
Global Weekly Chart, Ending 12th Jan 2013

Worldwide Hardware:

1: 3DS - 209,704 (-58%)
2: PS3 - 138,205 (-54%)
3: X360 - 99,306 (-41%)
4: WiiU - 52,424 (-61%)
5: Wii - 43,104 (-47%)
6: DS - 38,523 (-40%)
7: PSV - 37,795 (-57%)
8: PSP - 36,575 (-65%)

Worldwide Software:

1: (PS3) Call of Duty: Black Ops II 117,420
2: (X360) Call of Duty: Black Ops II 111,749
3: (3DS) Animal Crossing: New Leaf 84,506
4: (X360) Halo 4 76,578
5: (X360) Anarchy Reigns 71,798
6: (PS3) FIFA Soccer 13 71,785
7: (Wii) Just Dance 4 70,665
8: (X360) Far Cry 3 66,391
9: (PS3) Far Cry 3 63,126
10: (3DS) New Super Mario Bros. 2 58,926

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LOL_WUT4133d ago

Everything went down this week. The 3Ds is still at the top of the charts congrats to Nintendo. On the other hand the Vita and the Wii U need some serious games ASAP! ;)

GribbleGrunger4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

And the PS3 still hitting that 40,000 average lead over the 360 every week. It's going to be interesting to see if Ni-No-Kuni creates any spikes in America and Europe. It's more likely to in Europe if anywhere though, but of course we are going to have to wait until February for that. That month I believe we see Sly too ... ? By the end of February the overall gap should be around 1.3 million. I called Oct/Nov for the catch up, but it could actually be sooner.

edit: Ah, so it might be just shy of 1.3 million by the end of February. GOWA comes out in March too, so that should be a very interesting month.

Godchild10204133d ago

Sly comes out in March Sadly. But they do have Ni No Kuni in the first week of February and a lot of third party titles throughout the month.

GribbleGrunger4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

I just noticed that GOWA comes out that month too. Jesus, we could be looking at a late June catchup and a million lead by Christmas. I'd expect a 360 price drop at some point during this deluge of exclusives but I've got a feeling that Sony will instantly match it.

4133d ago
GribbleGrunger4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Ah, I forgot about Gears. That might shrink the overall average weekly sales lead but it won't completely off set it because of Japan and Europe. You're right though, it might be later than June then. But I HAVE mentioned the price drop and I reckon Sony will just match it.

Has the 12GB PS3 released in America yet? I was certain it hadn't. If Sony just release the 12GB and match the lowest price of the 360 that will stem any major momentum for the 360, even if it is still slightly more expensive because they'll also probably offer 90 days of PS+ and boast 12 free games on the boxes.

I don't think you can discount a sales surge for the 360, I agree, but I think it's more likely for the PS3 because of the amount of exclusives coming out for the system this year. And we're not talking about any old exclusives either. GOWA is surely going to sell consoles and TLOU could be a huge system seller Worldwide. Where as, Gears usually sells systems mainly in America.

ShinMaster4133d ago

PS3 - 138,205
X360 - 99,306
And that's without any major activity at the moment.

""Gears is historically a bigger seller"" ...barely.
God of War is a pretty big seller, so the Gears spike may only MATCH the PS3, but not a chance against all of PS3 exclusives. Not globally.

Abash4133d ago

I think the White PS3 Bundle coming out on January 27th will give it a sales boost, MGR: Revengeance should also give it a boost in Japan next month at the very least

Clarence4133d ago

1.3million gap is less than that now. This vgchartz. They have been under tracking PS3 numbers for some time now.

GuyManDude4132d ago

@Gribble and Godchild:

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time comes out February 5 in North America (same day as Dead Space 3) and March 27 in Europe (the day after Bioshock Infinite).

MakiSaad4132d ago

all 4 ps3 exclusives OWNS GEARS OF WAR JUDGEMENT IN THE US pre order chart and now STFU
to prove the fact that ps3 exclusives owns the 360 in 2013

Ezz20134132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )


"""Gears is historically a bigger seller. """
gears of war J pre orders 68,677

god of war A pre orders 156,420
and both are coming in the same month

while at it
ni no kuni pre orders 92,217
the last of us pre orders 96,590
sly cooper pre orders 79,159

i keep read how gears of war J will outsell every ps3 exclusive
yet i see 4 ps3 exclusives have more pre order than gears
which you guys used to brag about it alot

i do know that pre orders don't reflect the overall sales of games
i never pre order my self
but xbox fanboys used to brag alot about that

where are you now ??!!

Mainsqueeze4132d ago

Haha i swear the people on this site care more about which system is ahead more than the execs at Microsoft or Sony do. Idk why people can't just enjoy and support good gaming on all systems.

aquamala4132d ago

These preorder numbers are really low, I'm sure god of war:a will sell a lot more than just 150,000 copies day 1, same with the other games. Why do people preorder anyway? If you want the game on day 1, just go to th store that day and buy one, its not like there will be a shortage.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4132d ago
SilentNegotiator4133d ago

Of course everything is down. Next-gen rumors are in full swing, the day after Christmas sales are over and it's the middle of January, and the consoles are cheap enough that most of the people that wanted them have them.

Wii U's weak post-launch is probably going to keep them in a bad place for a while. Hopefully they get 3rd party support up in the next 1-2 year(s).

jmc88884133d ago

It's got plenty of support.

The problem was, they were old games. Now they'll be new game launched at or close to it of the other versions.

People need to remember back to when the PS3/360 were new. They TOO didn't get 3rd party support for many games because the devs didn't want to make a version where it was only possible to sell it to a scant crowd. That's the problem with ALL new consoles.

Same thing will happen to PS4/720 you watch. Many devs will keep making games for PS3/360 and won't put out a PS4/720 version.

It's funny how people forget this and assume when a game doesn't come out for Wii U it's for some other reason. It isn't. They want to make money and making a game for a console that only has a couple million units sold doesn't work for every dev.

Once the number of units sold increases, those devs start making them on those systems...or they fade away with the increased costs of making more elaborate games. Which happened alot as many devs that made games on PS2/xbox simply couldn't afford to make games on PS3/360 and faded away.

Same will happen here.

Crysis 2 did not make money. Crytek needs Crysis 3 to make money.

GTA V is a game that's been in development for years...meaning they had it half finished before Wii U dev kits came out.

So the devs that CAN make them on Wii U either already have or will be soon. Just a few more months of games already in the pipeline won't.

The ones that can't, will focus making games on 360/PS3 until the Wii U/PS4/720 sell enough consoles to make it worthwhile and profitable to put out a game.

otherZinc4132d ago

If SONY were doing this well, their stock wouldn't be downgraded, but it is.

You guys will believe anything.

GuyManDude4132d ago

Their game division has been profiting for months (maybe years), but they're a multi-division conglomerate that makes TVs, computers, phones, movies, etc. Even if one division is profitable it's still possible for the company to lose money (via the other sectors). Sony's mobile and TV divisions aren't doing so well these days, but that could change.

So yes, the PS3 (and by extension SCE) are doing well.

nukeitall4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Sony's credit rating has been rated "junk", meaning their bonds aren't worth shit:


Because of that Sony had to sell a building to fund their gakai acquisition and some much needed cash to stave off any additional losses that might come. Especially with the next generation looming around, there will be heavy losses.

Sony's stock is the lowest it has been since practically forever. Sony's hurting and their situation is deteriorating fast as their brand is taking a beating.

kenshiro1004131d ago

Yes, Sony is in a financial situation but they are far from dead. No amount of doom and gloom (not to mention inaccurate fallacies) is going to make them die any faster.

Their restructuring is meant to help them recover in the long run.

Maybe you didn't read that part, right? You were too busy looking into the negative aspect of the article.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4131d ago
Shadowolf4132d ago

The Wii U is certainly hurting for games as the first four months of the year looks extremely scarce in the also software department for Nintendo's new system. Sales have also decreased considerably for the Wii U as well. With next-gen consoles looming in the shadows I expect Nintendo to drop their current price point of the Wii U as we draw closer to the 3rd Qtr of the year.

4132d ago
Knight_Crawler4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Who the hell is buying all these 3DS?

Congrats Nintendo!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4131d ago
wishingW3L4133d ago

why people keep submitting these bullcrap VGchartz?

Godchild10204133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

So we can have something to discuss other than just the games that are coming out and the rumored specs of next Gen hardware.

If you don't want to talk about the rumored hardware/game sales, you can always skip the article and not click on it (Not trying to come off rude).

CommonSenseGamer4133d ago

If you're talking consoles. At least Vita is outselling the PSP I guess.

Hicken4133d ago

Still can't help but talk about that console you hate, huh?

Trolls sure are interesting.

It'll be interesting to see how the upcoming game releases will affect sales. Ni no Kuni is out now, and there are plenty of other big name titles, like God of War and Sly on the horizon for PS3. And of course, the 360 has Gears. I have to laugh, though, at the people that say Gears will equal or surpass all the sales of the PS3 exclusives, because I feel fairly certain that the last Gears and GOW games are pretty even.

CommonSenseGamer4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Difference between you an me hicken is that I own both a 360 and PS3 so guess what, I get to play all the exclusives I want on both consoles.

As for your comment re: the games are coming...I'm confused as vita owners claim they are already here. Your comment also echos 2011 about how can anyone not buy a vita given what's being released in 2012...and look how that turned out.

If I'm a troll then what in hell does that make you?

stage884132d ago


Please, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4132d ago

It's cute to see when VGChartz matters.

smashcrashbash4133d ago

PS3 is doing really well these days.I am guessing their killer line up has something to do with it.They have a ton of games coming this year which will definitely boast sales .What is funny is people trying to deny it.The PS3 is doing pretty good only second to the 3DS.Deal with it.Why are you trying so hard to deny it? First they sell more consoles the the 360 and now are beating them worldwide.People say that doesn't matter but it matters to Sony's pockets and potential PS4 owners.

YodaCracker4133d ago

You can't have it both ways. VGChartz still shows the PS3 1.6 million units behind the 360. So you can't go by that fishy report that projects the PS3 has outsold the 360 and go by VGChartz weekly numbers as well because they contradict each other.

Dms20124132d ago

Judging by the disagrees they CAN have it both ways lol.

BitbyDeath4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

"Collectively, we estimate that total retail game sales in these 5 countries account for around 70% of the Global market."

5 - USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan


VGChartz does not track the world, it omits areas that are considered Sony territory which is why Sony are always undertracked.

Official numbers should be released soon so lets just wait for them.

AWBrawler4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

3DS still beasting. I'd like to see how march affects Nintendo and Sony. They have their big guns coming around the same time

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