
VGC: Heavy Rain Review

VGChartz writes: "Heavy Rain has not redefined the way games are played, or started a revolution for the industry which all developers will now follow. It has, however, successfully blurred the lines between games and movies a little by offering an extremely cinematic experience that doesn't leave the player watching endless cutscenes. More importantly, Heavy Rain is fun to play. It gives the player a thrilling rush, and an intriguing and interesting story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end. This is the kind of game that you may sit down and play all at once, not because it's incredibly short, but because it's just too hard to put down."

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naznatips5198d ago

Wow what a great review! Best I've ever read!

Okay so I wrote it. :-P

Hope you guys enjoy it though. :)

Gambit075198d ago

How can you type with no hands?

Jinxstar5198d ago (Edited 5198d ago )

Before Aquanox comes in here. Denouncing HR as not AAA...


That = AAA. They use actual gaming site and not small scale british newspapers and other junk.

The N4G average is AAA as well...

@ Below: Really I agree 100%. I also agree with the metacritic definition. Just wanted to clear it up is all.

Alpha. I just think Meta critic is one of the worst "Collective review" sites around. Useless really but everyone seems to turn to it...

Oldsnake0075198d ago

Who the f*ck cares if HR is AAA or not ???

Demons Souls has 89 metascore does this mean it isnt AAA ?? Hell, what determines what is and what is not AAA ??

IMo Uncharted 1 was AAA, i freaking love it,replayed it arauond 5 times for Trophies and fun.

It has metascore 88 . Who the f*ck cares ??

Snowb4205198d ago (Edited 5198d ago )

"In the video game industry, AAA game is an informal description for a video game that is produced and promoted with a relatively high budget."


On Topic: Can't wait for Heavy Rain, loved the demo. Only wish i had more money for all these great games coming out.=(

-Alpha5198d ago (Edited 5198d ago )

Exactly-- people make a big deal with an 89 or 88 as if it's not AAA. It's bullcrap really. By the way, Jinxstar, Metacrtic has HR at AA (88). Why should it matter? The game is great, who cares if it gets a 90 or 88? Haters may point to the MC overall and you would point to the GR overall-- it doesn't matter! Your arguing about how great a great game is, it makes no sense.

I've seen 360 fanboys try and argue a game is AA when others will argue it's AAA. That's the last resort of fanboys! Since they can't say the game is crap because it's not getting bad scores, they have to argue that it's not as good as the scores it gets! They go from appealing to the media to arguing with the media. Don't fall for that nonsense.

Perjoss5198d ago

Heavy Rain is day 1 for me, I really liked the demo. Its one of the few games that interest me on the ps3 this year, along with God of War and a Valkyria Chronicles sequel if one makes it out this year.

feelintheflow5198d ago

I played the demo a couple of times. The only thing I don't like is your character walks really slow all the time, like he is strutting. How about a little spring in his step so it doesn't take 5 minutes to walk down an alley. Other than that, I was totally immersed in the game. Can't wait to spend countless hours playing it.

sikbeta5198d ago


Is not like PS3 owners make a big deal for the Review scores, come on a "bad score" from an Exclusive Game is a "weapon" for fanboys haters of whatever console


Good Review and Score, I'll enjoy this Fr*cking Game

N4BmpS5198d ago (Edited 5198d ago )

@ Oldsnake007 and Alphamale I agree with the both of you It doesn't matter what MC gives it, if it's a game you don't wanna overlook cuz you have an unquestionable belief that it will be good go for it and buy it, if you have major doubts but wanna try it out borrow it or rent it or wait til it's cheap. fanboys, 360 and PS3 alike worry to much about a MC overall score, they just do it to get under each others skin, which makes them equally very annoying.I know this is out of the ball park a little but I can guarantee that Heavy Rain isn't Dynasty Warriors. Oh and another thing, this is a good review, my second favorite for this title.

-Alpha5198d ago (Edited 5198d ago )

PS3 fans DO make a big deal out of review scores. Everybody does.

"a "bad score" from an Exclusive Game is a "weapon" for fanboys haters of whatever console"

As is a "good score" for an exclusive game which becomes a weapon for fanboys to use on whatever console.

Reviews help people decide whether a game is worth purchasing or not. Sure, it's not as great as renting a game, but I do often find reviews help a lot. The problem with fanboys is that they LOVE appealing to the media unless of course they give bad scores, in which case the media is all of a sudden biased. It happened with MAG. People are so caught up with using scores to bash other fanboy groups that they think a 7/10 is a very bad score. Nobody looks at content anymore, they just see a number and then automatically hate on the game or review.


The thing is that MC's score is off by TWO POINTS! And people are arguing "OH IT'S NOT AAA!" That's just desperation to downplay a game that is already great when you can't downplay it for being bad.

insomnium5198d ago

Every single bit of this p'ssing contest started with the insecure x360 fans when the PS3 was just about to be launched. If you weren't here 3-4 years ago and are oblivious to this FACT you really shouold go back and look it up.

Look what happened after the price of the PS3 was first made public. Who threw the first stone?

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Braineater24485198d ago

I wasnt sure if this game would be popular among the elite gaming sites, but its receiving a lot of positive support.

FrankWest5198d ago

I knew this would be great since it's Quantic Dream

infamousinfolite5198d ago

yea but whats up with the ".1" thing??

NotoriousWarrior5198d ago



anyways it good to see that innovation is appreciated.

dopeboimagic925198d ago

It could still be a flop sales-wise but it's faring well on Amazon and I know I'm getting it for sure.

djfullshred5198d ago

Games with really good reviews from the majority of game sites usually are not flops. Not saying it is going to be a blockbuster or overnight success, but it is going to sell a decent amount with enough good reviews behind it.

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1274d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1274d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1274d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1274d ago (Edited 1274d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

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Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

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ClayRules20121431d ago (Edited 1431d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1431d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121431d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1431d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121431d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121431d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011431d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1431d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.