
Top 5 Hardest Video Games

"Today gamers are a bit spoiled on video game difficulty for the most part. Players get multiple checkpoints and auto saves which greatly reduces how tough the game is overall. In our opinion,a good challenge is core to any good game and it’s what gives players that great feeling of accomplishment upon beating a boss or grueling level. Join BootHammer as we take a look at our picks for the Top 5 Hardest Video Games."

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DestinyHeroDoomlord3944d ago

Battle toads isn't that hard, I remember my granny beating contra and mega man long ago... ghost and goblins is definitely my #1 hardest game

BootHammer3944d ago

If your granny beat Contra III she is hardcore, lol.

mattdillahunty3944d ago

Demon's Souls harder than Ninja Gaiden Black? they're not even in the same league of difficulty. and the guy doesn't even give reasons for why Demon's Souls is that difficult; punishing =/= difficult.

GameSpawn3944d ago

What is funny about all the games listed their difficulty comes from ignorance of the game mechanics. Once you memorize enemies' movements, attacks, and positions the games become manageable. This is easier said than done on some of these titles, but not impossible.

Difficulty is very subjective for games like these. It really comes down to the type of person and how much patience they have. One person my find Demon's Souls to be overly difficult, but has no issues with Ninja Gaiden, or the reverse could be the case, or both can be hard, or both can be easy. It's all the person that makes the difficulty. Sure overall difficulty can be decided on a game by the majority, but ultimately difficulty is still subjective to the individual.

Personally I have no issues with Demon's Souls, but I cannot stand Ninja Gaiden, especially on the higher difficulties because of the amount of button mashing needed. My hands just get fatigued too quickly with the Ninja Gaiden games. NG takes knee-jerk reflexes; DS you can at least pace yourself and never really be overwhelmed.

KrimsonKody3944d ago

My granny had beat the God of War series, 1, 2, & 3.
She thinks Kratos is sexy, Lol.

mattdillahunty3944d ago


at high levels of Ninja Gaiden, there is absolutely no button mashing going on if you're any good at the game. i don't mean to sound arrogant when i say that, but it's the truth. a great NG player knows when to do combos, when to block, when to dodge, etc.

if you're mashing buttons in Ninja Gaiden, there's a 99% chance you're just not good at the game. again, not trying to be high and mighty, just stating the facts.

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3944d ago Replies(2)
lgn153944d ago

Just means yur grandma is a god

MrChow6663944d ago

ohh yeah super ghouls & ghosts what a b*tch!

NioRide3944d ago

Oh hey, artificial difficulty made the list.

Why not put side-scrolling shoot em ups too.

Those have much higher amounts of artificial difficulty.

Eyeco3944d ago

That reminds me, there was this legendary space shooter I played on the Dreamcast and I think Gamecube that was well noted for its difficulty, I can't remember the name it began with the letter 'I' and it was merciless.

NioRide3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Probably Ikaruga.


Had this as well, was fantastic.

If I remember right they re-released it on Xbox live.

Fishy Fingers3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

I've been having a few retro gaming sessions lately, playing some old 8 and 16bit games (ask your parents kids :)) and my god, how I ever got past the first level back then is beyond me.

BootHammer3944d ago

The old school games for most part were just flat out unforgiving. So many great titles though in the 8 and 16 bit era ;)

Eyeco3944d ago

The original Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, Ecco the Dolphin, Ghosts n Goblins, haunt me to this day

fsfsxii3944d ago

The original Ninja Gaiden trilogy was a complete ass

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Why Soulsborne Games Are So Popular Despite Being So Difficult

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GamesAsAService95d ago

Rewarded effort feels good.

Starting out bad at something and getting better with practice makes accomplishments meaningful.

Getting through these games feels like a journey of self improvement, lol.

You only have yourself to blame if things go poorly, but in a similar way overcoming challenge is similarly a function of your own growth.

franwex95d ago

I think because the games are fair. Gamers can tell that it’s due to their own abilities and not some BS.

jjb198195d ago

I've always loved the sense of adventure and wonder in these games. There's no hand holding, there are surprises and traps everywhere and you have to figure out what some items do. Beating a heide knight was like an accomplishment for me the first time and it felt good to earn that sword he dropped. I've spent hundreds of hours in souls games ever since Kings Field on PS1. The lore is incredible and it makes you think about the history of the world you're in. I can't wait for Shadow of the Erdtree.

SyntheticForm95d ago

It's the recipe of fair difficulty, presentation, boss battles and lore that attract me to these games. The From Souls games have always had a nebulous quality to them that I find fascinating. Demystifying them is a big part of the fun.

OhReginald95d ago

I think its the atmosphere and gameplay. Each of these games unique ways to play and unique settings/atmospheres that are in a league of its own.

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10 Super NES Games You’ll Probably Never Beat

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deleted585d ago

I beat Jurassic Park multiple times!

Jurassic Park had no save system, so I would leave the console running while I went to school, took breaks. It's not that it's hard, it's just tedious. But I was a Jurassic Park obsessed kid (around 13 when this hit), so I would obsessively scower ever inch of the maps (both 2D and 3D) until I had them memorized.

The Star Wars trilogy, I only beat w the cheat codes.

Longie_long585d ago

Sounds just like me. I mapped out the indoor areas on paper, leaving the SNES on for days at a time. But I never finished the game. I collected all the raptor eggs except one. So close !

Neonridr585d ago

oh god, I remember beating JP on SNES and like you said, it was all in one shot.

I dunno about this list though, I beat all the Star Wars games and while some levels were tough, it was easy to get powerups and extra lives and stuff. Maybe set to the hardest settings it was tough. I also beat Contra 3, loved that game to death.

darthv72585d ago

with the exception of Jurassic Park and Prince of Persia, I've beaten every other one of those. It just takes practice and time. Something I had way more of when I was younger.