
6 Screenshots That Will Sell You on Next-Gen Gaming

Ready or not, the next-generation of gaming is coming and it's actually not that far away. The sheer power that next-gen gaming consoles boast is nothing short of stunning.

Sony has made their bid with the PlayStation 4 and shown but a taste of what they have up their sleeves. Microsoft is set to do the same later this month with the next generation Xbox.

The proof, they say, is in the pudding. The task remains for Sony and Microsoft to show us what these systems are capable of.

If what we've seen so far is any measure, the community is in for some truly amazing experiences this year.

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FLGhawkeye4021d ago

As good as these graphics look, PCs have been capable of this for years.

Naate4021d ago

I know what you mean, but it's fun to see consoles getting powerful.

Autodidactdystopia4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

I thought this was what the ps3/360 looked like.

not shadowfall but the rest just look like current games...

I dont get it..

I hope we get smart with shaders soon cause im getting sick of the same models, blinn phong you know the stuff that makes engines look different. this all looks like stuff we already have. we need something groundbreaking.

I remember when fear came out on pc the textures were superhighrez but when the next gen 360/ps3 were released the industry took like 5 steps back in terms of texture quality in favor of advanced lighting and more advanced shaders.

i remember being blown away by the new lighting models etc but when i looked close there was no supporting detail... diffuse texture resolution was tiny masked by normal maps and procedural bump maps etc.

i hope this gen we finally get the super high rez textures along with the good lighting/shading models.

cant wait.

MaxXAttaxX4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Not if it isn't being put to good use by most developers.
The tech may have been there, but it's what they do with it that counts. Art direction and design matter just as much, if not more, than just raw power.

Gameplay, story and art direction are the things that make games memorable and make you wanna go back and play them later. Not resolution or frame rate.
But PC fans see it differently, so I guess we may never agree.

IcyEyes4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

PC is ... "everything" ...


(yes, the "PC is the best" post/reply/crusade is really boring)

Ps no Sir ... there isn't any game on any platform NOW that can be compared to Killzone Shadowfall ... So enjoy the vision.

Pss I love the graphics of Crysis 3, but KZ:SF is superior.I know that ;)

Psss Awesome collection of screenshot

BullyMangler4021d ago

so the power was already there. its the art design that matters, not p.c. power.

4021d ago Replies(1)
BitbyDeath4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Prove it hawkeye. Let's see some non-modded PC games which look as good as Killzone Shadow Fall. Deliver the pics.

SilentNegotiator4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Come on. You can't really think that there aren't any PC games that look better than the upcoming Killzone, can you?

BitbyDeath4021d ago

Yep, I do. Feel free to prove me wrong though

Venemox4021d ago

Crysis 3 maxed out looks better than Killzone Shadowfall.

thechosenone4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )


Dude just prove him wrong by posting up some links and that'll be the end of the discussion. What's the problem? Oh and make sure it's exclusive non-modded PC games please.

(If you ever want to quickly shut down a snobbish PC troll just ask them to provided you with some proof of these super awesome PC games with teh magnificent graphics and you'll quickly learn that they never follow through because these games simply don't exist)

FFRyan4021d ago

Whats that? I can't see you past the visuals of Star Citizen.

SilentNegotiator4021d ago

If nothing else, you have to admit that this is highly comparable.

And don't call me a "PC snob troll"
I'm always there defending consoles when PC trolls are saying stupid things about consoles.

But the idea that PC doesn't have ANY games that look better than the next Killzone is ridiculous. Furthermore, you can't just IGNORE mods. Mods are available to ALL PC gamers with the system to run them.

BitbyDeath4021d ago

Grass is a bit of a jagfest in Crysis 3 and also there is not much going on in those shots, just scenery so it hardly pushing tech, even PS3 and 360 can play Crysis 3 so it is nothing special.


And the reason i am neglecting mods is because PC is obviously more powerful but my point is that devs are not coding to the full extent of PC and PC's are not pulling off PS4 graphics now, they will but they are not now.

MaxXAttaxX4021d ago

Thanks for the link. I keep forgetting how awesome that game looks so far.

Also, the tech may have been there, but it's what they do with it that counts.

ichimaru4021d ago

are you ill friend? im 100% a console gamer but your off your rocker if you think PC doesn't have games that look better than shadow fall. not to corner.you, but do you think SF is thw best game shown thus far? if you do let.me know and I'll link a few games that show pc's true.prowess.

4021d ago
thechosenone4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )


"why are console gamers such a-holes."

Oh I see we're a**holes when we ask you for proof to back your sh*t up but only after you started talking sh*t in the first place.

When is the last time you saw a PS3 user go into an PC related topic and start talking sh*t about how PS3 has been doing that for years and blah blah blah.

We've finally managed to quiet down the xbox crowd on who has the better hardware and games and now it's your turn. lol

And as you can see the PC crowd has had sufficient time to post loads of screens and video to show off the superiority of their platform but have failed to do so for some strange reason... heh.


Star Citizen looks really nice but do you have any others examples? Exactly...

SilentNegotiator4021d ago

If you had said "An overwhelming number of developers don't make games that are meant to be run by anything much more powerful than the consoles", I would agree.

But PC definitely HAS games that look better than the next Killzone.

And even though Crysis 3 can play on PS3/360, it's definitely not anywhere near as good as Crysis 3 on PC, highest settings.

thezeldadoth4020d ago

why does it have to be non-modded? mods are free and easy to download to upgrade your game. a modded game that looks better than the original shipped game is a problem how? yes many modded pc games look better than killzone shadow fall and have for years.

ZombieNinjaPanda4020d ago


"When was the last time you saw a ps3 user go into..."

What are you daft mate? All the damn time.

BitbyDeath4020d ago

@thezeldadoth, because it isn't about who is more powerful. PC obviously is and always will be. If Devs really took advantage of PC hardware as people here seem to believe then graphical mods would not be needed in the first place.

PC games are held back by PC machines. You can't go building for a Titan when the average gaming PC is 5-10 years old.

Killzone SF has better graphics and is able to put a lot more on screen because it doesn't rely on any of the previous Playstation consoles to run.

PC can do the same game but every major game PC has gotten is a PS3/360 title with some added framerates and textures. That is no where the same as a brand new game that is not reliant on old hardware.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4020d ago
SpideySpeakz4021d ago

Yes. However, they were never affordable for the average gamer, or the average person. PC gaming never appealed to the general public. The PS4 and Nextbox will give you more bang for your buck.

ZombieNinjaPanda4020d ago

I paid 600 dollars for my Ps3. That was not affordable for the average gamer or person, that did not give me more bang for my buck.

SpideySpeakz4020d ago

I got mine when it was only 399. Plus, $600 isn't nothing compared to a gaming PC. For you to run anything in medium to high is around $800, that excludes the mouse, keyboard, operating system, and monitor. All total around $1000. Now you can find deals on websites, like CyberpowerPCs, or Neweggs, and get it for MAYBE $150 cheaper.

ZombieNinjaPanda4020d ago


I would tell you why you're wrong, but I don't bother dealing with people who lie and generally tell false information to try to get their point across.

SpideySpeakz4020d ago

lol. It isn't a lie. Go to any PC gaming site. Compare their price relative to their specs. If you want a GOOD gaming PC that runs everything on high, you're going to have to pay $800 or more. That's a fact.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4020d ago
thechosenone4021d ago


Really? Can you show me these PC exclusives from 5 years back that had this kind of IQ. I'd really like to see them and hopefully play them...?

NastyDaddeh4021d ago

newenglandgamer.com/wp-content /uploads/2012/12/crysis-maximum .jpg

NastyDaddeh4021d ago

img689.imageshack.us/img689/84 07/crysis2010121801134930.png

NastyDaddeh4021d ago

4.bp.blogspot.com/-dXk4qoIdIdc /T5xEZETQlwI/AAAAAAAAArk/AZG2Iy lhqJ4/s1600/crysis+1+vs+alien+c ongelado+%2528rafieldgames.blog spot.com.br%25292941x1965.jpg

BitbyDeath4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

None of your images work NastyDaddeh.
Also why do they all say Crysis in the file name? Surely if PC was able to beat PS4 for years their would be more than one game?

@Venemox post pics where you think looks better than KZ Shadow Fall.

Dee_914021d ago

im really curious too.
I would like to see something other than crysis battlefield and witcher.Some pc dudes make it seem as if a majority of pc games just crap on consoles.

thechosenone4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Nice try nastydaddeh but that's Cry1 and it's been heavily modded and I should know because I have those same mods installed on my rig right now and I'm not going to mention how poorly optimized Cry1 runs on current hardware. Anything besides crysis?

I've played Cry1 SP many times and not once was I ever in awe of its graphics or set pieces like I was with KZ3.

KZ3 in-game screens.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4021d ago
Shotcalm-4021d ago

i think next gen is more about stuffing as much stuff into the games while maintaining good graphics :)

kupomogli4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Even though right now a powerful PC can blow the PS4 and Next Box out of the water in terms of graphics, they won't. Consoles are holding PC games back and it's not going to change when consoles are more popular and make the developers more money.

So Sony saying it's not next gen until they say so. They're kind of right.

Muffins12234021d ago

Yes pc's are easily capable of running this but do we see any games that look like this?No...why? Because "next-gen" is officially started when a next generation console is launched and game developers wait for that to start actually making games that look like this.

tigertron4020d ago

Capable yes, but seeing as how many games are multiplat, you won't see PC's true potential unless you have games made specifically for it i.e. Crysis.

IcyEyes4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

Nice looking screenshot

Heavenly King4020d ago

it depends. Because most games are created on consoles and ported to PC. Those games dont look like that.

Mini05104018d ago

clearly just trying to start flame wars. gtfo

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4018d ago
crazypenguin084021d ago

Really excited to see what Xbox is going to reveal on the 21st, hope COD isn't a let down

Naate4021d ago

Hopefully they'll have a strong showing, I want to see that new engine.

Dj7FairyTail4021d ago

excited for graphics.
I PLAY GAMES for GAMEPLAY not Visual aspect.
Games are not power points.

Skips4021d ago (Edited 4021d ago )

Agreed. Seems like the people disagreeing think visuals matter more in a game than gameplay or story. LMFAO! XD

Story = Gameplay for me.

If one is lacking, all would be forgiven if the other exceeds my expectations.

Take Deadly Premonition for example, HORRIBLE gameplay but awesome and intriguing story. lol Or Demon's Souls, HORRIBLE story but awesome and unique gameplay. :D

Then A.I., physics, art style, immersion, music etc. etc... As long as all if not most of the above are great, then I could barely give two flying f**** about how realistic things look in my game. XD

As for story. Not many PC exclusives have great stories that I haven't already played years ago...

stuntman_mike4020d ago

it's the game as a whole that matters not just one aspect like graphics or story. when you put crysis 3 up to other games it pales in comparison. it may have high resolution graphics with lots of detail but the rest of the game falls apart completely.

even with all these next gen games coming up, i still think The Last of Us is gonna be something special.

2pacalypsenow4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

Thats like saying I have sex for the sex I don't care if its with a 300 pound russian woman with a missing leg . And if everyone had your thinking we would still be playing with NES graphics

gk074021d ago

wow somehow i think ive seen this lol

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