
Mad Catz Confirms Holiday Release for Android-Based System

It’s looking like 2013 is the year of Android-based console systems. Mad Catz, a popular peripheral manufacturer, will be following in the steps of the Ouya by releasing their own Android-powered console this holiday

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NeoTribe3965d ago

It will fail like the ouya aswell.

cleft53965d ago (Edited 3965d ago )

Maybe not, the Ouya was a solid idea. The problem was that they tried to create a closed android device similar to the current consoles. There is definitely a market for people that want to play their apps on their tv. The fact that this device allows you to play apps directly from the major android app stores is a huge plus. This could be successful despite the failure that was the Ouya.

NeoTribe3965d ago

I just see it having to small of an install base to ever get big. I mean android games are extremely simplistic for the most part and really don't need a console and remote. Maybe if the games get more complex they could benefit from a console. But then why not just sell them on ps and xbox at a much lower price rather than its own console.

JsonHenry3964d ago

I feel like they would be better off trying to sell this stuff to TV/Bluray/other set-top manufacturers to include INSIDE of their products. Kinda like "Check out this new Samsung smart TV with Madcatz gaming tech inside!"

That way the market get saturated by these devices. Imagine how many games they would sell if this sort of tech was built into all new TVs/DVD players.

jeffgoldwin3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

I would never want that or and disc spinning device built into my next $2,000 oled tv. It breaks and you need a specialized tech (expensive as hell, like the way apple scams you to do simple things like change a battery).

Even if they miraculously make the parts accessible, they will be propriety parts and cost an arm and a leg.

I could see maybe bundled into a Blu-ray player, but that would prolly be hard to pull off. It would make some sense though. (dvd movie format is almost dead, imo. It will stick around for a few more years like vhs, but then r.i.p.)

dc7863964d ago

Obviously they are entering in this market very late and its hard to acquire users.

BattleAxe3965d ago

Junk, just like all of Mad Catz products.

BXbomber3965d ago

i agree, i bought a wireless gaming fighting pad from them which cost $40 and not even a week passed and the usb receiver to the fighting pad died and to make matters worse i lost my receipt for the damn thing. NEVER will i buy another madcatz product since its all junk.

JsonHenry3964d ago

I used to think madcatz stuff was junk. Till I started buying their high end PC gaming mice (RAT9 and RAT7MMO) and their high end gaming headset. They really do make some decent stuff. But the last product I bought from them for a console was pure crap. I mean it even felt cheap. I wish they could get it together across the board when it comes to quality.

Funantic13965d ago (Edited 3965d ago )

What will help this sell is the open features it has allowing people to play all their android games regardless of where they got them from. The Ouya doesn't play all android games from just anywhere. I heard where the Ouya wouldn't play Grand Theft Auto that the Mojo could play easily. I'll buy this Mojo if it's below $100. I'll rack up cheap games from Gameloft and few others like Dead Trigger 2.

nirwanda3965d ago

I tell what would sell well, if sega and Nintendo got together and released an android based device with all the back catalogue of mega drive snez and arcade games to buy in packs of 4 for 99p each.

DOOMZ3965d ago

This one actually looks good!!!

HyperBear3965d ago

Depending on the price I may pick this up. Using a Tegra 4 processor with 2GB of RAM and a controller design that looks decent and has characteristics with PS and Xbox controllers, and hopefully running on Android 4.3 with native Full HD gaming support. Sounds pretty enticing to me...


GameZone Review: Mad Catz M.O.U.S. 9 Wireless Gaming Mouse

Being the proud owner of a Cyborg R.A.T 9 wireless gaming mouse, Gamezone was very keen to get my grubby little paws on the new M.O.U.S. 9 to check out the differences if any, and this is what was found so far:


Mad Catz Announces TRITTON 720+ 7.1 Surround Headset

Mad Catz Interactive made the official announced for their newest kine of shooter-focused console headsets with their TRITTON 720+ 7.1 Surround Headset-- an upgrade to the Company's TRITTON AX 720 Headset that in addition to teetering on the bleeding edge in sound tech offers console gamers who favor the shooter genre the ability to hear precisely from which direction the enemy is approaching while availing themselves of the convenience of personal sound from the 720+.

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Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII Review I Gamersbliss.com

Gamersbliss.com writes: "Thinking of flying into the simulation genre with Damage Inc.: Pacific Squadron? Think again! Damage Inc. (if you got the collector’s edition) is like that giant gift among a pile of smaller ones; it’s big and has cool wrapping paper, but is almost always something disappointing—like an ugly sweater! After you unpack the sweet model of the Corsair fighter (also one of the best of the available planes) and Mad Catz’s Saitek Pacific AV8R flight stick, you’ll want to don that Red Baron scarf you love so much and prepare for takeoff—in a different game."

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I was hoping this game would be better >.<

Decaf_PIxel_Kat4294d ago

It would probably make for a fun drinking game.

TheGrimBunny4294d ago

I think it is probably the joystick peripheral they where trying to promote, but there are not that many games out there that may support it, so they figured they would make their own.