
Goodbye Call of Duty, the Uncharted 3 Beta Dethroned You

To this day, millions of people are still hooked to Call of Duty's fast-paced, pick-up and play style multiplayer. However, it's to the point where people only focus on Call of Duty's multiplayer as opposed to trying other games. The Uncharted 3 Beta was released earlier this week...and it obliterates COD's multiplayer thanks to implementing a more "cinematic" feel to it. Find out why it's a better multiplayer title after the link!

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wwm0nkey4700d ago

Call of Duty: FPS and Multiplatform

Uncharted 3: TPS and PS3 Only

Its not even the same f'ing genre!

GamersXTREME4700d ago

Please understand that despite both titles being entirely different genres, multiplayer is essentially the same concept. You run around, kill people and there's occasionally a slight twist to it. If you actually read the article, I'm not comparing that one's an FPS and one's a TPS, but rather just on what makes Uncharted 3's multiplayer a vastly superior one than that of any COD. The reason behind the editorial is so people who literally stick only to COD year after year, may consider trying something more innovative and get off the "COD" bandwagon that is evidently hurting the industry.

Also, I noticed your comment below about how rankings aren't the only thing that matters, but sales as well. Duke Nukem: Forever scored very poorly with most critics (we have yet to review it on our site so we can't judge it) but sold pretty well, does that make it a good game? Sales are a lackluster way of judging how a game is because a great deal of people buy games that are well marketed, even if it's a poor game.

mantisimo4700d ago

Asolutely agree with the article cod is really starting to merge one into another the Uc3 beta proves Naughty dogs crown has a new gem.

Pixel_Pusher4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

Where's LogicWins at? It seems to be getting a bit more crowded on my side. haha

YoungKiller254700d ago

I don't think people are getting the fact that hes not comparing the two games saying ones better than the other, hes comparing the multiplayer in the games saying which one works more effectively as a multi-player component. he has the right to compare Demon Souls multiplayer-ish component, to MAG or Warhawk. simply for the fact that hes addressing effectiveness of the MP element in each game.


curtis_boy4700d ago

and to be honest isn't that great either

MaxXAttaxX4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

After the beta, the full game comes out with more features and better than ever :)

Washington-Capitals4700d ago

Im a long time CoD player and have invested a lot of time in the past few days for the UC3 beta. Currently at level 24 and have unlocked mostly everything you can. I think the beta is great, but as a full time replacement for COD? the jury is still out for me and most of my friends on my list and in real life. Theres some issues with the party system and generally getting a group of friends together to play which bothered me a bit with the Beta. Hopefully those are fixed in the final release.

deadpoole4699d ago

UC3 is a true beauty ... and one more thing, on a side note: ... what Ive realized in previous stories, an argument between COD and BF fanboys ... I see everyone beatin around bush instead of comin to main point.

Guys who are supporting BF3 is because of ... first, they have tried battlefield series before and they liked it and second most important is, these guys have been burn so many times by activision and treyarch ... that they are screamin that dont keep givin the developers your hard earned when they are not even workin towards new engine and keep releasin same COD game every year. Whereas BF3 is using new Frostbite 2 engine, where developers didn't just wasted their time sittin on their a$$ and releasin the same crap over.

In the End BF3 fanboys are tryin to put some sense into COD fanboys that give the money to deservin developers and dont just blindly keep give money to lazy a$$ developers ... plus they are sayin to try something new which obviously is gonna be 100 times better then COD.

4699d ago
RyuCloudStrife4699d ago

sorry but its not better then Zombie mode

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4699d ago
mantisimo4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

@ wanna get high, Just go and get high.

Dart894700d ago Show
jdfoster004700d ago

Did you actually read it?

Godmars2904700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

Sorry, but how are FPS and TPS different genres? They're both basically the same just with slightly different perspectives.

And I'm certain COD will remain dethroned up to and until the next COD beta.

gamers are fickle like that.

Godmars2904700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

How about not simply disagreeing with my opinion and explain how I'm wrong? Your perspective is either directly looking as you shoot someone/thing or looking over your shoulder as you shoot something - how are they different?

vickers5004700d ago

Funny, a couple of days ago, I remembered reading comments in u3 beta articles saying things like "Uncharted 3 beta is NOTHING like CoD", and similar statements to that effect, with those comments getting high amounts of agrees and very small amounts of disagrees.

Yet now I see comments saying that there are no BIG differences (as opposed to the previous "it's nothing like it" comments) in the two, and the comments are pretty highly voted up.

Listen n4g, I know it's the cool thing to hate on CoD right now (after all, it is a sh*t franchise which deserves to be hated), but can you at least be consistent and not be hypocrites?

Which is it? Is U3 beta very similar to CoD but a thousand times better, or is it nothing like CoD but a thousand times better?

cobra44700d ago

I think his point is that the two GENRES are close enough for comparison. He's not drawing similarities to both games, he's simply stating that the type of game, in it's most basic form as a tps, is comparable to an fps in some ways

DreamTension4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

Sorry, but there are a hell of a lot more differences between COD and Uncharted MP besides their respective perspectives.

12 vs 12 and 5 vs 5

run and gun/camp or Cover based game play

Stay near your team and shoot anything that moves twice or intense battles heavily focused on teamwork

running/sprinting/hopping or platforming/climbing that is unique to less that 5% of online MP

While I do enjoy Uncharted's MP more than COD, I also think it's silly to compare them.

Edit: super stardust is also the same then right? Different perspective, going around shooting things.

a08andan4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

The difference is vast. A First-person perspective is often used in games where action is the focus, often high pace, where story doesn't matter that much. The third person perspective is used when the player has some kind of bond to his/her character, like most RPG:s and games with character progression. Just look at Call of Duty, compared to lets say Mass Effect. When the character itself is very important, then actually seeing said character is very important and therefor they choose a third-person-perspective. At least that is what I think^^

NeoTribe4699d ago

logically fps and tps are totally different generes. First person view compared to Third person view are TOTALLY different. U cant switch starcraft or warcraft into fps view and still call it a rts. thats what makes a genre a genre. If we classified every game where u shoot people with a gun as a fps, 95% of all games would be considered a fps.

Cerberus21254699d ago

The Genre for both games is Shooters,Third-person,and First-person are sub-genres,but by the looks of a most people here don't know that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4699d ago
cobra44700d ago

Sure it's not the most perfect comparison but I've had much more fun with this more than any call of duty since modern warfare 1

solar4700d ago

UC is a gamers' game. CoD is a caaual game. sorry but many many games are out wether AAA, indie, Valve that puts CoD's MP to shame. problem is CoD doesnt take much brain power to play. and in this generation of streamlining games to where the brainless can figure out whats going on in MP, well, you know where im going.

TheXonySbox4700d ago

Cod has far better competitive shooting mechanics; sorry UC3 Beta is poop! POOP I SAY!

DanSolo4699d ago

To be honest although it is good that COD is losing some of it's dominance and that the multiplayer share is getting spread a little more evenly.... this whole COD hate and trying to "beat" COD thing has gotten really old......

It is about time COD lost the top spot purely as it's good for gaming as a whole.... but there are plenty of people who still love the game, and there is more than enough room for lot's of good multiplayer games including COD!

I think it's time to move past the COD bashing as much as it's time to move past the COD addiction....

lil Titan4699d ago

i dont remember COD ever having a beta on PS3, i think thats what the article is trying to point out as COD beta has never been on the PS3 at least i dont remember ever being in one (im normally in every beta that comes out :)

Mottsy4699d ago

Shit then Gears of War killed COD too

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4699d ago
firemassacre4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

uncharted 2 already dethroned every call of duty to date.

Game PS3
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Metascore: 96

Game PC
Call of Duty
Metascore: 91

Game PC
Call of Duty 2
Metascore: 86

Game X360
Call of Duty 3
Metascore: 82

Game PC
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Metascore: 92

Game PS3
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Metascore: 88

Game X360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Metascore 9.4

And uncharted 2 also has the most game of the most awards in history. ( in history of mankind.)

its even got higher scores than all of gears and halo games.

wwm0nkey4700d ago

Ranking higher in Meta critic doesn't mean its dethroned dude...sales matter too.

Narutone664700d ago

Yes, 360 version will sell better than PS3 version of COD because the 360 fans have to buy their games again and again because of scratched discs.

zootang4700d ago

Well said firemassacre, here's a bubble. Uncharted is one of my all time great franchises.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

''And uncharted 2 also has the most game of the most awards in history. ( in history of mankind.)''

Indeed, U2 have more than 110 Awards, making this game the best game ever according to the awards, unlike COD.


Hypocrite at its best.He brings out review scores but when a game he loves dose not score well he dissmisses reviews and says its just some1 opinion.

Im tired off all u COD cry babies...We no u dont like the game but u dont need to troll and make it obvious. People like me still enjoy COD Online very much.

Ser4700d ago


No one's even trolling. Stop getting so upset...

The people above you are just talking about scores from Metacritic and awards.

There's no denying Uncharted 2's outstanding performance.

Inside_out4700d ago

@Fire...You forgot about how COD franchise has out sold Uncharted franchise by about 50 to 1. You want to guess why??? It has something to do with people buying the games they like and playing them on line by the millions for BILLION of hours...Uncharted who???

How do you think Indiana Drake is going to do this November against MW3...lol

The gaming media means next to nothing. It's great that they think Uncharted looks like a movie...o_O...and that Drake will make a nice poster child for all things that are nice in the gaming world but EVERYBODY knows who the " big dogs " are that ND talks about WANTING to be like.

Have a vote tomorrow with the BUYING public who pay full price for their games, who they think is the best GOTY...it won't be Uncharted. I doubt Uncharted would be in top ten.

So hold onto your trophy while Activision/treyarch/sledgehamm er/infinity ward hold on to the Porches, Ferrari's and mansions that building a successful franchise gives you...oh yeah, it's the marketing...O_o

radphil4700d ago


Smoking...millions do it, and it's bad.

Popularity =/= best quality.

Look at facebook too.

maniacmayhem4700d ago


That's great that you bust out the review scores and others prance around the awards.

Unfortunately millions of gamers around the world don't care about that because they're to busy playing CoD, Halo and Gears.

so U2 can keep the awards, the other games have a huge following and they are enjoying playing their games while a very small and select few jump on forums and spew hate and post how they hate what's CoD.

DigitalRaptor4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

@ inside_out

It has nothing to do with opinion and who buys the game.

You ask any logical, sane, real gamer in the world who has played both Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2/Black Ops will tell you which is the better game. And don't conveniently forget the single-player campaign like you always do.

Uncharted is outsold "50 to 1"? How does that matter when judging quality? Justin Bieber sells millions of albums... need any more proof?

Not only will the campaign be much better and more memorable than Modern Warfare 3's (and that is based on the E3 demo), but the multiplayer will be in the same league. So overall package... it would probably go to Uncharted 3.

Hey we know you're a Call of Duty fanboy, but get real. Nothing has ever been about what is more popular. Shadow of the Colossus - one of the greatest games of all time - sold little over 1 million!

MaxXAttaxX4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

Yeah, because popularity and sales instantly make COD a better game /s

baodeus4700d ago


so how does it get popular and sell in the first place?

"UC is a gamers' game. CoD is a casual game"
dam, u just technically erase the line between core and casual games. So what would u consider a hard core game
1. game that sell the most = casual and game sell less = hardcore)?
2. hardcore games = Ps3 exclusives?

MaxXAttaxX4700d ago

I guess marketing and media hype have nothing to do with it, right?
People will go out and buy a COD just because they heard everyone plays it and how cool it is.

As an example. WiiSports is extremely popular and successful sales wise. Is it one of the best games ever?

baodeus4700d ago

So if they heard everyone plays it and how cool it is, but how does that not make it a good game if everyone like it (excluding marketing for now, which i do think play a lot in how much game sell)?

I think there are a lot of misconception between quality and quantity. How about this, quality = rating and quantity = sell.

CoD: rating 94, sell ~16-18 millions
UC: rating 96, sell ~4 million

So CoD rating is really good (0.2 behind UC2), and the sell numbers is also outrageously high (meaning people liked it and play it a lot), so based on that data, can u explain why it isn't a good game?

JokesOnYou4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

"You ask any logical, sane, real gamer in the world who has played both Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2/Black Ops will tell you which is the better game."

-I loved UC2 campaign, didn't like the multiplayer, don't remember the last time I touched UC2, Black Ops campaign was very much enjoyable but not a huge standout from other FPS, I love MW2 & Black Ops multiplayer and I still can easily come home from a hard days work and burn through 3-4hrs of BO multiplayer without blinking, so I guess I MUST BE ILlogical, INsane, UNreal gamer from ANOTHER world.(according to you) lol, NO I just like both games but IF I absolutely had to choose to ONLY BUY 1 it would be BO, because I know I will play it for at least the next 8-9mo.

"Uncharted is outsold "50 to 1"? How does that matter when judging quality? Justin Bieber sells millions of albums... need any more proof?"

-I said it before and I'll say it again, there is no >>1<< barometer for judging quality, quality is synonmous with VALUE, excellence, worth, success, etc= Its always going to be subjective, so either we just settle on "theres no which is better, its all a matter of opinion" OR we actually accept that there ARE some >>Key Factors<< that most rational people understand legitimizes a product as having value or quality. -But you have to be mature enough to remove your emotions and make an effort to be objective for that.

SALES ARE INDEED A DEFINING CHARACHTERISTIC OF QUALITY, of course there are clear examples of products that sold well for a short period of time but in retrospect are generally thought of as a >>FAD<<. On the other side of course there are a very few products that the consensus recognizes their quality/value even though they were not a commercial success. That still does not discount that from a pure statistical guage, that the vast majority of products generally thought of as having high quality typically ALMOST ALWAYS have sold very well >>AND continue to do so over a long period, not just a 1 hit wonder. There are always exceptions to the rule but that does NOT defeat the rule. Thats just called life.

I mean seriously where will the hate end? Now suddenly COD is the Beiber of the gaming industry, lol according to who? Then same folks who trashed every review/media site known to man, throw out UC2 awards/accolades(well deserved) but conveniently don't apply the same logic that they use with COD sales=Bieber sales does not= quality, but Bieber has won tons of awards including Artist of the Year from the American Music Awards, yet UC2 awards=Bieber awards, so of course UC2 is quality but not COD.

Its simple if you don't like COD franchise fine(I didn't like COD WaW much) but trying to convince everybody else you know whats best for them is just BS fanboy talk. Generally speaking ANY product that has a combination of HIGH Sales, HIGH Praise(Awards/Ratings) & HIGH Traffic(Consistent Use/Repeat Customers) it is no doubt a quality product by any reasonable measure, absent your *personal opinion. In other words there is no way any game, movie, song, brand etc can CONSISTENTLY achieve all 3 without having QUALITY/VALUE that consumers WANT, and to say that "its just marketing" is false, many bad products with high budget marketing campaigns fail(ask micro & sony), to say that its because "its easy" is false, tons of easy shooters have been played and forgotten about, every thing is just an excuse to downplay COD and NOT give credit where credit is due= devs developed a very accessible game withing a very popular genre thats very fun to play socially. My bad for the long post.

YodaCracker4699d ago

If Uncharted 2 had released in 2008 or 2010, it would have had a small fraction of those GOTY awards. Naughty Dog got lucky and released in a year with barely any competition. Uncharted 3 has much smaller chances to win in 2011 because there are actually other contenders, unlike in 2009.

ShinMaster4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )

I'll just go ahead and use Madden's yearly sales as an example of a gaming fad.

Also you just confirmed that quality and quantity are two separate things and that the better game doesn't always sell more.
Thanks for that right there, haha

baodeus4699d ago (Edited 4699d ago )


exactly, quality and quantiy isn't the same thing, but when the game got both rating and sell, there got to be something about it right?

CoD is not a bad game (i hate fps so it doesn't mean anything to me, but it doesn't mean other will think like me), but based on data wise (fact), it is no where near as bad as people on n4g made it out to be. It is also fact that CoD is more popular, especially online MP with high rating (again only 0.2 behind UC2? c'mon really, 0.2 make such a big differences) as well. U guys make it sound like CoD is a terrible game like 0.3 rating or something. And for once, a lot of games now a day are trying to dethrone CoD MP, by employing similar modes or gameplays as CoD, so what is the reason behind that?

If CoD is that bad, it wouldn't be dominating both psn and xlive online mp right now still when UC2/KZ2/3/MAG should have taken that spot instead. Am i just imagining things or am I misinformed according to a few small fries pro Sony peep on n4g?

Again, i ask for explanation why CoD is a bad game, and none of u guys can give me some adequate explanation with something to back that up. How about showing me something please, cause it is getting boring here.

ShinMaster4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

Reviewers are fans and fanboys just like everyone else.
COD is not a "bad" game. It's just the same cookie-cutter shit over and over again which is easily given a pass.
If you look for it, double standards and exceptions aren't so hard to spot on many reviews.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4697d ago
firemassacre4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

then wii sports is better than every game on playstation 3 and xbox360.

kneon4700d ago

We're most of those sales because it was bundled with the Wii?

NoobJobz4699d ago

Not most. All. Every single one. I don't think it was ever sold as a standalone title. I could be wrong though.

It's like me writing a tiny 2 page "book" and placing a copy of it in eveything You could possibly buy. console, electronic, toy, food, etc. Anything you can possibly buy has a copy of my book and then claiming it's the number one selling book of all time.

maniacmayhem4700d ago

Wii sports should be since a non hd, non blu ray, non everything system beat the hell out of 360 and ps3.

MGRogue20174700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

wtf... no

Call of Duty isn't going nowhere.. whereas, The Uncharted 3 beta will be ending soon.

rowdyBOY4700d ago (Edited 4700d ago )

thats very true .
all you sony fanboys that are talking about "its not about sales" , well offcourse its not .
halo 3 was the king and it got dethrown by call of duty 4 , mw2 , BO . do you know why ??????

its how many people are playing the game !!!!
halo 3 roughly = 100,000 - 200,000
cod BO = 300,000 - 600,000
uncharted 2 = 2,000 - 10,000
killzone 3 = 5,000 - 15,000
uncharted 3 wont be much different

MaxXAttaxX4700d ago

And after the beta, the full game comes out with more features and better than ever.

Popularity and sales don't necessarily make a better game.

Haters gonna hate! :P

Burackus4700d ago

Not sure where you got your numbers but there way off

Prototype4700d ago

The original Doom on PC is better than CoD...

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Please, can Call of Duty leave awful Netflix-style menus behind

Call of Duty games used to be streamlined experiences, but COD 2024’s UI could be another nightmarish clutter of streaming tabs.

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LucasRuinedChildhood15d ago

Let's just leave Call Of Duty behind.

anast14d ago

The isn't for you anymore.

BlackCountryBob14d ago

If we’re beating that drum, can we also stop forcing anyone who wants to play only the single player to download Warzone and all updates BEFORE they are then able to do another download from the menu of the single player campaign. I don’t see why I need 150gb of downloads in several ways to play the single player mode only from a bloomin disk which should have that campaign on it already.

DefenderOfDoom214d ago (Edited 14d ago )

The UI is confusing to me because I have not purchased a Call of Duty iin like 8 years .Only bought CoD MW3 because 3 of my friends I have known since to 70s are playing zombies . But I am used it now .

smolinsk14d ago

The UI is the least of the franchise many problems these days. But yes the UI is also terrible.


Players claim Fortnite ruined Call of Duty by letting in more corporate greed

Do you remember what gaming was like before Fortnite entered the gaming space? One of the biggest arguments was about loot boxes. Now we have conversations about crossovers, battle passes, and community outreach.

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GoodGuy0926d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Idk. Loot boxes did disappear and battle passes and in game purchases are all cosmetic. We get free weapons and maps post launch, any gameplay affecting content. I could care less about all the cosmetics.
I absolutely hated the days where weapons were locked behind a less than 1% chance lootbox pull where it'd take 5+ hours to have enough tokens to do a single pull and lazy remastered/remake maps cost you $15 each wave or $50 for the season pass that you didn't know what you'd get and these maps were only available to those that bought it so you get a smaller pool of players match with.

Tacoboto25d ago

The "good ole days" are actually what drove me away from COD and Halo 3/Reach. Halo 4 becoming a COD-like drove me away from that only a week or so after it launched and I beat its campaign.

It sucked way back then, going a month or two without playing online-shooter-of-the-moment, and then needing to buy a $15 map pack to play with the majority of the population or your favorite playlist. The "community" rejecting Spartan Points in MCC killed that game's support, too. No revenue = no support, plain and simple.

Cacabunga24d ago

That headline could easily be something Spencer could have said 😅 I had to check if it was really an opinion piece

KyRo24d ago

As times gone on, the COD battle pass has got ALOT worse so they can push people to buy the more premium battle pass which itself is a huge rip off and nearly half the price of the base game.

The cosmetics can be fine but they've taken it to far to the point of no return. Why make a military themed game then have rabbits, dinosaurs, cats, rats & z list rappers as skins? You wouldn't add a Lamborghini to a fantasy RPG to replace a horse and you would never see Mario have limb dismemberment because they know what they are. COD is having identity crisis but kids and streamer but then all

franwex25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Call of duty can simply not copy the bad aspects of Fortnite? Or is that too out of this world? Like COD, a realistic shooter-just HAD to have Nicki Minaj running around? Or super heroes?

Inverno25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Exactly! Trends don't all need to be followed. Plus where Fortnite got somewhat better with it's monetization, Acti got worse. Or at least Fortnite has lended itself more to the wacky stuff, and has put more effort and quality into that stuff.

jjb198125d ago

I prefer the battle passes with free maps than the $50 season pass that divided the community. I definitely feel that Fortnite had some influence on CoD having loot boxes with Blackout being introduced in 2018 with Black Ops 4.

PRIMORDUS25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Actually Fortnite bullshit ruined Unreal Tournament. Epic are sellouts and I will never have that shitty store on my PC, fuck them and that shit bag Tim Sweeney. At least the community keeps the games alive, I still play UT2004.

StoneTitan24d ago

I mean cant really blame them for supporting the game that made them the most money and the most people player...ever?

Psychonaut8525d ago

Call of Duty ruined Call of Duty. They needed no outside assistance.

Ra303024d ago

100% correct! The makers of Call of Duty ran out of ideas long, long ago so they take ideas from other games like Ghost Recon, Fortnite and any other FPS game hat had success hell CoD remasters maps that they've remastered several times already then charge you again for it. Call of Duty is simply a cut, copy and paste and then put the $70 price on it every year. Activision and now Microsoft has been essentially remastering Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare every year since it was released in 2007 its to the point it's worse than the sports game like the Madden, NBA and others yearly sports franchises.
@Psychonaut85 is spot on "Call of Duty ruined Call of Duty. They needed no outside assistance"!

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Massive new COD Black Ops Gulf War leak lifts the lid on loadouts

The Black Ops Gulf War leaks continue with a list of weapon descriptions giving more info on what you can expect from new and returning weapons.

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