
Xbox One Delay Leaves the Door Ajar for PS4

Push Square: "There will have been one of two reactions to Microsoft’s sizeable Xbox One delay within Sony’s colossal European headquarters today: cheers or mopped brows. At almost every turn, the North American company has been playing into the PlayStation maker’s hands, and this latest setback is just another example of that. It’s certainly not the end of the world for the Redmond-based firm, but it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows either."

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NatureOfLogic3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Playstation dominance once again? I'm really looking forward to unboxing my PS4 day one.

Majin-vegeta3917d ago

And sniffing that freshness of new opened stuff.

Don't judge me :P.

blitz06233917d ago

Well it's not like Europe was won by Microsoft this gen. They only made things worse over there.

black0o3917d ago

MS is on defense next-gen sony has it eyes sit on NA MS strongest/biggest market and so far MS loosing market share -according to the per-orders-

so i think MS did a smart move here, they dont hve the same chance they had last gen with x360 so there's no need to fight in loosing battles over territories which PlaytStation brand is everything , MS must get NA by any mean necessary

Evilsnuggle3917d ago

BLACKOO this is the same theory I have . MicroSCAM are putting all their eggs in one basket. M$ are losing ground and now are digging in at their fort North America. All the 180s are do to microSCAM pre orders are not where they expected them to be . PS4 is all sold out even game bundles AND m$ still have plenty of xbones available for pre-order microSCAM is in full panic mode. They are retreating to their stronghold North America they know if they lose too much market share in North America they are in big trouble.

abzdine3917d ago

X1 preorders aren't that high and people are gonna change their x1 preorders if it happens that Sony makes a ground breaking announcement like they did at e3 where this time they'll say that for Sony there is no distinction between gamers and everyone should be allowed to have a PS4 day one.. In other words, worldwide release as soon as October.

3917d ago
AfterThought3917d ago

Its weird but I love the smell of cardboard and wood. I always love the smell of places like Lowes or Homedepot.


blackmanone3917d ago

Gman sure is trying to be N4G's next Georgenoob...

AsimLeonheart3917d ago

Looks like the Xbone delay rumor on gamereactor turned out to be true. And just a few hours ago xbox fans were saying how it was only a stupid rumour and that MS would never do such a thing. :-) Says a lot about the accuracy of people's intuitions.

3917d ago
morganfell3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

This merely cements my belief in my original posts from earlier this year. I do not believe Microsoft had any intention of launching this year...anywhere. Not only did Sony's February announcement catch MS unawares as regards hardware specifications but more importantly I think they were totally unprepared by Sony's plans to launch worldwide this year.

Everything about the Xone seems cobbled together in an emergency meeting. Their original plans for the unit as regards DRM were ill-conceived and hardly thought through and their hardware is grossly underpowered. All of their back peddling speaks of the sorts of matters which would have been resolved in advance given a proper development time. Everything connected with the Redmond outing smells rushed as if it were decided overnight. Now the lack of proper testing over time has cost them chip yields and the inability to meet shipment is the result of unplanned console deployment rather than customer demand.

These cancelations will cause Sony to greatly increase their US marketing in order to hit MS at home. Great news for us but quite grim for the Done.

Rimeskeem3917d ago

I agree nothing like the smell of a new console

Skips3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

http://media.tumblr.com/879... <--MS

Yield problems is pretty much confirmed. lol

So many problems with this console. They definitely WERE NOT ready when Sony announced PS4. lol They aren't even having a livestream for Gamescom! XD Guess they really did blow most of their load at E3 and don't have much else to show. lol

...... Anyways, 13 regions??? The number 13 isn't unlucky at all. lol

Consoldtobots3917d ago

I give credit to the posters who early on in this current gen called it when they said it would take Sony two console releases to finish off MS.

f7897903917d ago

That new tech smell....


extermin8or3917d ago

God I love that new stuff smell :P particularly game instruction manuals :p (might be the binding glue LOL) weird but it smells pretty satisfying :P

badz1493917d ago


dat smell...yeah, love it too!


13 countries, not region!

nirwanda3917d ago

The delay tells me one of two things either they are getting lower yields because of some last minute overclocking or they want to bombard the xbone with as many units as possible in the most important territories.

Kurt Russell3917d ago

I'm not going to judge you Majin-Vega... I have to smell all the new things I buy too :D

vigilante_man3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

@Morganfell:- I 100% agree with you.

It would seem like MS were never going for 2013 launch after all. After PS4 feb reveal it was ultra quiet from MS.

All these reversals could of been done in the development stage and in private but they have had to rush their schedule. Why? Because PS3 is doing so well everywhere else apart from the US and the PS4 seems likely to steam ahead.

The strong line up of developers and great franchise games have helped Sony get back the lead that the 360 had from a years head start.

MS do NOT believe their product could catch up if PS4 had a year head start. Good point, Morganfell!

Kryptix3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

I'm guessing Microsoft is doing this to release the console earlier by only producing consoles to the countries with the highest demand while also really hurting popularity in the others. The less units they produce, the quicker it will be for them to ship them all out. Then they can keep supplying till other countries get to receive it. If they release it earlier, will this hurt the PS4? No, to Microsoft this is already a lost battle. If the Xbox One gets a week or 2 earlier release day, it's not going to make a difference compared to having a 1 year advantage. Sony has been prepared way before the Xbox One, the PS4 is not a rushed console. And who knows, maybe Sony will surprise us all and release it in October with all the demand they have received. This article confirms Microsoft are in panic mode and unprepared. High chance the Xbox One was still a prototype when they first showed it and still is now.

zippycup3916d ago

actually every time i buy blank DVDs i always smell them don't now why

BABY-JEDI3916d ago

It's all about China now guys. Whoever sell the most there will win the console war!

user55757083916d ago

the funny thing is here that sony didn't really change a whole lot this gen.

Microsoft just seems to like inflicting self harm

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
user74029313917d ago

ps2 says ''ill be back'' ps3 gets the chip from skynet, ps4 walks in.

JunioRS1013917d ago

So in other words... PS4 is Arnold Schwarzenegger?

danny8183917d ago

That made me laugh!

Ron_Danger3917d ago

Hey Microsoft... Remember when I told you I'd kill you last?? I lied!

Different movie of course, but still classic Arnold!

pixelsword3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )





Skips3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

So Microsoft being dead in Europe is pretty much confirmed at this point. lol

Their only stronghold there is the UK and even there, they are getting curb-stomped in pre orders... lol

vlonjati77vlonjati3917d ago

Yep ,time to watch T2 for the millionth time :)

jcnba283917d ago

You fanboys are hilarious! LOL

negative3916d ago

Fanboys are out in full force today. Summer camp cancelled?????

Akuma2K3916d ago

Good laugh with that one....bubble for you. :)

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
fermcr3917d ago

I wasn't going to buy not the X1 nor the PS4 at launch... so if the consoles are released a bit later in my country, no difference for me.

thechosenone3917d ago

Well that's good for you I guess but it sucks for anyone else that wanted one on the first day.

dc13917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

You came here to post this?....

3917d ago
Mike134nl3917d ago

Haven't placed a pre-order for either console either seems like a good strategy.

Microsoft realy sucks at marketing they should have kept their cards closed on which countries the xb1 would launch first.

Not sure if I should believe them but if they haven't already made the xb1 compatible with European television providers boxes it probably is not a bad move, in order to prevent maybe even more negative publicity.

Syntax-Error3917d ago

They get a FREE GAME with the purchase of a console in those delayed regions so why is that a bad thing. Sony didnt give a free game with a year of delays for PS3

BootyBandit3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

fermcr - fermcr11

What's more ironic is you getting busted answering with an alternative account.

"You came here to post this?.... "

... and you came here to post that!

How Ironic!"

How many accounts does one need? A better question is why would you want more than one? Anyway, you would at least think you would be more original and have different user names and not just add numbers next to an existing one.

fermcr3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )


I have 5478 N4G accounts...oops, created a new one, it's 5479 N4G accounts now.. SOOOO WHAT!!!... what are going to do now?
Call a wambulance !

Kryptix3916d ago


You have 5479 split personalities and so far, that one is the stupidest one.

BootyBandit3916d ago Show
BootyBandit3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )


Anything further said could be considered child abuse. Seeing that one of your 5479 accounts was banned was sufficient enough. For now.

If N4G would tighten their belt more often people like me, gamers that actually have something to contribute, would add value to sites like this instead of just lurking in the shadows as to not combat the ignorance. Since the battle of ignorance can only be won by ignoring it.

Oh well, back to the shadows.
Enjoy fermcr

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
G20WLY3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

It's certainly looking that way at the moment...And in the next week or so, we'll know more about what some of the bigger Sony studios are up to. :)

Sony are bound to use this as an opportunity to gain an even stronger grip of Europe - or at least aim to.

Interesting times....

showtimefolks3917d ago

if i was running sony i would do my absolute best to launch PS4 world wide, especially in those countries where xbox one won't Launch till 2014

PlayStation brand is already so strong in Europe and the news from MS will do nothing more than to make it even stronger

come to think of it has MS kept any of their word or features they announced at E3, they been back tracking ever since

many who will want a next gen console will buy the 1st available one in their respective countries, so a world wide launch could really have huge incentive for sony

Consoldtobots3917d ago

if I were Sony I would push for an October launch, that would be the knockout blow.

blackpanther253916d ago

I have a friend in best buy who told me they are getting ps4 shipments at the end of this month. Don't know how true it is tho.

ZHZ903917d ago

Can't wait for PS4 to be announced and get a release date worldwide!(Including in my country and countries that I vist usually)

Can't Gamescom come soon?


4me23917d ago

what's your country, if I may ask?

ZHZ903917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I am from Egypt and I also vist and buy games in KSA and UAE alot.
EDIT1: (I know it'll be realsed in USA and EU first then Japan and Asia countries still just hoping a release date for either KSA or UAE as well)
EDIT2: Why the disagree? What did I do?

4me23917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

PS4 is region free so you get one in US (Amazon) , probably cheaper than in other countries.
Also you can find anything you want in UAE, I heard.

I got disagrees too for asking a question! Funny. I guess I may not ask!!!!

sAVAge_bEaST3917d ago

yes unboxing, something special about doing it yourself., I'm glad it wasn't whored out like a cheap youtube vid.

xxLuckyStrike3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

dear Redempteur

You bet your ass they did another 180 and got rid of Kinect along with of all the dumbasses who had no clue. Just how far they strayed from a successful Xbox 360 Business model still has heads scratching. The Xbox 360 earned billions I imagine. Anyway, at least MS got the shit RIGHT. MS will look like geniuses once the XB1 is officially cheaper than the PS4.

*Now who's smiling

*Brace yourselves Sony fanboys!!! THAT KINECT-LESS XB1 SKUis IMMINENT!!! Probably the last 180 they'll need just before xmas $349 or less as it is rumored the weaker console and cheaper get folks back on

Deadpoolio3917d ago

Once again? You know it took 6 years for PS3 to knock the 360 in to 3rd place right?

Ray1863917d ago

Despite a huge launch price difference, and a 1 year head-start. It's not how you start it's how you finish.

3917d ago
Baka-akaB3917d ago

even accounting shipping difference , it's still an initially uber expansive console that everyone ragged upon , at first , with "no games" , that turned things around and completely caught up

Syntax-Error3917d ago

RAY it had a year headstart because PS3 was delayed for a year. Now you want to say something about MS because they have a delay in 8 regions? GTFOH! They are even giving those regions a FREE GAME because of it. What did you get from SONY on their delay? NOT A GODDAMN THING

kneon3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


You're really grasping at straws there. All manufacturers reports shipped numbers because when they ship they are sold as far as they are concerned.

But also retailers don't order more stock when what they have isn't selling. Retailers today don't carry extra stock, it costs them too much money. So that means the the shipped numbers are the sold numbers after a few weeks.

The PS3 shipped later than the Xbox 360 because they had to wait for the bluray and HDMI 1.3 specs to be completed. By waiting they were able to ship with more advanced tech. And still they caught up and passed 360 sales despite the 12-24 months sales lead the 360 had over the PS3. The Xbox One isn't going to gain any technological advantage by shipping late, it will just be late.

Boody-Bandit3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


Business 101


Companies don't do business through consignment. Companies manufacture a product. They than set an MSRP for said product. They than sell their products below that MSRP to vendors. Vendors pay said company for their shipment of units for said product. Vendor (Best Buy, GameStop, Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc) sells product for a profit at or around MSRP.

What ever Sony, MS, Nintendo, etc.. ship. They got bank for already. In house consumer numbers can never truly be known and is a moot talking point. We then start getting into how many 360 are actually still working because of hardware issues, etc... Who cares? Sony, MS and Nintendo got their bank the minute the vendor paid them for the shipment of their products. That is ALL the companies care about.

So shipped vs sold doesn't really matter.
Does it?

Rhythmattic3917d ago


And how many repeat 360 purchases were there due to RROD?
I know at least 3 people that bought B/U 360's..

Boody-Bandit3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


If I told you how many 360's I purchase you would probably think I was full of it. Currently I own 6 and have 5 in my house.

To be honest, as per my name sake, I don't know a 360 gamer that hasn't purchased no less than 2 360's. I have one friend that purchased 1 more than me and quite a few that have purchased more than 3.

MasterCornholio3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )


"What did you get from SONY on their delay? NOT A GODDAMN THING"

Sony did give us something and you know what it was? A reliable console at launch.

Sorry but Microsoft rushing the 360 to beat the PS3 caused the first generation of 360s to suffer massive hardware failures.

Heres proof in case you dont believe me.


"Here are their findings:

Console failure rate

Xbox 360 – 54.2%
Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%"

More proof.


"There is a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff we can't know here. But, based on the numbers, a failure rate between 29% and 43% would not be unreasonable. So maybe those 33% reports aren't so far off the mark, after all."

Anyways its nice that Microsoft is giving away a free game to make up for the delay but the last time they gave away something (XBOX Live Outage) the game was a terrible game called undertow.


"Major Nelson just pinged us to let us know that Undertow has been pegged as the game that will be offered for free as an apology for the recent troubles on Xbox Live."

OT: Anyways i always believed that Microsoft was caught off guard by the PS4s unveiling and all their 180s and these delays prove most of my theory's right. I just dont understand how a firm can screw up a product launch so badly. In my opinion Microsoft should just delay the system by a year and make it a lot better.

sync903917d ago

It would of been a hell of alot sooner if it wasn't for RROD.

xxLuckyStrike3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

POOR Sony fanboys calling victory already 3 months prior to launch on a 6-7 year console cycle. No doubt MS GOTS A PLAN. Inevitable Sony will get undecut by MS sooner than later

*A Kinect-less Xbox One SKU will close any possible lead Sony might have .

*If MS is getting their ass kicked that badly in preorders you can bet your lil Sony fanboy asses MS has a cheaper SKU on deck which explains the Kinect reversal . MARK MY WORDS $349

Kleptic3916d ago

syntax-error...save it...

Sony didn't 'delay' the PS3...it was announced in 2005 with no price and no date, with a bunch of pre-rendered trailers...

Ms reacted by running a public hardware beta beginning in late 2005...the price they payed for rushing to beat Sony out the gate was over $1 billion JUST in warranty changes...let alone losses on every console sold at the time...

just stating, there was never a 'delay'...obviously Sony would've preferred to hit the market sooner...but its not like they announced a release window...then missed it...which is what MS is currently in the middle of for specific territories...

Redempteur3916d ago


Their "plan" is do undo everything they had planned at first because they realised they were going straight in a wall.
As a result they are unprepared and they know themselves that they can't deliver ... the only good thing microsft has done is to realise quickly that their initial strategy was a failure.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
Retroman3917d ago

i told you people x1 will not be release til 2014 and reason why having heat sink issues this info came from a MS engineer working on x1 you guys said i was nuts who's ya daddy now!!!

jackanderson19853917d ago

It's not a global delay just 8 countries where they are having difficulties localising and language issues. Not sure how heat sink fits in there

MRMagoo1233917d ago


"It's not a global delay just 8 countries where they are having difficulties localising and language issues. Not sure how heat sink fits in there"

Thats not true at all most of the countries they are leaving out now share their first language with others that are getting it at launch day so if it was due to languages they wouldnt be releasing in most of the ones they are aiming for, so MS basically just lied again and you fell for it.

kneon3917d ago

I doubt it's heat sink issues, it's more likely just chip yield issues. That's why they have had such low allocations for pre-orders.

They had to drop some countries to make sure they have some stock for the big countries. If they lose in the US and UK then they are done.

As it is they will already have to deal with the negative press when Sony announces sales well beyond Xbox One sales. To joe blow gamer it won't matter why Sony sold more, they will just see that the PS4 sold more.

nosferatuzodd3917d ago

indeed zzodd is pleased with this comment

miyamoto3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

M$ will kneel before Zod!

It was very obvious from the start that he whole cable.thing is very much a USA thing. A sign that PlayStation has dominated all regions outside of America. Xbox has been cornered and PS3 PS4 combo is going for the kill this holiday season onwards.

U R NoT Ready

mark134uk3917d ago

will the xbox one have delayed edition on the controller?

PSVita3917d ago

Literally laughed out loud, thanks lol

MRMagoo1233917d ago

it comes with a XBONE-delayed edition sticker as well, and the batteries that come with it are past their used by date just to rub it in.

Martywren3917d ago

The good news is X1 still on track for launch in usa. D1B for me.

thetruthx13917d ago

Ps4 ain't running nothing Awesomenauts, Knack, Octodad, Driveclub, DC universe, Killzone...... Where are the good games?

scott1823917d ago

The new killzone alone destroys everything else I have seen. And sony's line up of games has a good variety to them, which I like. I also like my chances for the long term of owning a PS4, seeing as how Sony is still supporting the PS3 (The Last of Us)

SheenuTheLegend3917d ago

Last of us
6 years after the launch
It says everything

PSVita3917d ago

See what was Xbox support saying about dont believe everything you read. I guess they were. Applying that to themselves.

iiwii3917d ago

Or, this could be MS making things look bleak to get Sony to let their guard down and then try to get a punch in when Sony is not expecting it.

Nah... Not even MS would make themselves looks this unprepared as a publicity stunt.

PSVita3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

iiwii- yeah I don't think any company does that kind of thing..

assdan3917d ago

Can't wait for my new PS4. I really don't know if it's that big of a deal for MS to delay in those regions. I feel like PS4 seems like it will win in most European regions no matter what. The only real battleground will be north America and maybe England.

bligmerk3917d ago

Ajar? If that means leaving half of Europe to the PS4, then yeah.

Wow, what can MS say at Gamescom to compensate for this? This is getting really cringe worthy to watch this train wreck in console game history happening in real time.

Syntax-Error3917d ago

Are you retarded? I wish they would delay it here in the US. They are giving them a FREE GAME with their console purchase. It's not like you have to have a new console right now so if I had to wait 3 months later and I receive a FREE game...I'm all in. PS3 was released a year late because of delays and they didnt give anyone SHIT

Quicktopick3917d ago

r u really that interested in a free game?

The_Sneauxman3917d ago

Let me quote someone who already shoved your theory that the PS3 was delayed.
from user: kneon
The PS3 shipped later than the Xbox 360 because they had to wait for the bluray and HDMI 1.3 specs to be completed. By waiting they were able to ship with more advanced tech. And still they caught up and passed 360 sales despite the 12-24 months sales lead the 360 had over the PS3. The Xbox One isn't going to gain any technological advantage by shipping late, it will just be late"

You're welcome

deadie3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )


Sony dont have to give anything away as of now.

They got plenty of quality F2P Games heading for everyone who purchases their new machine.

I think that beats out your "free" game?

xKugo3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

The PS3 was never delayed. Where are you idiots getting this shit? The only thing Sony did before the launch of the PS3 is a show few pre-rendered trailers for the system and it's games. They never gave us a launch window. They didn't promise us a 2005 launch. It was they're every intention to launch a year later with a vastly superior product, because they were thinking that their fan-base was so immensely large that only a portion of their fan-base would convert to the counterpart. Looking back in hindsight, they were clearly wrong but the point remains that they didn't delay their console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3916d ago
IRON883 3917d ago

Yup same here! The smell of a new opened electronic love it!!!!

StoutBEER3917d ago

Have you used PSN store in Europe? Honestly it sucks

Psn8003917d ago

I don't see that as a setback all the major gaming countries well the countries who have the highest ratio of gaming are all getting there Xbox's on launch , we need competition it makes our market stronger & better for us all , can't wait to un box my pre-ordered Ps4 myself though .

Sarick3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Sony would really dominate more if they announced something like: "Customers who pre-order a PS4 get FREE online multi-player for this gen."

It's stuff like this that tell people WOW I better get one or i'll lose the opportunity to have something special for pre-ordering. It's an incentive worth pre-ordering a console. Much more then just getting it first launch you have something special.

If MS did this with their LIVE online market share may increase substantially. I'm no fan of MS but wow! If they said if pre-order before launch you get live for free until next gen. Some people might be compelled to pre-order one.

Hey, even if you don't get a system till 2014 having the opportunity to get free online for this gen is more then enough to pro-order for some people even if your market is added late.

3916d ago
3916d ago
supes_243916d ago

I think PS dominates the exclusive department, but I do prefer my shooters on Xbox to be honest. But I'm also looking forward to unboxing my PS4 on day one, then also my One a few months later. Gonna be a great next gen of gaming for all who buy both systems.

Rimeskeem3916d ago

God dammit i want it sooooo bad but i also plan getting the xbox one later in the next 3-4 years

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
SavageKuma3917d ago

Eh rather them make sure they got the system right, we do not want another 360 Red Ring problem.

ABeastNamedTariq3917d ago

Well, I guess people would want whatever next gen console is out first. That's not good for MS. They haven't even gotten FCC clearance yet.

NatureOfLogic3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

If Sony announces an October release date next week, I will literally shed tears of joy.

thekhurg3917d ago

It would absolutely be brutal. But I would guess Nov 5th would be the earliest release date for either next gen console, as I believe that's the first date of any 3rd party cross-gen release right now.

BLAKHOODe3917d ago

No.. October 29 is. That's when Battlefield 4 and, I think, Assassin's Creed IV comes out. Most notable about November 5 is Call Of Duty: Ghost.

thekhurg3917d ago

Oh, I was thinking BF4 was during the 2nd week of November.

MRMagoo1233917d ago

the less time i have to wait for the ps4 the better, i want it today but october would be nice

4me23917d ago

October 26 would be nice but I doubt it.

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3917d ago

so the rumours of the xbox one being delayed into 2014 were somewhat true but just not for every country

showtimefolks3917d ago

almost ever rumor about ps4/xbox one from neogaf has been true

jmc88883917d ago

At least at first.

They still could do the rest as well. I think they'll try like hell to put it out in 2013, and I do think they'll put out botched consoles like the 360 RRoD to do it....

Will they? Who knows.

But I'll believe Xbox One is out when it's actually out. They came to the party really late and are so obviously behind. It's like when you were in school and saw everyone's oral report and that one person just basically did nothing and just got up and talked...yeah it's obvious like that how behind they were.

What you can tell from such a release is that ANY MORE setbacks and they probably will need to push it back.

If they are already dropping off 20 percent or so of their launch consoles to supply demand for the rest, then if they need to drop more or anything pushes back production a few weeks, and all hell can break loose.

I can see a small amount in the tens of thousands trickling out just so they say they got it out. But at this point they should be in production and ramping it up. These things are literally needing to ship in about 2 months. We're in mid August now. Perhaps 2 1/2 months if late Novemeber like most are saying.

I'd say the next delay they'll need to contact preorders and inform them they can't get them the console day 1. Technically they could do 1 more and stiff everywhere but US until 2014.

Overall not good news and they still have two months or so of pushing it back further. They still need to actually produce the console and problems can come up. Them being so far behind means to me they are only really finding out HOW to produce them, and thus HOW MANY and WHEN to expect them. There definitely can be more delays.

On the flip side, Sony is no doubt already in production and we haven't heard anything bad. All we heard was that they nailed production a while back. That doesn't mean they aren't having problems, but they haven't had to scale anything back yet. If there was going to be a problem with PS4 production I'd think we'd already hear of it.

Whereas with Xbox One, that hurdle has definitely yet to be crossed.

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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

-Foxtrot9h ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic18818h ago(Edited 8h ago)

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z8h ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

thorstein9h ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas7h ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds6h ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

jwillj2k47h ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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