
Project CARS Trailer Shows Maxed Out Gameplay At 1440p

Gaming Blend "It's already been established that at this point we won't be getting true next-generation visuals from the PS4 or Xbox One that comes anywhere near what many PC games are capable of doing. That last statement is made even more apparent when trailers for Project CARS are released that showcases the game in all its 1440p glory."

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kenmid3864d ago

AMAZING, My geforce gtx 780 is ready...

ape0073864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

disagreers want u to downgrade to ps4/X1

have fun man

LOL_WUT3864d ago

Or a Wii U since it's coming out for that system too but I agree have fun! ;)

lilbroRx3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Wow, lol_wut. I've never seen someone so bitter at Nintendo that you have to drag a console you hate into a conversation just to throw mud at it.

Ideally, if I wasn't getting the PC version I would get the Wii U version solely for the game pad support.

PC version owns everything though, expecially your PS4. We rule this place. go back to waiting for your games that fail to live up to all of your hype. (900p, lol, what?!)

I love gaming at resolutions over 2k.

Rivitur3864d ago

Waiting for how the 360/PS3 version of the game looks and remember they still haven't confirmed next Gen release.

Zebaz083864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

lilbroRX, so PC version owns everything , but especially PS4, How is that truth when there's no PS4 version? you idiot. And even if there was one the WiiU would be inferior technically.Have fun playing with your PC while i keep my exclusive PS games .

dantesparda3864d ago

So libroRX reprimands lol_wuts for "dragging" a console that lol_wut supposedly hates (according to libro) into a conversation "just to throw mud at it" and then in the same breath continues to drag a console he seems to hate just to throw mud at it. Oh the hypocrisy/ You fanboys are the best let me tell you

MRMagoo1233864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


How on earth you managed to take a comment about a Wiiu and then make it seem like he was talking about ps4 is beyond the comprehension of anyone on the planet, It is obvious you are bitter towards PS4 for some reason but maybe leave that for the therapist k.

OT looks good and hey look forza guys thats what weather looks like in a car game lol.

mewhy323863d ago

I wonder what this will look like running in 900p?
Of course I'll be playing it in 1080p on my PS4.

Chrischi19883863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )


Man, this shows how offended you are for a console^^ Instead of calling others being idiots, you should try and get a life. If it were coming to PS4, it would still be inferior to a PC, live with it, it is how it is. You PS4 fans always make fun of the performance of the Wii U, we point out PC is way more powerful, you are offended as hell, but you do the same thing^^

And your beloved PS exclusives are a mere joke, if you compare it to the PC exclusives you are missing out^^


You simply cant let it be, probably the most immature around here, even though some may take his first place.


Actually he didnt drag it in, because the word PS4 was already mentioned in this conversation and he used it again, Lol_Wut on the other hand, couldnt take it and had to drag the Wii U into this discussion. You guys go around this board, always troll on others consoles articles, but be offended, when someone shows you, there is actually an even better way, especially since you guys always, I repead, ALWAYS complain about the other console, just because of the inferior hardware, that is basically your only argument against the other consoles, but that argument looks really dumb in front of PCs and you guys cant take that simple fact.

boneso823863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

@lilbrorx and chrischi1988

The two best games (as in received the highest acclaim and review scores within the gaming industry) this year are "the last of us" and "grand theft auto 5", its reasons, like these 2 games as examples, why people game on consoles. Not to mention the entry fee.

I have enjoyed both games very much and they both ran beautifully on my PS3, Have you played either of those on your PC? Oh... Wait...

The PS3 is 8 year old hardware, it has 512mb of RAM, there is no PC on earth with 512mb of RAM and an eight year old processor that could run either of these games. You need to stop comparing consoles and PC's, they are not the same.

You carry on with your PC pal comparing resolution differences between between your PC abilities with all your PC buddy's... "Hey I just got a new $400 GPU, now bioshock infinite runs at 65fps instead of 62fps"

I can sum up in 2 words why people choose consoles over PC's: Value, exclusives!

Also how exactly do you suppose anyone games in their living room, in front of their tv (a lot of people don't like to sit at a desk), on PC or console and enjoy games at anything higher than 1080p when that is all most tv's support? Then again knowing you and your uber powerful uber expensive PC you probably own a $10,000 4k TV too. If not, why not? Surely that would be the ultimate gaming experience? Affordability right? RIGHT!

Nes_Daze3863d ago

Not a downgrade for me, cheaper console, more organized community, free games here and there, great exclusives, to each his own bud, stop worrying about what your overpriced computer has over other consoles.

boneso823863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )


You mean downgrade to using a HDTV as opposed to a PC monitor. What's the point of PS4/X1 games running at a higher res than 1080p (not saying they could or couldn't) when most people don't own a TV that could display 1440p or higher?

Unless people have a spare £10,000 to buy a 4k TV this resolution argument against console gaming is completely irrelevant.

If you can find me a 60" TV or PC monitor that can display 1440p or higher resolutions for under £1200 (what my 60" plasma was), oh and a PC capable of running battlefield 4 at mid to high settings @ 60fps for under £349, then this whole article (including your comment) might make sense.

Mad Aizen3863d ago

Beautiful title but it's still GT6 for me on the PS3 and GT7 on the PS4. I'm sure you will enjoy this game if your heart is set on it though.

RankFTW3863d ago

It's great owning a gaming PC and Wii U with the PS4 and Xbone joing them soon.

Consoldtobots3863d ago

PC enthusiasts are like the strange out of the way bike clubs that no one cares about. WE GET IT, your rig is so powerful it can play games that haven't been developed yet. /s

give it a rest already.

AKR3863d ago

"The PS3 is 8 year old hardware, it has 512mb of RAM, there is no PC on earth with 512mb of RAM and an eight year old processor that could run either of these games. You need to stop comparing consoles and PC's, they are not the same."

...Man, I had to bubble you up for this. I had to re-read it like 3 times, and each time, I just kept repeating: "You know...He's right!"

"Well Said", indeed.

360ICE3863d ago

Most games on console are actually not hyped by their resolution. One of the reasons I like owning a console.

Zebaz083863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

chrischi 1988, so why is my post incorrect? he said that the PC version owned everything especially the PS4 one, how is that possible when:
1. there is no fucking ps4 version
2. if there was then the "especially" part would be incorrect because the worst version wouldnt be the ps4 version.It would probably be the WiiU one.

ps exclusives mere jokes? xD what about TLOU? Ni no Kuni? Pupeeter? GT6? Beyond? Sly 4? and that is just this year.Come on, pc games may haver better graphics but PS exclusives are better than most pc exclusives in every other way , you are either blind or way too stupid not to see this.

ForgivenZombie3863d ago

It doesn't matter, if it comes to PS4 or Xbone it'll be nice on the consoles, if you prefer pc it will be nice to. We are all gamers, some prefer pc, others consoles. No matter how you play your games, it will be fun. We all shouldn't hate because someone has a different opinion than we do. Enjoy your game in your preferred way.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
Lior3864d ago

Gtx 680 SLI with asus 1440p 27inch screen can't wait, any early access?

camel_toad3864d ago

That's weak sauce. You need a pentium!

2pacalypsenow3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

GTX 670 Sli with Sony 55" 4k

cyguration3864d ago

If you pledge some money you can get early access I think.

3864d ago
SniperControl3863d ago

This game is bloody amazing on my overclocked GTX670 SLI setup. Looks amazing on my 60" Sammy, only at 1080p though, but that does not bother me much.

boneso823863d ago


PS exclusives are a joke compared to PC exclusives? Really?

Have you played the 2 highest rated games this year, the last of us and grand theft auto 5? I have, they are amazing games! Oh you haven't? There's a shame now... Off you pop, back to a river in Egypt...

pete0073863d ago

well, glad you mention those two best rated games of the year cause i went at my nephew,s and i gave him my ps3 2 years ago and i saw those games running. guess what! for my standings all i saw were squares on screen, we cant argue the art direction that is stunning, but technically, its a must only for console standards, for a pc gamer its a low score game that didnt even deserve to come out on owr platform. i know gta5 will come but i can assure you itl have nothing to do with the ps3 version just like gta4. even the ps4 games wont compare to pc and i heard ps4 was next...cof,cof gen

NarooN3863d ago

640x480, Voodoo 2 GPU, Pentium III, 12MB RAM -- Get at me bro.

specialguest3863d ago


voodoo2 was amazing card back in the day, introducing sli config. ISome people were able to run doom3 with 2 voodoo2 cards at 800x600 res!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
ATi_Elite3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

My GTX 660ti SLi and HD7970GE CFX gpu's have already tasted the Glory of Project Cars Alpha and the game just keeps getting better.

Physics are phenomenal and the wrecks are outstanding which really put Pcars over the top along with the eye burning graphics.

Best Racer there is EVER!

redwin3863d ago

I like car racing games but wasn't most of this trailer a CG movie? When you play you don't get to see your car with all those cinematic views only after the game is over. Regardless, the in the car view with the rain looks great. I wonder if they downgrade it for the XB1. If it's an online only game it could work. I don't have a gaming PC.

pete0073863d ago

been playint pcars since the beginning, im a junior member, i put 35euros and have the right to a monthly build, my rig its a dual gtx680/core i7 4ghz and with the sli tweak i manage to lock 60 fps, all maxed out, of course fxaa, but on hi!!
on races against 20 cars, and even on rain/storm, i can assure you all video is ingame, as i can have access to all cameras even on race time. i even share some videos on facebook and youtube so this game will be fantastic. btw, theyll release on consoles to finish financing and make some money out of it.

thisismyaccount3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Technically a "masterpiece", looks clean and sharp at 1440p. Well.. tbh every game does at that many pixel per inch.

Aesthetically though, it´s utter garbage. Hence why PC games tend to look more like "games" and console games -developer- are more into getting the cinematic experience.

This .gif via NeoGaf is over 6 years old and beat´s the crap out of this game (visually, aesthetically ) easily. http://www.abload.de/img/pg...

This one is from GT5, great look, nearly realistic until both cars enter the corner (blue car looks unrealistic, too shiny). http://i.minus.com/i76qSbqF...

And finally another GT5 .gif
proving that, you should put some emphasis on more than just adding higher reso. textures and what not...; (i know, reduced gif size = higher IQ..)


anyway this and the first (360 dev-kit PGR?) .gif show how bad PC Cars actually really looks like. Those debug-shots from dsogaming.... yeah, im still waiting to see that level of detail and visual fidelity on any video from the pcars community.

duplissi3864d ago

Keep on thinking that. Love the sweeping generalization you've got going there.

ChickeyCantor3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

oeeeh nice. Desaturated gifs and overall loss of quality hiding details.

Sure is biased around here.

Gamingisfornerds3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

I think thisismyaccount makes an excellent point.

PC Elitists (not calling all PC gamers elitists, mind you) only really care about how high res and sharp everything is. But sharp does not equal an aesthetically pleasing looking game.

Console games tend to look more aesthetically pleasing because there's a much heavier focus on post processing effects that make the game more visually engaging, like smoke/particle/blur/DOF effects or subtle things like windshield reflections from the in-car view (PGR3 FTW!!!)

webeblazing3863d ago

"Console games tend to look more aesthetically pleasing because there's a much heavier focus on post processing effects that make the game more visually engaging, like smoke/particle/blur/DOF effects or subtle things like windshield reflections from the in-car view"

LMAO this is the first time I herd a console game have a heavier focus in these areas most of these effects have been missing this gen and when pc gamers use to bring this up people use to put their fingers in there ears.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3863d ago
Flutterby3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Did you watch the same video as me lol look at the crash scene , why do none of those cars have bottoms instead just blank grey flat things, why do the cars that crash seem like they are made out of paper and go floating around? The cars look pretty when still but jeez does it start showing its faults when it's in motion. At least it has weather tho I guess which is more than I can say for another game that sounds like morza .

webeblazing3863d ago

you do know each car have their own beta right. you do know this game is still in beta and already out preforms a shit load of games

Magicite3864d ago

My R9 290X Will be ready...

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3863d ago

GTX 680 Lightning is ready and i will be playing at 1600p :)

CommanderShepard3863d ago

Oh the ignorance in the comment section. First of all, let's erase the myth that PC gaming is expensive. You could easily build a PC capable of medium to high settings and a 1080p resolution with 30+ FPS in recent games (let's face it, most games run on the equivalent of low settings on console) for about $500-600. Yes, it's $200 more expensive than the PS4, but you'll be saving money in the long term because of Steam sales and Humble Bundles + free online gaming.

Second, yes no PC can run current gen games on 512 MB RAM, but you do know that the consoles are heavily optimized and pushed to the brink in order to the run these games (quite poorly in fact). Have you seen what BF4 and GTAV looks like? Sub-30 FPS with 720p resolution, low textures and particle effects, with shit tons of jaggies.

Third, we don't really care about a few console exclusives. Last of Us is really more of a movie than a game. GTAV is gonna come to PC anyway (thanks for beta testing it). And while we're missing a few games here and there, you guys are missing out on whole GENRES: RTS, MOBA, MMO, and turn based strategy (Civ 5). Not to mention the superior multiplats (Skyrim, BF series), emulators, and mods.

Consoles are also dragging down the quality of games as a whole. Games would be so much more better if the devs didn't have to limit themselves in order to put out games on inferior hardware. Fortunately, PS4 and X1 have PC architectures (easier to co-develop and port), but they are still limiting games from their true potential by quite a margin.

Btw, you can use your PC with your home TV, and you can use console controllers on PC. So the excuses of how consoles are better because of the controller and how can you play on the couch are void.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
thisismyaccount3864d ago

Technically, yes. Visual fidelity-wise not really....

Letros3864d ago

Looks better than anything Sony is shoving down your throat...

Bolts3864d ago

Holyshit. These look almost CG. They were right, this is truely nextgen.

ape0073864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

well you know, i wish ps4 and X1 were 100$ more expensive to match today's PC like Xbox 360 and ps3 matched the pc of their time

Xbox one and ps4 are weaker than xbox 360 and ps3 relatively which is very very disappointing

watch dogs look better on PC(first two vids were much better than those ps4 vids), BF4 will look better on PC, Ryse 900p, deep down downgraded, CoD ghosts having better textures on PC(as IW said)

i mean you'll buy a system and that's it, stuck for an eternity, at least make it as good as this era's PC

OrangePowerz3864d ago

In actual power and what can be done with the hardware they are closer to PC than you think. I don't know why people still compare hardware speccs 1:1 between PC and consoles because it doesn't work that way. It's every generation the same PC gamers going about you can have a more powerful PC simply going by speccs.

ape0073864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


another problem that people do damage control on ( i do too) is saying wait until they get utilized, im really doubting this theory

im no tech geek but both ps4 and X1 are X86 systems which makes them so easy to get power out of

i have a strong feeling that KZ SF, Ryse, BF4 and especially Watch Dogs are going to max them out almost completely Day 1

if watch dogs looked worse on consoles (it will) this will mean that it's already maxed out, an X86 PC game ported to an X86 consoles(basically PCs) and looked worse means it maxed out 100%, it's true LoL

XB1_PS43864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

@orangepowerz even if you compare them 2:1 they still don't match up.

Titan = 4.5 TFlops
Ps4 = 1.8 TFlops

More flops bro, more flops.

clouds53864d ago

PC will always be better in terms of graphics&power. You can't release a console in the 400-500$ price range that somehow magically outperforms PCs that cost 600-1000$. Not while making a profit at least, it's just simple math :)

If you have the money/time and are interested in building your own PC, it's something that is a lot of fun ;) It's not for everyone of course, but once you know how to set everything up and have it connected to your TV it's the best thing ever.

OrangePowerz3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


Because they use X86 doesn`t make them the same as PC. It makes it easy to get a game running on it, but not to get the best out of it. Easy to learn hard to master. Unlike PC`s there are more things in the consoles to get more power out and it will take time for devs to find the best solution on how to max it out. You couldn`t be more wrong if you think that the launch games will be close to maxing out the systems, I know what I`m talking about.


Those are the meaningless comparisons I was talking about. The GTX already looses a huge amount of the power advantage by the fact that PC games are not optimized for a fixed hardware configuration. Another one being that the next gen consoles run on an APU that is a lot more efficient compared to a setup that has a separate CPU and GPU and I could go on for quite some time to point out why the disadvantage isn`t as big as people might think.


I didn`t say they outperform high end PC`s just that they are closer to them than what people think by just comparing speccs. I built my own PC and it`s also connected to the TV, but it has advantages and disadvantages just like consoles and I still buy certain multiplatform games for consoles although they don`t look as nice on console but play better on it compared to PC.

XB1_PS43864d ago

@orangepowerz As long as there is the possibility to strap 4 Titans together via Sli, then the consoles have no chance when comparing possible graphics. The consoles graphics will be awesome, don't get me wrong, but the margin between the top gaming PC and the consoles is HUGE. ENORMOUS. GARGANTUAS. Also, not debatable, because it is fact.

The developers on the exclusive content behind the consoles is why I buy them.

lilbroRx3864d ago

They would need more than a $100 worth of upgrades.

ABizzel13864d ago


Technically speaking the PS4 is at it's near max. The only thing more they could do was upgrade to 8970m, which is only a few notches above what they already have.


and they're all in the same ballpark. There's nothing more they could do without building custom hardware, which would be hard to develop for and increase the price more than $100.

H0RSE3864d ago


"It's every generation the same PC gamers going about you can have a more powerful PC simply going by speccs."

I found this line particularly ironic, because this is exactly what is happening in the PS4/X1 console wars right now.

OrangePowerz3864d ago

A system with 4 Titans would be a prime example of one of the disadvantages of PCs. 4 Titans would be a huge waste of money because you would get far less actual performance out of it compared to what it would be able to do in theory because there will be no game that`s optimized for such a setup. If you take a super computer it would outperform high end gaming PC`s for many many years in theoretical power, but obviously no game would ever be optimized for that.


I`m aware that happens between consoles and while you can`t translated specs 1:1 between consoles because of small difference in how it is built and what extra processors are on it and so on it is more valid than comparing specs directly between PC and consoles.

lonz3583864d ago

Keep worrying about graphics. I'll be playing great exclusives on PS4 for years :-)

Chrischi19883863d ago


Since they are X86 makes them work pretty much like a PC and if they dont use much custom hardware it is like it is. Only the API which will be used on the PS4 can make a difference, but since AMD is about to release Mantle API and Nvidia is also working on their own API, all that made consoles great, will be not a console exclusiv anymore, so in other words, PS4 has no real chance against PCs, it is even funny that people try to compare it. Compare PS4 and Xbox1 if you want, but PC is and will always be, in a league of its own.

AKR3863d ago

Dude, stop - just stop.

You CANNOT, let me repeat that ~ C A N N O T, compare PCs and consoles. Why? Because they are built DIFFERENTLY.

Consoles are closed systems - meaning, they can't be upgraded. Their designed with the 1st-priority of playing games. Because of that; they have a streamlined OS and their games are optimized to run specifically on their specs.

PCs on the other hand are open. You can open it up, put in a new GPU, put in some more RAM, etc. PCs need the extra power because they are multipurpose systems. They are running different processes at the same time, as well as a full-scale OS.

The PS3 and 360 only matched the PCs of THEIR TIME. Meaning; the time they were released. After about 2 years, PCs started taking off farther than them. Why? Because once again; you can't build a console that will forever match PCs unless you can upgrade that console, which in effect, would technically classify it as being a PC.


+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
redwin3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

But, isn't it CG? The only part that I believe is game is from inside the car. You can not play with a panoramic view from the maintains. I made this comment above but I didn't think it went through.

WarThunder3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

That looked great! but still doesn't look as good as their screenshots. http://www.dsogaming.com/sc...

Lighting accuracy is slightly below Granturismo's lighting. But still looks impressive :D

Can't wait to play it
PCars, Assetto corsa and GT6 on my list!

xKugo3864d ago

Lol, lighting accuracy??? What do you mean when you say that?? Are you talking about god rays or ray-tracing?? Not getting what you're talking about..

elhebbo163864d ago

shhh... let him say what he wants, dont discourage the poor guy.

turgore3863d ago

Slightly. It looks miles worse than GT6.

kingduqc3863d ago

that's cause those screenshot are uncompressed and youtube video are compressed a lot.

gta, cars is the best looking racing game out there, not even close to what grand tourismo offers.

SharnOfTheDEAD3863d ago

What like real licensed cars?

ThatEnglishDude3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

It's..beautiful. My GTX Titan is waiting.

XB1_PS43864d ago

My Gtx 680 is waiting! I can't afford a new card.

wtopez3864d ago

GTX 680 is still mighty powerful.

Back-to-Back3864d ago

"My GTX Titan is waiting."

More money than brains

ThatEnglishDude3864d ago

Don't be hating 'cos I can make the cheddar. A decent job and happens to be a PC enthusiast. Like you'd say no to one..

Letros3864d ago


He's got cheddar envy!

SwiftRyu3863d ago

Don't b' hatin' 'cause he's beautiful.

black0o3863d ago

i'll be getting R9 290 .. titan naah maybe titan-Ultra

BTW: there's a price drop on it way to the titan

Show all comments (170)

Why did EA Kill Project CARS?

This video explains why we think Electronic Arts didn't see a future in the sim racing title Project CARS and promptly cancelled the fourth instalment.

Jin_Sakai548d ago

After the last installment I’d say most hardcore fans left. It’s just not that good anymore so I can’t really blame EA this time.

masterfox548d ago

because it was always a project and it never got finished :D

ChubbyBlade546d ago

Every game is a project. Your joke doesn’t make sense

InUrFoxHole545d ago

It makes perfect sense. It's obviously a play on the title. Jesus christ you must be a blast at parties.

ApocalypseShadow547d ago (Edited 547d ago )

Ask Bullfrog or Black Box or Tiburon or Studio 33 or Criterion or any of the previously acquired developers who made racing games as competition, or as developers of EA games, then eventually dissolved into oblivion or reassigned. Just ask them. They'll tell you why.

ApocalypseShadow546d ago

Oh. I forgot. Even Code Masters were absorbed into Criterion. Another racing developer EA took over.

Every racing developer either absorbed by EA or eventually destroyed by them. They either kill competition or have them in the end make Need 4 Speed for them.

MadLad546d ago

EA only cancels projects for one reason.
They didn't see enough money in it.

Kombatologist546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Not when it's because it didn't meet some crazy margin. It's like if something doesn't make EA a billion dollars on day one (I'm exaggerating that figure of course), they swiftly put it out to pasture.

SurgicalMenace546d ago (Edited 546d ago )

Much like if you're spending money on what's a bad investment for your desired goals, you'd do away with it, if you're wise. We should try to get away from thinking we know more about business than individuals that have been doing it for decades. Perhaps you could benefit from going into business instead of wasting all of your talents in comment sections. It's clear that you're the missing piece that EA's been looking for.

MadLad545d ago

I've made a good amount of money betting on underdog investments over the years.

EA sets unrealistic expectations of their more niche developers, yet continue to fund absolute blunders like DICE and the Battlefield series year after year.

dumahim546d ago

EA butted in and messed with the formula and act shocked when it doesn't work out.

Show all comments (16)

Original Project CARS creator trying to re-hire EA team

Ian Bell, the founder of Slightly Mad Studios, is aiming to hire former Project CARS employees to work on his upcoming GTR Revival project.

Sgt_Slaughter549d ago

If it's just going to be another sim-cade that doesn't do either one correctly then no thanks.

Project CARS 2 was a step in the right direction but the physics still aren't where they should have been, so what did they do for PC3? Go completely arcade. That killed the franchise.


EA dropping Project CARS

From GI.biz: "EA is dropping Project CARS, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.

The Slightly Mad Studios-developed series was launched in 2015, with EA confirming today that it has made the decision to "stop further development and investment" in the franchise.

The announcement was made internally and it's unclear at this stage to which extent staff could be affected. EA said that employees working on Project CARS will be moved into "suitable" roles "wherever [they] can.""

Read Full Story >>
Terry_B551d ago

Typical for EA. They buy studios that created nice games..and are sooner or later destroying them and move the people to work on the old same 5+ EA series.

italiangamer551d ago

They will put the developers on the 1000th Need for Speed for the rest of their entire careers, just like Criterion.

SurgicalMenace551d ago

To be fair, it's not EAs fault it falls directly on the consumer. Everytime these companies choose to drop a series they're met with backlash though the gamers didn't support said series enough to justify its continuation. Attempting to paint every company as evil all because they're in it to succeed is ridiculous. They have to make money just like each of us typing in this section. If a job wasn't supporting you well you'd quit and find a new one, this is the same mentality concerning series.

TheColbertinator551d ago


No it is their fault. They don't listen to fans and burn the franchise to the ground by introducing elements that nobody wanted instead of increasing support for said respected franchises.

I order a steak, they make a steak. 1st sale
I order a steak again, they vomit on my steak and charge me more for it. No sale.

EA in a nutshell.

Tapani550d ago

@TheColbinator Well how do you think they make the billions then?

Their fans ARE buying their games. You are just not their focus group, and I can guarantee their customer insights team is more thorough and detailed in their reaearch than any N4G commentors’ opinion on the matter. Otherwise EA would not exist as a company, and they’d be bankrupt.

deleted551d ago

The one that still hurts the most though was Criterion w the Burnout series. Acquired Criterion's tech for their own existing IP, then shut em down. It's basically parasitic. I sure do miss Burnout's crash mode!

Hofstaderman551d ago

Sounds eerily similar to another large unnamed corporation hey. I believe some EA bigwigs shifted to that company back in the day, would explain the similarities.

rlow1550d ago

Must be talking about Sony

peppeaccardo551d ago

and instead they come out with that piece of shit of Need for Speed which looks like an Anna & Barbera cartoon. C'mon .... PC2 was my go to game for VR racing and the first one i played for tens of hours. i was so lookiing forward to PC4 after that failure of PC3 ... what a shame EA, they are bombing all the good games and stick to the garbage ones. EA when you think you have reached maximum of disappointment they top it off with style .... screw them!

SurgicalMenace551d ago

Need for Speed continues to sell so why would they get rid of what's producing what they need to maintain stability?

EazyC551d ago

What they did to this series was idiotic. The premise was great -- a sim/simcade game that GENUINELY got developed in line with its community. There is a huge gap in the market for this...I mean, PD hasn't listened to fans at all over the last year with regard to simple Gran Turismo 7 tweaks. Sim racing fans are screaming for a title where they actually give a shit about their users.

Project Cars 2 was genuinely on to something, it just needed some refinement. But instead they followed up by selling off to EA with a braindead GRID clone with Project Cars 3. Again...idiotic.

SurgicalMenace551d ago

Well since you're the authority on properly managing a million dollar company, why don't you just call them to let them know of your divine wisdom?

Hardcore sim racers are the ones who are competing acrossed the globe, no company in their right mind would focus on a forever moving casual market. They have to focus on those dedicated to supporting their efforts. Notice how you're speaking from a perspective of self opposed to the collective. Perhaps they sold out because they, like us, needed the money knowing that they could reinvest it into something new. PC was a decent racer but very few people mainlined it over GT or Forza.

EazyC551d ago

I'm not a divine authority but I notice a pattern where these huge corporations turn completely tone deaf of what the "average fan" wants.

vallencer551d ago

Hate to break it to you but project cars 3 was published by Bandai in 2020. EA didn't buy codemasters, which owned slightly mad studios, until 2021. Either way the sales were super poor for the game and it's not surprising EA would just drop the game. BUT it still sucks because it's one less sim racing game on the market. Especially because the first 2 were really good.

Tzuno551d ago

and focuses more on cartoon network games

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