
PS4 Pre-Order Bundles at Amazon: Only Way to Get a PS4 at Launch

DailyGame: "With Amazon’s stand-alone launch units allocated, the online retailer opened up a host of PS4 launch pre-order bundles, which are now racking up orders just as quickly. If history is any indication, you’ll want to head over to Amazon right now and get your PS4 pre-order bundle ASAP."

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iGAM3R-VIII3984d ago

I cannot wait until this beast launches!

abzdine3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

I preordered mine yesterday and I can finally sleep in peace!! I'm still impressed x1 is in second position! Doesn't make any sense after all this drama.

Greatness awaits

infamous-butcher3984d ago

ME too. I can't wait for this.
The local game store in our town, only had 4 PS4 pre-orders.
As in 4 people pre-ordered it out of about 14000 people in my town). This makes me sad.
BF4 here I come.

jmc88883984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

It's because the PS4's numbers are split between about 6 or so different versions to xbone's 1.

If you look at all the games, controllers, PSN vs Xboxlive cards you'll see that PS4 is blowing Xbone out of the water.

The PS4 camera sold more than the top rated Xbox One game.

PS4 has four games in the top 20. Xbox One has 0. Their best, again, is Forza at #22.

Xbox One was the most 'wished for', while PS4 was 3rd. Which means the xbox one was expected to be better and when it turned out it was as horrible as it is...specs..price...drm...NSA spying...etc...that people forget their initial wish and switched to PS4.

Forza 5 is #22
Battlefield 4 is #28
Dead Rising is #31
Call of Duty is #33
Ryse is #36
Destiny on xbox is #47
Watch Dogs on xbox is #69
Kinect Sports: Rivals is #77
Titanfall on xbox is #99
Madden on xbox is not listed in top 100

On PS4
Watch Dogs is #11 (58 spots higher)
Battlefield 4 is #14 (14 spots higher)
Killzone Shadow Fall is #17
Desinty is #18 (29 spots higher)
Infamous Second Son #26
Call of Duty is #32 (1 spot higher)
Final Fantasy XV #41
Kingdom Hearts III #42
Knack is #56
The Order: 1886 is #63
Madden 25 #81
Fifa 14 #92

Compare the multiplatform games and you see, the same games, but on different systems are all being bought massively more for the PS4. Hell even Call of Duty has sold more on PS4 so far then Xbone...which is really saying something.

PSN network cards are #7 and #12 compared to #15 and #16 for Xbox live.

Dual Shock 4 controllers is #9
Xbox one controller is #23

Plus it's early. As time goes on all those other units and games will have their lead increase vs xbone.

What's funny is that the xbone pre-orders actually came out first, thus they have the better portion of a day advantage in potential sales.

I don't think they are doing good. I expected a response, but I figured the initial sales would be fairly close with a PS4 lead and then over time as more people figured out what the crapbox is it would skew in favor of the PS4.

Instead PS4 is literally blowing the Xbone out of the water.

You need to understand what that chart means, because once you do, you see xbone is getting slaughtered.

I still say many people don't yet understand, and overtime as they do, it will trend even more towards the PS4 then it is now.

I mean who should trust MS after all the data they've given the gov't. They've already admitted they'll give your info away to gov't. They'll trade that data with other corporations as well. They've had backdoors in their OS since Windows 95, oh and the newest revelation....

That MS purposefully tells the NSA and other gov't organizations about bugs, then waits on fixing these Windows and other bugs, so the gov't can spy on you.

Only a complete fucking moron, a 33rd level dipshit, would trust Microsoft.

AngryEnglish3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

@JMC stop with the NSA spying crap, I can't wait for a PS4 to be in my home but to say the x1 is an NSA spying device is just ignorant...

If your worried about NSA spying then make a sure you:

1. Throw away your mobile phone

2. Have your internet disconnected

3. Give away your tablet/laptop/home PC

4. Live off the grid


Divine3983d ago

im sooo happy my ps4 got pushed up to launch shipment, because of their larger launch edition stock

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3983d ago
Prcko3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

lol bestsellers:
1,3,4,6,8- PS4
2- Xbox One
top 20 only ps4 games
this is total sony domination
ps2 era returns in full glory!!!

xPhearR3dx3984d ago

Kinda makes sense considering the PS4 has all sorts of bundles were the X1 only has one edition.

Prcko3984d ago

and where are xbox one games?
don't see any preorders in top 20

HammadTheBeast3984d ago

Technically that one bundle should then just be dominating, considering PS4 pre orders are split over 6 bundles.

Thatguy-3103984d ago

When you pre order on amazon do you have to pay full price or you pay it throughout time like gamestop?

xPhearR3dx3984d ago

You pay nothing. I have both the X1 and PS4 pre-ordered. That way, when it comes closer the launch and all the details are out, I'll cancel the one I don't want, or just get both.

Thatguy-3103984d ago

alright and it charges the card once they send the item?

HammadTheBeast3984d ago

Yes. As soon as they start shipping it to you, you're charged.

Cyfyxtfg3984d ago

wooooow that puts this into perspective. u dont even have to give a dime to preorder, no wonder why ppl are goin in on these preorders

BLAKHOODe3984d ago

As much hate as there is for GameStop, that's what I love about them most. I'm lousy at saving money - every time I do, it seems like "life happens" and I end up having to spend it on something other than what I want. So, an Amazon preorder would likely not work out too well for me. But at GameStop, I can make payments and not have to worry about it. That's helped in getting me a lot of games and that's helping me get a PS4 at launch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
romancer3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

As of today, Amazon shows XBox One as leading in pre-orders; PS3 in second place.

No sales figures given (pre-orders can be cancelled, of course). It would be too glib to say that game sales will evenly reflect console sales; as some games become enormous favorites and are played mainly in multiplayer mode -- time will tell.

It's even possible that fans of one particular console may place numerous pre-orders for mischievous reasons and then quietly cancel them later on. A pre-order without a deposit does not mean much.

FamilyGuy3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Both systems are going to sell out of their initial stock at launch, no matter what the numbers are.

Lots of early adopters are eagerly awaiting these consoles, it'll be months into this gen, after a few restocks, before we really see a console (PS4) pull far ahead of the other.

And yeah, the fact that you can pre-order on amazon without actually spending any money (till it ships) makes all their pre-orders less substantial.

Moonman3984d ago

Hotcakes best served with warm syrup and butter... ;p

Mikelarry3984d ago

there's also shopto.net. they have never disappointed me on launch of any items i have pre-ordered

StinkiWan3984d ago

There are a few fringe places to get a pre-order, but man, I'm surprised at how fast these things are going.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk779h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE6h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7306h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor3h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos3h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor3h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos3h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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MultiVersus Joker Trailer With Mark Hamill

Here is a look at the new Joker Trailer. Warner Bros. Games today released a new MultiVersus trailer revealing the first look at gameplay for The Joker, who will join the roster as a playable character when the upcoming free-to-play platform fighter videogame launches on May 28th.


PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

In a Game Rant interview, PUBG's Taehyun Kim explains how the team considered bringing back old lovable bugs in the Erangel Classic event.

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Dandizzle11h ago

Just bring back global voice chat in lobby/plane/match Not old bugs.

ActualWhiteMan10h ago

Get rid of the bots, and make it fun again.