
Eurogamer amends Robert Florence's article about Geoff Keighley after threat of legal action

DSOGaming writes: "Man, things are not looking good for writers working on all triple-A gaming sites. Yesterday, Eurogamer has posted Rob Florence’s opinion piece about Geoff Keighley, video game journalism, Doritos and Mountain Dew. Naturally, this topic got hot immediately and a lot of people accused Robert for his article. What followed then, though, surprised most of us, as Eurogamer decided to amend Robert’s article."

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Emilio_Estevez4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

That is absurd, his opinion and the general message of that piece was spot on imo.

NYC_Gamer4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

What did he write in his original piece?

Emilio_Estevez4219d ago

Not too sure what was changed, but the piece is still up and gives the same message.

DarkTower8054219d ago

Thanks john2, that was an awesome article, one of the best reads in a long time. We all know the entertainment business is corrupt, and the video games portion is no different. We NEED guys like this to call journalists out, call console makers out. This industry has gotten out of hand.

StanLee4219d ago

He basically question the impartiality of games' journalists. As gamers we've long held our own suspicions when we see publishers wine and dine journalists, that's nothing new. What he did was name names and call out behavior which can be considered a conflict of interest. I applaud him for being brave enough to.

HammadTheBeast4219d ago

The things removed were 2 paragraphs about another "journalist" Lauren Whitman. Robert wrote about her tweets, one which was basically about winning a PS3 from Trion games,and saying nothings wrong with it, and the second was saying they Tomb Raider was suddenly amazing and that she was now 'obsessed' with it. Back to back tweets. Suspicious? Definitely. Hoped I helped.

Sarcasm4219d ago

I guess he doesn't like Mountain Dew and Doritos

Nimblest-Assassin4219d ago

Seriously, his job is to advertise... he might have been a journalist when he was still with gamespot, but now look.

He produces the VGA's
He promotes food and beverages associated with games
He promotes new games

I never took him as a journalist, but rather an advertiser

JellyJelly4219d ago

One of the best articles I've read on here.

crxss4219d ago

lmao i've always disliked geoff keighley, and this picture is priceless.

Syntax-Error4218d ago

They took out the paragraphs of the names of the journalist he mentioned that entered the tweetmy game for a free PS3 competition. They also took out how they were involved with this nonsense. Good stuff. Makes you discredit certain journalist when reading their reviews

Christopher4218d ago


Go to his profile on Wiki and say that. The point is, everyone sees him as such and calls him as such.

So, doesn't really matter what an individual perceives, it's what he is actually called and advertised as.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
4219d ago
bicfitness4219d ago

Well the irony is that any number of journalists at Eurogamer or in media outlets elsewhere are guilty of accepting swag bags, preview "parties" - more party than preview, free consoles or games from every manufacturer and publisher on the planet.

Its hard to play whistle-blower when you have your hand in the cookie jar. Seems capricious. The whole system is corrupt. They only credible "news" you can get from video games journalism are screenshots and trailers; so that you can see the product and decide if you want to buy it.

All the rest is just product placement and - mostly uniformed - opinion pieces, which we can all do without.

Cupid_Viper_34219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

"Its hard to play whistle-blower when you have your hand in the cookie jar. Seems capricious. The whole system is corrupt."

But it's also very brave and commendable to have a writer stand up to that BS. These so called journalists sacrificed this entire generation of gaming just for few clicks and hits on their websites. Pitting PS3 fans against Xbox360 and taking their eyes off the real issues plaguing the industry.

It's really a disservice to us gamers. From pixel counting to caring about made up weekly sales figures, meanwhile, xbox 360 gamers went through some of the worst defective electronics ever made, and are still paying for services that are free elsewhere. Almost every new game have day 1 DLCs, almost every new games needs to be patched, yet the watchdogs are busy eating chips.

When these things go unchallenged, it doesn't become just an xbox or PlayStation issue, it becomes an issue for all gamers, as most of the industry would rather nickle and dime us if they're given the opportunity. So these practices are something that all gamers should unanimously fight against.

Sigh....I feel slightly better now that I've got that off my chest.

Servbot414219d ago

You could also just watch a live stream of the game you are looking to buy on twitch tv or any other streaming site. Almost every new game is always streamed by some random gamer, and its the best way to see if a game is worth buying. No doctored screenshots, no hype, misleading trailers, just one dude playing the game.

I've bought (and avoided) quite a few games because I liked (or didn't like) what I saw on a stream, and I've never regretted a purchase since.

wages of sin4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

That's well and good Cupid but the bottom line is the gamer makes the ultimate decision to buy or not.

Back in the 80's as a young gamer we spread the news about games by word of mouth. Sure we had magazines, there was no internet as we know it, but they weren't cheap and it's always better to talk about gamges face to face with your friends. If you bought a stinker that was your fault. Personal responsibility. Sure reviews account for something but the way "gamers" bitch and moan about games journalism you'd think people would pay them no mind about anything game related. Yet here we are talking about games on a gaming site.

Furthermore it wasn't just 360 gamers that got shafted this generation. Sony and Nintendo both did their own dirt.

Some of the comments here are just sad. How can just disrespect someone like that over videogames? His job is to give people information about games. He doesn't get into this is better than that. If all of you are such good writers, honest, well informed and thinking that game journalism needs reformation then do something about it. If not then shut up. You're like people who complain about the government but you don't vote.

insomnium24218d ago


It's futile to vote. One vote never changes the result.

When I was a kid in the 80's I bought games based on cover art alone. LOL!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4218d ago
Ranma14219d ago

What did Geoff Keighley do wrong?

I dont think Geoff is an asshole

Godmars2904219d ago

At the very least, he's always come off as a tool to me. Someone who'd sell anything put in front of him.

Not trustworthy.

Bimkoblerutso4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

He's a corporate shill. He is the executive producer of the Spike TV Video Game Awards, an award show that is essentially just one big circle-jerk of advertisement shenanigans, and as the photo suggests, he's no stranger to throwing his integrity in with whoever will pay him.

It's different with celebrities and the like that take on sponsorship deals. To be a journalist, to be someone that claims to speak and report from a position of non-bias, it is ESSENTIAL to distance yourself from these outside influences for the sake of impartiality and journalistic integrity. It's just a clear conflict of interest, and someone that falls into bed with these sponsors so readily and so openly and then claims to be, or is at least looked upon as an "expert" industry consultant, is, in fact, and asshole as far as I'm concerned.

4219d ago
animegamingnerd4218d ago

watch angry joe's interview with him on why the VGA'S suck then you will see why everyone hates him

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4218d ago
geth1gh4219d ago

Geoff Knightly is a real piece of shit and one of the leaders to continue "corporate" gaming since he represents it's counterpart, "corporate" game journalism.

If you don't believe me, here you go...


schlanz4219d ago

For the record Angry Joe is one of the few game journalists whose opinion comes of as truly his own, and I respect that. And Jim Sterling.

BitbyDeath4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

Not sure if 'Sarcasm'... *waits for laughter*

Geoff is affiliated with the GameTrailers website

DragonKnight4219d ago

AngryJoe is awesome. He's like the new Tommy Tallarico in my opinion.

sjaakiejj4218d ago

Sure, Geoff wasn't really nice about it, but AngryJoe should really have done his research. AJ portrayed himself as a real amateur, with questions that have readily available answers.

Hufandpuf4218d ago

In all fairness, Jeff had an event to host and I don't think that that was the right time to interview him. Sure, Jeff could have been a little nicer but come on, would you sacrifice time hosting an event or answering questions that you only need to Google to find out?

geth1gh4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

@ Hufandpuf

Angry Joe agrees with you. I think he said over and over again that this wasn't the environment to host a interview but that was all he was offered.

I am not the biggest fan of Angry Joe. I respect him but the whole "angry" aspect really turns me off to him most of the time.

He hit it head on with this though. Interview or not, as I stated in the original post Knightly is one of the major players in helping major corporations push their way into the gaming market and squeeze every penny out of gamers.

It's just one of those guys that you know really deep down that hes just there to get cash first and foremost. I honestly can't imagine him actually being more than a very very light casual console gamer.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
wastedcells4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

Who is his daddy and what does he do.

geddesmond4218d ago

Disagree. You can't make accusations against people without proof. I could say Robert Florence is in the pockets of the publishers who don't get praise from the journalists he shamed and my accusations hold the same ground as his, with no proof. Or that he only wrote that article to gain a big following between gamers fed up with the way gaming journalism is and this was a means to further his career. How his next steps will be starting his own website off the back of gamers who think hes not corrupt and will get honest opinions from him.

I mean we all know gaming journalism is a mess. Too many amateurs reviewing games and journalists that hold bias with certain publishers not giving games what they deserve or giving games high scores that should be lower but naming and shaming with no proof is slander plain and simple.

Knight_Crawler4218d ago

I understand everyones concern but this is to be expected.

The main revenue that gaming websites get are from advertisement - they have yo be bias or they wont make any money - lets say Haze had paid Ignition to advetise Haze and they had to review it...do you think the Haze develoeprs would appreciate Ign giving Haze a bad review.

BlackPrince 424218d ago

This guy got Gerstmanned for giving an opinion no one wanted to hear. Plain and simple.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4218d ago
NYC_Gamer4219d ago

It's a real damn joke.These so called journalist are like cheap whores they would do anything for swag/ad space profits..Nooone of these paid off previews/reviews should be trusted from these huge mainstream sites..That's why i'd rather trust real gamers advice who play games for the love of being apart of the culture over these petty bogus journalist.

vortis4219d ago

Same here man.

After that Mass Effect 3 thing it was obvious who was who in the gaming industry.

Never again...never again...

HammadTheBeast4219d ago

Exactly. They get paid for bending over for big companies, and get bribes all the time. You should see the stuff they're packing into cars after E3. Bags upon bags of goodies.

Soldierone4219d ago

If I'm not mistaken.....doesn't this just prove he was right? Irony at its best.

baldulf4219d ago

He really hit a weak spot, for sure.

kwyjibo4219d ago

The writer of the Eurogamer piece has stepped down from the publication, what's the point in writing opinion pieces if they're going to censor your opinion?

This is a shame, as the piece was spot on, and Eurogamer have lost a funny and talented writer. Check out Rob Florence's Consolevania stuff on youtube, anyone who describes Peter Molyneux as a "polo neck wearing effeminate nazi dracula" is good in my book.

All this has created a complete Streisand effect and only highlighted the original article. It's sadly, also meant that the female writer questioned in the pre-censored version has been subject to a torrent of misogynistic abuse.

Great going games journalism!

vortis4219d ago

You can do opinion pieces, they just have to be top 10 lists about boobs, butts and cosplay or games we hear about all the time, or retreads of "sexism in gaming" and "homophobia in gaming". Then you're safe.

Just don't write important stuff about important stuff.

Gaetano4219d ago

Keighley is an objective journalist that rarely critiques and simply just promotes games for people not interested in some douchebag journalist critiquing a game. He doesn't fall for the "review journalism" that plagues video game journalism. He just appeases gamers with facts with no subjective thoughts on games.

Who gives a shit if he gets sponsored by corporate giants? People don't rely on him for his opinion. They rely on him to inform us about games. Simple as that.

Godmars2904219d ago

Yes. He promoted the game "World's Greatest Warrior" on his show Gametrailers which airs on Spike TV, all of which were under the same corporate umbrella. Devoted an entire episode to it while teasing news for some really big game at the time throughout which then aired in the last minute. Basically dangled it like bait while making the whole show about a commercial for a PSN/XBL download. Never saw another episode.

He's not objective - he's amoral.

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The Game Awards will beef up security to prevent stage-crashers this year

Don't expect a repeat of last year's on-stage weirdness.
One of the more memorable moments in the 2022 Game Awards came courtesy of a kid who crashed FromSoftware's acceptance of the Game of the Year award for Elden Ring. Don't expect something similar to happen in 2023, though

H9165d ago

They should, it's a disgrace, it couldn't get worse than last year

RaidenBlack165d ago

well they did Wishlist for the next GTA last year ... and we final got the official announcement this year .... so ...
any "Bill Clinton wants to play Half-Life 3"-stage-crashers this year, plz?

anast165d ago (Edited 165d ago )

The stage crashes made a boring sales pitch fun. But yeah, there is a security concern.

H9164d ago

Well it's more that stealing the thunder from From Soft last year, the GTA guy was at the start of summer game show so people forgot about him as the show gone on, but the bill Clinton guy stayed talked about the most

RAFTECH26165d ago

They need to..... because of what Lord Spencer will announce.... will make everyone throw a fit

jambola165d ago

Last year is was a kid making a joke
At summers games fest it was 2 worthless pathetic adults crashing the middle to be assholes and copy a child for attention


Geoff Keighley Confirms Summer Games Fest Will Return For 2024

While Summer Games Fest 2023 is still ongoing, with a couple more showcases to come, the games fest man himself, Geoff Keighley has confirmed that the show will return next year in June, for Summer Games Fest 2024.

“After a record-setting 2023, we are excited to share some news.” Keighley began in his announcement on Twitter. “Summer Games Fest will return in June 2024, including our live showcase event hosted by Geoff Keighley, and Summer Games Fest Play Days hosted by iam8bit. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.”

Christopher336d ago

Considering the format and lack of need to keep a whole convention center and visitors for 5+ days, it was a resounding success. Helped that it was piggy-backed on by all the major gaming sites. Really, this is likely the future of E3 now. I don't mind it.

potatoseal336d ago

Me neither. I do understand why they put the date of Spidey 2 and FF7 Rebirth stuff at the GameFest, but I kind of wish the Playstation stuff was at the Playstation conference.

Towers335d ago

I agree. The only thing I'd say I miss from it is the 'hands on' that journalists use to have with the games. I know some companies invited journo's/game enthusiasts to play some games in advance, so they could give some insight into gameplay once they had been announced, but that explosion of hands on thoughts I kinda miss. Other than that, it was decent. Devolver Digital had a very entertaining showcase and I do hope some other showcases take weirder/more interesting approaches in future.

335d ago
CrimsonWing69335d ago

It’s better than nothing, but it’s nowhere near as epic as old-school E3 with all the theatrics and huge stage presentations.

Hell, 75% what was shown at SGF sucked ass, besides MK1 and FF7 Rebirth, but I’m just glad someone’s trying to fill in the gap.


Summer Game Fest 2023: Live @ Noon PT / 3P ET

See what's next in video games with Summer Game Fest, hosted by Geoff Keighley live from YouTube Theater in Los Angeles.

The show will feature the world gameplay premiere of MORTAL KOMBAT 1 with Ed Boon, as well as a look at the gameplay of ALAN WAKE 2 with Sam Lake from Remedy, plus more game news and announcements including the world premiere of Fortnite Wilds the new season of Fortnite launching Friday.

SGF streams live on Thursday, June 8 at Noon PT / 3p ET / 9p CEST.

The LIVE show will be followed by Day of the Devs and Devolver Direct

potatoseal341d ago

Come on. Release date for Death Stranding 2. This year would blow my mind, but I know that's not likely

EvertonFC341d ago (Edited 341d ago )

Yeah a release date would be cool, I'm happy with a nice variety of games during the showcase and some biggies we don't actually know about.
I'm hoping we see a game or 2 maybe Sony or MS or both showing a AAA game.
I'm also thinking maybe Sony will use a live service game or 2 to show off

sadraiden340d ago

Live services? No way! I love those!

potatoseal341d ago

I'll take FF7 Rebirth trailer and release window instead lol YES

RaidenBlack341d ago

Half Life 3 ... let's go!
/s XD

Rainbowcookie341d ago

One lf these years you gonna be right man! :)

RaidenBlack341d ago

That was a really good showcase!

darthv72341d ago (Edited 341d ago )

that MK1 looks pretty sweet.

edit: okay Nic cage has won the show

LightofDarkness341d ago (Edited 341d ago )

God damn this is already highly entertaining. No way this kind of experience can be replaced entirely by online only direct shows.

Sonic1881341d ago (Edited 341d ago )

So far this is better than the Playstation Showcase imo

Si-Fly341d ago

This comment aged badly 😂

Sonic1881339d ago

Looks like your comment aged badly as well 😂😂

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