
Hideo Kojima Tries Out PS4 Exclusive Knack, Writes a “Mini Review” With His Opinion

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima is one of the most respected developers in Japan, and apparently today he visited Sony Computer Entertainment to try Mark Cerny’s PS4 exclusive Knack.

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Kevlar0093769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

He thought it was alright (based on the few statements from the article, I mean I can't really confirm what he thought since I'm not him).

minimur123769d ago

Lmao, you never know with him.

But u think knack is more of a Japan centric game anyway. I'm not defending the fact that it got bad reviews but maybe the eastern audience was in mind when developing this. Marks a clever guy and would obviously know what region prefers what, trying to cater for all regions would be tough, and being as it's made my studio Japan they've probably all added that little bit of Japanese twist to it.

Anyway.... I liked the game, haven't finished it but it's pleasant.
My most played games are AC (50 hours) and also Don't Starve, with about 8 hours lol

erathaol3769d ago

Its really just a mediocre game at best, a overdeveloped tech demo at worse. It has a lot of glaring issues but there is something to Knack that seems like it could of been a more interesting game.

Honestly, I wish someone sat down and redesigned a lot of the game to make it into something special.

Enemies shouldn't be able to kill the player so easily. The story had pretty good idea going for it but execution was a bit off. The voice work was actually good, especially Knack's choice for a voice.

Overall the game has a lot of limitations, as the fun part of Knack is him being huge but when you take that away from the player, the game gets boring. If only they expanded on Knack's abilities and made the level design more challenging, rather the enemies, I'm sure this game would of turned out to be a fun platformer.

As Sony has an unintentional history of releasing one good platformer around launch.

Prime1573769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Eratheol, I agree, it could have been designed differently [for the west]... the "killing the player too easily" was part of its true design in that we should pick an easier difficulty...

A good example is playing the hardest difficulty of spec ops: the line on fubar. I believe knack tried to bridge it in a way.

I honestly think it was designed to be that way to pertain to the platformers the west never truly accepted, while also trying to be the platformers we accepted. We are just now getting into the shoot em up and hard platformers.

Just my opinion.

NewMonday3769d ago


the core of the game is dodging and timing, getting better at it made me enjoy the game, this is old school and the thing that made me love the game.

abzdine3769d ago

Knack is amazing, screw the haters who hate for no reason. big variety in enemies, environment and the game is a 10+ hour not even Crash had that.

As he says the next gen feel is thin but graphically it's impressive!

Go get it stop listening to the media

badz1493769d ago


Mediocre? No, but plain old school and challenging? Yeah it is. Button mashing your way through is not gonna work as you have to strategize. If you want challenge, Knack is gonna give you some just like how Demon Soul punishes players when it's totally their fault.

It's just like playing the retro Megaman games or Battletoads with group of enemies one after the other and reviewers judging it not for what it is, is pretty unfair IMO. It's like reviewing GT or Forza but complaining about no NOS.

MetaReapre3768d ago

I agree with those that say its a mediocre game. And I like it, its not a great game by any means but to me its like a crash bandicoot game with less substance. Knack had the potential though, there were quite a few decesions that I would have saw another way to have it. Either way, Its cool that kojima enjoyed his time with it.

Boody-Bandit3768d ago

I finally got around to playing Knack this past week. I enjoyed it so much I started over to find all the collectibles. It has an old school nostalgic feel to it that makes it extremely entertaining to me. That's what gaming is all about after all, entertainment.

fenome3768d ago

I've been playing this game since I got my PS4, and I've really enjoyed it. Finally just unlocked Diamond Knack!

Now I'm anxiously waiting for the copy of Infamous Second Son Collectors Edition I got for my girlfriend's birthday to arrive at the door on March 21st. This year's gonna be epic!!

ITPython3768d ago

@NewMonday - Exactly, you nailed it perfectly. I really liked Knack, and once I started to learn I couldn't just run into every situation full force and start smacking enemies, but rather had to learn their timing and properly use the dodging methods to attack them when they are most vulnerable, the game got a heck of a lot more fun for me.

Coming from games like R&C, it's easy to misunderstand how to play Knack. With a R&C game you just go in full boar and go nuts (thanks to the very fun and overpowered weapons). With Knack you actually have to plan things out and know when and how the enemy is going to move, shoot, and strike at you. Going running into a herd of enemies throwing your fists willy-nilly just doesn't work in Knack (well, you can pretty much do that when you are massive, but that is the exception). Knack plays more like a Ninja Gaiden game than it does an R&C game.

IMO Knack doesn't deserve the poor ratings it got. And I have a feeling it was rated lower because a lot of people just didn't know how to play it right. One thing I wish it elaborated on more was the mystery of the relics. But perhaps Knack 2 will cover that.

abstractel3768d ago

I personally enjoyed Knack and for me, that's really all that matters. Not because I am selfish, but because some games are just not going to be liked by everyone. I actually even got a platinum, my first ever.

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showtimefolks3769d ago

Kojima stop playing games and finish MGS5 lol

but knack is a old school platformer like Crash and jak. Its not easy and you will die a lot, but once you figure it out its not as hard but still the game punished you

hulk_bash19873769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

I enjoyed it, not the best platformer by any means but that doesn't mean it was a bad game. I wouldn't mind a sequel being made to correct some of the originals short comings.

Ps4Console3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

Knack is such a rubbish game it's linear & so old school nothing new about the game it's a rip off stay clear .

abzdine3769d ago

your post is also rubbish..
you don't like oldschool is your own opinion but respect at least those who do.

GentlemenRUs3769d ago

Must be a very late 90's/2000 baby(Not born in 80's-90's).

You don't understand this type of game and you never will ;)

MysticStrummer3768d ago

Ah so old school is bad then? Was the game marketed as something new? The answer to both questions is no.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3768d ago
3-4-53768d ago

I like that he was fair and mentioned "The next generation feeling is a bit thin, but the art is an interesting attempt."

I'm glad he was honest.

I played it at a Gamestop for a bit and I did enjoy what I played, only for like 10 minutes though.

* It's = to being told you are going to a baseball game, only to be taken to a AA ball game instead of MLB.

It's still good baseball, just not what you expected.

Ps4Console3768d ago

You have to be honest I'am not a follower like the rest on here they remind me of Sheep lol you must give an honest opinion if not your lying to your self & not only that to be a sheep is a bad thing look at all the dictators that we have seen in the world from people not speaking out & preferring to be sheep we must tell it how it is well in my book anyway hehe .

Jazz41083768d ago

The real question is what Sony payed him to promote this game in Japan? It said it was written to market on the side of the Japanese box. He has more to do with his time then promote a very mediocre game without payment .

3-4-53768d ago

He didn't have ALL good things to say about it, it's not like he was making stuff up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3768d ago
thehitman3769d ago

When they make Knack free on PS+ ill probably try it out.

Abriael3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

I may be wrong, but I'm quite sure it'll come soon. Probably for February or March, unless the metacritic score rule gets in the way.

Edit @admiralvic: you're probably right, even if I'm not sure about Driveclub anymore. I'd say we'll see Knack on PS+ soon enough. I doubt they'll wait til october.

admiralvic3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

"Probably for February or March, unless the metacritic score rule gets in the way."

Where in the world did you get that idea?

We already know Outlast is free in February and I sincerely doubt Sony will give us two PS4 games, much less a full retail title like Knack. As for March, Drive Club is said to release in "early 2014", so that would make sense and we already know DC is going to be free (in some capacity) with Plus.

If anything, I would say probably October.

@ Abriael

I only said October because I think Sony will probably continue with the digital titles for a while. We already know Secret Ponchos will be free with Plus (According to Polygon it will be in April http://www.polygon.com/2013... ) and there is still The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which could be the May game ( "beyond half way" according to IGN http://www.ign.com/articles... ) and that would leave us with June, July, August and September. Out of the four, it might release in June just so they can announce it at E3, but that doesn't mean a more interesting game won't take its place.

morganfell3769d ago

They will not make Knack free in the US the same month the PS4 launches in Japan.

danny8183769d ago

Ur right ;( i need to get an external hard drive. Maybe 2 terabytes lol

bobsmith3769d ago

wait couple more months for it to go on sale $20 first

SkullBlade1693769d ago

This game gets more hate than it deserves imo. It's a fun 3D beat em up game.

The only thing that pisses me off about it really is once you start enjoying being a big giant you suddently get reduced back to a small size again for whatever reason lol

kingrev3769d ago

Yeah I fell you right there: "Now I am fucking giant! one hit kill on you bitch!" 10 mins later "Yep back to been a fucking midget"

I had great fun with the game it was challenging enough and the story kept me interested to keep playing, considering the game was made in a year its pretty impressive but obviously the game could of had been improved in so many aspects that's why I hope there is a sequel.

Studio-YaMi3769d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

"I had great fun with the game"

Me too! :D

"obviously the game could of had been improved in so many aspects that's why I hope there is a sequel"

I really hope so,Knack imo deserved a sequel.

Inception3769d ago

Already tried out Knack on some PS4 kiosk. Personally, i think the game really fun and quiet challenging, even for adult like me. In some event, somehow it has Crash Bandicoot vibe too.

Auron3769d ago

I own knack and I don't hate it. its good but it just feels like there's not enough of something in that game.

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Sony Files New Trademark Fuelling Knack 3 Speculations

Sony might be gearing to launch a new Knack game, a franchise that has had received quite a polarizing reception from the community.

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deleted777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

While I did actually enjoy the Knack games, and found the reviews overly harsh, I do feel 2 games were enough unless the series was revitalized in a major way. For me, that would be a new Knack game for PSVR2. With the increased hardware power, those HD particle effects would be pretty awesome, surrounding the player at times. Astrobot proved that platformers can be amazing in VR, so let's hope that's where they're going with this, if real!

_SilverHawk_777d ago

Hopefully sony makes a knack 3 because the previous games were amazing.

MoonConquistador776d ago

Knack was a few things, but amazing wasn't one of them.

TiredGamer777d ago

Agreed there. I went into Knack with the realization that it was a simple platform/brawler (i.e. something akin to a Crash Bandicoot style of simplicity). My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed the co-op for what it was. Fun to play in short bursts to take a break from the more serious fare out there. I haven’t played Knack 2, but my understanding was that many of the original’s shortfalls were addressed there.

jznrpg777d ago

Great idea . PSVR2 could make Lnack really shine like Astro Bot

MoonConquistador776d ago

Astrobot was a likeable character. Knack wasn't.

coolbeans777d ago

Translation: the next best game of all time is coming soon! Show me the money, Knack!

Army_of_Darkness777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

Lol! I have both knack 1-2. Second one is fun local co-op action, but to be honest, I don't care for a third installment. I'd rather have a new resistance game!

MoonConquistador776d ago

I'd rather have an enema than a new knack game.

A new killzone, resistance, motorstorm, driveclub or even a days gone sequel would be more welcomed than flogging any more life from the knack series.

badz149777d ago

speak for yourself!

bring it on, Sony!

coolbeans777d ago

There's been a Knack-sized hole in every gamer's heart since 2 came and went.

deleted777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

I completely read this comment wrong, but I'll refrain from explaining. XD

Edit - ah screw it... My heart can't wait for Knack to come into that hole for a third time!

deleted777d ago

@PS-Gamer-1986 Whaaa? You don't have a Knack hole? XD

PhoenixRoar777d ago

Surprised to see them continue this but considering how invested they are in the IP and the wider appeal, there must be some commercial sense to continue with a 3rd title

rippermcrip777d ago

My young kids love playing it. I don't know why all these older people are complaining about it.

jznrpg777d ago

I played them with my younger children and we had a good time .

Lexreborn2776d ago

This… my kids love knack probably more then other mascots. And that’s probably because that’s their generations mascot. It’s undeniable ps4 spoke to a lot of children the last decade more then other competitors that have only been in kids sight for the last 4-5 years.

My kids will flip if this news is real

lellkay777d ago

Both games were actually alright.

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Top 10 Best Japan Studios Games

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Over the last 26 years, Japan Studio has delivered some of the marquee games for the PlayStation family of consoles and gave us some of our favorite gaming memories. So as Japan Studios sails off into the sunset, we wanted to dedicate a Top 10 article to the best Japan Studios games, ever."

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darthv721155d ago

Loved locoroco and legend of dragoon. Never played gravity rush or even ape escape but I heard good things.

ThePacemaker1155d ago

ICO and shadow of Colossus are the best ever.


No More Memes: It's Time For Knack 3 On PS5

Beyond the memes, Knack is just a solid platformer that deserves a new home on the PlayStation 5.

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lifeisgamesok1298d ago

I'd rather they make a new platformer IP. With Sackboy and Astro's Playroom PS5 looks very good for the platformer genre so far

SullysCigar1298d ago

Agreed. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is honestly one on the best platformers I've ever played. It took things to the next level and was a delight from start to finish!

That said, while I was happily laughing along with the "Knack 2 baby!" memes with everyone else, I have to say I was a bit shocked when they gave it out free on PS Plus and I actually played it...it was actually really enjoyable lol

And huge too. Really long, loads of replayability and upgrade trees, new powers, costumes, challenge modes...hate to admit it, but I'd be pretty pleased with a Knack 3 announcement now!

Relientk771298d ago

Also Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Balan Wonderworld, Crash Bandicoot 4 (probably), and Spyro 4 is rumored to be in development

PS5 is looking great for platformers

isarai1298d ago

I think it would be great if they rebooted it, keep the visual style, but change the tone of the story and voices to match. This game looks like it should have a semi mute protagonist with a silly professor and his rebellious apprentice. Instead knack sounds like a brainwashed soldier, the professor like an angry divorced dad, and the kid is such an average joe. And the story takes itself way too seriously, it's so clashing with it's art style

potatoseal1298d ago

Thye don't need Knack they got Sackboy. He'll kill it

ApocalypseShadow1298d ago (Edited 1298d ago )

It's time for Ape Escape PS5, Dual Sense Enhanced.

Give me that first. Then whatever.

GaboonViper1298d ago

Couldn't agree more, i remember the first time playing Ape Escape with the Dual Shock, great times, we need a PS5 version.

ApocalypseShadow1297d ago

Yeah. I didn't know a controller could do so much until that game.

MadLad1298d ago

It's really not.
The first really didn't deserve a sequel, and the sequel, itself, was nothing special.

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