
New DX11 Unreal Engine Demo Reel Shows Off Amazing Next-Gen Visuals

DSOGaming writes: "Polycount's member '3dflasher' has created an amazing DX11 demo reel, showcasing what players can expect from the upcoming next-gen titles. According to 3dflasher, these scenes can run at 30fps on the comparable system cards of the new consoles - provided they are a bit more optimized. The end result is spectacular, so make sure to give this video a go!"

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Supermax3941d ago

Looks like infiltrator the new x1 exclusive.

sorane3941d ago

PC is Epics lead platform these days. They also never even got the infiltrator demo working on consoles so what makes you think it'd be a xbox one exclusive?

Eldyraen3941d ago

Just curious but where is the source about PC being lead platform these days? Not calling you out on it but just curious if true. I wouldn't mind as its my dominate platform but don't remember hearing about it. Also the last thing I've even seen or heard them working on for PC (or anywhere) is Fornite and its not been shown in way too long imo (and I'm tired of waiting as want to see more of it).

However I do agree that it seems unlikely it would be an X1 exclusive if Infiltrator is even more than just a demo.

I just hope whatever Epic makes next is great as love the way demos have been going and like vast majority of their games.

sorane3941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )


Just one of the many sources from google on the matter. 5 new ips all with PC as the lead platform. They announced it about 2 years ago.

starchild3941d ago

Yeah, if the Infiltrator demo does end up being a game I doubt that it will be exclusive to any platform.

Next gen visuals like these ARE coming.

UltimateMaster3940d ago

Looks at the top:
Tags: PC/PS4/Unreal Engine 3/Xbox One
in that order.
Wow, PS4, huh.

ShinMaster3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Unreal always looks similar to me.

Shiny or wet. Interiors are dark with blue lighting. Exteriors are brown.

I think they need a new artist.

BitbyDeath3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

This looks amazingly last gen, seriously is anyone impressed by this? The division is probably the best looking game so far imo

JokesOnYou3940d ago

Honestly it looked good but I didn't see anything amazing about it.

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B-radical3941d ago

If your right then damnnnn but i dont think it will be an exclusive

Skate-AK3941d ago

No. The Infiltrator demo was running on an i7 CPU, GTX 680 and 16GB of RAM. I don't think we will see it on Xbone or PS4 unless it is scaled back.


slimeybrainboy3941d ago

You won't see that on PC unless it's scaled back. People act as if every PC is an i7 titan mega rig. They spared no expense in making it run on the best consumer avaliable pc possible because it's a tech demo. If this were a game it would be scaled down for i3's and 7700 series too.

Qrphe3941d ago

Pretty much what slimey said. No developer on PC would be crazy enough to alienate 90% of the PC gaming market but developing a game to be exclusively played by a 680.

starchild3941d ago

Yeah, guys, but by the time a game with the Infiltrator demo's graphics comes out, graphics cards equivalent to the GTX 680 will be midrange and many PC gamers will have them.

Besides, that is what graphics settings are for. People that have weaker PCs can turn down settings and still play the game.

So, no, there is no reason they would have to scale it back.

Pain_Killer3940d ago

@Slimeyboy UE4 is optimized, there's a reason the demo does 60 FPS on that PC with max details as shown in the Infiltrator demo. Even Samaritian (UE3) and Elemental (UE4) delivered 60 FPS on the same hardware.

A user running a Core i3 + HD 7800/GTX660 setup can easily cope with the graphics UE4 has to offer. PC's offer users to configure graphic settings.

Let's suppose the Infiltrator demo which was maxed out on the PC is using 4x MSAA or 8x MSAA. You can tone it down to FXAA/TXAA, same level of detail with more performance.

clouds53940d ago

PC games are usually USER-scalable. All the devs have to do is give us options like texture resolution, effects and level of detail and stuff to make the game run faster. Theoretically they also could make a 30fps and 60fps mode for console games, one that looks worse but with 60fps and one that looks better but 30fps... But i guess that's already too complicated for most console users (trollololol :D )

Best example is skyrim, you can make it look like garbage and run it on a 10 year old machine or you put everything to max and install mods and make it look like next gen.

I usually don't care about extreme textures all that much but i can't stand jaggies.

iloveallgames3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Crysis was released and it was basically unplayable on even the best hardware for the first year with everything turned on. Even then, it was quite a badge of honour to have a rig that could play it at high resolutions with all the settings cranked.

Check out this forum string!

papashango3940d ago

Crytek was crazy enough to do it.

Crysis 1 started off slow but ended up selling millions of copies in the end.

awi59513940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )


And then a high res texture mod will come out and let people try to run it the way they wanted it to look. And my PC has had no problem running any of the extreme graphics mods that come out for games.

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3941d ago Replies(3)
trancefreak3941d ago

Good choice of music. And those graphics I'm ready for next gen either on my trusty PC still banging a I7 2600k and GTX 680.

Now release me that PS4 glory.

Pain_Killer3940d ago

Your PC can easily do 1440P/60 FPS with every up-coming UE4 based game.

dark_1013940d ago


Im sure his GTX can do at more than 30-40FPS for the upcoming games running at 1080p maximum settings

And even if its not enough, he could easily sli another 680 and run the games at solid 30FPS 4K (If he's crazy)

trancefreak3940d ago

Thanks for the replies guys. Ya I know what it can do with no disrespect to you guys, but I like gaming on both. This is kinda like comparing my Nvidia 8800GTX to the PS3 when it first came out in a sense. This console Gen will be a lot better tech wise IMO.

I am not even going to upgrade to Haswell my 2600k is OC'd depending on Summer or Winter @ 4.7ghz or 4.6Ghz and I have had it since it released. I know I am not using the PCIE buses full potential with the I7 2600k and a ASUS Sabertooth Z77 Tough Series, but I honestly can't tell the difference. Probably wait a few more years before I upgrade my PC.

A lot of games I play sometimes I will drop it into window mode 1600x900 on my ASUS VG278H 3d Vision because I prefer the game window smaller at times. Not always just sometimes. http://www.asus.com/Monitor...

PS4 games I will buy in abundance. I love console gaming and the exclusives that go with them.

Thanks 4 all the positive feedback and the replies.

JsonHenry3940d ago

Yeah, this looks about what I would expect from a 7870 running on ~6gigs of total system ram. Take into account a lot of the better looking games will most likely be natively running at 720p and upscaled to 1080p and these visuals seems about on par with what you should expect.

Especially once they optimize for the hardware.

Gamer19823940d ago

I take away from this as much as I do from other news when I read that 30fps remark.. Seems most AAA titles will be 30fps nex gen to keep that 1080p with DX11. It does mean full 1080p gaming finally but 30fps shows just how not powerful these machines really are. The RAM is overkill for 1080p gaming and the GPU/CPU are just not good enough to hit steady 60fps on much more than driving games. However You do get great looking visuals like above.. I just think PC is the way to get as you will get 2-4 times the frames for not much more money.

donman13940d ago

That environment would be an excellent backdrop for the next Metroid Prime game on the Wii U. The atmospheric level design is just perfect.

Settle down guys... I never said the Wii U can pump out that level of graphics, just saying the level design would be perfect for that game.

tuglu_pati3940d ago

I can't wait to see how Metroid for WiiU will look like. Im a huge fan of the franchise since the first Metroid on NES.

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kcuthbertson3941d ago

I've seriously given up respect for Direct X after seeing how good certain games look without it.

I remember getting windows 7 just for DX11 and then it just being a huge resource hog (tesselation mostly) and seeing games like The Witcher 2 using DX9 looking way better than anything using DX11.

thezeldadoth3941d ago

maybe you should try more PC games on max settings.

kcuthbertson3940d ago

I do game on max settings. I have dual GTX 580's. My opinion is obviously the minority and that's fine.

I was just trying to state that I feel like the biggest things they tried to hype up about DX11, ended up not really doing that much to improve visuals without causing a huge hit to graphics.

Now maybe the newer cards (600 and 700 series) are much better with tesselation and the like, but I know my card is brouhgt to its knees by it.

pandehz3941d ago

Battlefied 3 and 4 dont even use DX 9. Dont tell me they dont look good.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

Wait, you're complaining that tessellation and high end graphical effects are to resource heavy? lol that's such an oxymoron statement!

Witcher 2 looks good yeah. But, Metro and Crysis destroy it. Metro last light is absolutely insane maxed out and Crysis 3 in 3D maxed out blew my mind. Walking through the fields with the grass swaying was seriously so awesome.

Even BF3 is amazing looking!

FlyingFoxy3940d ago (Edited 3940d ago )

Crysis might look really good but look how crap their games run, i looked at recent benchmarks of Farcry 3 at 1080p and even a GTX 780 (practically a cheaper Titan) gets ALMOST 60fps (don't know if avg or max framerate) now that is really rediculous.

Mind that was at Ultra settings, and as i found out before Ultra barely looks any better than high settings on a lot of games, just makes the framerate go to crap.

But barely 60fps on such an expensive card, proves my point you always need a mid/high end card for 1080p on some games.. Developers are taking the piss with resources, you have to admit.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3940d ago

yeah I can't really disagree with you there haha. But it seems that AA is the biggest culprit of resources. Some of those ultra settings do just massacre a PC anymore.

starchild3941d ago

I'm sorry, but while I agree with you that The Witcher 2 is one of the best looking games around it doesn't mean that DirectX 11 doesn't impart certain benefits and efficiencies in terms of advanced graphical features and how much performance they demand.

JsonHenry3940d ago

Go play Metro:2033, THEN go play Metro: Last Light. Both games blow Witcher 2 out of the water.

I would argue that Witcher doesn't look that great without Ubersampling on and THAT is a bigger resource hog than even tesselation.

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Kevlar0093941d ago (Edited 3941d ago )

I cannot wait for a next-gen Bioshock. For being current gen Infinite was beatiful, can't wait to see how good the next one will look and feel

There is still a lot of room for graphical improvements, next gen certainly won't be the last

Gamer19823940d ago

Play Infinity on a PC then you get your wish..

JsonHenry3940d ago

It was a very gorgeous game maxed out on PC.

pyramidshead3940d ago

I agree with you definitely, but we won't be seeing a new bioshock for a long long while(I hope) if even at all. But we can only hope!

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Someone made an unofficial fan Unreal Engine Donkey Kong Country game & is available for download

A Tribute To Donkey Kong features 12 levels, 200+ 3D models, 20+ characters with 120+ animations, 1000+ new game assets, 400+ textures, 30+ particles effects and over 3000 lines of code.

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getbacktogaming2294d ago (Edited 2294d ago )

Isn't this old news!? As cool as this is it has been released since 2014.


Rated-R: Angels Fall First interview

This time they are interviewing one of the guys behind the 1st person shooter, Angels Fall First.
Also, Overload Kickstarter success, Albert Einstein and Pi-day, Uranus, Space-twins and the new guy makes wookie-sounds about US politics!

* New Bammsters member: Draconusx
* Overload kickstarter hit their goal with 2 hours to spare
* Albert Einstein’s bday, and pi-day, and odd ways of writing dates
* Uranus was discovered 235 years ago, yesterday
* Scott and Mark Kelly used to see how space affects the human body
* Bamm asks about Donald Trump, and Draconusx goes wookie

Special Guest:
This week Bammsters have Josh Grafton of the game Angels Fall First, a combined-arms sci-fi wargame, talking about the current state of the game, where it all started, and where it is heading!
Angels Fall First, by Strangely Interactive, started out as a mod many, many years ago, and only later ended up being a stand-alone game. Josh tells us about the early days, about being a small but diverse team spread our geographically, and about the project going on strong through multiple iterations. We also discuss which older games served as inspiration, and might just have given away our respective ages as we discuss games from 3 decades ago.
The game is available on Steam, under the Early Access category, and by golly, it is an awesome “little” shooter.

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The Power of the Unreal Engine Put On Display in a Gamescom Sizzle Reel

EB: Epic has posted a Gamescom sizzle reel for the Unreal Engine that features all of the new titles, and a few past ones, that are using the game engine to bring them to life. It’s literally full of one impressive looking game after another, which shouldn’t surprise many gamers considering the wide use of the engine in most AAA games.

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