
5 Reasons Why Console Gaming is Awesome

Claudia writes "“Why not switch to PC?” is a phrase I found myself hearing quite often when I was discussing next-gen console purchases with people I know. In reality, I recognized the possibility of simply building a PC as opposed to buying a next-gen console. It would likely take longer to save up for, but when I looked at the benefits on paper, it seemed to be the better choice. Or was it?"

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ShowGun9013785d ago

Number 1 for me?

Ease of use!

Whether we're talking about playing with a comfy controller from the couch, or the lack of upgrading every year, to the sloppy installs and fractured format for the PC, there are lots of convenience based reasons to play on console... I don't think its possible to comfortably play with k+m! just like typing on this damn touchscreen will never be as comfy as a real keyboard...

pandehz3785d ago

Clearly you have not played Shooters,MMOS,Strategy games,ARPG's(Diablo etc) with a kb/m.

MysticStrummer3785d ago

I have. Give me a controller all day.

DragonKnight3785d ago

KB/M are supposedly "more precise" but I've never seen it. Aside from supposedly being able to aim better in a shooter with a mouse, and the definite advantages of having more keys to bind in MMO's as well as speed of camera movement in some games, KB/M is nowhere near as immersive as a controller, and there are some games in which a controller is actually more precise.

Also, IMO, controllers are FAR more comfortable than a bulky keyboard and a mouse.

d3nworth13785d ago

Now what about fighters, racing games, flying games, action adventure. I've played Street fighter 4 on PC with a keyboard and it was literally painful. Kb/m only works for a couple of genres. A controller may not be the best for all genres but it works for all genres.

edqe3785d ago

"I have. Give me a controller all day."

Just for interest, which strategy games have you played with a controller?

H0RSE3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )


"KB/M are supposedly "more precise" but I've never seen it."

- m/kb being more precise, is factually accurate; it isn't up for debate. You may do better with a controller or find it comfortable, but these are only preferences. If you are talking raw numbers/data, a m/kb is factually more precise than a controller. period.

"KB/M is nowhere near as immersive as a controller, and there are some games in which a controller is actually more precise."

- first, the "immersive" bit has nothing to do with the claim of m/kb being more precise over controller. It is just a personal preference being injected, for what reason I don't know.

second, before the argument begins to lose focus, we need to establish what is meant by "precise." I take it as referring to aim, reflexes and response time. The ability to point/aim at a location at higher speeds and with greater accuracy. In this regard, m/kb (or specifically just the mouse) factually beats a controller. Now there are cases where individuals may excel with a controller vs a player with a mouse, but this comes down to player skill levels, not the devices being used.

There may be games where a controller is more comfortable or practical, but more precise - I'm not sure. Ex: I played the Tony Hawk games on both console and PC, and I always had higher scores on the PC variants even vs my console friends. I played Need for Speed games on the PC, and also did better than on console. In fact the cases where controller may beat out m/kb, are in instances where the game/genre in question was originally interned for a console setting, and later brought to PC, like sports games or fighters, rather than games designed for both. This is also the case with PC games, like shooters, and strategy games.

"PC gaming isn't nostalgic. I'm sorry but that's just not true…You can prove this yourself by thinking of an old PC game, going up to some random person in a Gamestop, and asking if the person knows it. Then ask them if they know about Pac-Man, or Donkey Kong, or hell even E.T. It's clear that the only people who think PC gaming is nostalgic are PC gamers."

- this statement is loaded with bias and plain untruths. First off, the brunt of the games you mention, were arcade games that got ported to console, which was the trend for early console gaming, so when you mention a game like Pac-Man, it isn't necessarily remembered for being on console, but rather for being a classic game in general. Much of the classic consoles games all started as arcades first.

Second, the amount of classic PC games is more than you give credit for. I could list them myself, but a simple google search will do the work for you - http://www.amog.com/tech/30...

mention any number of those titles, and even if they never played them, chances are a gamer has heard of it, and there are a lot more than just that list. In addition, the majority of all the classic PC titles are not arcade ports, but rather original IP's designed for the PC.

PC gaming has paved the way for what console gaming has become. More and more features/aspects are being introduced to console gaming that used to be exclusive to PC, like DVR, voice chat, digital downloads, ability to play a game while it downloads, and perhaps the biggest one of all, online multiplayer gaming. You can downplay PC gaming all you want, but it has served as a wealth of inspiration for shaping console gaming to what it is today.

edqe3784d ago

@d3nworth1: "A controller may not be the best for all genres but it works for all genres."

Not quite :) ... anything a bit more complicated and console controller is totally useless. Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, etc. Steam Controller may work.

ShowGun9013784d ago

lol, i didnt say a k/b wasn't better for an arpg or strategy game, i said a keyboard and mouse isn't COMFORTABLE to use... i can sit and play games on my ps4 for literally 8 hours straight. try sitting at a desk that long, it is nowhere near as comfortable as sitting with you feet kicked up in the living room, or sprawled out on the couch... i even have a $200 computer chair, and after about 1-2 hours, im done.

clearly you didn't read WHY i don't like a keyboard and mouse, it has nothing to do with their performance, its the comfort of a controller that makes it my #1 input choice! what if they made a k/m combo that you had to hold over your head, but it made you 300% more accurate? would you want to game like that? disregard that this is an completely stupid scenerio. its a trade off between comfort and accuracy. im more on the comfort side, you're more on the accuracy side. btw, ive had lots of fun with diablo on my ps3, and played countless hours of shooters on it also. strat games and mmo's are terrible, but only because they've never figured out how to make it work correctly imo... i'll give you mmo's and strategy games, and i'll take 3rd person action (DMC, GoW etc) and fighters. (haven't seen any national tourntys using k/m lately lol)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3784d ago
Bigpappy3785d ago

I game on my PC like you would on a cell phone. I play small casual games like Bejewel and Mahjong.

Once in a while I will get a PC exclusive on steam if the price is right. But I always do core gaming on console. Just feels better for some reason. I am not really sure why.

3785d ago
pandehz3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Again clearly you have not played blah blah blah.....
......ppl who play mmos, play it for quite long times and comfort again is a preference...lying down or sitting up..depends....in terms of actual play comfort and doing more with your tools.

For eg:
Aim, pin point positioning and accuracy, buttons layout typing in names etc and general 1:1 feel kb/m beats controller on many occasions. I'm not comfortable with slowly aiming, it hurts my head and ego more than my wrist. Also for eg why do you think Diablo 3 was ported with a totally diffferent control scheme and zoomed in view? Its because the console version did not make use of cursor based gameplay/positioning etc and thus cant make use of a wide view. Imagine trying to move around a cursor with a d-pad and character with the other and play it as fast as fast arpgs go? Kb/m can do that and also make it immersive and comfortable.

Lets say there is a game control range.

From 1 to 10

1 being a game with simple controls for any control system in the world whether kb/m, controller or feet pedals or whatever.

10 being a game that requires very precise and accurate systems, complex controls, numerous buttons necessary.

Controller only based games I would say are from 1-6 where d-pad, directions etc are good enough.

KB/M can do the whole 1-10 for all games.

A controller on a 10 game would make the player uncomfortable but not a kb/m user.

Simple as that. Well of course there's a learning curve for both but that out of the way and you see what I mean. Like satisfaction in a racing game maybe more for a gamer who played a lot on controllers, but maybe a kb/m gamer also finds same satisfaction. Remove the learning curve and the truth comes out. Maybe a few games can give controllers an adavantage but thats why I listed the specific types earlier.

Like I said you clearly havent played much on kb/m while I have played EXTENSIVELY on both.

ShowGun9013784d ago

lol, people always say you haven't given it a chance if you don't like it... i have a full gaming rig that can play battlefeild 3 on ultra settings... i just don't perfer k/m... you say its a peference thing at the beginning, THEN end with "you clearly havent given my perferred setup a chance"

you like yours, i like mine, but its NOT because i havent played with k/m... ive got countless hours of warcraft 1-3, almost all the command and conquers, 2 sim cities, wolfenstien, doom 1 and 2, WoW, city of heroes, battlefield 1-3, dark forces, the witcher, the sims, terreria, left 4 dead 2, and wing commander under my belt. (all on pc!)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3784d ago
Stringerbell3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

I'm primarily a console gamer myself, but I feel everything listed is applicable to the PC.

I'm nostalgic for Blade Runner, Age of Empires, and Myst.

I have a Fred Flintstones PC and I can still meet the basic requirements for a a lot of titles.

Multiplayer is free on the PC so there's that.

Exclusives and arguably the couch thing are the only standouts. The author should have led with DRM imho.

Concertoine3785d ago

blade runner is suuuch a good game.
anyone remember when microsoft made published games on pc? they made amazing stuff back then.

JBSleek3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

1. PC gaming is also nostalgic. But you can't play those old games on new hardware that comes out(referring to consoles.)

2. Console gaming does win in ease of use but that seems to be changing. Consoles have installs and patches as well now with complications. Wondering if Steam Box will change that for people.

3.PC has exclusives as well, strange argument.

4. PC gaming can be done on couch.

5. Multiplayer potential?...

I think if you can afford it people should have a PC, Wii U, and either a Sony and MS console; or both which is even better. Why is there a divide? Gaming is gaming.

DragonKnight3785d ago

PC gaming isn't nostalgic. I'm sorry but that's just not true. The knowledge people have of old PC games is dwarfed by the knowledge people have of old console games. You can prove this yourself by thinking of an old PC game, going up to some random person in a Gamestop, and asking if the person knows it. Then ask them if they know about Pac-Man, or Donkey Kong, or hell even E.T. It's clear that the only people who think PC gaming is nostalgic are PC gamers. Plus, the PC has its own hurdles to go through in playing older games. You can't just boot up a game of Warcraft without using a program like DOS-Box, and how many non-enthusiasts do you think know that?

It's easy to talk about BC on PCs, but no one talks about the process of it. It's always made out to be "download game, play game" and it's never like that. It also depends on your definition of BC and what time line you're using. BC is also a poor argument as it's never been a standard on consoles in the first place and always a luxury offering, so I don't understand why it's so important when consider that, and also consider how many people say "I don't want to play PS1 games on my PS4" or some similar phrase.

2. Where is this idea that clicking on "download" for installs and patches equals an increase in the "difficulty of use" department? Even in this area it's more convenient on consoles because on PCs you may have to update drivers or uninstall mods just to patch a game whereas you don't have to do anything like that for consoles 99% of the time. There's always that one game that requires you to uninstall game data to patch a game properly, but that's infrequent to the point of being a near non-occurrence.

3. Yeah, I didn't get why that was included as an argument. I guess she meant to say specific exclusives, but even that doesn't hold water.

4. Yep, it can, but it suffers for it. Serious PC gamers will tell you monitor > tv any day.

5. This one she worded poorly. She means that on consoles your friend can be in the room with you and pick up a controller and join in on your game. On PC, multiplayer can't usually be done on the same machine. You need another PC to have multiplayer.

Dynasty20213785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

Funny how the new consoles are more like PCs than ever these days.


We have nostalgia. C&C. Lion King on floppy disc. Deus Ex.

PC gaming is super easy these days too to anyone with a brain cell. Not much goes "wrong" anymore.

PC has a massive exclusive alone in the RTS genre. RTS games in consoles dont work, as sales prove. And we have the greatest thing consoles will never had; mods. DayZ alone is proof that mods are incredible. Try playing a modded Skyrim and then play it on consoles. You'll turn it off in seconds.

PC gaming can be done on a couch, and this is the dumbest console argument around. I dont want to play on a couch as I live with other people. I'd be hogging the main TV all day? That's annoying. And office chairs are perfectly comfortable.

MP potential? What a retarded argument.

Somebody3785d ago

We had a meeting at my work place yesterday. As always it was long and boring so I took out my laptop, position it behind some large folders and plugged in a 360 controller.

While the rest of the staff were bickering about something boring, I was hacking away at some zombies and beefing my community in State of Decay.

ssj4wolf3785d ago

Geez some random Guy online says why he love's console gaming so can someone please explain to me why the only thing in the comment section is nothing but PC gamers bringing up how PC gaming can do it to when it has nothing to do with PC gaming?

MysticStrummer3785d ago

PC gamers love to downplay consoles and vice versa. Same with any platform vs another. It can never be about personal preference. It has to be about what's better. Most humans can play on several platforms and be happy, but the vocal fanboy minority that defends their platform against all odds is mostly what you'll see online.

PC gamers are clearly the most defensive though.

; )

Bonerboy3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

The Pc crowd are "defensive" as you put it because console gamers are somewhat delusional and starstruck by their shiny new ultra uber untouchable mega console of choice. When put simply, 6 months down the road any mid range PC has already overtaken them in graphic capabilities among so many other things.
But alas no, their console of choice can never be defeated. PC people are simply trying to help these poor poor souls see the many glorious rays of light that PC offers over consoles.
But to each their own, but consoles are an utter rip off.
As they say, One can lead a horse to water...

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Helldivers II sales top 12 million

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shadowT1h ago

Congratulations Arrowhead Game Studios!

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

And well-deserved. I'm having a ball of a time so far. Just need to change out my heavy armour, it's a murder on my stamina and sprinting.

derek2m ago(Edited 1m ago)

SIE managed to find success with gaas quicker than I suspected. Arrowhead did a great job getting past that initial launch difficulty, I've been playing again recently doing mostly solo missions. Can't even get off the damn planet after completing everything, lol.


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