
Modern Warfare's Legal Showdown Gets Personal

According to new documents released today, the ongoing legal battle between the creators of Call of Duty and the franchise's publishers is beginning to take its toll on those involved.

Last month, Activision sought to expand the scope of the lawsuit by including Electronic Arts, the publisher that is now home to the new studio run by Jason West and Vince Zampella, as party to the case.

New documents obtained by Kotaku today allege that Activision knew of EA's alleged involvement in the case over six months beforehand, and that by waiting until December 2010 to amend the case sought to have the beginning of the trial - scheduled for May - pushed back.

Dart894879d ago

Dam this heating up fast can't wait to see what happens on may.
*Grabs bag of popcorn and couple coronas and gets ready to watch it unfold.*

rroded4879d ago (Edited 4879d ago )

In closing, they say "any delay of the trial in this lawsuit would increase the financial and non-financial burdens and would continue to distract us from running our business and earning a living."

Activision knows how much cash they have and will keep playing the "justice" system sorry guys but thats business in a western democracy.

all we can do is boycott Activision n hope everyone else does the same.

r1sh124879d ago

Agree with you.
Lets all start boycotting activision, hopefully the courts in the USA see these delay tactics and stick it to activision.

cemelc4878d ago

Yeah is all nice to say that. Then the next cod gets announced with stickers on the weapons and everybody goes: "this changes everything!!!!!".

Be honests here half of the ppl that "boycotted" got COD;BO day one, then the next day said "this sux" and return it, you know that once you give your 60$ doesnt matter your opinion any more to activision???? they will not return that money and you just helped then regardless if you return it or not.

Just saying, got MW2 learned my lesson then.

GWAVE4879d ago

If Activision loses, I hope it causes Kotick's dismissal (of course, he'll take millions upon millions of $$$ with his severance. That's how US corporations work these days).

If anyone needs to get stabbed in the heart, it's Activision. I feel sorry for any developers who work for them.

Inside_out4878d ago

..I hope these 2 clowns formerly from Infinity Ward lose everything. If CoD was a flop you would of never heard of these 2 greedy guys. They thought they were gonna leave Activision and take the cod franchise with them...O_o

AssassinBrotherhood4879d ago

How long as these case been going on for ? first it was activision vs infinity ward (Jason West and Vince Zampella
and now activison whats to Sue EA becuase they think that EA has top serect information and how to create a COD Killer so if Bad company 3 is better then black ops that would mean EA take top information the answer is NO

Dart894879d ago

Yes but apparently actvivision knew of the situation that was going on.So my ? iS why didn't activision do something during that time and wait till december? thats pretty stupid either way i wanna see what's gonna happen to cod.After the trial.

theonlylolking4879d ago

Activision needs to go down and what better way to pwn them than with a legal lawsuit that is getting media attention?

crzyjackbauer4878d ago

i disagree
i dont like activision but
if imployees deliver crap games like mw2
they need to be fired
on top of that they were planing to leave activision long before mw2 came out
i call that sabotage

leave one halfa$$ job done at one company and start clean at another, shame on you west & zampella

theonlylolking4878d ago

MW2 is a good game. Much better than black ops and a lot of games.

Sigh4879d ago

Wow fuck activision. If know that you are "right", then why delay the case? Get it over with. Oh wait, u want Respawn to bleed dry.

DEagle-izer4878d ago

Slightly Off-Topic

IDK what will happen to Bungie's new studio since they signed to Activision, but the last thing I want to happen is to know that Activision compromised the way they choose to handle their business.

I really wish they chose a better publisher to sign to or went independent.

SixZeroFour4878d ago

bungie isnt "signed" with activision...activision is only publishing 1 new bungie ip for 10 years, meaning sequels and all that, but its only for that one ip if it even gets a sequel

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Call Of Duty 2026 is a Ghosts reboot claim leakers

The details for multiple future Call Of Duty games appear to have leaked, including a follow-up to Advanced Warfare.


Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai3d ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga2d ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

InUrFoxHole1d 19h ago

You think Phil did that? 🤣

MrBaskerville19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Microsoft did, Phil Spencer played a minor part. He instigated the buyout that led to Kotick escaping all his controversies while getting a golden handshake.

Someone on Twitter calculated that the people hired in Tango and Arkane Austin could get a decent salary for roughly 17 years for the money Kotick was paid.

InUrFoxHole4h ago

Yeah some thing tells me Kotics $ was already guaranteed before MS made the deal. As for the studios... Let's be honest here... none of those studios made system sellers.

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

MrBaskerville19h ago

Then they shutdown Codemasters and studio behind Jedi Survivor.

Atleast they could hardly do much damage that EA hadn't allready done. EA has shut down most of their studios by now.

ravens523d ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_2d ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

MrBaskerville19h ago

That's the thing he mentioned about not being a creep at all.

KwietStorm_BLM2d ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

mudakoshaka2d ago

Nerds think they are Gods when they are making video games.

NotoriousWhiz3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_2d ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

Read Full Story >>
Skuletor5d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead5d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo5d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow14d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.