.....wow"

IT'S NOT JUST THAT....It's only ONE, just ONE of the many problems with this game, the developers and even the Capcom themselfs

Baka-akaB4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

That's because making it 100% about the look is the only valid argument they got to counter expressed concerns over the gameplay , the graphic engine and it's framerate , the abuse of bright saturated colors to mask flaws , the animations of the game etc .

It's not even worth replying to that kind of moron .

They dont usually even care to begin with , if the game fails they'll shrug it off as some misguided campaign against an excellent underrated "gem" .

And if the game sells well , they'll pretend old fans were irrelevant and ok to ignore anyway . Wich is unlikely

There will be also the third path , where the game sells but hardly as much as hoped , and some will pretend its ok , despite the whole fuss , goal and PR machine behind it .

solideagle14512d ago

the obvious problem is gameplay. i saw it and dante was slashing demons in air totally in air. demons should be able to damage him in air or he should not be in air that much long.

It is not TEKKEN it is DMC.


Captain Qwark 94512d ago

sorry dude but i am a big fan of dmc and i dont care at all what their doing, in fact i like what ive seen.

personally i think the franchise needs some new blood. and as much as i love old school dante and think this new one looks like a fag, the gameplay looks fantastic. it has just enough of the old and new to feel fresh again and the level design in the trailers i have seen look great.

you so called "big fans" need to stop getting so upset, sometimes things get changed, sometimes its for the better and sometimes its not. stop judging from videos that the "the gameplay is slow, the environments dont suit devil may cry style the gameplay" becuase you really dont f*cking know, and claiming things such as that just shows how ignorant and close minded fanboys can be. when the game is out and you have played it, and you still feel the same, fine, until then, take a chil pill, relax and hope for the best.

Baka-akaB4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

Nothing entirely with changes and trying new things . Key word would be new things , not getting rid of a rather rare breed of hack and slash games (between the original dmc and now there is what ? Bayonetta ) , to replace it with an already existing flavor that doesnt truly bring new mechanics and focus .

I did wanted a new take on DMC that would try exploring other gameplay aspects . Like , farfetched example asides ... getting an open world or using the already existing and perfect cast for coop and competitive mods .

I never said anything about every DMC fans agreeing with me/us . Of course some will and already like the changes here . I dont .

The only anger issue i have here , is people constantly assuming it's "about teh hairz and emo dante" instead of having an actual argument like YOU do . Trust me guys like you are the minority seens so far , especially in the medias and sensationalist blogs .

PS :

And sorry if i'll sound so flippant to you . But i havent seen settling down for a drastic reboot working out well for many franchise (the only one i could think of would be Castlevania LOS , wich quickly reassured me many months before playable , and chaperonned by a mega guest star)

Accepting it usually led to the new take obliterating and replacing the older one .

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4512d ago
fei-hung4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

Problem is, Crapcom don't know what they are doing, NT don't know what they are doing and the new Dante sure as hell don't know who he is and what he is doing. How can anyone have faith in a game where the publisher is clueless, the developer is clueless and the lead character is clueless?!


1) NT are not known for having great technical combat mechanics in their game.
2) DMC trademark is its quality technical combat mechanics!
3) DMC is all about Dante the character. He is what sells the game, he is the face of Devil May Cry. A DMC without the original Dante is like a Mario game without Mario or Mario who is a buffed up steroid Junky mercenary. It just don't work!
4) DMC has its own theme - gothic horror and metal. The new DMC has its own theme which is nothing like the original.
5) DMC has its own history and the new DMC has completely re-written it discarding everything what made the original great.

Now by no means am I saying NT or Crapcom should not make a DMC game, I am all for it. However, if you take everything which made a game great and you discard it, it is no longer the same product, it is something new entirely and in which case, why not call it Angels and Demons Will Cry?

As an example for those who do not understand let me put it in simpler context:

If I mixed water with orange juice, add sugar and chillies with a splash of caramel and call it Coca Cola, you would call me a liar.

If Coca Cola mixed water with orange juice and sugar and chillies and a splash of caramel and called it Coca Cola, you may sue them for false advertisement.

So why in the world can Crapcom and NT take away the ingredients which made DMC what it is and change them completely and call it the same?!

Lannient4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

People are ignoring the principle of the situation, this change being made is a SELFISH and unessasary one. Fans prefer old dante/nero style period. You know, the people that have been buying the franchise for years? Looks and style are a big part of the franchise wether people jumping to ninja theroys defense want to acknowlage this or not. Gameplay is important, but character design is ALSO important. People have grown to love dantes/neros style and swagger.If you are going to change the character, change the title with it, or just make it a new IP all together.

EXAMPLE: Super mario franchise, ok so they completely change the look mario hair body eyes everything voice, but still call it mario, mario fans end up disliking this and you people are telling me this is ok? Changes in clothing fine, but the overall looks, there face, hair color eye color needs to be the same. These things are important.

EXAMPLE: They completely change solid snake. This is ok?

EXAMPLE: They change super man, they change spider man, ANYTHING, think about it, but this is ok? They change Kratos, they change master chief, they change donkey kong, ANYTHING. But this is just ok? If fans like the change I can understand but they don't. This is evident, a minority settles for the changes made.

These characters have established a name, there isn't really much more I can say to you people defending this. Its bullshit period.

DeadIIIRed4512d ago

To be honest this sounds like what the James Bond series goes through every time a new actor is announced. Roger Moore's Bond was too goofy, smoked cigars, and drank bourbon. Timothy Dalton's Bond wasn't charming enough. Pierce Brosnan was too Irish.

New directions are a great way to pump life in a stagnant product or to kill it off.

thaking1554512d ago

I agree @ GNVR

Change is good. But Rebooting the game where he is half demon and angel and changing the backstory altogether... What kind of change are you talking about because instead of Capcom/NT moving forward with the story they are going back and jacking up the origin.

You can't sit there and tell me that you are okay with them going back even further and making up that his mom is NOW half Angel and that him and Virgil (if he is even in the game still) have both mixes (Angel and Demon)in them. That takes away from the story and that's what takes away from the other titles that made the series special. Not because of the Color of his hair.

And don't get me started about the terrible looking game play and how they are copying and pasting elements from different games and the slow choppy game play. Go to Youtube and look at Devil May Cry 3 gameplay and you get back to me about why people are mad.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4512d ago
Majin-vegeta4513d ago

Sorry that retarded emo edward does not deserve the name DANTE.

We want him.

Not this retarded edward clone.

LettingGo4512d ago

Retarded emo Dante, huh? How old are you? That's the most ignorant phrasing I've read in a long time.

cyguration4512d ago

Bubbles....oh, if only I could give you even more bubbles....

Edward the retarded rapist: don't sleep on your tummy little Timmy, you might wake up with a sore butt.

Pozzle4513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

It's not just the character design that it pissing fans off, and it's annoying that there are so many people who think Dante's hair color is the ONLY problem fans have with the reboot.

With that being said, character design IS an important factor when it comes to character recognition and aesthetic. So pretending that changing a character is no big deal is also silly. Could you imagine if a new developer took Mario and turned him into a blonde with a checkered work shirt? Or took Lara Croft and made her into a redhead with a yellow sundress (yes, she has been rebooted but the new designers at least respected her original design and didn't make her COMPLETELY different).

It might seem petty but one of the things that bugs me is that the new Dante smokes, even though the original designer said he deliberately made Dante a non-smoker because he didn't want to promote the idea that smoking=cool and he didn't think Dante would be the type of guy who smokes anyway. He also deliberately made Dante loud, colorful and brash because he was tired of so many Japanese heroes being dark, quiet and broody.

So the new designer has basically spit in the original designer's face by turning Dante into a smoker, a brooder and a guy who wears dark clothing. Y'know...everything the original designer DIDN'T want Dante to be. FFS if you're going to ignore the original designer's wishes, why not just make a brand new character then?!

Hell, the guy behind the project (Taemin) has flat-out said he thought the original series was ridiculous and wanted to create a Dante who would be "taken seriously" if he was a real life person. So it's easy to see why fans would be pissed off by this. Why should fans respect a developer who has done nothing but insult the original developers and blame gamers for their previous games not meeting sales expectations.

Baka-akaB4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

"if you're going to ignore the original designer's wishes, why not just make a brand new character then"

Easy , they can't seem to sell enough of a game without now borrowing an existing ip's aura and fame . That's kinda the only thing they hadnt tried yet (and frickin' adding a decent gameplay , wich should be the priority ) .

LettingGo4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

They went with the original design, but Capcom told them to change it. Great points, other than that.

Baka-akaB4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

That's a fallacious excuse . They were told to change it . But some capcom exec wasnt holding the pen during the design .

They were most likely just given a vague new direction directive by Capcom and came up with that on their own . Of course Capcom did accept it in turns

Tainted Gene4512d ago

@ pozzle,

"mario with blonde hair..."

Never mind the checkered shirt, the hair alone would set the whole gaming community and internet on fire.

Could you imagine, Miyamoto states in a press release that "Mario from now on will have BLONDE HAIR". Talk about killing an IP in one-fell-stroke.

StifflerK4512d ago

Yes, the game looks different, very much so.
But that doesn't mean it'll be bad.
Look at Resident Evil 4 for example.

I understand where all the hate comes from, but I think the new dev's deserve a chance to prove themselves.
Shouldn't we reserve judgement until we've actually played the game???

That and I'm pretty sure it was Capcom who wanted major changes to be made with their new design mandate...


I'm guessing this dramatic change is due to Bayonetta - which was made by the original designer of DMC.

Bayonetta - has the same design template as the old DMC games , + improvements.

More so then that - it's a parody.

Compared with DMC 4
- Bayonetta is the female equiv of Nero ( part OTT showboater / part sensitive),
Jeanette is Dante ,
The bad guy + final boss are very similar ,
Who gets absorbed into it and why???
Who saves that person????
DMC 4 had angelic demons , Bayonetta has demonic angels.

As much as I liked the old style of DMC game , I feel like it had to change, in order to compete.
If it stayed the same it would've stayed in Bayonetta's shadow.

What I've seen of DMC 5 so far looks decent , and I for one hope it turns out to be a great game.

4512d ago
Pozzle4512d ago

"I think it's odd the way people can criticize the game play without having played the game.....

It's as if some people have already made their mind up about the game and are determined to hate it no matter what."

What's wrong with that though I mean, the average person isn't going to play a game they don't like the look of. Just like they aren't going to watch a movie or read a book they don't like the look of.

4512d ago
Baka-akaB4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

It's sheer hypocrisy to pretend we cant when it suits us judge gameplay elements from trailers . We only can when it's positive suddenly ?

We all do to some extend .
There are clear elements that you can already judge as you wish . Some from their previous work , some already at odds with the previous games . How the engine run , the apparent pacing of the game , the look and feels of the combos and attacks .

Did i suddenly imagine that weird awkward platforming sequence they are already used to , and wanna pretend it wont be there ?

Plenty elements are already from their existing games , wich are fine , just not necessarily what we all need to see plastered into another franchise

Things may or may not change at release , but it is something you still currently can have an opinion upon , and most likely representative enough of the product .

Let's not play the "you havent played it yet , wait" angle , especially not only when it's convenient .

Instead of actually arguing about it normally as some do here , some individuals wanna sidetrack and go back to Hair or use the magical "welcome changes" , as if this was the only change possible , and either that or wanting to be stuck with dmc 1-3 re-remix.

cyguration4512d ago (Edited 4512d ago )

Bad example of RE4...that's called evolution. Leon actually looked like a higher-poly count of his RE2 self. Also, the gameplay and atmosphere in RE4 was basically the same as previous games, so that was a bad example. Not to mention, just about everyone loved RE4...not so much with RE5 and that's because it was identical to RE4, predictible and lacked anything new.

This new DMC is not evolution. It just looks like an easier version of the other DMC games. I've never been a fan of DMC because it was just ridiculous but how on Earth am I supposed to take a emo, borderline homosexual tough guy serious? It just doesn't make sense character wise.

As a non-fan of the series this newest iteration would not make me want to pay $60 to play the game. The environment and art design looks phenomenal but Dante is the kind of emo kid I would probably punch in the face in real life (I really do hate brooding, arrogant, destructive, self-centered emo kids, I really do)

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koehler834512d ago

His hair is indeed brown.

I notice that in the most recent media, his eyes are no longer shaded black. Maybe it's just the mugshot that shows evidence of a recent facial smackdown.

LettingGo4512d ago

I'm a huge DMC fan. I think they're doing a fine job with this. The series is already becoming a bit strange, as far as story is concerned. I don't mind the new look. What do you guys care if he has a new hair color and different clothes? Are you all gay for Dante now? It makes no sense.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC17d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC17d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos16d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga16d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer17d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60217d ago (Edited 17d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya17d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde17d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP16d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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