
Xbox One and PS4 1080p debate will "auto-balance" eventually, says Thief dev

"Earlier this week it was confirmed that Eidos Montreal's Thief reboot runs at 900p and 30 frames a second on Xbox One, cue the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth from pixel counters. Speaking to OXM at a preview event this afternoon, art director Nick Cantin and lead level designer Daniel Windfeld Schmidt discussed reaction to the announcement, suggesting that the furore over 1080p will die down as the new hardware beds in."

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dirigiblebill3733d ago

I'm biased towards the Bone, admittedly, but I think we'll look back on all these screen comparisons five years from now and laugh. Or cry. One of the two.

Hatsune-Miku3733d ago ShowReplies(15)
solidt123733d ago

Where do you get this auto-balance thingy they talking about? lol

stuna13733d ago

The Xbox1 is going to grow another CPU/GPU in the future!

cozomel3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

i think they pull it right out of their a$$. People look beyond stupid defending this ish.

badz1493733d ago

yeah, seriously, what is this "auto-balance" thing that the dev is talking about? somehow in the future, the Xbone will have the power to rival the PS4's performance?

seems like people making this claim are forgetting things about the architecture of both PS4 and Xbone. they are x86 based systems that people are already familiar with since like...I don't know...as long as we can remember?? in other words, they are just locked down PCs! so any secret sauce or whatever are wishful thinking at best!

have any of you witnessed a weaker PC GPU in similar system outperform a more powerful counterpart given several years of coding and optimization? gee...I don't know, I haven't seen any because IT DOESN'T EXIST!

devs are already able to take full advantages of the PS4 is because they are already familiar with the architecture and the Xbone will never have the same result because the GPU is weaker and it doesn't have fast GDDR5 like what most GPU use these days. sure, things might get better and games might start to look better on the Xbone but the PS4 has the same CPU but better GPU, so it will always be the case of "what the Xbone can do, the PS4 can do BETTER!"

hades073732d ago

Will you ps and xbox fanboys just STFU. Here you have a game that developers are trying to discuss and all people care about is the fact that there is a fewer less pixels on one system compared to the other. I see thousands of comments all over the net about the resolution of games, yet barely anyone is talking about the gameplay which is far more important. Are all of you going to sit their, not touch the controller and count pixels or are you going to be playing the game and enjoying it for what it is?

Utalkin2me3732d ago

Seems to me it is more of dumb down the Ps4 version to "Auto balance".

DigitalAnalog3732d ago

@hades07. You clearly miss the point. The fact that the developers is essentially feeding conjecture while being "supposedly" neutral is concerning to say the least.

The problem is letting them get away with such snarky and degrading remarks. They literally believe that the consumers in general are ignorant they can feed misinformation just to appease to a certain company is disgusting.

If anything, THEY should follow your advice and avoid talking about this so-called "power" balance in the near future because it only harms their reputation as game developers.

fr0sty3732d ago

auto balance = eventually people will just accept the fact that the bone isn't as powerful and will quit trying to defend inferior hardware. the conversation will then die out because people will get tired of talking about it...

in no way does it mean parity will be achieved.

Kidmyst3732d ago

"I think it's going to auto-balance in a while," suggested Schmidt. "It's going to change a lot. I think [fans] will eventually move on to other stuff, right now though..."

I'm thinking the Dev's are trying to say this will always be the case but gamers will tire of bringing it up and move on to something else which most likely will happen. but the comments on that site and Xbox fans saying as long as it's 720P they are fine. OK, so the whole reason I have not bought the Xbone is the 360 i have does 720, for $500 I expect better. When I build a new PC and put $500 or more into it, it runs and performs faster and outputs more fluid graphics the the PC I had used.

ABizzel13732d ago

I agree with him. The 1080p debate will "auto-balance". But the problem then becomes PS4 games will be running a much higher framerates in comparison like Tomb Raider Definitive Edition.

It's better to take a "L" on the resolution than it is to have the PS4 performing at 2x the framerate. That's even worse than the resolution wars.

Unspoken3732d ago

The auto balance comes into play when the disparity between the the two decreases as new game engines come out and the PS4 can no longer handle 1080p@60fps which is already the case.

The gap between console and PC will widen and both of the consoles will look similar when compared to PC graphics. The PS4 will either have a resolution hike or fps hike, but not both.

If Witcher 3 comes out at 900p on PS4 and 720p on the One, they'll both be inferior to Steam machines.

k3rn3ll3732d ago

The truth is when u look at tye consumer base as a whole. .... 75% of them are ignorant of the technical aspects. We know that there are at least 80 million homes with consoles. Maybe 20 million actually visit sites and buy into the console war. The large majority just want to relax and enjoy a video game with there friends. Same reason why resogun is the best exclusive on ps4 at launch. Not a power needy game but god damn it is it fun. Same reason why we can all bust out our old nes and still have a great time. Because the majority cares about the experience

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assdan3733d ago

But here's the thing, we are getting close to photrealism, especially with the ps4. I think the end of this gen will look near photorealistic. We won't be laughing at these screenshots 5 years from now because the next big leap is animation. And yes, there is a big difference in graphics between the two consoles.
And @Hatsune-miku; wow, you're completely right. I guess I just didn't realize that some people hadn't considered that.

Morgue3733d ago

It's hard to debate or even know what too say when I only own a PS4 and haven't seen a an X1 game in person.

SaturdayNightBeaver3733d ago

love the xbone fanboys on that website are all like :

"lol pffft 900p 30fps? Its totaly fine for me , person can't even say the difference between 720p and 1080p on big screen TV" haahahah

JeffGUNZ3732d ago

I don't think anyone is really saying that, it's more like games such as titanfall it's not paramount for it to be 1080. Sure, in a perfect world it would be great, but nothing is going to be taken away from a game like that if it's 720. Xbox fans are not saying their isn't a difference or the PS4 is not more powerful; just simply stating that in a lot of games out there, it's not the most important factor.

MysticStrummer3732d ago

"I don't think anyone is really saying that"

People are saying it. Whether they really believe it or not is another matter.

RedSoakedSponge3732d ago

either way you look at it, xbox one version sadly is the weaker version for some good games right now.

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kingdip903733d ago

I think as long as the most inexpensive hardware is more capable at resolution that it's more expensive counterpart there will always be people complaining over the lower resolution of xbox one games.

Sayai jin3733d ago

True, but only hardcore gamers care about the resolution or will notice a substantial difference...what I mean are early adopters. The casuals make up the majority of console purchases over the genenration. They'll look at one being more expensive than the other and wonder if they do the same thing. Some may see that and obviously go with the cheaper one while other swill see that the other one additional hardware (kinect) even if most feel it should be optional

kingdip903733d ago

Word of mouth is a powerful thing, probably more powerful than marketing. Word of mouth spreads from the core outwards.

medman3733d ago

That's a bunch of crap sayai jin. If someone owns a larger television set, the difference between the two resolutions is readily apparent. There is nothing "hardcore" about that.

Sayai jin3730d ago

No medman, that is my opinion and my experience. I have tv sizes raning from 32 in to 65 in to include a HD projector displaying on a 140 by 100 in screen. I can tell the difference, but most who visit my home can not and most do not care.

Garethvk3733d ago

gameplay is key but the gap cannot be ignored.

XiSasukeUchiha3733d ago

Gameplay is key for sure but gap of the Xbone is too noticeable though :o

JeffGUNZ3733d ago

It's nitpicking really. While I was playing Titanfall the last thing that came across my mind was "I wonder ow the textures of those plants are close up" or "what's my resolution right now?". If a game is fun, that's what really matters at the end of the day. Look at Counter Strike, how awesome is it that people are still playing that game. It's sure not for the graphics! Even when I game on my PS3, I am not looking for the things everyone hear claim to be the most important, I am hoping to be immersed into the game and funfactor.

mcstorm3733d ago

That's well put and I agree. Its only the fan boys who talk about power etc. For me a game is all about how it makes you feel when playing it. Each of us are different and like different things. I'm not interested in KZ as I had 2 and 3 and although they looked nice they did not make me love the game. For me the best fps game of last gen was halo 3 I've had more fun on this game than any other and can still go back to it today and love it. It was the same for Forza Horizon in racing and I also loved Alan Wake too. Theses games may not of been the best selling games but to me they gave me what I wanted out of them. I loved lbp I likes what was done with the game but I felt 2 and the vita version were just more of the same and I wanted something different in them.

But that said that's just my own thoughts on some games and other people will disagree and other people will agree.

All this power talk is just crape as the ps2 and psx had less power than the n64, gamecube and Xbox but that did not stop them from having amazing games too like MGS, crash, ff7, res evil and more.

medman3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

I don't know what you're talking about. It would be nice if dat "next gen" console could produce current true hd graphics. We're not talking 4k here, we're talking about the current standard in hd, 1080p. It's just plain pathetic that a system that costs more than it's competitor can't even match the current standard, while the less expensive console has no trouble meeting that same standard. You lot can try to poo poo that all you want, but you just sound like lames, making excuses that quite frankly shouldn't have to be made for a "next gen" gaming system. Period. If 360/ps3 levels of performance is acceptable, why exactly did you buy a new console? You sure have low expectations for your gaming needs.

H0RSE3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )


The flaw in your argument is that the only instance where 1080p is the "current standard" in gaming, is with PC. For consoles, 1080p is the next step. In fact, it won't become standard ("standard" in terms as the "go to" resolution that isn't talked about when a game achieves it) until later this gen, or next-gen.

Statix3732d ago

Both consoles will definitely improve over time, but the gap in hardware and performance will always be there. That's a simple fact of the hardware being more capable in one machine than the other; there's no getting around this static power differential unless developers start gimping one console's version of a game for the sake of "parity."

yewles13733d ago


No way... they COULD NOT have said that... Pennello must be proud.


MysticStrummer3733d ago

Ha ha Penello is exactly who I thought of too.

There isn't really a debate anyway. There are simply people who don't acknowledge PS4's very real hardware advantage. Oddly, or maybe not, they're the same people who think XB1's tools and methods will improve while PS4's won't. That's not a debate, it's just irrational people, and it will go on throughout the generation. Sites like Lens of Truth will see to that, and those comparisons will of course show up on N4G every single time.

H0RSE3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

The argument isn't about the PS4's hardware advantage. The argument is despite the advantage, is the PS4 producing visuals at such a higher fidelity over the X1, that it's even worth bringing up the "superior hardware" argument? Based on every multiplat released, I have not seen a case of this, despite the PS4 version having higher res or otherwise - the differences simply are not substantial enough to boast the PS4's power gap.

And save me the "50% more power" or "twice as many pixels" rhetoric. The argument is based around the end results - what people actually see, not the numbers game working in the background. If one version has twice as many pixels, and all it largely receives is a "it looks a little better," is that comment an adequate reaction for this supposed 50% more power?

MysticStrummer3732d ago

"And save me the "50% more power" or "twice as many pixels" rhetoric. The argument is based around the end results"

Well then the people doing the arguing need to wake up. You can't just reject the numbers and say they don't prove anything when they sure as hell do. You don't get to declare what is proof and what isn't. If the proof doesn't matter to you, that's your business, but it's still proof.

Look at MGS. Higher resolution on PS4, and on top of that the PS4 version is running a more complex weather system. Sorry but that's proof of a substantial power gap.

H0RSE3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

The argument is not about whether or not there is "proof." The argument is whether people are going to warrant the differences as meaningful or not. The PS4 version of a game could have 1000x more resolution and/or rendering shading techniques going on, but if it results in a "it looks a little better" all that talk of power essentially falls short.

Your argument stems from the numbers game - claiming that regardless what people see the "proof" is there, regardless if an extra 50% = 0.01% increase (not saying this is the case, just showing how "50%" can be misleading)

My argument is claiming that if the "proof" cannot manifest itself into definitive end results that accurately display this claimed power gap, then it looses much of it's credibility and comes off as little more than mere marketing hype, and would be better to simply say it like it is - that the PS4 tends to produce higher resolution multiplats, but overall, they look largely the same.

And if number-wise, the 50% gap actually translates into "a little bit better," or a lot of small improvements spread throughout the game that players may or may not pick up on, (which seems to be case so far) then it also make the "more power" rhetoric, lose much of it's meaning.

MysticStrummer3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

The concept of diminishing returns has been around and in play for more generations than just this one. Doubling power doesn't necessarily double the eye candy, since there's more of everything going on in the background and right up front. Taking just the basic visuals and ignoring everything else, like you ignored the MGS weather thing, is just cherry picking. Jumping up in resolution like we're seeing takes substantially more power, and that extra power is coming from the cheaper option.

It's like CD audio vs DVD audio, when those formats came out. Neil Young tried to get the music industry to wait on adopting the CD format because DVD had much better sound quality. Many people would listen to both and say there wasn't much difference, if any. Or the difference between the various types of surround sound. Same thing. The casual listener would say both sounded great and probably buy the cheaper one (which in this case is a problem for MS). The audiophile would explain to the casual listener why they were wrong. You're arguing from that casual point of view, which is fine, but it doesn't change the facts.

H0RSE3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

"The concept of diminishing returns has been around and in play for more generations than just this one. Doubling power doesn't necessarily double the eye candy, since there's more of everything going on in the background and right up front."

- which is part of my point. So many are boasting the "50% more power" claim and similar ones, without truly knowing what it actually means. Many are interpreting is an "across the board" statement, when that's not necessarily the case.

"Taking just the basic visuals and ignoring everything else, like you ignored the MGS weather thing, is just cherry picking."

- No it isn't. These elements are a part of my argument. I didn't ignore them, I stated that if elements like these go largely unnoticed, why boast them? If people need to bring them up in conversation for people to realize they are even there, that speaks for itself.

"Jumping up in resolution like we're seeing takes substantially more power, and that extra power is coming from the cheaper option."

- The argument is not about how much more power it takes, it's about the end results and how they compare, and with every multiplat released, the PS4 version has either been arguably better or slightly more. The argument isn't how much power it takes or whether or not the PS4 versions look better, but rather do the differences correlate to the power claims being talked about, according to what people are actually seeing.

"It's like CD audio vs DVD audio, when those formats came out. Neil Young tried to get the music industry to wait on adopting the CD format because DVD had much better sound quality. Many people would listen to both and say there wasn't much difference, if any. Or the difference between the various types of surround sound. Same thing. The casual listener would say both sounded great and probably buy the cheaper one (which in this case is a problem for MS). The audiophile would explain to the casual listener why they were wrong. You're arguing from that casual point of view, which is fine, but it doesn't change the facts."

- It may be a "casual" point of view, but it also arguably the majority point of view. In your example, you bring up audiophiles, which are essentially music/sound enthusiasts, which make up a far smaller demographic. That being said, if consumers were at "audiophile status" in terms of visuals, they would be playing PC, since deciding on a PS4 based on factors in terms of visuals and performance, is essentially settling for second best.

You seem to just want to cling to the idea that PS4 is more powerful, can produces better visuals, and regardless if those differences go noticed or not, facts are facts, I win. Unfortunately, that's not my argument...I'm not arguing facts. I'm arguing how relevant they are.

MysticStrummer3732d ago

"So many are boasting the "50% more power" claim and similar ones, without truly knowing what it actually means."

What do you base that on? What I see are people backing up the 50% power claim by talking about the actual hardware and what it's capable of. Shaders, pixels, etc.

"I stated that if elements like these go largely unnoticed, why boast them?"

Did you feel the same last gen, when smaller differences were seemingly a bigger deal to the 360 crowd? They aren't largely unnoticed. From what I see so far, sites like Lens of Truth aren't even needed this gen.

"The argument isn't how much power it takes or whether or not the PS4 versions look better, but rather do the differences correlate to the power claims being talked about, according to what people are actually seeing."

And the answer is yes, they do correlate whether you admit it or not.

"It may be a "casual" point of view, but it also arguably the majority point of view."

I'll have to think about how that's an argument that proves anything in your favor. You seem to be saying ignorance is bliss.

"if consumers were at "audiophile status" in terms of visuals, they would be playing PC, since deciding on a PS4 based on factors in terms of visuals and performance, is essentially settling for second best."

That's true in a way, but bringing PCs into a console argument means nothing to me. I've tried PC gaming several times in my life and always come back to console. The games I want to play are generally more on console than PC, so I don't care much about what resolution those other games are playing.

"You seem to just want to cling to the idea that PS4 is more powerful, can produces better visuals, and regardless if those differences go noticed or not, facts are facts, I win. Unfortunately, that's not my argument...I'm not arguing facts. I'm arguing how relevant they are."

I'm not clinging to anything. PS4 is more powerful, can produce better visuals, and they are more noticeable than the differences between PS3 and 360 multi plats. Again I have to wonder if you said these same things last gen, and the real bottom line is of course that the cheaper option is producing the better visuals.

Personally, I bought my PS3 because I knew certain games I wanted to play would never be on 360, and after awhile it became apparent that though 360's multi plats had marginally better visuals, sites like Lens of Truth were needed to point them out. You say PS4/XB1 differences aren't noticeable but as I said, to me Lens of Truth isn't even needed to point them out this gen. When you can see the difference by looking at a crappy YouTube video, there is indeed a noticeable difference.

Either way, we're just going in circles here so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. For what it's worth, your argument would hold more water if XB1 was the cheaper option. It's not, and that's MS's own fault.

Peace and good gaming.

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SniperControl3733d ago

TBH, they have to say this, they are selling software on both consoles, they need to kiss both buttocks to get good sales.

Truth is, Sony are constantly working to improve the PS4(many xboys are in total denial about this), there will always be a performance gap between PS4 and X1, no amount of coding or hardware is gonna change that.

Statix3732d ago (Edited 3732d ago )

Wonder why we've been seeing some developers do damage control for the Xbone lately? First, it was Rebellion games, now we have the Thief devs. Wonder if Microsoft is going around to 3rd-parties and "encouraging" them to spread more positive messages about their proven weaker hardware.

Pretty sad, if that's the case. People like Penello at MS should just focus on games, rather than continue this feckless power debate that they will never win.

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From outer space to stealing in Europe, The Epic Games Store has two free games you might like.

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Thief - Taken From Us Too Soon

The Thief game series has had many ups-and-downs, and 2014's reboot showed a great deal of promise nearly a decade ago.

Notellin285d ago

This would be such a great franchise to reboot. A darker game than Dishonored, but focused around stealth and large scale heists from an oppressive monarchy.

That's probably my dream game. I love immersive sims and stealth!

Noskypeno285d ago

People say they hate forced stealth sections in games. But a game focused on stealth with good mechanics and level design feels refreshing from the guns blazing games which I also enjoy. I really enjoyed playing Splinter cell, a game that not many try to mimic today. Not too many games let you shoot lights out, or throw cans or bottles to distract guards. Sure there are games with stealth options like the new Wolfenstein but it doesn't feel necessary to play it that way. Hitman might be the only game that has that feeling, except for that Korean game that may or may not ever come out.

isarai285d ago

You should try the Sniper Elite games, so good, especially with coop

Notellin284d ago

Same here. I'm glad there are some other people who enjoy these types of games!

@isarai I tried Sniper Elite 5 and ended up really enjoying that one. Went back and played 4 as well!.

ModsDoBetter285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

The last one was a trainwreck and has been in the bargain bin since just after launch. If they bring it back, they need a massive change in direction.

Inverno285d ago

only direction they should take is putting it in reverse and going back to what the originals did. I couldn't finish this game, and I made a choice to never play it again. I watched a video about the og Thief and Deus Ex games and the current AAA standard will forever hold back these games. These 2 games alone had already solved so many problems with modern gaming that I don't think they'll get a chance at something great unless they're made by a dev that actually give a damn.

monkey602285d ago

Jesus the last installment sells at about 2 euro and even that is over paying for it. Absolutely diabolical game

SimpleSlave285d ago

Ups and Down? More like Up, UP, Pot Hole, Free Fall into the Abyss...

Rutaprkl285d ago

Thief Deadly Shadows remaster would be awesome.


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