
Check Out How the Xbox One Version of Call of Duty: Ghosts Actually Looks in First Gameplay Videos

Want to see how Call of Duty: Ghosts looks on Xbox One? Well, you’re in luck, as YouTuber TmarTn posted two videos recorded directly at Infinity Ward’s HQ.

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PraxxtorCruel3843d ago

Gotta give it to COD, it looks fast paced and fun and I've never played BF or COD.

king_george3843d ago

black ops 2 was actually my first cod game so im not nearly as tired of the formula as alot of people are. I understand why others are really pissed at the series tho. I would be too if I was playing the same game every year. but like I said, I havent been. so I might pick this up along with battlefield 4. it really does look fast paced and fun

Aceman183843d ago

looks like bad optimization on all platforms by IW :(

NewMonday3843d ago

notice frame rate always drops on the bus

loulou3842d ago

iw have really f'ked up. dodgy frame rates on the next gen consoles and features cut on the current gen.

no buy for me

irepbtown3842d ago

Normally you instantly know when a game is next gen. This looks no better than Blops 2 and MW3.

I was kind of hoping Activision (IW in this case) would actually move several gears up due to new consoles being released. BF4 there's an obvious reason why you'd choose to buy it on next gen consoles/PC than current gen. With Ghosts I cannot see why anyone would spend £10+ on next gen version when it looks like this.

3842d ago
Maddens Raiders3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

Trash in and trash out - I just apologized to my eyes.

Also, I don't know about the rest of you, but the narrator's voice and cadence made me want to throw my laptop out of the window and set myself on fire.

MRMagoo1233842d ago

Xbone dropping frames like there hot lol. So much for bagging the ps4 version , at least it doesnt look like a ps2 game at the same time as dropping frames.

Shake_Zula3842d ago

I think the reason why the game doesn't look as good it should is because the fact that the game is also released on the last-gen consoles. There's enough graphical balance between the versions where I can honestly say that sales won't suffer on any platform in lieu of another... including PC.

Let's take the graphical fidelity of Ghosts as a business decision and not a development one although it is a bit concerning that despite the obvious downgrade, the X1 can only do 720. Hopefully it is just a driver issue that will be resolved soon as good competition only helps the gamers.

insomnium23842d ago

This truly does not look like nextgen at all. Granted it is a crappy video quality but still as far as I can see I'm definately not impressed. Haven't bought a COD after MW1 so doesn't really affect me. BF4 all the way.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3842d ago
Lior3842d ago

Is it me or is there a lot of framerate dips in the second video

Campy da Camper3842d ago

He was running around quick scoping the whole time! Pass.

deecee333842d ago

Yeah it looked like he was *trying* to quick scope for sure, but he wasn't getting any kills that way. It actually looks like they increased the scope delay to prevent quickscoping though? That might actually make me get the game, lol.

PAYNEinc853842d ago

That really wasnt quickscoping at all.

3842d ago
Maddens Raiders3842d ago

Bingo. I was never getting it all in full disclosure, but that "sniping" (if that's what they call it in COD) wasn't really sniping at all and was simply ridiculous lol.

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Oh_Yeah3842d ago

looks like poop bro, still has that vaseline smeary look from last gen

Prime1573842d ago

Yeah, like normal with the same framerate issues as PS4! that was the big thing; I got into a few "fights" with people because PS4 was framerate dropping but (supposedly, not anymore) the XBone was keeping up. This is software issues, period.

The difference is that PS4 is 1080p with software issues, and XBone is 720p with software issues. This video proves it. I'm sure this isn't even the same instances of framerate dropping as on ps4... MP usually dials it down.

LordDhampire3842d ago

thats exactly the reason I hate call of dutys, its just running around mindless shootem up, using a sniper for close combat....garbage game

this game takes no skill

otherZinc3842d ago

Where's the indicator that this is the XBOX ONE version?
This could be the Atari 2600 version.

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WeAreLegion3843d ago

Crap. This is just multi-player. I want to see a checkpoint on the single-player. That's what the PS4 version was having issues with. I hope we get a video, soon.

Abriael3843d ago

Why would you care to see a video of the area of the game that affects gameplay the least?

WeAreLegion3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

I think it's pretty obvious why. Reviewers are saying the PS4 version was having frame rate issues during checkpoints on the single-player campaign. So, people have been screaming bloody murder about that all morning. Wouldn't we want to see the XBO version, for comparison?

EDIT: I honestly couldn't care less, but nobody is going to shut up until we see that.

You know I'm not a big "console war" guy.

Abriael3843d ago

Ah, console war. I get it. Silly of me to ask.

JasonKCK3842d ago

Actually reviewers are saying there are framerate drops throughout the PS4 version. I don't expect much improvement on X1

Prime1573842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

It's a point to be made. Fanboys arguments, yes. The difference is that one side of fanboys (PS4) is being called out for framerate issues (which framerate is BS in my opinion) while the other side (xbone) is not. This just shows that, [by your words] "area.. that effects gameplay the least?" still has framerate issues on that other console we haven't heard from.

So, unless they fix it by the 12th...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3842d ago
Thegamer413843d ago

I see some FPS dip 44secs into the video, but it could be the youtube video and not the game, just syaing.

True_Samurai3843d ago

Yeah YouTube goes no bigger than 30fps

Prime1573842d ago

Says the majority of the people who think it's a PS4 problem only.

sigfredod3843d ago

The frame rate issue reported are also on the PC version, even on high end PC's, and Activision already state that will be a day 1 patch to correct it

ruefrak3843d ago

Do you have a source for that? I thought I had heard that too but can't find anything on it. I know there's supposedly a day one patch but I didn't see what it was supposed to fix.

Pintheshadows3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

It isn't really a source ruefrak but I am using a GTX770 and an I73770K (8GB RAM btw) and I am having a myriad of performance issues including frame drops, freezing, and crashing to desktop. The frame drops exist around the autosave points which to me should have been stamped out by now.

It dipped so low earlier and then froze on me for a second or two when the ODIN orbital platform exploded. Considering that it isn't good looking by any stretch then it is pretty unacceptable. There is a story regarding it on N4G right now.

It needs fixing. The engine needs fixing. The series needs fixing.

It just dropped frames like crazy before crashing out to my desktop for the third time in about an hour of play. I tried Metro LL in between and that is running silky smooth so it isn't my PC. This game is a mess. It is also the least engaging CoD I have played (I have played all of the main series and the PS2 games) and is frankly, pretty boring, even with all its large set pieces.

Call of Duty has jumped the shark as far as I am concerned. Some may say it happened earlier but I felt that after Black Ops 2 showing just a little bit more desire there was hope. Ghosts dashes that. A lot of the game feels like a cutscene.

It feels totally unrefined for a series this many iterations in and Extinction is just zombies with aliens.

AKS3842d ago


"It needs fixing. The engine needs fixing. The series needs fixing."

I have thought that since Modern Warfare 2. That's why I quit buying these games.

LonDonE3842d ago

Activision can stick their patch where the sun don't shine! come to think of it they can stick their game and patch, seriously why would any informed gamer even bother with this terrible game? with bad optimisations on all platforms,and sub par game play, last gen graphics what's the point?
I have read even pc gamers with insane graphics card are getting terrible performance.

When you consider that BF4 is 60fps with 64 players on consoles for the first time at 900p and 720p on x1! that alone proves how lazy infinity ward have been with this game!
If x1 can handle BF4 at native 720p 60fps with 64 players you can dam well know it can handle ghosts at native 1080p! am sorry but i love Sony/Nintendo but i have to keep it real!

Their is no way X1 cant handle cod!its just lazy ass devs yet again fooling stupid gamers!
Like with wii u, with double the usable ram of 360,a more powerful gpgpu, why on earth is ghosts not native 720p? LAZY LAZY LAZY!!!!!
And gamers need to stop supporting developers like this!

Most likely the X1 version of ghosts is worse then the PS4 version and not just in the resolution department, but in frame rate too!
That's why they have the review embargo extended on x1 compared to every other platform.

tiremfej3842d ago

I got out of this game after MWF2 as well...I never really understood why it is so popular online....hell Frontlines: Fuel of War had a better multiplayer. To each their own...I guess.

That all being said,frame rate issues on PC, X1, and PS4 are inexcusable.

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TristanPR773843d ago

Interesting that I have read PS4 COD reviews not mentioning anything about framer rate issues. But if is true, is nothing that cannot be fixed with an update.

Now, the xbone being an inferior console, that is something you cannot fix with an update.

vallencer3843d ago

What??? Yeah you can it's just a patch.

low-carbs3842d ago

You just hope the xbone in the end does suffer more. If it doesn't I guess so much for 50 percent more power at launch.

Deltaohio3842d ago


And yes you can fix it with a patch. That's what happened with GTA 5. The frame rate is better then at launch. And from what I see the frame rate drops are across the board. X1 PS4 and PC any ways. Seeing the X1 at 720p while also seeing the lack of polish all around I'm not surprised.

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WeAreLegion3843d ago

I apologize to those of you who thought my comment was anti-PS4 or something... I don't think I've ever been PM'd with a "Shut up Xbox fanboy" before. Lol. I've only ever been called a Sony, PC, or Nintendo fanboy.

AlexanderNevermind3843d ago

Why apologize? You didn't say anything wrong.

At the end of the day we all want to know that a game we might get runs well and not crappy. That being said its good to know they are already working on a patch for the PC/PS4 versions.

Evil_Abed3843d ago

Not used to seeing so many disagrees are you? Yeah that's what happens when people cross Lord Sony round these here parts. Hahahaha. Funny enough, I could tell you wanted to see Xbox One also dip in frame rates but your brethren couldn't.

WeAreLegion3842d ago

@AlexanderNevermind - Thank you.

@GGJ - No. I can't imagine WANTING another console's version of a game to have issues. I was hoping it didn't have issues, so Infinity Ward would have a crapfest on their hands and issue a patch for the PS4 version. These aren't people. These are electronics.

OC_MurphysLaw3842d ago

@WeAreLegion... Ok that probably is a first for you for sure. I love that not only did you get called out but via PM.

Stay classy N4G!

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blackstrr4113843d ago

Wtf? There's actually someone that play COD like this? Wow wow wow

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3843d ago

Looks really fuzzy, lots of jaggies and you can tell it's 720p upscaled to 1080, don't know if it's YouTube but there is artifacting around the gun, pixels are visible aswell.ps4 version looks a lot crisper less jaggies, more detail etc

NoLongerHereCBA3843d ago

You really can't tell that it is 720p upscaled to 1080p with these low quality youtube vids.

I know it is what is happening, but judging based of a Youtube video is quite impossible, due to massive compression

DevilishSix3843d ago

true but you can see the aliasing (jaggies)

christocolus3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

"Looks really fuzzy, lots of jaggies and you can tell it's 720p upscaled to 1080,"

lmao...how can you tell that?....lol . and those agreeing to the comment are even funnier than yourself.....lmao

desperately looking for a reason to flaw the xbx one version...aint you?.......lmao...fanboys

5eriously3843d ago

We really do not have to look far as all the evidence are rampant on the web. Only buthurt fannybois are resisting the facts as if their lives depends on it. Fact is we saw very little of the eXBN0Ne/eXBox720p that conveys any reassurance on the issues at hand. Face it and endorse reality. M$ and their second console manufacturing calamity brought this on themselves.

IMHO the 180's M$ pulled were not because they listened to their fanbase but because they knew the very low preorders would have dropped even more once the gamers found out the truth about the eXB0Ne resolution gate fiasco!

What calamity of apocalyptic and epic proportions. What a travesty in the making!

PFFT3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

Looks good to me.

christocolus3842d ago

you guys can disagree all you like....it aint new.. its the way of most fanboys here on n4g....lmao.. omg. how can you discern a game upscaled from 720p to 1080p just by watching a youtube video on the internet?.....lmao..i have to give it to you guys...you try too hard .you guys so unrelenting and funny...lol

@5eriously...really dude? really?got nothing to say.....smh

@masseffect23.... it seems it has happened to you so many times right? i guess you were abused alot as a kid..right? your comment shows your pain..its kind of obvious since you can only express your hurt this way in every article and especially towards xbx fans..smh..you need help dude.you do.

XboxFun3842d ago

This games looks good to me too. But unlike most here, I play games, not resolutions. A common theme among most sony fanboys.

From this point on more fanboys will claim they can magically see the jaggies, darker dust clouds and count the polys in the clouds and this will somehow affect the way the game plays. Pressing the "fire my gun" button is drastically different on Xbox One than the PS4!

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MorePowerOfGreen3843d ago

I don't know about crisper with more detail on PS4 vs the XB1 but PS4 paid the price because of Sony's marketing strategy(make devs do highest resolution possible)

Runs like sh!t on PS4 http://gearnuke.com/call-du...

Thegamer413843d ago

watch the video above, you will see even the Xbox One version has fps issues and is still at a lower resolution than the PS4 version.

DoesUs3843d ago

Higher resolution = crisper with details appearing sharper due to increased pixel density.

XB1 inferior by a considerable margin, and all for $100 more!

See you when the XB1 versions performance tests appear online ;)

Evil_Abed3843d ago

Lol ninja please! You'd be saying the exact thing if this was PS4 but you were told was PS4.
You can't tell jack, quit your lies!

AnthonyJrWTF3842d ago

The video on YouTube is only 720p... Sigh, you're silly.

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phoenix_dusk3843d ago

Looks like a PS2 game on its last days. LOL

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All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf817d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth817d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo817d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy817d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad817d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX817d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam817d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje817d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad816d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude817d ago (Edited 817d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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Call of Duty Multiplayer This Decade Ranked (2010-2019)

Call of Duty multiplayer ranked from worst to best! 2019 is coming to a close and MP1st ranks the best COD multiplayer games this decade.


Ray Tracing in Monster Hunter World, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Watch_Dogs 2, COD: Ghosts & more

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s members Benchmark PC Tech, Jose cangrejo, WillTalksTech, Zetman and MissinInAction have published some videos, showing Monster Hunter World, Black Mesa Xen, Watch_Dogs 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, The Sinking City, Remember Me, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 with the ray tracing/path tracing effects that Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod introduces."

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Pyroxfaglover1778d ago

Wore implementation I've ever seen,.. guess it just does not work all that great on every engine

MarkyMark891778d ago (Edited 1778d ago )

Agree, but this gives me hope that one day Ray Tracing can be a software based feature and not require some type of proprietary hardware to achieve. Software will always outpace Hardware so it could happen, but I feel like its going to take a lot more time to achieve the same level that RTX has already shown glimpses of so far. Really just waiting for Cyberpunk to see if RTX is actually something viable. I think if anybody can truly showcase RTX Features it would be Projekt Red.

zeal0us1778d ago

Too bad it doesn't make Mankind Divided a better game.

starchild1778d ago

It doesn't need to, the game was already fantastic, imo.

zeal0us1778d ago

Human Revolution was a better game and not to mention longer.

isarai1778d ago

Reshade is not raytracing, its a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "global illumination"