
NoScope Game Glasses: Sale Time – 5% Off

SteamFirst: NoScope is hitting us with another sale which is in full effect through August 1st. Simply head to the NoScope sales page, enter code...

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Starbucks_Fan3591d ago

Never understood how these help

jackanderson19853591d ago

my understanding is these glasses put you in the mind frame of a twitch shooter, you feel at one with the controller almost as if you're there real life... targets become more aware, senses heightened, reflexes maximised....

in all seriousness though they're supposedly better for reducing the strain/tiredness (on the eyes) you'd feel during extended gameplay.... rather than pay ridiculous sums i'd take a nap or walk away from the screen but hey that's me

Rocky53590d ago (Edited 3590d ago )

There like Polaroid glasses, they reduce glare & also eye strain by making the image warmer. (Well Polaroid glasses don't make the image warmer)

To be honest I don't see the point in them but people will say otherwise.

ATi_Elite3590d ago (Edited 3590d ago )

Now i spend an enormous amount of money on PC hardware because its my hobby and my PC pay for it but there is one thing I will not buy and thats some silly $200 gamer glasses.

Especially when you can sharpen your picture and soften the colors to prevent eyestrain all from you gpu or monitor.

Besides no matter what you do or wear your eyes get tired like anything else so BREAKS are needed.

Plus it looks just so corny to me like someone trying too hard to be cool.

spence524903591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

So someone took walmart B-grade shooting glasses you get with a bb gun starter kit and branded them as gaming glasses eh? This is fantastic, because now I can start advertising my product. Its a simple baseball cap that unlocks the other side of your brain so you can out perform others in video games. They will start at $199. Actually results may vary.

SteamFirst3590d ago

I would be happy to be a sponsor of your product. :) These NoScopes are actually pretty good, if your into the game glasses scene. 20 bucks is much better than the 100 you'll pay for gunnars.


NoScope Glasses Announces Catalyst Mints For Gamers

Skewed and Reviewed have posted news from NoScope glasses that they have come up with a new line of energy laden mints for gamers who are looking for that extra boost during long sessions.


NoScope Gemini and Golem Gaming Glasses Review - BootHammer

NoScope has just released two new models in their gaming glasses line which are called Gemini and Golem. We were really impressed with their Demon Series Gaming Glasses last year and were eager to take a look at their latest offerings for 2015.

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Gazondaily3274d ago

This is really interesting. I never expected gaming glasses to take off all those years ago but there certainty seems to be a market for it. The question is, is it all a placebo or can you most certainly perceive a difference?

BootHammer3274d ago

I was highly skeptical years ago but have since tried out quite a few with solid success. My eyes felt much better after a few hours of gaming or working (surrounded by screens) when wearing them. They really do work =)

Gazondaily3274d ago

I'm just a bit worries that they will mess up my eyes. What if I don't already wear glasses?

BootHammer3274d ago

They are only tinted so I can't imagine any harm. Now prescription glasses will of course make your eyes dependent on them over time making them weaker but I've only seen positive affects from gaming eyewear. Would love to hear from others on their experience with them.


No Scope gaming glasses

Many of you have most likely heard of or even used some form of gaming glasses.There is still a lot of doubt in the industry about the need for such apparel however for many it is another symbol of a dedicated gamer.

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Iltapalanyymi3523d ago

i still dont believe those glasses do anything. my friend has those, but i really did not notice any kind of difference while playing.

kassler3523d ago

No scope glasses? That's ridiculous! Oh, it's the name of the Company. Still.

xboxpete3520d ago

1st thing you might consider is how dry your eyes are after a gaming session.

The tints are not for coolness or to make them look like sunglasses.

No they have the tint to help re-lubricate your eye lids.

Try them again if your m8 will let you and see (no punn) how your eyes are after that.