
Infinity Ward Recycles Buildings on MW3 Straight From Cod4

Finallevel: After a little gameplay on the new call of duty modern warfare 3 I discover that not everything in this game has been made from scratch, is this how Activision make it so easy to pump out a new game every single year?

Whilst I don’t think it’s a bad thing to do this in a game I found it quite humorous that they would make it just so obvious.

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JellyJelly4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

For shame, Activision.

nveenio4558d ago

It's all about the Benjamins, baby. (Or whoever is on the $60 bill.)

killcycle4558d ago

quoue today for mw3 was so long, milk milk milk

hakis864558d ago

HONESTLY, what did you expect? They've recycled maps before, this time at least it's only buildings (so far???).
Wouldn't surprise me if you have to buy a mappack with a few old levels with new textures.

guitarded774558d ago

Many games reuse resources... while I'm against the DLC milk machine that will come very soon, the reuse of a building model is not a big deal.

bviperz4558d ago

It struck me when I was watching their new game modes trailer that all the maps look familiar. They weren't kidding when they said CoD is now the Madden of online shooters.

Elimin84558d ago

They've been recycling since the first game..... Price "the character" also has been the same since the first CoD... Sadly, it will sell boatloads...

newhumanbreed4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )


I wouldn't say that Price is recycled, but rather just the original Infinity Ward's favorite character. In MW3, I'd say he is recycled and just used for selling a game since the original team is not behind it.

JhawkFootball064558d ago

Infinity Ward needs to step up. I don't want no scrubs.

Joe29114558d ago

And they didn't recycle stuff in BF3?

Heck EA churns out the same crappy sports titles every year!

Kurylo3d4558d ago

eh... no ... no i cant say that bf3 did recycle anything... sorry to put a hole in your argument lol

Trebius4558d ago

BF3 didnt recycle anything moron, they rehauled their whole engine! CoD uses the same engine every year. Do some research little boy.

Heartnet4558d ago


U can still bring over models etc from different Engines lol there probz made in a 3d modelling package to begin with so...

Getowned4558d ago

Battlefield has reycles builings before and we even see the same building used over and over in BC and BC2,BF3.Whats the point of this article ?

Joe29114558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

I only own BF3, I have played it a lot and I run past certain buildings like 'huh, I saw that in BC2 or BC1', guess its just me

.. no need to call me a moron, I wasn't attacking your beloved BF3. Unlike a fanboy, I will be getting both.

Edit: I'm 6'1 so hardly a little boy, I prefere just above national average man. Oh wait, you can't reply.... 1 bubs

Joe29114558d ago

The moment where you post something which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

trancefreak4558d ago

Just got my copy of milk of magnesium 3 and it is explosive.

Scizz4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Everyone always compares BF3 with BC2 and BC. Aren't you suppose to compare it with BF2. That was the good game. That's like comparing MW3 to Black Ops and World at War.

theaceh4558d ago

Why are people surprised? This is Guitar Hero development practices all over again.

Piegoose4558d ago

All COD's are similar. I love WAW and MW2, but all of them are still the same thing.

Raptura4557d ago

MW3 copies from itself. In the third level there's 2 primary civilians:

1) Black Guy - Red Shirt
2) White Guy - Blue/White Jacket

Anyone else notice this?

BattleAxe4557d ago

Battlefield Bad Company 1 & 2 had the same buildings throughout the entirety of both games. I'd be surprised if they didn't use some of the same buildings in BF3.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4557d ago
Yukicore4558d ago Show
Kurylo3d4558d ago

its called good marketing... besides... what do u care. Does it really make a different that they reused a building model here... or a dumpster model there? I understand they are trying to save money to put out another game cheaper... in what way does that actually hurt u though? If people still think its a good game then more power to em.

seinfan4558d ago

It hurts all gamers. Why? Because when other gaming companies see this formula of success that Activision has adopted, they too are likely to start half-assing their most successful franchises in order to maximize profit. Face it, this is a business, and companies think with their wallet in mind first and foremost.
Here are some examples:
Nintendo plays to the casual crowd with their motion controls and dominate in sales. MS and SONY follow suit.
DLC has exploded in recent years. We're now buying incomplete games at launch and have to pay for the extra content that should have been on the disc in the first place (heck, some of the content is already on the disc, but it's LOCKED and you have to PAY TO UNLOCK IT).
The gaming industry is headed to the shitter.

snipes1014558d ago

Wow people are just looking for things to hate. This is just...pathetic.

Not for or against the game but wow people you all act like a bunch of children. It's. One. Building.

Buy y'know what, if you want to be a total idiot and go out, buy this game that you hate, and look for more buildings that match up go for it!

And to people that think that everyone is going to start being lazy because of the way Activision has handled COD; GET REAL. Like any level headed developer would want to be as hated as Activision and it's studios are right now.

Fel084557d ago


No, it's called being greedy and ripping off their costumes. Why charge 60 dollars for a recycled game, with a couple of new extra features?

nanometric4557d ago

Coudn't agree more, bubs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4557d ago
Tanir4558d ago

and people will still buy this 60$ overhyped dlc

qwertyz4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Activision is the epitome of greed...with all the money they made from black ops they couldn't even use a tiny fraction to create new in game assets ?REALLY...PHUCK EM

chazjamie4558d ago

so 8 million people are going to buy a map pack for about $45. sweet, so much fun.

claterz4558d ago

What the HELL have they been doing for the past 2 years?!?!

It amazes me seeing what a studio like ND can do in 2 years, and yet IW, who probably have a ridiculous amount of money to spend on development can only do this in the same amount of time.

To be honest I don't even care if MW3 sells 20million+ but I just hate it that there are so many great games that don't get anywhere near the amount of sales that they deserve.It just doesn't seem fair to those developers that actually put some effort into their work :(

ASTAROTH4558d ago

They dont get the sales and they dont get the RESPECT from the media. Read the MW3 reviews, "same old game but its for the fans" and they rate it 10/10. Meanwhile other games that are different and improve upon the FPS formula are treated disrespectfully by the media just saying: " they try to copy COD but in the ends it fells short" . . . Jesus gaming is really in a bad place thanks to the gaming media.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4557d ago

I know how you feel. But really the way i see Cod players. A lot of them are people who only play Cod and no other game and really just play it to be part of the crowd with their friends since it's whats "IN" nowadays.

-Alpha4558d ago

I remember that back from my childhood lol

mike_d_4558d ago

Nothing in CoD is made from scratch anymore(or was at all).Same reload animations,same death animations,same buildings same everything.

AyeGee4558d ago

Good thing i bought it for $37 bucks.. it's not worth the $60!

da_2pacalypse4558d ago

you sold your soul for a 23 dollar saving.

AyeGee4558d ago

Oh please, i bought BF3 too, if that makes you feel any better.

WittyAdrian4558d ago

So? Soul selling is soul selling dude, whether you do something good or not.

thesummerofgeorge4558d ago

One time, I sold my soul for a donut. Not worth it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4558d ago
Keyop4558d ago

Next thing you'll be telling me is that they re-used the engine code too....

showtimefolks4558d ago

It's amazing people have issues with this yet millions of them have been buying a tweaked version of COD 4 and MW1 every year. Activision is the king of recycled material in their games. You want them to change stop buy COD and now some will reply to say I am hating on cod. You watch or read all the reviews even though the game has been getting 9s, each and every one has complained about MW3 in some aspects

Time for a new engine
Time to evolve gameplay wise
And now single player with action pack moments isn't good enough

activation can do so much more with COD but why should they when they can sell millions of copies of the same game, than on top of that charge extreme prices for their map packs

milohighclub4558d ago

Lol wouldn't be surprised if people got home after buying mw3 to find the mw2 disk in their case...

cyguration4558d ago

That comment deserves bubbles. So, bubs to you, dude.

damnyouretall4558d ago

next cod game i buy will have to be next gen. that will have me interested again, maybe. you know what the biggest joke is in the history of gaming? the sequel to black ops next year. i mean come the fuck on man seriously. everyone knows its commin, and its a joke

stu8884558d ago

in fairness, Dice has that same bridge in most maps set in a built up area. The one where you go up there with the LMG on the second level of the campaign.

stu8884558d ago

but if all overpasses/bridges look like that in iran/iraq fair enough.

Pl4sm44558d ago

bf3 is 10% recycled ... mw3 , 96.9% recycled ... there is a difference bro

iNcRiMiNaTi4558d ago

Yeah but it's reused content from the same game. Not content from 3-4 games ago

Spitfire_Riggz4558d ago

It seems the Modern Warfare Defense team is nowhere to be seen..

*tumbleweed rolls*

GarandShooter4558d ago

No they're not, there probably online playing instead of complaining here, completely unaware, just having fun, those dumb...mother...fudgers...

Oh, wait...

Spitfire_Riggz4558d ago


Really? I was just arguing with some cod kids on another article.. weird that they arent on this one..

tawak4558d ago

he found it, in just day 1...
"call of duty 4 modern warfare version 1.75 - the expansion pack MW3"
(requires COD4 main game to play)

Kaneda4558d ago

hahaha.. the real shame is the old building is actually looking better then the new one.. :)

Taker_1294558d ago

I thought i was the only one who noticed, lol.


MW3 feels a LOT like MW1...

gamingdroid4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

I think next generation we are going to have $80 games, as consumers are demanding more and more. New engine with every game, new assets for everything, better graphics....

Personally, I see no problem with re-using assets. People do it all the time.

@Spitfire_Riggz below:

Who cares if it is "breaking records"? It's a matter of that gamers are increasingly being demanding, which is good and bad.

Good, we *might* get better games.

Bad: The cost of developing these games are very costly and one of the reasons why we get fewer "risky" and "different" games. Another factor is, resources are taken away to create new assets that arguably has somewhat small experience impact compared to bug fixes, production value and so on especially if it is barely noticeable.

Spitfire_Riggz4558d ago

Well maybe if it was from the last game but from COD 4???

Also why should they demand more for their games when they are breaking records for how much money they are making. I see a problem when you are making an incredible amount of money and still using old crap.

Hicken4558d ago

Dude, seriously?

We aren't "demanding" more and more. Improvements are to be expected. Can you name the last series where five games over five years were so similar it was painful?

What comes to my mind: Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero. Both Activision titles. And what happened to them? People got tired of the same things in every game and both series fell off. Why should CoD be different?

I should also mention this has only happened this generation. Prior to this, only sports games were yearly, and since there was no way to upgrade, it was a little more acceptable.

As for your argument about "resources are taken away," that's a given. My question to YOU is: how could you even tell? So many of us are looking at this game and seeing the last few games so easily. Where do YOU see that this game would have suffered to do something new?

Don't talk about cost. Not with Activision. NEVER bring up the cost of development when they're involved. They spend more on marketing than they do developing these games, and with all they money they make off their 20+ million copies AND overpriced DLC, they have more than enough money to not worry about cost. You even bringing that up in reference to a product by Activision is silly.

gamingdroid4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

***We aren't "demanding" more and more. Improvements are to be expected. Can you name the last series where five games over five years were so similar it was painful?***

That is just what the haters blabbering, but obviously gamers aren't sick of it as they are buying it in droves to the point where they are lining up outside stores to get their hands on it asap!

***As for your argument about "resources are taken away," that's a given. My question to YOU is: how could you even tell? So many of us are looking at this game and seeing the last few games so easily. Where do YOU see that this game would have suffered to do something new? ***

If it is the same darn thing, why is it that nobody has been able to top it? Make something better? ... and no, I don't consider your personal opinion of something better?

I'm talking about something measurable, and that my friend is sales. The people in general vouch CoD as it is (recycled, repeated or whatever), is more worthy of spending money on than anything else out there.

There is nothing wrong with re-use of assets as everybody does it. Question is, does it fit in? Would you notice it if nobody pointed it out to you? The vast majority most likely doesn't even care... because what they care about it how good the game is overall, NOT how it looks.

... but hey, feel free to complain about that recycled building while the rest of us goes on to enjoy a game without an online pass.

***Don't talk about cost. Not with Activision. NEVER bring up the cost of development when they're involved. They spend more on marketing than they do developing these games, and with all they money they make off their 20+ million copies AND overpriced DLC, they have more than enough money to not worry about cost. You even bringing that up in reference to a product by Activision is silly.***

It was a general comment that game prices are going to rise as a result of gamers complaining about something as insignificant as a recycled building.

Maybe a little reading comprehension would help?

Hicken4558d ago

And everybody in Germany was lining up to be part of Hitler's dream, even those who knew it was wrong. Following the crowd, protecting your own ass; these things exist, and in a multiplayer-heavy, social area like gaming has become, getting a game "because my friends have/are getting it" is a common excuse.

Nobody's been able to top it? I assume you mean sales. In that case, see above. If you mean in any other capacity, there are any number of games that have surpassed it in various ways. From superior storylines to better gameplay to top-notch graphics, MANY games have CoD beat in these respects.

Yes, of course you would reference sales, because you can't measure quality, right? And the fact that millions don't actually care about the quality so long as they can play with their friends doesn't change the fact that they still bought the game. How convenient for you that sales are the only thing you care about.

Uncharted (take your pick) is superior to Call of Duty (take your pick), and yet it will never reach the same sales. Gears of War is superior, but will never reach the same sales. Killzone, a direct competitor, is superior, but will never reach the same sales. Even Halo will never reach the same sales. Are you saying that Call of Duty is better than all of these franchises?

Re-using assets is not a problem to me, and I didn't even bring that up in my response to you, so I'll be ignoring that point entirely.

Your last paragraph, focusing on the "Bad" of gamers being demanding, does not apply to Activision BECAUSE of how much they make. A smaller developer with less resources could get a pass for this, but there is simply no excuse for Activision doing this, because they are not at a loss for money.

Gamers don't complain about EVERY game that does such things. A new kid on the block who has to recycle some things for a sequel when the original only sold 800,000 copies doesn't catch flak. A long-established publisher with long-established developers SHOULD and DOES catch flak when their last ten titles have sold AT LEAST 10 million, and the last two have sold more than 20 million apiece. When you've got the money to spend on Eminem and Kobe Bryant, you've got the money to spend on new assets.

As it stands, game prices will not rise because of this, nor should they... on second thought, they already have, with the introduction of DLC in this generation, which introduces more content (required to have a "complete" game) at a price.

That aside, gamers have every right to complain about unnecessary shortcuts being taken when they're spending money on these games. It's only a shame that more people are willing to roll over and accept these practices from the largest of developers when, of all things, they should never have to do so.

gamingdroid4558d ago

***Yes, of course you would reference sales, because you can't measure quality, right? And the fact that millions don't actually care about the quality so long as they can play with their friends doesn't change the fact that they still bought the game. How convenient for you that sales are the only thing you care about.***

That's the thing, to many playing with their friends and being able to do that is part of the experience. It is quality!

from the dictionary:

quality: an inherent feature


***Uncharted (take your pick) is superior to Call of Duty (take your pick), and yet it will never reach the same sales. Gears of War is superior, but will never reach the same sales. Killzone, a direct competitor, is superior, but will never reach the same sales. Even Halo will never reach the same sales. Are you saying that Call of Duty is better than all of these franchises?***

That is your opinion of what is better, but the general consensus is that it is "better" in where it matters to the consumer. If that happens to be where their friends is playing and that is an important factor, then that is a valid reason.

I can think of plenty of reason why MW3 is in many ways better than other games including some of those you listed. After years of the "CoD stagnation", many games still don't do things as good as CoD.

***Your last paragraph, focusing on the "Bad" of gamers being demanding, does not apply to Activision BECAUSE of how much they make.***

So you are holding Activision to a higher standard simply because they are bigger and make more profits. I tend more to lean towards what I get, not necessary who makes them.

If it is a good product and I like it, I buy it. If it is something I don't like, I don't buy it!

Has little to do with how much money they make. Their success isn't a reason for discrimination, something our society do all the time, "All the rich people get richer"... bla bla bla. Back on topic...

***Re-using assets is not a problem to me, and I didn't even bring that up in my response to you, so I'll be ignoring that point entirely.***

Well then, that is what I was referring to in this article that we b!tch about insignificant things, yet more important things like Online Passes need far more scrutiny. The assets here is barely re-used, and the package MW3 deliver is more than satisfying to me.

***As it stands, game prices will not rise because of this, nor should they... on second thought, they already have, with the introduction of DLC in this generation, which introduces more content (required to have a "complete" game) at a price.***

Technically speaking, the DLC consistently has never been of importance. Most of them smell like afterthough extras that is to please the fans. I don't mind paying for DLC, since it is optional and everything. I never once felt the DLC was something that SHOULD have been part of the package unlike Online Passes.

That said, yes, it does increase cost for competitive reasons. The cost of developing video games has gone up exponentially. Recouping the investment takes time and creating a new engine every single time and spending 3-5 years developing a game isn't really financially viable. There is a reason why we get lots of sequels and re-use of engines as shown early in this generation when publishers/developers were having quarters upon quarters of major losses.

Anyhow... I'm gonna go and enjoy some MW3!!! :D

wolokowoh4558d ago

No offense but at most we are going to have $70 and that's just because they can. Game development will not increase in cost by all that much. Compare the PS3 to the PS2 or the 360 to the original Xbox. The PS3 is over 100 times more powerful than the PS2. The 360 is over 70 times more powerful than the original Xbox. Even the fastest most expensive computers you can make right now do not provide nearly that large of a gap. Even if Sony made another $600 console that they lost $200 a console sold on right now, the most power they'd get out of it is a roughly 4 times and that's assuming they make it right and get some good deals on the parts. This next generation may very well be the smallest gap proportionally since the NES and the SNES. I don't expect prices to go up that much because there would need to be a new storage format, digital versions are slowly implemented, and let's not forget I can still buy PC such as Battlefield 3 for $50/$60 for the bluray new on release day. The PC version Battlefield 3 is truly a game stuck directly between this generation of consoles and the next. The Wii U may be able to handle it depending on the final hardware and if DICE takes the time to optimize it. I know. I just mentioned Battlefield 3 on a COD article, but it's just the most recent example. I could have said The Witcher 2 or Crysis 2 but those came out at the beginning of the year and the Witcher 2 would come out on 360 until next year so a comparison can't be drawn.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4558d ago
bozebo4558d ago

Well, CoD4 is a good game for them to copy from tbh :P

BF3 copied some buildings from BC2 but I'm fine with it.

WitWolfy4557d ago

I havent seen one building that has been copied and paste directly from BC2 to BF3.

But thats just me

Mr_cheese4558d ago

This is seriously bad, I know they do things like this but when i'm paying £42 for a game along with millions of others, i'm expecting a completely new game. Not reusing old models etc, I feel really cheated and to make things worse its noticeable in game.

aPerson4557d ago

...then why did you buy it in the first place?

Seriously, I have no sympathy for people that buy CoD games year after year only to *gasp* feel ripped off.

CoD games have been declining in quality for a few years now. What were you expecting???

ambientFLIER4557d ago

You're an idiot. Most sequels out there reuse old assets in one way or another. If you feel cheated because one building is the same, then you're the biggest crybaby in the world.

Mr_cheese4557d ago

firstly @aPerson, I brought the game expecting a difference only to find out there isn't much of one, campaign wise.

@ambientFLIER, Can I not have an opinion instead of you insulting me because i've said something negative about your precious game? Behave yourself lad. Sequels may reuse etc, but not that blatantly and they really shouldn't either. For the money we are putting into the game industry bar the engine the games should be build from the ground up each time so you get your value and a truly worked on experience. So you can sit back and enjoy your rehashes year after year and never speak up about them, thats your gaming experience ruined by yourself.

bennyace4558d ago

If it's such a big deal for you then don't buy it. The milions that do won't really care I think! I know I'll get disagrees fot that but, every one here always say it's gameplay over graphics... only when it suits their needs. Didn't GT5 had like 800 of 1000 cars recycled but no one seemed to care. I know it's not the same category of game... But c'mon, for recycled buildings in a war game it's like the end of the world... Really?

ainsz4558d ago

Actuall there were quite a lot of complaints about the recycled cars, I myself thought it was pretty half assed. But, besides that, GT 5 is a quality game which is something that cod lacks.

bennyace4558d ago

I here you... And I agree... 'Cause I sold mine because of that... But "besides" cars what is there in GT5?

MiloGarret4558d ago ShowReplies(1)
White-Sharingan4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Silly activision

LackTrue4K4558d ago

jajaj....when he started to look up, i found out fast thats was the online map from MW...to me thats the best one out the all there games.....

farhad2k84558d ago

Love the hate this game is receiving. When you've got haters, you know you're doing something right.

Like Kanye said, 'If they hate, then let em' hate, and watch the money pile up'.
Which is exactly what Robert Bowling & Co. are doing.

Well done to IW for releasing the most successful game ever.. AGAIN. :D

If BF3 is so good, why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME I come on N4G, I just see BF3 fanboys everywhere? Why are you not playing your beloved game? Honestly?

Meh, I could care less, I'm going back to a 6 hour sesh' of MW3. Hi hater, Bye hater.

50Terabytespersec4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

this is getting ridiculous !!! Get a life you morons!!
What do expect from a multi-platform game?? huh ?? What???
No one said the engine was revamped no one!!!
THis is a game for loser to get off on cause they have no life. Especially multiplayer..
get a multi-player session with real women instead of guys and a controller losers!!!!
Give me a good story mode and some Hollywood explosions...Then give me my girlfriend .. thats how games are played LOSERS!!!
now get out and ride a bike... and stop technology from taking your jobs by getting of the techdik / crckpipe..

poopface14557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )



that is funny that a re-used building made these fanboy whine and circle jerk each other, while they eat up recycled ENTIRE maps in their favorite games.

TyrannoTaurus4557d ago

It was ONE building. Maybe it was there as an homage to COD4... or, even more likely, it was in the game because it was already on the disk to be used for a remake of the COD4 multiplayer map from which it came. Either way, it's not that big of a deal. The game is extremely fun for a lot of people and it will be extremely successful. Make peace with that people. It's a fact.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4557d ago
DonaldBeck4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

shakes head

makes this face

Gazondaily4558d ago

Well spotted. That does take the mick a bit. There are a lot of accusations of this being recycled on the same engine, but if you're going as far as recycling the same assets for maps, then I do think that's taking the p*ss, especially for a Blockbuster title that has supposedly had millions invested in it.

MasterCornholio4558d ago

Minimize developments costs maximize profits. That's how business is done with COD.


Tachyon_Nova4558d ago

Surely hats how business is done full stop? I get your point though.

boommuffin4557d ago

i hope activision isnt going to have to big of a say on Bungies new IP, its wierd though cuz Bungies known for inovation & Acti is known for reusing old shit but now they have a buisness relationship

poopface14557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

"but if you're going as far as recycling the same assets for maps, then I do think that's taking the p*ss, especially for a Blockbuster title that has supposedly had millions invested in it. "


Tell me. What do you think of uncharted 3?? That game re-used a hell of alot more than a building. It reused entire maps. Halo, Killzone, and Gears of war have even released maps from previous games as DLC.

I guess its ok when other games re-use and even charge you for ENTIRE OLD MAPS. But god forbid a game you dont like reuses a single building in the NEW maps that come with the game. Then we are going to hear about what a travesty it is.

news4geeks4558d ago

good on them, I use similar techniques in my uni work.

Coffin874558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Oh come on, I don't really see the problem here.
Vice City, San Andreas & Bully had the same (100%, model & texture) snack & drink machines, you know where you could spend 1$ and get some health replenished (in SA). I noticed that at some point. Nobody made a video about that, I sure as hell didn't either.

I mean really, come on guys. I 'dislike' what has become of the gaming industry probably as much as anyone else here, but this is THEIR work.
It is THEIR work of art, theyy created it, they own it. I don't exactly know how it's called in english. They have the copyright for it, they probably spent a few hours designing that building and the textures. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't use it again.

The trend of bashing CoD has become way too hipster.

LolololRumz4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )


Problem with that is they're aren't THAT many different styles of drinks machines they pretty much come in one format. With buildings though the possibilities are endless.

Recycling a drinks machine is minor as it's a minor asset, a usable building from 2007 isn't acceptable.

dooge4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Milk milk noob grenade around the corner COD is made.

Pl4sm44558d ago

love milk with chocolate syrup ..... yumi :D ... but this game makes a weird stench in my mouth

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Recently, players of Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone were met with a new bundle featuring the B.E.A.S.T. Glove, inspired by King Kong's armament in the Godzilla x Kong movie. However, the $80 price tag attached to this themed accessory left many Call of Duty fans feeling underwhelmed.

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Kaii20d ago

Morons that allow themselves to be milked continuously by this company is the definition of irony.
Spend more $$ and you'll end up In easier lobbies so you win both ways when ya spend that cash

melons20d ago

Controversy in the COD community feels like it happens within an alternate timeline. Activision will take the piss with something, there will be a momentary fuss about it, and then they will forget about it and carry on anyway. Repeat this cycle literally every year for the rest of time.

Gridknac20d ago

They call that a crack head! Thats what this is really about, its an addiction. People who dont smoke cigarettes look and laugh at the addicts that spend $8-$10 a pack, but they cant help themselves, they are addicted. That same analogy applies perfectly to the whole MT industry. Only an addict that was not thinking clearly would spend this kind of money on something so frivolous. A round of multiplayer provides the same high a person gets from scratching a lotto ticket, or putting money on a sports bet. MT in general need to really be regulated because you have a generation of kids becoming adults who grew up only knowing the MT era of gaming. Its normal to them and they will in turn teach their kids the same by just being a gaming parent and getting their kids involved with them in gaming. Thats why no matter how ridiculous the headlines keep getting out of the MT industry, it never seems to fade or go away.

X-2318d ago

I'm so tired of hearing about what they're doing with this game, its never going to change and it's never going to value the consumer over money, furthermore the people who engage so heavily in the microtransactions I guess allegedly are having a blast and can't wait to do it some more this year when the new version of the game drops.


Cheech And Chong Are Coming To Call Of Duty Because Everything Must Be Consumed

The famous comedy duo is the latest example of pop culture becoming one big grey blob

Christopher34d ago

Certain to have some sort of reference to their online store for CBD/THC chews, which is advertising heavily online the last month or two.

Sciurus_vulgaris34d ago

The randomness of the multiplayer characters is one of reason I quit playing COD after briefly returning in 2022. We got Space Marines, rappers, tree monsters etc. all in a series called “ Modern Warfare”.

OtterX34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

I think if there was ever a time for a competitor to rise up and take away some of Call of Duty's thunder, the time would be now. A military shooter that takes itself seriously, not sold out to Fortnitism. Easier said than done, I know... but the time is ripe.

I can't stand this stuff either.

Palitera34d ago

There are tons of MP shooters that make no profit, if you're looking for one of those

fsfsxii34d ago

You guys have been saying this shit since 2009. Fortunately, nobody’s bringing down cod anytime soon, if ever.

crazyCoconuts34d ago

I agree. I really didn't like how the silliness takes away the gritty origins. That and all the crazy effects... dunno. I'm still playing it but I'd love for someone to steal their cheese and cater to grittier players

OtterX34d ago

@fsfsxii It's not so much wanting COD itself to die as it is wanting this silliness to die. Like CrazyCoconuts said, it takes from the grittiness. Many OG COD players want a straightup Military shooter experience, not silly costume time at Carnival.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 34d ago
Profchaos34d ago

is this what the kids want these days a pair of iconic stoners who were big in the 70s and have kind of held on I enjoyed their movies decades ago but I never recall the movie where cheech infiltrates a enemy base while chong snipes for support guess I must of missed that one

Man I'm getting to old for this

Knightofelemia34d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Cheech just looks so wrong in the picture.

Profchaos34d ago

Why just why. cod up in smoke

anast34d ago

They charge too much for a game that is kitsch.

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