
Bungie comments on ‘Destiny’ PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One potential disparities

Bungie's David Dague and Eric Osborne have further commented on the potential disparity between the current-generation versions of “Destiny” when compared to the next-generation iterations.

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rela82me3832d ago

As long as the next-gen versions have parity thats all I care about.

Enemy3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Better if they focus on the more powerful hardware and have their vision come true instead of going for parity. If weaker consoles can't handle it, then gimp those versions as there is obviously no other option.

If you're doing as much as you can for each console, then there will be nothing to explain, except "we did what we could for each platform." If they really did their job, it will always show. There is absolutely no reason for sacrificing quality. If another camp ends up butthurt, blame the hardware you chose.

nukeitall3832d ago

Then Bungie should have designed Destiny for PC not for the paltry and inferior next generation console of PS4 and Xbox One!

thehitman3832d ago

Designing a mmo type fps for PC would be a disaster having all these horrible PCs in the mix lagging up the game and the multiplayer.

XboxFun3832d ago

And what would the more powerful console be able to do that the other one couldn't?

Because so far we have seen nothing in each gen that separated the consoles besides a minor graphical difference. We haven't seen a new unique exclusive design, a better AI or anything. Both controllers have the exact same amount of buttons so what possibly could the more powerful system do.

Some folks keeps screaming, take advantage of the full power of the console. But what exactly does that entail? It seems all people mean by that is a graphic bump.

pompombrum3832d ago

Agreed.. parity should take a back seat next to developers fully realizing their vision. If one of the consoles suffers from that, well then that's their problem for the hardware. However having said this, With Destiny being online orientated or online only (not 100% sure) it could very well prove interesting to see if the "power of the cloud" really does make a difference.

thereapersson3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

This "everyone is equal" mentality that people have these days is a plague on progress. Face it, one console is stronger than the other. It didn't stop the XBOX or GameCube from having better looking games than the PS2, but the games library was larger and developer support was so much greater on PS2 in the end. Graphical disparity didn't matter. Now that the PS4 is the easier to develop for console, Sony will have the developer support of their first / second party, AND the superior versions of third party games. That is not fanboy drivel, that is a fact.

Enemy3832d ago

@ XboxFun: Well, we can't see what the other could do better if they're going for parity. That's the point.

GiggMan3832d ago

So @ Xboxfun... You are all for parity also then I presume?

What if there was some cool ground breaking feature using Kinect that Bungie left out for "parity"? How would that make you feel?

You'd probably feel the same as PS4 players if Bungie chose to go with parity instead of taking advantage of PS4 hardware (ex. resolution & graphical bump)

mattdillahunty3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

i'm sorry, but this "have their vision come true" crap is nonsense. are the PS4 and XB1 different in power? sure. are they vastly different enough to where one console can help a developer reach their vision and the other one can't?

what, is the developer's vision to have slightly better shadows in one version? or slightly better better AA, or maybe going from 900p to 1080p? ok, we all love a bump up in graphics, but acting like a developer can't achieve their "vision" on one console but they can on the other is just retarded. they're not that different. if developers want to take advantage of the PS4's juice to bump up the graphics a bit, go for it. but it's not changing the game as a whole.

if one console could have an entirely different physics engine that vastly changed the way you played the game, that's a major difference. or maybe one game could have a fully open world and the other had to have it divided into sections that loaded new zones. huge difference. or AI that was 100x more realistic and adaptive than the other version. that would change the experience. but slight graphics changes? please.

H0RSE3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )


"Designing a mmo type fps for PC would be a disaster having all these horrible PCs in the mix lagging up the game and the multiplayer. "

- Do you even play PC games?...

What you mention is already being done - Planetside and Firefall are 2 big examples.

As for the discussion on parity, players talk about wanting to utilize the power of each console to the fullest and do without parity, which more often than not, is just an argument for "make my version prettier..."

Neither console on it's own, is more or less powerful to the point where drastic changes are going to happen, like a whole new region to explore on one version vs the other, or more weapons and customization, etc. However, each systems respective cloud technologies could offer tools/features for devs, to achieve more ambitious goals.

Azzanation3831d ago

So they should focus on more powerful Hardware? Your saying they should make this game primary for PC then which will screw PS4 and XB1 over and get an inferior port instead.

Gekko363831d ago

@Enemy Enough with the "Butthurt" gay slurs, if you're looking for a shag, just ask.

Power isn't everything. Take American muscle cars. Very powerful but can't handle for sh!t.

Now take X1 and PS4.

PS4 has an edge with memory and a slightly better GPU. The difference in graphics isn't that much between the two if any at times.

However where MS shines is the potential of kinect (yes I don't care about spy from both MS or sony, I don't care if MS see with with me nob out) The idea of using kinect to judge my boredom or fear etc and have the game respond is just awesome.

Immersion beat knocking one out over graphics for me.

So to answer your comment. There is nothing to Gimp.

Give PS4 & X1 1080p / 60fps but give X1 immersive gameplay with kinect, since it can doo it all.

Then lets see which version is gimped!

Patrick3831d ago

@ Gekko36

But as far as we know, theres very little that the kinect can do, that the PS4eye cannot. If your talking voice stuff, PS4 can do it cause its all software. If your talking tracking, PS4 can do it as they can even track your eyes as proven last night. So even though every PS4 wont have a camera, they can still put it in for the PS4 users that do, especially if they are already doing it for kinect. Keep trying.

Loki863831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

The two cameras are not at all comparable, one has a dedicated CPU, has four different methods of tracking, performs as an IR blaster, has multi - array microphones. The PS4 camera is programmable through software, the same as Kinect 1.0.

frostypants3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

"And what would the more powerful console be able to do that the other one couldn't?"

You have it backwards. What could the console that costs 25% more do in this game that the cheaper and more powerful console doesn't? The One fanboys keep asking why people choose a PS4 over the One. The real question is why anyone wouldn't.

Anarki3831d ago


A better resolution makes a whole load of difference.

MadLad3831d ago

Which is why consoles should die, bringing down the cost of PC parts, less hardware releases themselves and really allowing developers to take full use of PC tech and not having to worry about being tied to one specific piece of tech for the better part of a decade, right?

I mean, more powerful hardware.

SilentNegotiator3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )


You clearly have no idea how much more power a higher resolution takes. Go experiment with the resolution option on a PC game, from 720p to 900p to 1080p to etc for about 5 minutes and you'll see.

webeblazing3831d ago

wait so whats being done one the new consoles that cant be done on older consoles

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3831d ago
GiggMan3832d ago

Why would you purposely buy a weaker console and then hope for parity throughout the whole next generation? Just buy the more powerful console or be happy with whatever you get.

rela82me3832d ago

Because I am buying the console that has the exclusives, and features I like better. Mind you, I am getting both by the time Destiny is out regardless. The reason I want parity is so people like yourself can stop feeling like they are the superior race in gaming. Is it too much to ask that both games be great? Why do people want the Xbox games to be worse than PS4, because you don't plan on owning one?

I am sorry if you feel insecure, private message me and perhaps we can talk about your feelings.

BlackTar1873832d ago

rela that is the worst reason i've ever heard.

Enemy3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

@ rela82: That's like saying you'd prefer they keep next gen versions from looking too superior to last gen versions just because you're still gaming on last gen hardware. The world's bigger than you, and we moved on to next gen for a reason.

There's always going to be a problem with meeting deadlines as well. None of these developers are nearly big enough to focus on every platform at once. If, for example, consoles were their main focus, then the game will be more optimized for console than for PC, and vice versa. It's that simple.

GiggMan3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

I'm picking up an Xbox One also. I don't care if there is parity or not. Let the more powerful system have more power. Let the Xbox One utilize it's strengths (Kinect or whatever)

Last but not least, don't let anyone else make you feel inferior. If you want X1 enjoy it for what it is...

@Sarcasm, exactly!

Sarcasm3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

^Oh my god they have stooped to a new low.

Nobody's saying for the Xbone version to be crappy, in fact I hope they make it as good as possible. With that said, I hope they make the PS4 version as good as possible. And if they ever make a PC version, I hope they give it everything they got.

Damn with the parity crap.

rela82me3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Which is what I was saying, I want them both to have parity, meaning that they were able to accomplish everything they wanted with BOTH consoles... I just get disagreed because I didn't want the PS4 to be superior. I want them both to be able to achieve perfection. Just because one thing is more powerful doesn't mean that in the beginning of the generation that we can't have parity. We have a long ways to go before we max both of these bad boys up, there is no reason they shouldn't be able to get parity out of the next gen right now.

Edit: I can tell how many sony fanboys there are by the amount of disagrees. Who in the world would be opposed to two versions being just as successful. The xbox may have struggled in the beginning with a few of the multi-plat titles; however, we all know it was rushed to the market. After a length of time, I imagine that the multiplats will be closer in parity.

BlackTar1873832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )


Just stop you make zero sense. I mean if you have a valid point in there somewhere maybe its for your eyes only cuz no one understands how you can say both reach perfection to their strengths yet want parity.

i mean you can;t honestly believe anyone understands you do you?

Edit: I can tell how many sony fanboys there are by the amount of disagrees. Who in the world would be opposed to two versions being just as successful. The xbox may have struggled in the beginning with a few of the multi-plat titles; however, we all know it was rushed to the market. After a length of time, I imagine that the multiplats will be closer in parity

Being just as successful and parity are two different things. They can both be successful doesn't mean parity is the only way to reach it. You're asking for one version if possible to not show its strengths so that its a level playing field?


Utalkin2me3832d ago


Don't need parity. Make each one to the best they can with the hardware. That's all is being said,nobody agrees with you trying to make them equal. Has nothing to do with "Sony" fanboys as you say. That just goes to show where your head is at.

Enemy3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

How the hell did rela's last comment get a bubble so fast when it still makes no sense? WTF

mistertwoturbo3832d ago

^As consumers we should demand them to make the best out of the hardware. That means there shouldn't be parity.

Parity usually means they lowered the quality to match the lowest denominator, and sorry to put the truth in your face it happens to be the Xbox One in this case.

With that said, "Play the games, not the resolution" which means it doesn't matter if your version isn't going to look as good as the PS4 version, it will still play well and you will enjoy it. Isn't that the argument Xbox Fanboys have been making since the whole Resolutiongate?

Trying to argue for them to bring the PS4 version's quality down to match the Xbox One version is pretty sad.

Last generation they opted for parity because well, both consoles were pretty close. Each had their strengths and weaknesses and at most were 10% give or take to each other. Heck, most of the 360 multiplatform titles were better and had higher resolutions.

This time it's different because the gap on the PS4 and X1 is much more moderate.

rela82me3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Im going to give you the benefit @blacktar. You obviously aren't grasping what I am trying to say. I like to think of myself as somewhat intelligent and I do not believe I am talking in circles here.

"Being just as successful and parity are two different things. They can both be successful doesn't mean parity is the only way to reach it. You're asking for one version if possible to not show its strengths so that its a level playing field? "

The WHOLE point of my comment was that they BOTH can give it all they got and they come out even. Why would I want to have my game say on the Xbox One and know there is a better version out there. I wish that they both are able to get everything they can out of both versions (Talking next-gen only here) and they come out looking the same. This is going to be a great game, one where most of my friends will be on Xbox One so that is the console I will likely purchase Destiny on, and I want them both to be the same. Not that I want the PS4 to have to skimp out because of the Xbox One. This is a cross generation game if anything is going to hold it down its the ps3 and Xbox 360.


I believe everyone is misunderstanding me because they believe I want them to downgrade the PS4 version to meet the Xbox One version. That is NOT the case. There is NO reason why the Xbox One version cannot meet the PS4 version, just because some launch multiplats couldn't achieve parity doesn't mean its a forecast for the entire generation. If it comes down to it though that they cannot meet the parity because of the Xbox One's specs than that is fine, upgrade the ps4 version and make the best game possible.

Persistantthug3832d ago


The reason you got disagreed with is because PS4's GPU is 40% more powerful than the XBOX One.

Parity is the act of making the same.
Almost all AAA budget games should show graphical and/or performance benefits in favor of the PS4.
No one really wants games to be dumbed down.

H0RSE3831d ago

The same can be said for people who buy a console vs a PC... if you chose to buy a console, be happy with what you get, even if this means games running at less than 1080p/60fps, or games having less c0ntent or features.

frostypants3831d ago

"Why would you purposely buy a weaker *AND MORE EXPENSIVE* console and then hope for parity throughout the whole next generation?"

Improved that for you.

webeblazing3831d ago

hes saying parity from what im reading, it sounds like hes saying that he don't want devs to design the game differently around each platforms weaknesses(???) which I don't think has ever happen since mgs with the rumble joke, but it didn't really change the design of the game.

XboxFun3830d ago

I love that everyone is just saying the PS4 is more powerful or 40/50% more power. More power to do what?

So far we have only seen a graphical resolution difference and we all know the Xbox One can achieve the same thing because there are already games for it that are also 1080p.

So what type of extra power does everyone want these games to take advantage of?

How can you claim parity when the game's design didn't do anything different from one another to begin with.

Not even the PS3 exclusives did anything different gameplay or design wise (besides great visuals) and those supposedly took full advantage of the ps3. So why are you all expecting or demanding the same with multiplats all of a sudden?

You all keep screaming no parity, no parity. So what exactly should be different in a game you didn't design or have no knowledge of development for? What exactly could be added gameplay and design wise, to a game for PS4 that can't be done on the Xbox One?

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3830d ago
duli143832d ago

Its not that I want the xbox version to look like crap, but if Bungie can make destiny run at a higher resolution and better aa on ps4 then why shouldn't they? Its not sony's or our fault that the ps4 is more powerful.

Schizoid3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

who in the hell started this parity shit? I bet it was MS huh,


and btw @ Sarcasm..

"^Oh my god they have stooped to a new low.

Nobody's saying for the Xbone version to be crappy, in fact I hope they make it as good as possible. With that said, I hope they make the PS4 version as good as possible. And if they ever make a PC version, I hope they give it everything they got."

Damn with the parity crap.

Freakin epic post! damn i wish i woulda said that bubs

The_Ozymandias3832d ago

So basically what you're saying is, as long as they throttle the PS4 version to that of the XBO, that's all I care about.

Fuck that noise. You made your bed.

Bathyj3832d ago

Spoken like the lowest common denominator.

rela82me3832d ago

No, I am a person that wants both consoles to succeed and be equal. Sure there is a hardware difference, but where we are at in the console cycle; there should be no reason that both consoles cant produce the same game with the same graphical fidelity.

I understand that there are multiplats right now that do not have parity. What I am getting at is, no one really knows why they aren't the same. They assume its hardware specs, but there are WAY more factors to something like that. Devs will get better with the Xbox One and the PS4, and they are both VERY capable machines. Whoever wouldn't want both of them to be equal is riddled with self doubt.

Bathyj3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

You said it yourelf. There is a hardware difference. The difference should be reflected in the final product.

Yes Xbone will get better, but so will PS4. In all likelihood the gap will widen, not shrink, like it did this gen.

And lets be clear about this, I dont want them to make Xbone WORSE, (I dont really care whats happening on Xbone as long as it doesnt negativly effect PS4), I want them to make PS4 BETTER and not be held up.

Saying you want them to be the same is like saying you have two kids in a footrace. Only one has a limp but you want them to come a draw so no ones feeling will be hurt. If the quicker kid slowed down that makes a mockery of the race and is a diservice to those cheering for him. Sorry, but if one of the kids is quicker, he should win the race.

MRMagoo1233831d ago


You seem to be confused tho, they cant make the games equal if they are also making the best they can on each console, the ps4 is just capable of better performing games full stop, if they make them equal they are gimping the ps4 version which sucks for PS4 owners, if they make them the best they can you complain because you want parity lol, if you want the best performing games in the next few years get the ps4 dont ask devs to hold it back for the xbone, thats just selfish.

iPad3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

LOL. Your comment actually made me laugh.

Can't believe some people are content with mediocrity.

BlackTar1873832d ago

You just keep contradicting yourself. Calling yourself intellegent and feeling like that isn't the same as being that. That said im not syaing your stupid or anything to that point but you're talkign in circles.

rela82me + 1h ago
As long as the next-gen versions have parity thats all I care about.

then you later write you don't want them to have parity unless of course both systems are equally capable.


lol GG and thanks for the response hope you get all the games you're hoping for this holiday

GraveLord3831d ago

You're in for a huge disappointment.
Buy a PS4 if you want the best version of multiplats.

H0RSE3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

lol, I like how "the best" version, simply comes down to better visuals, or in the case, "potentially" better....classic.

So regardless which console you overall like more, or which controller, or which online service, or where your friends are, PS4 has the better graphics capability, so it's the best. period...For people who think this way, I really hope Destiny doesn't come to PC, because then you won't even have that argument to stand on.

MasterCornholio3831d ago

Only fanboys want parity because they gate seeing a competitors console performing better than theirs.

Developers should create games according to the abilities of each console. If one console can play game x at 1080P on high detail then the other console which is weaker should play the game at 720P 30FPS.

Nexus 7 2013

H0RSE3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

The parity game has been negatively affecting PC games for years, yet that doesn't affect console players so no one seems to care...

Yes, PC games are capable of high visual settings, but the parity issue comes from things like content or UI's. Like blatant console friendly UI's, kept in place to make the version look the same or content being cut from games, because the console version wouldn't have been able to support it all. Parity has more to do than just just graphics fidelity, and PC has got the s*** end of the stick on several occasions.

That being said, I propose a scenario for you: Let's say for whatever reason, Bungie was able to produce better visuals and/or framerate on the X1 version, or perhaps offered players more content or features via MS's Azure. If Bungie utilized each console to the best of their ability, and simply came out with better results on the X1, would you guys be all for non-parity then?

There's seems to be this one-sided argument where people are against parity because they want the PS4 version to look better, yet no one even entertains the idea that a lack in parity could result in X1 coming out on top. This mindset reeks of insecurity and close-mindedness, among the PS4 camp, and even a hint of self-righteousness, implying that "their" version must be the better version, no questions asked.

malokevi3831d ago

Why do you care about parity?

GodGinrai3831d ago

"This "everyone is equal" mentality that people have these days is a plague on progress"

"Better if they focus on the more powerful hardware and have their vision come true instead of going for parity"

"Then Bungie should have designed Destiny for PC"

IF bungie wanted to go the one console route, they would have just stuck with MS instead of going independant.

Bungie WANT as many people to play their game as possible. Deal with it. They do not owe it to any of you to make your prefered version better than any other version they put out. And I am saying that as a real bungie fan that has supported the company since halo first came out. I am still a regular on their forums.

You guys talk about bungies vision..well here is a quote from the article:

"Destiny has been conceived and designed to be cross-platform and interact with different tools, such as Smartphones"

From the outset, parity and the ability to deploy the game across MULTIPLE platforms were key parts of bungies philosphy for this game. YOU guy clearly dont understand what bungie is about, or what they are truly trying to acheive... instead you think they should gimp their vision so you can have the best resolution.

H0RSE3831d ago

This entire argument is based around semantics and or interpretation.

When rela82me claimed he wanted "parity" among the game, he wasn't implying that he wants both versions to look the same, even at the cost of "dumbing down" one version to be equal with the other. He was implying that he wanted the best version capable of each system, regardless if the end results weren't equal.

He was using "parity" to describe the efforts of the devs - he wants them to use the same amount of time and dedication on each system, hence "parity."

BlackTar1873831d ago


Assuming that people want parity if the x1 is on top is just that assumptions. Take your PC nonsese else where. No one ever says on ps to make the game the same on both. So that whole wasted posted means zero.

BuLLDoG9093831d ago

So if you cant have a nicer experience, nobody else cant either ? is that it ?

Its your choice what to buy, and others shouldnt be punished for your decision.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3830d ago
WorldGamer3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

This concerns me. I hope they don't sacrifice their vision to fit the limitations of the current consoles. PS3 treated me well, but this game just seems too big for it.

I think of the differences between BF4 on PS3 and PS4. Maybe I'm just overreacting, the premise looks very promising tho.

@ Kevlar

I'm sorry, but WTH are you talking about? I think with a multi-generational game like this, my concerns are more than valid. Funny how you didn't even address my comparison to BF4.

"Unless you're talking about Halo 2 campaign or some other personal issue I don't see any significant damage done by them." So, I don't believe I said ANYTHING disparaging about Bungie, Halo 2 or Activision, so I'm just going chalk up this outburst to some repression or projection on your part.

For the record, I'm really looking forward to playing this game, but I will not let someone like yourself stop me from voicing my opinions just because you happen to be overly sensitive.

Calm down man, it's really not that serious.

Kevlar0093832d ago

When was the last time Bungie failed us? Unless you're talking about Halo 2 campaign or some other personal issue I don't see any significant damage done by them. Also when you consider the game's development history and the effort put into concept and scope I don't see them cutting corners

Unless Activision goes ape**** on the development I have faith

Sarcasm3832d ago

I know what you mean, I actually want to see next-gen versions only without them limiting the scope to the last gen hardware. With that said, Bungie knows two things, Gameplay and Network (not so much graphics technology) but that's what matters. I think Destiny's going to be great.

GiggMan3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Can't wait for Destiny, I've been missing some Bungie goodness.

Asuka3832d ago

can't wait to here more about this game tonight

PSNrandom153832d ago

Destiny will be better on PS4 bungie said so themselves.

DoubleM703832d ago

They will show off the best attributes of both consoles.

Show all comments (86)

Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter349d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell348d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig349d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast349d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g349d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka349d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

349d ago Replies(1)
348d ago
Father__Merrin348d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard500d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai500d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface499d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard496d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.