
Gameinformer: 35 Developers Share Their Picks For Best Games Of The Generation

Gameinformer: "You've dissected our picks for the best Wii and Xbox 360 games (and you'll see our PlayStation 3 list on Friday). But what do the developers think are the top games of the generation? We asked several prominent creators to share their top fives, and they obliged.

In the next several pages you can check out the lists from the creators of Call of Duty, Borderlands, Super Meat Boy, Halo, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, Journey, Uncharted, Dishonored, Gone Home, Bastion, Dragon Age, and more. A lot of the expected games show up, but there are also more than a few surprise selections. Whose list do you agree with the most? "

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Ezz20133609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Uncharted,The Last Of Us,BATMAN:Arkham asylum
are getting alot of love from developers

XiNarutoUzumaki3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

Uncharted 2 is a technical marvel, and It was the game which pushed Sony games to another level.

I'm glad to see devs loving it too.

tbone5673609d ago Show
ABizzel13609d ago

Top 5......I can't, I just can't bring myself to cut anyone who deserves it. I'm weak -_-

Top 5 PS3: This was a nightmare, too many to chose from -_-

1. The Last of Us
2. Uncharted 2
3. MGS4
4. God of War 3
5. Little Big Planet (Resistance, Heavy Rain, ugh so many)

Top 5 360: surprisingly easy

1. Gears of War
2. Alan Wake
3. Halo
4. Forza 4
5. Crackdown (Lost Odyssey)

Top 5 Wii: this was kind of hard too

1. Twilight Princess
2. Mario Galaxy
3. Metroid Prime Trilogy
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
5. Excite Truck (loved it)

Top 5 Multiplat

1. Grand Theft Auto 5
2. Arkham City
3. Borderlands 2
4. Bioshock
5. Left 4 Dead 2

This was a lot harder than I thought, and there's no way I can do a top 5 for the generation.

Ezz20133609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


"Best game of this generation is Halo and Gears"

you forgot to add "IN MY OPINION"
lol at the rest of your comment though

Revengeance3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )


Lol you're trying way too hard. Halo and Gears best of the generation? Hardly. Gears didn't redefine anything. It copied RE4's third-person view and stole Kill Switch's cover system. So what exactly did it redefine again?

Move along kid.

On-topic: I saw a lot of Batman Arkham Asylum on there. I enjoyed City more, but it deserves to be on people's list regardless.

MysticStrummer3609d ago

I guess tbone hasn't been gaming long. He's free to have his own favorite games, but he has some funny ideas about who copied what.

OT - Demon's Souls was easily my Game of the Generation.

Dark Souls, Uncharted 2, The Last of Us, and Red Dead Redemption would probably make up the rest of my top 5.

So many great games to choose from.

bigbic3609d ago

My top PS3 games
1. TLoU
2. Demon Souls
3. Uncharted 2
4. Little Big Planet
5. Metal Gear Solid 4

.... I'm sorry Journey!

FamilyGuy3609d ago (Edited 3609d ago )

An unnumbered, unsorted list

Uncharted 2
Castle Crashers
Gears of War
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
Fallout: New Vegas
Demon's Souls
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Metal Gear Solid 4
Super Mario Galaxy
Call of Duty Black Ops
Battlefield 3
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Halo: Reach
New Super Mario Bros.
The Walking Dead

diehardmetallicafan3609d ago

@tbone... hahaha...

my top 5 in no specific order,

- deus ex human revolution
- the last of us
- uncharted 2
- demon's souls
- dishonored

my most disappointing,

- gta v
- battlefield 3
- red faction armageddon
- res evil 5/6
- brink
- duke nukem forever
- assassins creed(all of them)
- thief
- turok
- haze
- borderland 2

guitarded773609d ago

Uncharted 2 was incredible, but The Last of Us was a roller coaster of emotions. It's my pick for game of the generation.

Also, Journey is a close second for me. Both amazing in their own right.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3608d ago
showtimefolks3609d ago

Uncharted 2 is one of the best and most complete experience for me since MGS3. TLOU is the best game i have ever played in 25 years of gaming.

but my favorite game is MGS3 coming in at 1A is TLOU

for me and i know this will never happen, but imagine if ND/Kojima work together on a UC/MGS game or maybe do a new IP

bigbic3608d ago

Snake Eater was soooo good.

DigitalRaptor3607d ago

Kojima has been heavily influenced by Naughty Dog's style starting with The Last of Us, so that's as good as it's gonna get, but you can tell the way he's scenario writing for The Phantom Pain that it's going to be something very special indeed.

Ausbo3609d ago

Agreed. The uncharted series got the most love. Deservedly So.

interestingly enough, the naughty dog guys really liked gears.

lots of devs liked crackdown too.

Back-to-Back3609d ago

Poor Demons/Dark Souls didnt get much love. It's a shame so many people overlooked the game because he always had the "This game is brutal hard" stigma attached to it.

The reality is that these games are feasible for anyone if you're willing to learn the mechanics of the game. Sadly majority of the gaming community needs immediate satisfaction(ala Call of Duty).

BullyMangler3609d ago

dude . . The Last of Us only gets mentioned once in this Article.

While real games like Mario Galaxy, Batman Arkhym Asylum, get multiple mentions .

Either way .

these are the real winners of Last Gen.

1. Super Mario Galaxy (series)

2. Uncharted Series

3. Red Dead Redemption (online)

4. Super Smash Bros Brawl

5. Bayonetta

6. The Last Guardian

7. etc.

InTheLab3608d ago

The last Guardian? So this is trolling then? Ok...

starchild3608d ago

Well deserved, I'd say. Naughty Dog makes incredible games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3607d ago
BillmadeAGate3609d ago

Uncharted, Bioshock, TLOU, Batman Arkham asylum, Call of Duty , Red Dead redemption, GTA V , Borderlands, The Walking Dead , Dead Space ect.. alot of amazing games this decade an only more to come.

I_am_Batman3608d ago

Why are so many people picking Arkham Asylum instead of Arkham City? I love both of those games but AC is superior in almost every way imo.

Aceman183608d ago

because its more like Metroid in the way you explore in the game.

-Foxtrot3609d ago

Uncharted has done pretty well, that's nice to see

Sad to see someone with two COD games...I mean the top 5 games of last gen and you go with two COD games lol. I know, I know opinions but it's just a little weird with all the better games out there.

AnotherProGamer3609d ago

hey some people picked Skyrim and IMO that game isn't very good

*runs away*

-Foxtrot3609d ago

Compared to Oblivion anyway...

The game was much more challenging in my opinion, of course Skyrim improved on certain things but it felt far too accessible and dumbed down for a wider audience.

InTheLab3608d ago

Cod4 is understandable but Zampella nominating his own game is hilarious.

Also, the guy at Sledgehammer says that MW2 is game of the generation. Makes me lose all hope that Advanced Warfare will be anything but good.

-Foxtrot3608d ago

See I don't think MW was good...I mean I played a lot of Counter Strike at the time so I never saw the big deal.

With all the games we've had last gen I still think MW is near the bottom of the list.

Bathyj3609d ago

Nice to see a diverse varied range of game tastes (from what I saw).

God I hate these articles though where they make you click through 7 slow loading pages when it could have just as easily been one. I stopped reading.

XiNarutoUzumaki3609d ago

Evan Well's list gave me cancer.

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