
Microsoft On Why Xbox One Games Will Be “Locked To You”

Edge: ''Xbox One games will be locked to each owners’ profile – a system which has “a lot of advantages,” says Microsoft Studios’ corporate vice president Phil Spencer.

Amid confusion (and consternation) over the place of second hand games on Xbox One, Spencer told us that Microsoft “recognises the importance” of trading in games but maintained that we’d have to wait for specifics on how Microsoft will address this market.''

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thereapersson4006d ago

"Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly
But don't take a slice of my pie

Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil

miyamoto4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

Don't worry this M$ money strategy seems to work mostly for American market because they will eat anything with enough TV hype.

Root4006d ago Show
nix4006d ago

i've been thinking a lot about second hand games. i understand that lots of games are shared or bought second hand because of which the devs don't get the money they could have been got.

as much as i care for the devs, last time i checked, if i buy a second hand car, the car manufacturer never gets the money. same goes with the toothpaste that's shared. or the newspaper. i mean the manufacturers of every single thing that can be shared never gets the money from the second consumer so why are we treating the games differently?

it's just the thought though.

BlmThug4006d ago

MS truly lost the f***ing plot after reports of 'Xbox Natal'

theBAWSE4005d ago

I dunno what's worse.. The arrogance of ms to pull this crap or the notion that we consumers are idiots in a way that they can word things in a certain way an we will fall for it

travelguy2k4005d ago

I believe developers think they should get a piece of the second hand pie (sounds dirty) because if its an online, or multiplayer game, the second owner is using the servers of the developer without paying.

I believe they have an argument, but i don't think they should ever get away with charging full, or possible half price to the second hand player (also sounded dirty). 5 - 10 bucks maybe to have access to their servers and maybe a free DLC just to sweeten the pot.

All i know is that if Microsoft charges too much for used games to be fully accessible by second hand owners and Sony doesn't... then i think the developers won't have to worry about second hand sales, they will have to worry about first hand sales.

Dasteru4005d ago

@Why o why:

Give em an inch and they take a foot.


jadenkorri4005d ago

if sony keeps their games open and ms locked, we'll see a huge shift to sony.

BattleAxe4005d ago

GameStop should drop support for XBOX asap. If they want to keep their business viable, then they need to focus on Sony and Nintendo. It would be smart for them to start to include more retro systems and games also.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
zeal0us4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

MS motto: Screw the consumers We want MONEY!!!!

www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOgBp ThHBb8

SnakeShady4006d ago

But in long term, if you screw your consumer, you will not get any money.

ZodTheRipper4005d ago

^That is what's happening right now. MS already started to screw gamers this gen and now they went for the full retard fatality. They'll probably win over some other customers but they'll definately lost a lot of gamers already and E3 could turn out even worse when they have to face Sony directly.

Raccoon4006d ago

if you buy a XBOXone you will pay a large fee for the console, a fee for the games, a fee to be able to pay a fee for Netflix, Hulu and others, a fee to watch tv, a fee to play online, a fee for more cloud memory, and god know what crap they will announce at e3... From now on I will call XBOXone owners "FEE MASTERS"

JackBNimble4006d ago

So people who live in the same house hold will have to either share a profile, or pay for the same game multiple times to have access to it on multiple profiles.

Good job ms!

hesido4006d ago

It's clarified that although the game will be locked to account, other accounts will be able to play the game if they share the box.

SexyGamerDude4006d ago

Yeah, I think it will be like how DL games are now. They will be available to anyone profile on the console.

PrinceOfAnger4006d ago

and a fee for turning on the device

JackBNimble4006d ago

Well, they should clarify that then, and if they have then I missed it. I get why a DL would be like that but not a physical copy.

LackTrue4K4006d ago

I don't think you can share you account. Cuz kinetics can log you in withs it's camera. Unless your there in person, or have some Mission Imposable mask....your not gana be able to play another persons games/account.

That-Guy4006d ago

And with Xbox One you will now be paying a fee for your fee.

denawayne4005d ago

I have to admit, I am an Xbox fan and will be buying Xbox One but these comments are hilarious. Paying a fee to pay a fee was a good one.

Raccoon4005d ago


I admire your honesty and blind support for your favored company! Loyalty and support will only insure future success of your company of choice...

Sony has supported my gaming needs for a decades+ and for that I will always support their consoles, a company that has awarded me when they succeed and when they fail. They have shown me they really care about my satisfaction as a consumer....


DragonKnight4005d ago

@That-Guy: There's a Yo Dawg meme in that somewhere.

insomnium24005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )


"I don't think you can share you account. Cuz kinetics can log you in withs it's camera."

We will have to disquise ourselves as the person in our family who bought the content. Kinect will be ordering you to "reveal your face and say your name" with an angry soldiers voice. LOL!

an 18 yo girl trying to act s a 30 something man should be easy enough. "that's right I'm Gary". Double LOL!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
TwistedMetal4006d ago

if you dont have reliable internet or internet at all or if you buy used games, share games or bring them to your friends to play at all then you should not be getting an xbox one at all end of the discussion.

i hope you dont travel alot either because i know my parents house dont have internet connection so if i stay there for a few days or something i wouldnt be able to play xbox one at all.

andibandit4006d ago

I'll be so busy watching TV i dont think i'll notice.

THamm4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

What if you don't subscribe to Live what happens then?

ZodTheRipper4005d ago

You'll get an ugly black box that even plays BluRays now. Yay.

caffman4005d ago

But I already have a fat PS3

BladerunnerZX4006d ago

"Microsoft’s intentions are abundantly clear: the Xbox One is aimed squarely at those who wish for a do-it-all, fancy set-top box which is packed to the hilt with multimedia capabilities and can ensure the company never misses an opportunity to cash in on its consumers. The ever-shying Xbox controller is sadly the last remaining sign that Microsoft still actually cares about gamers; because the above decisions present undeniable and damning proof that they do not. "


Microsofts Xbox One is not only anti consumer but it is heavily ANTI GAMER.

All gamers must see that all of the restrictions that Microsoft has built into the Xbox One such as no used games and an always online requirement ( the Xbox One must be connected every 24 hours even to play single player games) are heavily geared toward restricting both your usage of the Xbox One and nickel and diming the consumer into oblivion.

As a gamer for over 30 years I ask the gaming community as a whole Please do not buy an Xbox One.

Do not support these anti consumer tactics.

OC_MurphysLaw4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

So no used games is anti-consumer? So then clearly Steam is anti-consumer.

Bottom line... there are still many questions that need a full explanation such as what if you console isn't connected to the internet.. can it function period? From all the varying comments I have heard on this I get the feeling MS is saying for your Xbox One to work as it should it will need to be connected once every 24hrs to check for updates, etc..if it isn't connected you will lose out on a vast majority of what it can do. Just like the PS4. If you are not online with your PS4 half if not more of its new functionality is useless.

But this all points to the biggest problem that is MS really has done a horrible job of bringing to light all the facts for this console.

denawayne4005d ago

I have a feeling everybody that thinks they can't play used games or can't play games without an internet connection are going to find out that they were wrong. It just really sucks that MS is not clarifying how the Xbox One works.

Garbanjo0014005d ago

to denewayne: If they told you how it worked, you wouldn't buy it.

DragonKnight4005d ago

@Dlacy13g: Steam is absolutely anti-consumer. Don't confuse their sales as being the only thing needed to be pro-consumer. Let's be real, Steam IS DRM. Microsoft probably got their ideas for the Xbox One's DRM directly from Valve, and you can bet that no used games is definitely anti-consumer. Used games doesn't just mean previously owned, it also means borrowed. What part of that can be considered pro-consumer?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4005d ago
khowat4005d ago


but seriously though, the sale of used games sucks for everyone except the consumer and maybe gamestop

Consumers think they're getting a deal and think that companies are trying to dip their hands into their pockets whenever no used games comes up

It is literally that microsoft, the devs get 0 dollars on used game sales

And these days it costs like 30 million dollars to develop a game and upwards it must suck to have so much money just sapped out of you and never being able to make that money back

Sony just sucks it up and takes in fear of angering the consumer but microsoft wats to do something about it

I still don't support it but it is fair for them to want some money from used games

colonel1794005d ago

But it's not only the used market. If I buy a game, why can't I lend it to a brother, sister, friend, roommate, etc. Someone might share one Xbox in a household, but there are other times when each person has their own, and MS is blocking them from sharing a game.

Downloadable games might be different because they obviously download to your account directly, but we are talking about a physical disc. If they start to even control the physical stuff, what's waiting for us in the future? The car? The house? Food? Will companies start controlling that too?

I think that controlling digital stuff is immoral, because you PAY for the content and it should be YOURS. Controlling a physical thing it's not only immoral, but nonsense and definitely illegal.

s45gr324005d ago

How about these developers charge the retailers $10.00 for every game sold used. Another option would be to sell the digital version of say game $10.00 or $20.00 less than the retail version. Why consumers have to pay the price for something they are losing money on as opposed to retailers raking all the money from used games.

dj3boud4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

double post

dj3boud4005d ago

someone has too edit this video with xbox and ps logos and add some context.. loool

batbatz4005d ago

MS have contempt for their customers

Azrabain4005d ago


ABizzel14005d ago

I understand why they did it (money), and I agree with it a bit (look at the game studio closures), but it's still a turn off to gamers.

No matter what kind of gamer you are or what kind of fanboy you are no one wants to see their favorite game developer close, due to used games eating up their sales.

To put that into perspective Heavy Rain sold 2 million copies, and they made a fairly large profit off the game. However, over 3 million gamers have trophies in the game, meaning the missed out on 1,000,000 sales due to used games. As a business that pisses you off, but as a gamer you should be able to do what you want with what you buy.

We'll never see eye to eye on this with companies or agree with it, but that's why consoles are pushing for the end of used games and digital only. I don't mind digital as long as I can play my games instantly and not wait for downloads (PS4 and Xbox One got me covered), if I have a large enough HDD (320GB PS3 is full thanks to PS+), and if the digital versions are cheaper than retail. Until then it's retail for me.

DonFreezer4005d ago

Money.Yeah because Sony does it for the gamers and not for the money.Facepalm ps drones.

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Snookies124006d ago

Okay.... What advantages does this give? I'd love to hear some answers on that one.

zeal0us4006d ago

You get to buy your friends games for a fee instead of playing them for free because we just know you wanted to pay us more money /sarcasm

Why o why4006d ago

You get to save a huge corporation the cost of ky jelly.....Our own blood will do for lube...bargain!

guerojose4006d ago

He meant advantages for Microsoft, silly.

Garbanjo0014005d ago

There aren't any advantages really. I'm mostly a second hand gamer because I don't have the money to steadily go out and shell out 60 bucks for a new game. It's bullshit, and I was already thinking about shifting to PS4 anyway, this is the icing on the cake. The fact is, they want their money for second hand products, and since they have a digital archive, it makes sense for them to do this and reasonably do this to the consumer because they are basically fucking us all out of money. Period.

The thing is, they might give some kind of "Microsoft Points" or something, so that way you keep plugging and playing games. It's a marketing strategy, they create a digital market for your games, you pay for them, you pay them for second hand games, you get MPoints, you get the points, you spend it in their stores for more useless shit, you get more useless shit, they never give you money to trade in a game or swap one out. More money in their pockets, they basically just slapped on that smile and waltz out there and said what they said because know the tactics of doing business. Period.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4005d ago

Goodbye xbox, In a way I am glad I bought the halo4 360 as that will be my last xbox. Was going to trade it in, but now I will keep it for old time sake.

(opens arms and looks at PS4 lovingly)

vega2754006d ago

Your not the only one. But I will not rule out me ever getting the xbox one. But they seriouly killed any reason from me getting it day one or in the next few years.


@ Vega

I agree.. If i am totally honest with myself there is still a chance I may get it at some point but it went from day 1 purchase to I will buy dirt cheap or maybe never.

Foxhound9224006d ago

They went full casual....you never go full casual

The Meerkat4006d ago (Edited 4006d ago )

^ this is my favourite comment about the MS disaster.

Foxhound9224006d ago

Haha thanks! I'm picturing a African American Robert Downey Jr. watching the Xbox reveal, in full Xbox fanboy attire. Then right at the end he says this lol

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