
The Handheld Wars: 3DS vs. Vita: Or Quiet Down and Enjoy Both

SuperPhillip Cenrtal writes, "It seems after every "gamers should stop embarrassing themselves and their hobby by acting like total jackasses" opinion piece gets some traction in the gamer collective and then proceeds to fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes in this case), you would think that we here at SuperPhillip Central just can't take the hint. Console wars-- or the subject of this piece, handheld wars-- are here to stay in the industry, no matter how pitiful, sad and immature it makes us look to outsiders."

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Dwalls11714134d ago

Their is no war right now, when vita gets a price cut we will see a war

MmaFan-Qc4134d ago

even if im using the vita 3/4 of the time, im enjoying both.

"power to the gamer!"(fist in the air)

Sucitta4134d ago

Fanboy wars are created by poor people or children still dependent on mothers milk.

If your not strapped for cash and a true gamer, you play all games on all platforms and you enjoy all of them for their strengths.

It truly is as simple as that.

mcstorm4134d ago

Finlay a none fanboy commenting on n4g. I've said for years that no console is the best. Or any technology for that matter.

People spend to much time telling people there reasons why there product is better than another rather than enjoying that product for them selfs and letting people enjoy what they like to use.

I own a 360 ps3 Wiiu 3ds and psv and I think they are all amazing machines and I play what I like on them.

chadboban4134d ago

Fanboys and the way they behave remind me of this story. "The Fox and the Grapes"


mcstorm4134d ago

Haha I like that and agree.

SaxScrotumz4134d ago


You are SPOT on man.

Fel084134d ago

I would go with just shut up about it and enjoy both.

hduce4134d ago

Agreed. That is what I am doing.

Kingthrash3604134d ago

Also agreed...
Tired of seeing people argue over whats best. We as gamers should play games. Fanboys cloud what gamers are. Fanboys belong in sports, where theres a lot of different teams that rep different citys. gamers belong in gameing where theres a ton of games to be played on 3-5 sytems (most of them can be played on all systems)..its always bad to mix the two.. we as gamers should enjoy games not try to bash other games or systems in order to make your system "win". But win what? Is there a championship trophy for the guys at sony if they win? Is there a parade for microsoft if they win? Nope that only for sports. Fanboys in gaming hurts gaming. Brings negitivity to gaming and adds fuel to the fire for the real war in gaming....against the politicians who believe gaming causes violence ( tho they've never picked up a joy stick) and should be banned...thats the "real" war. Hope we dont end up like China.

chadboban4134d ago (Edited 4134d ago )

Well said good sir, couldn't agree with you more. I've always said fanboys are what keep the gaming community from actually being a COMMUNITY. And I'm with you on the hopes that the rest of the world doesn't become like China in terms of game consoles.

animegamingnerd4134d ago

agree both the vita and the 3DS have a great library unless if you don't have the money buy both

miyamoto4134d ago


May we all have a Peaceful Gaming year!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4134d ago
BullyMangler4134d ago

between the Vita and the 3DS?

1. The Vita gots more Power than the 3DS, but not that that much more power . The ps3 had more power over the gameCube, but there exists a game called Res Evil 1 remake, chek to see what that shit looks like compared to ps3 360, not much difference., . so much for ps3 or 360 "power"

2. The 3Ds is more comfy than the Vita = comfort matters tremendously when embarking on lengthy games .. the Vita's comfort is actually bad, go chek it. . i would not want to spend time with my hands wrapped around that thing, with oddly placed joysticks AWKWARD. . = bothersome the vita is .

3. The 3DS can do stereoscopic 3D . . as soon as Super MArio 3d land came out, that game dismissed all the myths surrounding gaming in 3d . that mario 3D land and is like witch craft . it felt like i was playing a whole new race of videogames for the 1st time . GAME CHANGER stuff!!

4. 3Ds XL?

5. The Vita looks more pretty than the 3ds, from the outside that is

6. The 3Ds has GREATER games than the Vita so far, ACCORDING TO REVIEWERS ALL AROUND THE GLOBE .

7. The Vita has comfort grips you can buy seperately, i have not tried them yet, but i have seen them, they turn that vita into a beast. but then theres the oddly placed joysticks .. facts of comfort speak louder than opinions .

8. The 3DS has 2 screens, giving the 3DS ANOTHER gaming advantage. the Vita does not have 2 screens, and there is not a set to convert it into a much needed 2 screen experience.

the 3Ds is a pleasure to hold and to have, the Vita is not a pleasure to hold, but yes to look at. . . the Vita should be fine though, as soon as they announce the 1st trailer to GOW and the Mark of Kri 3

jony_dols4134d ago

bullymangLer obviously didn't even bother to read the headline before posting. He just saw Vita & 3DS in the same sentence & his 'herp derp' brain spewed out this vitriolic rubbish.

BullyMangler4134d ago

awww regardless if i read the darn article or not, which of what i said was an opinion?

chadboban4134d ago

Sorry but it's just never going to happen. Fanboys are permanently stuck in a state of mind that prevents them from ever seeing the good in a system they don't own or never plan on owning. It makes them feel better when they keep telling themselves "That system is crap, I don't want it, won't ever want it, hmmm.... this game actually looks kind of good... NO I CAN'T LET MYSELF THINK LIKE THAT!, that game looks awful. Awful awful AWFUL!!! MY SYSTEM IS THE BEST AND IT FOREVER WILL BE THE BEST!!!"

I think the story of The Fox and the Grapes pretty much covers fanboy behavior.


I for one own a 3DS and love it and will definitely get my hands on a Vita by the end of the year.

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Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


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shaenoide7d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos7d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb7d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly7d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6387d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly7d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6387d ago

Read the article. Same question.