
Kaz Hirai: We're the "official" industry leader

Eurogamer.com writes: Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai has dismissed Microsoft and Nintendo as competitors because he sees PlayStation as the "official" industry leader.

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5589d ago Replies(43)
Nathan Drake5589d ago

It's an accurate statement from Sony,they simply can sell their casual products(The latest Singstar with over 500,000 sales worldwide)and their hardcore products(Resistance 2 with over 1.2 Million sales worldwide).

Nintendo of course,can sell their casual software like hot cakes,but their hardcore software(Disaster for example) did not put up satisfactory numbers.

The Lazy One5588d ago

You're in the movies: 350k
Lips: 670k
Scene it: Box office: 550k
Banjo Kazooie: 630k

of the casual games you mentioned, all of them broke the 500k mark you set.

CryofSilence5588d ago (Edited 5588d ago )

What about "You're in the Movies?" >.>

Also, your math, while it appears to be good, is actually flawed.

~20 million PS3s
~28 million Xbox 360s

Therefore, 500k of each is, respectively, 2.5% and 1.8% of the entire console base.

Facts are facts. Nothing to disagree about.

fishd5588d ago

Hirai is a true samurai,gotta love him

N4g_null5588d ago

Nintendo's hardcore games are actually listed in the top ten. I think brawl and mario kart was there.

These remarks are why you won't see a price drop. Keep on siding with Kaz. Every PS3 fan says hey it will sell like hot cakes with $100 off! Yet now it's ok for him to basically say yeah we have no competition, thus we should not lower prices.

Your celebrating his elitism LOL and saying yeah it's ok it cost this much. Seriously just say you don't care if the PS3 wins this gen. Truthfully it does not matter because the Neo geo was not even close to competing yet it was my fav system when it came to wow factor.

Seriously though... SONY has not spelled it out yet but they are graduating to the PC market with a closed system that no one has hacked yet. If SONY was smart they would take this tech to the PC market in order to provide a solution for it!

It's only a matter of time before the fans tire of this war. It always happens. Kaz is just playing the swaggar capt as the ship sinks. I wonder if he does the same during the internal meetings? If so that would be a fun job actually! Hell I would even dress like Conan the barbarian! Hey didn't they do that?

Product5588d ago

Scissor ....

nice to see you back on here its good to see people with actual opinions that make sense around here.Ill agree this is just talk for why they are nto selling liek they thought they would back at launch.People might want a pricecut but till the production cost come down i dont see this $100 price cut till atleast next year.

RememberThe3575588d ago

Did you actually read the article? Where in it does he say that the PS3 has no competition?

He says the Wii is not competition, but that was Nintendo's stance from the start.

He says that he doesn't know what word to call the 360. He says it doesn't have longevity, but he never says that it's not competition.

He seems to believe that he has the better system. Can you blame him? And how is that "elitist"?

N4g_null5588d ago (Edited 5588d ago )

I'm sorry RememberThe357 I read the source at Gamasutra, that's where a few industry guys go for the real news. Please know I'm a PC gamers that has a Wii and love old school console games. I won't be getting an HD system unless I get really bored with building new HD ready PCs and playing Wii games. So far I'm perfectly fine. Yet as a gamer you should be afraid of SONY's dealings because it could cause many to fall. If SONY goes down many go down with it because money invested in it's games.

Here you go:

To not name your competition when you have said your are in competition in the past is elitism.Now all they can say is yeah they won't be around when they are still in front of you. Catching up doesn't count if you don't catch and past them. This is not some soccer moms every one wins logic that you guys seem to use. They are 3rd those are the facts. Being number one in a region doesn't matter out side of japan for a lot of these companies.

They have not won yet they claim victory by saying they are better or saying they are the official industry leader his words as they sit at the bottom looking up. To say the 360 has no longevity is pretty silly right now. It is very easy for MS to keep this box going for another 2 years which would be a long time. Also I don't see many new SONY games coming out for the PS2 any more either. Another funny thing is the xbox 360 is now making money on systems sold and they have bought the exclusives needed to keep the thing going. Last time I checked MS big games still sell pretty well. SONY has no halo or gears just to name a few.

I'm not an xbox fan but even I understand why MS dropped the old xbox. Intel had them by the balls and they did not have the support they needed last gen. Yeah it was cut short but you now have a console from a none player that is sitting in second place. While a industry leader ignores the competition and double talks you you try to spin it? You don't really understand that he is trying to tell you

-Yeah sony fans I've heard you say you want a price drop because it helped the xbox 360 yet that things is not even going to be here in a few years, So you know we will win by default.-

You see in japan people gave SONY hell so they got a price drop right away.... Yet the English speaking groups are just fine with spinning the SONY fall so every thing is all rosey.

Here is some reading for you......... a freebie

Report: Sony Restructuring Imminent Amid Management Tension


Another thing is IBM, Nvidia, AMDati are the tech leader ship right now. SONY takes lots of credit for these guys work, IBM, nvidia yet they would not know where to start if they had to make those chips them selves. Nintendo is the controller and expanded/arcade audience leaders right now along with the over all crown for the console war as of now.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5588d ago
pixelsword5589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

Humble yourself, and you shall be exhalted.


A person who is putting on their armor should not boast like one taking theirs off.

While I do enjoy the PS3's technological advances (I go on home at least almost every other day now) keeping a humble attitude installs dignity to both the consumer and the vendor.

But I believe Kaz realizes that a major obstacle may have been overcome, so he may very well be "out of the battle", and therefore sees himself in the position to boast, so I won't come down on him too hard...

...after all, I full well know that I'll be handing Sony $60 when Killzone came out, and bulking up to over 30 games (on disc, mind you) that I play on my PS3.

He's so confident now, I'm almost willing to say some sizable announcement is near.

meepmoopmeep5588d ago

i agree,

keep it humble.

i know i'm the best but i don't boast about it


jwatt5588d ago

I honestly think they're just confident about thier game line up through out the year.

Sarcasm5588d ago

"I'm almost willing to say some sizable announcement is near. "

Price cut and Massive advertisements for Killzone 2 should be in order.

But above all, with all the smack talking Kaz has been doing lately. Sony's priority is


Aclay5588d ago

I agree about being humble, but Sony has been humble for a large part of this generation. Microsoft PR like Don Mattrick and Aaron Greenburg have ran their mouths immensely.

Sony usually isn't the company to boast for no reason at all. With these powerful fighting words coming from Kaz, I have a feeling there's plenty of stuff brewing up in the Playstation camp for 2009.

When running a race, it's not always the quickest that wins, but the one that endures until the end.

A quote that I've heard many times that I think applies really well to Sony's long term PS3 plan is this:

"The Race isn't given to the Swift, but to the one that endures to the end."

The Lazy One5588d ago

sony was rarely humble this generation. They've only seemed humble because they've had nothing to boast about since the public decided to give sony the finger for all its pre-launch boasting shortly after launch.

N4g_null5588d ago

This is not a race this is a war... the first one to crush the other side wins. There is no slow crushing or throwing the last punch if your knocked the F out. There is only a few rounds and the announcer is yelling and SONY's hurt! Swinging widly with jelly arms as nintendo bounces off the opposite rope to ready a running uppercut.

Just like the other systems that died we still loved them because they where the only systems to get some games. Maybe I'll get one, one day or just wait on the PS4 that will have B/C.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5588d ago
I_LOVE_MYSELF5589d ago

Sony did lead the industry... Microsoft dethroned them hard this gen and Sony are left trailing... Sure the PS3 suits me more as a person but the 360 is clearly the better purchase for a wider range of customers

Gue15589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

X360 has a bigger install-base, wider library of games and it is cheaper... But that statement goes to the trash when you remember how often they break, the monthly fee to play online, all the add-ons it needs to be on par with PS3 and at the end it doesn't has blu-ray and and it will cost more. 2009 line-up of games looks better on the the PS3.

BTW that disagree you have doesn't comes from me...

Kratos195589d ago

Nintendo dethroned them, not Microsoft.

pixelsword5589d ago (Edited 5589d ago )

As a whole, The Asian territories tend to go Nintendo, then Sony, as well as Europe...

...as a whole.

and even in the Americas, the Wii is leading.

IdleLeeSiuLung5588d ago

You are right, MS is just nibbling at the little marketshare Sony has left after Nintendo dethroned Sony. So far Sony is the big looser this generation. Going from hero to zero...

Hopefully KZ2 will mark the turning point.

304three5588d ago

can the 360 play blu-ray movies

JBaby3435588d ago

It would be nice. Playing movies AND games is twice the fun.

FF7numba15588d ago (Edited 5588d ago )

lol ps2 is still on the shelves. I like how xbox and nintendo fanboys like to pretend ps3 is the only console sony has. Goes to show that your company really doesn't have much going for them besides the head start and causal machine. Anyways ps3 will be on the shelves longer than wii and 360.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5588d ago
Xbox Street Gang5589d ago

Can't argue with him...

KZ2>>>>>> 360

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Sarah Bond dodges questions on Xbox studio closures

While on stage with Dina Bass at The Bloomberg Technology Summit the President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, was asked about the Xbox studio closures of Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios

12h ago
ApocalypseShadow9h ago

Of course she did. She's part of the problem and will just tow the company line.

VenomUK7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Bloomberg’s Dina Bass could barely read her scripted question without looking at her notes, whilst Sarah Bond who WAS expecting the question spoke without saying anything of substance or answering the question in any meaningful way. Clearly she’s had the same expert PR training as Phil, but this avoidance was disrespectful. In time the short-sighted decision to shut down Tango Gameworks will be seen as of the most notorious examples why Phil Spencer messed up his tenure in charge of Xbox. That’s a fully built out talented team that could’ve been put to work on any project.

Additionally, Phil Spencer should not be using Sarah Bond as a patsy for his mistakes- he should be answering that question.

gleepot4h ago

I think you are all really overselling Tangos value. Hi-Fi rush was a lot of fun. Ghostwire was incredibly dull. Evil within 1 and 2 were just okay.

lucasnooker4h ago

Evil within 2 was incredibly under rated. I thought that game was surprisingly good

NotoriousWhiz1h ago

Someone else said it best. I don't think it was a Phil decision. It was most likely a Satya decision. I think Microsoft is done giving out free money to Xbox.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

Yikes you don't help Sarah 😬 making a problem worse

Christopher7h ago

She's playing her role. There's absolutely nothing any of them can say other than the truth, this is about profit margins and not quality, so they just don't answer anything and wait for gamers to forget.

Hofstaderman7h ago

Like a deer caught in the headlights.....

notachance7h ago

I always wondered why xbox had multiple leaders with similar titles like Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, like, how many heads do you actually need?

Seems to me it would be more cost efficient to cut 2 of them instead of all those studios.

DarXyde6h ago

Frankly, I suspect she is the most competent of them. I don't mean that I like her more, I mean that she's the best at articulating herself and giving the talking points MS wants to give. The others are starting to sound more like her than her sounding like any of them.

Are any of these people "responsible" for what's happening? No. This reeks of Nadella. But that being said, I don't see any of the Xbox heads stepping down in protest.

"Don't shoot the messenger", sure, but at the same time, the messengers don't seem to take umbrage with the message. Not enough to remove themselves from it, anyway.

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The Games Industry Continues To Wonder What Is The Point Of Its Own Existence

While many gaming layoffs are cruel, Tango Gameworks being culled after Hi-Fi Rush doesn't even make sense.

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Psychonaut8518h ago

Good read. I think the point is important. Cuz the message it sends is, make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down. How the fuck are you supposed to feel any sense of job security under those conditions. The level of core incompetence at play in the upper levels of this industry is staggering. This is common sense shit. You can’t chase trends on a 2 year cycle when games take fucking 6-8 years to make. Just let artists fucking art for gods sake. They don’t understand the basic principle that they’re all haggling for the same slice of fucking pie and the market will not bear it. Find a different fucking pie.

TiredGamer14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Might be a great game but it clearly did not make enough money to justify having the team make another game (under the MS umbrella).

It's never been just about whether your game is good or bad. The industry is full of great/underrated games that have a cult following or critical acclaim, but that fail to make great sales. Sad but true. It's a high stakes game, and at the end of the day, companies have to be profitable and make profitable investments. At the very least, there has to be the expectation of a long-term profit even if not profitable today. That goes for anything, no matter if the company is gigantic or a tiny mom-and-pop. We don't have to like it, but our buying habits played a hand in creating this monster.

I will keep harping that the industry has overreached its actual market and that it will implode. That implosion is already starting.

ApocalypseShadow9h ago

I partially agree with what you're saying in that companies need to sell well to make it in the industry. Something I've said again and again. Sony and Nintendo understand this about gaming by selling the game for as long as you can, then drop it on a service for additional revenue. It's why you won't see Sony and Nintendo expensively developed games on a service day one. It doesn't make business sense to do so.

The thing is about Tango is that they weren't given a chance after the acquisition when their game was shadow dropped on a console where gamers are told to not buy games but to rent them on a service for pennies. That kills day one sales even for small indie like developers who have big budgets for their company size.

Microsoft destroyed them in favor of pushing their services over investing in these developers futures or their games they created.

P_Bomb12h ago

“…make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down.”

I got chills. It shouldn’t have come to this.


Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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