
The Problem with Knack, the PS4 Title That's Punching Above Its Weight

Push Square: "After somewhat slipping into irrelevancy throughout much of the PlayStation 3 era, Sony’s own Japan Studio is enjoying something of a renaissance at the minute. The first-party workshop – previously responsible for classics such as Ape Escape and Shadow of the Colossus – is almost unrecognisable under the leadership of Sony Santa Monica founder Allan Becker, and it’s showing in the developer’s impressive output. Not content with the surprisingly solid Monster Hunter-inspired action game Soul Sacrifice, the studio still has drizzly digital download Rain and promising platformer Puppeteer in its immediate pipeline. And that’s not all: the formerly furtive outfit is also hard at work on Orwellian-esque adventure Freedom Wars and next generation launch title Knack. But while the latter is garnering an enormous amount of publicity as a consequence of its place among the PlayStation 4’s lineup, is the outing deserving of the attention or punching above its weight?"

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Colzer013950d ago ShowReplies(10)
iamnsuperman3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

"but shouldn’t we be expecting something a little more from a release that, alongside Killzone: Shadow Fall and DriveClub, is essentially steering the PS4’s commercial charge?"......"but it does make you question how the title expects to justify its price sticker in a launch lineup likely to be occupied by Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs, and more"

I would have agreed if Knack was aimed at a similar crowd. Knack is just a "small" game to get families to buy the PS4 as there was no games for the families/young child crowd (think about when this system is going on sale: Christmas). I can see this game appealing to a young child as it looks like it has charm and simple to play. It doesn't appeal to me as I look past/deeper in games but I am not supposed to like it. I am meant to look at it and go "this seems suitable and fun for my child" as that is who the audience is. You don't get a child COD, Killzone or Watch Dogs.

It is like reviewing a child's game from the perspective of an adult. It shouldn't be done. Think about how a child would look at this game and how easy it is for them to pick up and play it and if they will find it fun to play. That is what Cerny wanted. He wanted to show the PS4 has a diverse (something for everyone) line up. That is why this game came about

get2sammyb3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

A totally fair point. However, if Knack is just a "small" game, why does it cost the same?

iamnsuperman3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

I agree and we don't know. It may be small in technical capabilities but it may be larger in content. We just do not know until it comes out. If it doesn't have a lot of content that a child would enjoy and keep using it in relation to the price tag then this should come up and be criticised in reviews

fei-hung3950d ago

The game hasn't been priced yet so how does anyone know it will cost the same?!

Also, games like Skylanders are also games aimed at children and many more and they are too fully priced. Why does no one complain then?!

iceman063949d ago

I don't believe "small" is being used by Cerny in reference to the size, scope, or overall length of the game. I think he is speaking from a technical point of view. It's a simple puzzle/platformer. It's not necessarily pushing the PS4 to it's technical limit and probably didn't require a dev team of 700. That doesn't make it not worthy of a full priced game. It just makes it an alternative to the rest of the launch lineup. As many have said, it's more family oriented. It's the E for Everyone title amongst many more mature themed titles.

dudeOplenty3949d ago


the game is already priced. look it up on amazon. i got the launch day edition with knack and it was the same price as the watchdogs bundle.

small is up to interpretation. i don't see this game as small.. rather, i look at it as standing on the same level as the ratchet and clank games.

i also believe that Cerny is worth supporting.

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Colzer013950d ago

Kids today prefer COD and Mobile games than this game, No kids want to spent their precious $60 when they can bought a similar games on their ipad with less than $10.

iamnsuperman3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

What 6 or 7 year old has $60. A parent could see this as an easy Christmas present and that is the target audience. I agree they have competition with ipad stuff but I would fear my child would break an Ipad a lot easily than a PS4. A child with $60 is more likely to be a younger teenager or an 11/12 year old but then again they are not the target audience either as they are swallowed by the COD craze (even though I don't think they should be)

It is making the PS4 more mass market

Sephiroushin3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

It's not about what they prefer; if you as a parent get your kids COD, or games similar that are not targeted to kids then you just plainly sucks as a parent ...
And even if they do not prefer games targeted to their audience (Kids) and get upset about the games you get them they'll play them and have fun with such games, after all they're just that, kids... They just want to pretend they are adults most of kids behave like that!
And kids do not have money and in case they do have a bank account or something they do not administrate them and much likely can't until they turn 18!

jeffgoldwin3950d ago

"when they can bought a similar games on their ipad with less than $10."

Or free on android. Gotta love apple. /s


im getting it at launch so that i have something me and my son, who is 6, can play together. I like the oldskool platformer vibe its got and think it will be alot of fun considering the games Cerny has been a part of before are really good.

Scatpants3950d ago

I have a feeling this game will be 20 bucks like 6 weeks after launch.

Nicaragua3950d ago

90% of all games are 20 bucks 6 weeks after launch - so what's your point ?

jeffgoldwin3950d ago

More like 6 months-1 year, not 6 weeks. And that rule doesn't apply to AAA games.

Nicaragua3949d ago

No - more like 6 weeks, that's why i said it. In the UK where I live some games hit £20 after the first two weeks.

And yeah AAA games too - GOW Ascension, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite - all AAA games about 3 months old are going for around £20 in GAME.

Nicaragua3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )


Listen you don't have to pluck figures out of your ass in order to join in the conversation.

here is a list of PS3 games released in March - http://www.eurogamer.net/re...

Now go compare that to your local games retailer and tell me how many are around the £20 mark. Where i live its pretty much all of them - http://www.game.co.uk/en/ga...

So no its not 30%, its more like 90%.

Scatpants3949d ago

Pretty sure Watchdogs, BF4, COD and Fifa won't be.

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LaChance3950d ago

"The problem with the game is that it feels a little dated"

Straight out of the lions den. Nothing shown so far on PS4 feels remotely next gen. Even Kojima thinks Killzone is just some FPS rehash http://n4g.com/news/1234209...

I want some next gen looking games like Ryse, a top quality racer like Forza 5 running at 60 fps/1080p like a next gen racer should. Or a game like Dead Rising 3 showing off physics and scope unseen last gen for instance.

Sorry Sony but you aint get a single dollar from me until you show us the games. TALK IS CHEAP AND CERNY KNOWS DAT.

iamnsuperman3950d ago (Edited 3950d ago )

If I was going to go with an argument like that I would personally avoid:

Dead Rising 3. It is having issues at the moment ( http://www.gamefaqs.com/boa... ). Could improve by launch but these a big frame rate issues

Ryse: Good looking but is next gen a QTE galore thing because that is all they have shown of it. Seems more bang than substance. It may be just a bad demoing though

LaChance3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

Dead Rising 3 is no next gen racer and is still months away from launch. Frame rate issues are the kind of thing you can smooth out.

"Regardless, killing zombies is a helluva lot of fun, no matter how you slice it. The open-ended nature of the town lends itself well to massacring zed. Nick has more cars at his disposal, allowing him to plow through huge hordes of zombies. I was admittedly pretty impressed by the hundreds of zombies on screen at once. There were times that the framerate dipped quite a bit, which is a shame, though I hope this will be ironed out by release"

When you are aiming for such things you can understand that the framerate may dip. But what I cant understand is why a game that looks as "nothing special" as Driveclub cant reach 30fps. And nobody cars about dynamic lightning, people care about how the cars and track feel, how the game feels and 30fps is just bad for a racer man ... a next gen racer at that.

Cupid_Viper_33949d ago

@ LaChance

It's such a disappointment to find out that you still exist.

Let me get this straight, So Killzone Shadow Fall, the game MS themselves used to promote the Xbox 1 on their Facebook page, doesn't feel next gen?

I think yourself, and JokesOnYou and GreenGeorge are the holly trinity of all things idiotic. I really believe that idiots from around the world get on their knees every night and pray to you guys to protect them from anything logical or smart.

"Sorry Sony but you aint get a single dollar from me until you show us the games. TALK IS CHEAP AND CERNY KNOWS DAT."

That's the equivalent of someone being stranded in the Sahara desert yet bath mouthing water and shade.

LaChance3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

@Cupid Viper.

Enjoy playing Knack dude. Here's where I'll be come November http://www.youtube.com/watc...

While you'll be on this forum foaming in a Mark Cerny thread. 2m:46s, I dedicate that to you :)

Cupid_Viper_33949d ago

Dude, it's exactly 7:13 am where I am (west coast)and I should have gone to sleep some 6 hours ago, but I had a major problem and couldn't. Wanna know what it is.

I have this HUGE backlog of games that I have yet to finish, and I've made it a goal of mine to beat these games before the PS4 launch. So I've just 6 hours straight of The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite is still sealed, I have yet to start Sleeping Dogs (Free with PS Plus) I have yet to beat Golden Abyss on the Vita, Ragnarok Odyssey and Soul Sacrifice are still sealed, yet Killzone Mercenary and TearAway are incoming.

Gran Turismo 6 is almost here, yet I'm only halfway through 5. Beyond 2 Souls is coming up. And then I hear that my pre ordered PS4 is coming with games like KZ ShadowFall, Knack, Driveclub (free) Planetside 2 (free) Warframe (free) Infamous Second Son, and a bunch of other games.

So I'm highly stressed and don't know where the heck I'm going to find time to play all these games.

But the real sad part about all this is that I just checked on N4g before going to bed, and I find out that YOU still exist.

Rockstar_53949d ago

Lmao how fake is your post hmmmm I would say 100% butt hurt

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wishingW3L3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

You're just prejudiced. You're such a blind fanboy that for you everything MS is good and everything Sony is bad. MS could show a golden turd and you'd be all over it saying that it is the best looking game ever no matter what.

Just read your own comment history.

AnteCash3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

Yea gimme forza 5b with removed features, prebaked shadow and lightning no wheater/time of day change, DR3 with brown color , zombies, screen tearing and 18fps, an oh my lord that Ryse is AMAZING with uber grafix ala this:

No jaggies , muddy ,blury or washed out colors.Its screaming NEXTGEN.

LaChance3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

The worst screen you could find of Ryse looks way better than all the gameplay they've shown for Knack all together.

AnteCash3949d ago

So lets compare killzone and ryse then.
Nothing on xbox can compete with killzone.

InTheLab3949d ago


Move along folks. Nothing to see here. This guy clearly works for MS, as all his comments are nothing buf ads for Forza and Ryse.

Smoovekid3949d ago

You will make fun of games before launch, but if I tell you that DR3 and Ryse had framerate problems then you will tell me that they are months from release.

nosferatuzodd3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

deep down let rise look like a 8bit game you Microsoft fan are hilarious lol and the dark sorcerer look way better than anything on Xbox one Microsoft uses Nvidia graphics card to boost there game with a pc and you guys jumping up and down is just sad come launch day ill will be laughing at a lot of you clowns same thing they did with gears of war i know i have all the gears of war from 1 to 3 to judgement

nosferatuzodd3949d ago

Contrast Dev On PS4's 8 GB GDDR5 RAM: "Still Scratching Our Heads As To What To Do With It All"can you say the same about you're precious xbox 1

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Sony Files New Trademark Fuelling Knack 3 Speculations

Sony might be gearing to launch a new Knack game, a franchise that has had received quite a polarizing reception from the community.

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deleted777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

While I did actually enjoy the Knack games, and found the reviews overly harsh, I do feel 2 games were enough unless the series was revitalized in a major way. For me, that would be a new Knack game for PSVR2. With the increased hardware power, those HD particle effects would be pretty awesome, surrounding the player at times. Astrobot proved that platformers can be amazing in VR, so let's hope that's where they're going with this, if real!

_SilverHawk_777d ago

Hopefully sony makes a knack 3 because the previous games were amazing.

MoonConquistador776d ago

Knack was a few things, but amazing wasn't one of them.

TiredGamer777d ago

Agreed there. I went into Knack with the realization that it was a simple platform/brawler (i.e. something akin to a Crash Bandicoot style of simplicity). My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed the co-op for what it was. Fun to play in short bursts to take a break from the more serious fare out there. I haven’t played Knack 2, but my understanding was that many of the original’s shortfalls were addressed there.

jznrpg777d ago

Great idea . PSVR2 could make Lnack really shine like Astro Bot

MoonConquistador776d ago

Astrobot was a likeable character. Knack wasn't.

coolbeans777d ago

Translation: the next best game of all time is coming soon! Show me the money, Knack!

Army_of_Darkness777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

Lol! I have both knack 1-2. Second one is fun local co-op action, but to be honest, I don't care for a third installment. I'd rather have a new resistance game!

MoonConquistador776d ago

I'd rather have an enema than a new knack game.

A new killzone, resistance, motorstorm, driveclub or even a days gone sequel would be more welcomed than flogging any more life from the knack series.

badz149777d ago

speak for yourself!

bring it on, Sony!

coolbeans777d ago

There's been a Knack-sized hole in every gamer's heart since 2 came and went.

deleted777d ago (Edited 777d ago )

I completely read this comment wrong, but I'll refrain from explaining. XD

Edit - ah screw it... My heart can't wait for Knack to come into that hole for a third time!

deleted777d ago

@PS-Gamer-1986 Whaaa? You don't have a Knack hole? XD

PhoenixRoar777d ago

Surprised to see them continue this but considering how invested they are in the IP and the wider appeal, there must be some commercial sense to continue with a 3rd title

rippermcrip777d ago

My young kids love playing it. I don't know why all these older people are complaining about it.

jznrpg777d ago

I played them with my younger children and we had a good time .

Lexreborn2776d ago

This… my kids love knack probably more then other mascots. And that’s probably because that’s their generations mascot. It’s undeniable ps4 spoke to a lot of children the last decade more then other competitors that have only been in kids sight for the last 4-5 years.

My kids will flip if this news is real

lellkay777d ago

Both games were actually alright.

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Top 10 Best Japan Studios Games

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Over the last 26 years, Japan Studio has delivered some of the marquee games for the PlayStation family of consoles and gave us some of our favorite gaming memories. So as Japan Studios sails off into the sunset, we wanted to dedicate a Top 10 article to the best Japan Studios games, ever."

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darthv721155d ago

Loved locoroco and legend of dragoon. Never played gravity rush or even ape escape but I heard good things.

ThePacemaker1155d ago

ICO and shadow of Colossus are the best ever.


No More Memes: It's Time For Knack 3 On PS5

Beyond the memes, Knack is just a solid platformer that deserves a new home on the PlayStation 5.

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lifeisgamesok1298d ago

I'd rather they make a new platformer IP. With Sackboy and Astro's Playroom PS5 looks very good for the platformer genre so far

SullysCigar1298d ago

Agreed. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is honestly one on the best platformers I've ever played. It took things to the next level and was a delight from start to finish!

That said, while I was happily laughing along with the "Knack 2 baby!" memes with everyone else, I have to say I was a bit shocked when they gave it out free on PS Plus and I actually played it...it was actually really enjoyable lol

And huge too. Really long, loads of replayability and upgrade trees, new powers, costumes, challenge modes...hate to admit it, but I'd be pretty pleased with a Knack 3 announcement now!

Relientk771298d ago

Also Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Balan Wonderworld, Crash Bandicoot 4 (probably), and Spyro 4 is rumored to be in development

PS5 is looking great for platformers

isarai1298d ago

I think it would be great if they rebooted it, keep the visual style, but change the tone of the story and voices to match. This game looks like it should have a semi mute protagonist with a silly professor and his rebellious apprentice. Instead knack sounds like a brainwashed soldier, the professor like an angry divorced dad, and the kid is such an average joe. And the story takes itself way too seriously, it's so clashing with it's art style

potatoseal1298d ago

Thye don't need Knack they got Sackboy. He'll kill it

ApocalypseShadow1298d ago (Edited 1298d ago )

It's time for Ape Escape PS5, Dual Sense Enhanced.

Give me that first. Then whatever.

GaboonViper1298d ago

Couldn't agree more, i remember the first time playing Ape Escape with the Dual Shock, great times, we need a PS5 version.

ApocalypseShadow1297d ago

Yeah. I didn't know a controller could do so much until that game.

MadLad1298d ago

It's really not.
The first really didn't deserve a sequel, and the sequel, itself, was nothing special.

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