
Baby Starves To Death While Parents Raise Virtual Child

A man and a woman have been arrested for letting their infant daughter starve to death while they raised a virtual child in the online game PRIUS. The Korean couple, known only as the Kims, returned home after a 12-hour gaming session at a "PC Bang" Internet parlor to find their baby dead. Tests confirmed the child had died of malnutrition.

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ClownBelt5175d ago

WTF? Those two are dumbasses.

AliTheBrit195175d ago

Yeah its about as sick as it gets, do they have capital punishment in Korea?

UnSelf5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

then who's goin to raise the virtual child?

nah but seriously this is disgusting but i wish ppl would lstop screaming death penalty at every turn like thats goin to somehow subdue ppl from doin outrageous crimes

These ppl should spend the rest of life in prison, allowed to live to remember the suffering the caused others.

Sadly, if Korea is anything like America, this may only be classified as Negligible Homicide and they may only get Murder 2 or even Man 1

pangitkqb5175d ago

And beat them up if they cry.

Greywulf5175d ago

"death penalty?
then who's goin to raise the virtual child?

Holy..#$@?#%@3... lol..you're going to hell..

mcnablejr5175d ago

i love the *insert clearly innapropriate comment* followed by ''nar but seriously''..

FamilyGuy5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

The kid was left at home alone?

Why didn't the chicks parents feed it while they were gone so long?

Geez, they admitted to feeding it rotten powered milk too...

mcnablejr5175d ago

or was it meant to be a pun?

Megaton5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

I remember a very similar article awhile back about some WoW addicts who let their baby starve to death cause they didn't wanna stop playing. These instances both remind me of the scene in Trainspotting where the woman discovers that her baby is dead after much neglect from doing junk. Very sad.

deafwing5175d ago

take your pick -

inhuman - Lacking kindness, pity, or compassion; cruel.
inhumane - Lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion;

according to thefreedictionary.com so perhaps they fit both.

sikbeta5175d ago

AH...GOD... couple of Idiots!..Now Zealots and Dinosaurs will point with their finger and blame everything Game-Related

Pebz5175d ago

"I am for the death penalty. Who commits terrible acts must get a fitting punishment. That way he learns the lesson for the next time."
- Britney Spears

Not like such punishment will prevent this from happening again in other cases either, because I'm pretty sure someone who forgets that their baby is home alone and starving is not really in a clear state of mind and "oh, I could get the death penalty for this" is the last thing they are thinking about.

I'm suspecting there is more to it than "evil parents that deserve to die", like perhaps them raising a virtual daughter cause they didn't know how to raise a real one and were trying to learn. Or perhaps just plain gaming addiction, which I'm sure most here have experienced at some level, that at a serious level can make someone forget pretty much everything else.

Such things happen, and no punishment or examples set will change that, because in most cases it's a symptom of a problem, not the root of the problem itself.

Raz5175d ago

Explain to me the point of raising a virtual child when you have a REAL one at home, starving. If you think you can learn anything about raising children from a simulator, you obviously have never had children.

You can point to this as a result of a larger issue, but that doesn't change the simple fact of the matter: they fed a real baby rotten milk and left it to starve while they got their game on. A couple of unemployed deadbeats living with their parents.

And I realize how disconnected we get reading things over the Internet, but try and understand that real life is a bit more visceral - 'these things just happen' is not something you say in connection with the death of a child. Everything "just happens"; actually living it is something else entirely.

Pebz5175d ago

"Explain to me the point of raising a virtual child when you have a REAL one at home, starving. If you think you can learn anything about raising children from a simulator, you obviously have never had children.

You can point to this as a result of a larger issue, but that doesn't change the simple fact of the matter: they fed a real baby rotten milk and left it to starve while they got their game on. A couple of unemployed deadbeats living with their parents."

Well, it's not about what I think or what you think, it's about what those parents think, isn't it? Perhaps they never had children before and thought they could learn something from it, as you yourself said such a person could do. The point is we don't know what they were thinking, we can't simply superimpose our situation and knowledge on other people and judge them from that perspective. Not if we want to know why and what actually happened, rather than just get some empty satisfaction because they got punished for it.

"And I realize how disconnected we get reading things over the Internet, but try and understand that real life is a bit more visceral - 'these things just happen' is not something you say in connection with the death of a child. Everything "just happens"; actually living it is something else entirely."

I didn't say these things "just happen", as in "I don't care", I said these things happen whether punishment is given or not, because they are not necessarily acts of "evil people", but perhaps a symptom of something deeper.

ButterToast5175d ago

reason #562 why some people shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

JsonHenry5175d ago

forced castration and whatever the normal penalty for murder is where they live is what I would throw at them.

5175d ago
mikeslemonade5175d ago

I didn't know Bungie was Korean and his last name is Kim.

Kurt Russell5174d ago

Hehe, sound like a rubbish version of the movie Trainspotting!

Those of you who have responded death penalty are chumps... Nobody should be able to decide that, especially a spotty 15 year old.

Terry Tate5174d ago

They let the child starve to death. They KNOWINGLY fed it ROTTEN POWDERED MILK!! They frakin SPANKED a 9 month old baby becuase it was crying.
I'm so furious right now. I'm a single father of three. All my children live with me and they are the most important thing in the world. How could these people do this?
Some feel the death peanlty is too harsh. It's not. Period. These people deserve to be put to death, in much the same way that they killed their baby. Just put them in a cell with some rotten food, beat them regularly and let them waste away. Good riddance.

mastiffchild5174d ago

No, killing these idiots would not be the right thing to do. surely, if we want to stop future happenings of a similar nature we must find out the whys and whens and hows of the case. See if we can't find things an outsider could spot in other families where this is at risk of happening and maybe even create an atmosphere where people, like these, with serious problems feel able to come forward for help in raising their actual, real life child/children, no? We kill them we lose any chance of them making anything even slightly better for them and throw away any chance we have of learning why this happens and preventing it happening again.

Honestly, I'm of the mind that two wrongs don't make a right and a society that punishes violence with violence sends some very dangerously mixed messages to it's citizens anyway. However, on top of that I feel it's like throwing the baby out with the bath water to do so when understanding and prevention of future tragedies could come about through intelligently working with these fools. There has to be triggers that make this happen and signs that could warn us if and when it is, no? Surely that's a better option than just letting them off the hook with an early death which saves them from ever facing up to what they did to their own child-I'd prefer we find SOME small shred of good in the mess and let them think about what they did for the rest of their lives. Let it eat at them.

Christ, we don't know everything about them. for all we know either or both could be mentally sufficient or psychotic or anything and need to know just what went n and, more importantly in many ways , why. then, amybe, some child in the future may be a little luckier. RIP little one, God bless. Sad, sad times we live in.

SuperStrokey11235174d ago

This makes me so freaking angry, I would give anything up just to make my little girl smile once, and these losers go and kill their baby. It just makes me want to scream.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5174d ago
Farmhand5175d ago

it makes me sick to my stomach that my favorite hobby (video games) can lead to the death of a helpless child. What I would like to see done to these people cant be described in detail here at N4G or on any other site.

Bubbles is correct though, these people need to live a long life in prison, with the walls of their cell covered with pics of the child.

cyborg69715175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

Why let them live off of other people in jail for eighty years for dumb. You conservatives need to quit stagnating progression and get a back bone.

Megaton5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

"You conservatives need to quit stagnating progression and get a back bone."

^ lolwut

Pro-DP is typically a Republican/conservative point of view.
Anti-DP is typically a Democrat/liberal point of view.

Kurylo3d5175d ago

i dont know what democrats uve been talkn too, but all the dems i know(including myself ) are pro death penalty....

I mean really.. put them in prison and remind them of their child to make them sad? Really?

That same child they fed rotten food too.. beat and starved to death... Do you really think they care about the childs death.

Darkfocus5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

when a convicts on death row they can file as many appeals as they want and usually with a state appointed lawyer too, and those appeals have to be fought with by a another state appointed lawyer and then a judge also payed by the state has to decide the case. this process continues for years and there's also the chance that an innocent person is being sent to their death.




cyborg69715175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

Yea well then shorten the appeals system and do you know how much it costs counties and states to house one inmate per year? 21,000.00 times oh say 60 65 years what do you come up with? Your argument doesn't hold water.

Below I wish I could but I'm at work. I'll check them out when I get home.

Darkfocus5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

maybe you should read some of the links before hastily jumping to conclusions

second links got a hole bunch examples with data backing it up

nefertis5175d ago

I hope the parents dont drop the soap if they live in prison. Playb3yond

FadeToBlack5174d ago

Let them spend the rest of their life in jail??
Why, so tax payer can pay to keep scum like this alive?
Not only should they be executed, but they should also suffer
the same torture as their poor child.

mastiffchild5174d ago

And what happens when society murders the wrong person for a crime you people deem worthy of a death penalty?What then? Have we arrived at a place where judicial practise is infallible? not when I last checked we didn't and not even in the US or UK where how much cash you have at the start of a trial can have just as much bearing on how you get on as your guilt or innocence. Seriously, how many people get banged up for crimes they never committed, were incapable of judging or didn't even understand? You just can't go with a death penalty under these circumstances.

Personally I don't see how we could EVEN if the court process was perfect 100% of the time as a society which punishes violence with more violence is sending out some very odd messages about what's right and what's wrong, isn't it? Plus how can we learn and prevent future crimes if we just off the culprits without ever knowing why they did things, how they did things and what the early signs were so we might prevent future crimes? The cost of keeping prisoners alive and the cost of DR and executing them is of no importance at all if we can fins a way to save just one life by researching the miscreants.

There's also the mental state of the culprits to investigate:what illnesses effect psychotic behaviour, what mental problems can make these things happen and what can we see that may help us stop things going so far in other cases? I just see no real sense in falling for our base desire for revenge when there's chances to stop other, awful things from happening with a different approach. Don't make what happens to the killer the important thing-it isn't and they aren't. We should, instead, treasure what we can glean from these individuals while keeping them alive in the hope that they start to understand their evil and feel the guilt all their lives. Keeping them alive also shows a merciful society that is progressive about stopping these actions from happening in the future and doesn't show our kids that violence is an answer to anything-importantly, it also allows us to compensate and make up in some way to those who get jailed erroneously in these cases as if we'd killed them we'd be guilty of a crime they didn't even commit and would have no way of rectifying our mistake-to me that shows we shouldn't be putting ourselves in the position of Gods turning people's live's on and off.

Honestly guys, to me finance doesn't come into it and a lifetime of guilt is a better and, at least reversible, punishment then turning on the gas tanks. We have a bigger responsibility towards the future than a death penalty allows and facing that is much more important than allowing ourselves to sink to the level of vengeful killers as well as the original culprits. That's without even thinking about the rights and wrongs on a one to one basis of taking the life of even the most awful human being(see Orwell's piece about the sentenced prisoner on his way to his death if you're interested as it's an amazing bit of writing)and going from a purely "what's best" point of view-for our society.I don't even believe in deterrents for these kinds of acts as nothing seems to stop them punishment wise.

I just don't see any good coming from killing murderers, or killing anyone, for that matter, when we're all fallible, our courts are fallible and there's so much we can learn front them to help prevent things happening in similar ways in the future.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5174d ago
PS3and4_HAS_GAMES5175d ago

that shyt is not even funny man..thats a child we are talking about dumb @ss..i hope the parents starve in jail and die

cyborg69715175d ago

Yeah have some common sense,but then again it's not that common is it.

weazel5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

Ghost, take your pseudo-intellectual sh*t somewhere else man. Yeah, yeah. Everyone understands the deep pain and profundity of your 'mutterings' but this article could do without your brand of waffle. This is just fu*ked up, and the parents should be dealt with as torturing murderers, 'cause that is what they are. It's not gamings fault, not society, or any other 'easy' target. The finger of blame points squarely at these two fuc*ers, square in the eyes.

2FootYard5175d ago (Edited 5175d ago )

This should have been left blank. I f**ked up big. Castration is the answer.

Oh and uh don't take advice from the cyborg fellow. He gets high by inhaling the chemicals in computer dusters.

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Nitrowolf25175d ago

that is just sick, raising a fake baby over yours wow

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