
Most Delayed Video Games in Recent History

Chillopedia | Gamers appreciate the work that is put into their favorite video games. The seasoned gamer even knows of all the stumbling blocks and drama that can happen behind the game itself, within the game development world.

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StrongMan4089d ago

I think Ryse should be on that list. It was announced years ago and we haven't seen anything from it since.

Jek_Porkins4089d ago

Ryse was shifted from an Xbox 360 game to a Xbox 720 game.

I think obviously The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy Versus and Agent should be on the list, unless they are just vaporware.

Derekvinyard134088d ago

The definition of delayed = Duke NUKEM forever

joab7774088d ago

This is a list of potential next gen gearbox games. They will buy the rights, tell us how awesome they r gonna b, we will believe them b/c how on earth could the creators of borderlands not be able to make a good game, and then we will be disappointed, randy will hand out tons of free shift codes and disappear for awhile until Borderlands 3 comes out (and it will).

Knight_Crawler4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

MS and Crytek announced that RYSE is going to be on the next Box because Kinect 1 was not powerful enough to handle what Crytek envisioned for the game.

Agent, TLG and Versus we have no clue on what console they will release.

Seraphim4088d ago

Agent, Versus, yes. I fear Agent is scrap at this point....

While it's always nice to Starcraft Ghost mentioned in any light that game was CANNED long ago. It's obvious whoever wrote this article has no clue when they wrote, "Whether or not there will actually be a released game, however, is highly debatable. Most outside Blizzard say no" I'd certainly hope the project is resurrected at some point but it has been official scrapped, long ago. Even if it is brought to light I wouldn't call it a continuation of the delay.

dcbronco4088d ago

You can add KZ3 and GT5. I think Killzone 3 was in development for about 5 years. GT close to that. Half-life 3 has been talked about forever.

MaxXAttaxX4088d ago

That doesn't mean they were delayed.
Delayed means they were planned to be released on a certain date, but kept being pushed back.

dcbronco4088d ago

I'm sure there was never a plan to have those games take over 5 years to launch. Both took that long from the original announcements. That is delayed. Half life has yet to happen. If that isn't a delay, take PDZ and Too Human off the list. In fact, unless a release date was announced, there is no list.

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Upbeat4088d ago

Doom 4 ? seems to be light years ago when that was put into production, id love to see it soon.

Battlefront 3 has been delayed and cancelled more times than i can count.

Wenis4088d ago

Yeah, but technically the LucasRATS haven't ever announced SWBF3 officially

OSIRUSSS4088d ago

What about EYEDENTIFY or Ruin.

Cam9774088d ago

Nobody has mentioned GRAND THEFT AUTO? Wow.

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27d ago
Cockney27d ago

At the rate xbox is going you'll have another 20 years to play the original before the reboot arrives


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x_xavier_x192d ago

Perfect Dark Zero was the first game that I purchased for my XBOX 360. I still have the game in my collection. I think I played it for about 45 minutes in total over the past 18 years. It's a really bad game, and I was so disappointed when I first fired it up almost 20 years ago.

zacly192d ago

I had fun with the mutiplayer. Didnt feel like Perfect Dark, but still had some fun with it


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