
The Best (Worst) Battlefield 3 Review You Will Ever See

If you’re not hype on BroTeam yet then you must be living in a cave.

Seriously, these guys make the best damn game reviews on planet Earth.

Vagrant4568d ago


Yes, that about sums it up.

padz14568d ago

That wasn't funny in the slightest...

TheFirstClassic4568d ago

"If you buy this game I will circumcise your F****** a$$ho-"

How is that not funny???

rabidpancakeburglar4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

I really don't see the humour in this. This is best enjoyed by 10 year olds. It's toilet humour, as Axecution say below, they try too hard.

TheFirstClassic4568d ago

Eh, it is kinda overdone but its still pretty funny in my opinion. You can't actually explain humour of course.

Amplitude4568d ago

I agree. They're trying way too hard... like, way too hard. I watched half the video and it was painful.

It's like The Angry Video Game Nerd, but 100000 times less funny.

hotskys4568d ago

"they insulted my favorite game in a semi-sarcastic manner!

Make a cod version of this, and the bfanboys will blow their load.

Disagree, you're cool.

padz14568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

I don't even have BF3 so it being my ''favourite game'' is bullshit. I just didn't find it funny so you can shut the fuck up and let me have an opinion.

Disagree, you're a fucking idiot.

hotskys4568d ago

don't get too mad bro! sorry if you don't have a sense of humor, it's cool that you left a comment on an article about a video about a game, that you dont even own!

Thanks for your valued opinion!

padz14568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

Why shouldn't I leave a comment? I'm interested in the game and the article and just because i dont own the game yet means i shouldn't comment whatsoever?

wow, your dumb.

@hotskys Haha is that all you can say? You haven't answered my question dumbass. Why shouldn't I comment on it just because I don't have the game even if I'm interested in it? Notice that you completely avoided the question because you know I'm right...

Also if you're being picky, I don't believe 'k' is actually in the dictionary. And fullstops at the end of sentences mate. Come on you should have learnt this in primary school!

@hotskys #2 My opinion was on the video not on the game. So therefore it should be irrelevant even if I don't own the game. And whose to say I haven't played it? In fact I've played quite a lot of it and know what bugs do exist however my opinion was on how I didn't find the video funny. Now who's the sensitive little bitch.

hotskys4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )


I'm dumb? k

Oh and that agree was an accident. I meant to hit reply. Wouldn't want you thinking you're actually good at arguments. It's good to know you're out of bubbles so your baby ass can shut up.

Edit- because I could care less what your opinion was on the video once I learned you didn't own the game or haven't played it, It was a sarcastic, humorous video that still brought up some points that are VERY annoying in the game. I also didn't respond to you because again, you haven't played it, and I could care less what you think of the video considering that. Get a sense of humor, you sensitive little bitch.

edit again- also, "k" is used by a lot of people as a response or short for ok, your instead of you're is used by ignorant kids who don't know their punctuation.

wsoutlaw874568d ago

@hotskys you're an idiot. Thats all im going to say because thats all you deserve.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox542d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia542d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad542d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

542d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin541d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad668d ago

There's fun to be had here.
