
Sony: There are lots of unannounced Vita games

Sony Computer Entertainment’s worldwide studios president Shuhei Yoshida says there are many more Vita games in the pipeline.

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Beetey4225d ago

Ditto, but I'll be happier when they're no longer "unannounced."

pixelsword4225d ago

Yeah, I was about to say

"How about announcing some so people will be encouraged to buy the vita"?

jujubee884225d ago

I'll be the happiest when I can play and enjoy them.

mynameisEvil4224d ago

I'd like to point out that this is an announcement of an announcement that there are unannnounced games that have yet to be announced. :P

Blaze9294225d ago

I mean...there could be one million unannounced Vita games. Doesn't help anyone or encourage a potential buyer to buy a Vita though.

I don't really understand what this statement is supposed to do.

pr0digyZA4225d ago

"I don't really understand what this statement is supposed to do."

I think its more for people who already have the vita as this shows there is still support and games to look forward too. Also he was probably asked a question like "are there any more vita games coming out" and this was his answer he didn't just randomly say it.

dogoodmatters4225d ago

How is this at 30 degrees with one approval?! I know it's had a bit of a rough start, but I hope things straighten out quickly for it.

MultiConsoleGamer4225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

A new system is like a snowball rolling down hill...

It just takes some time to build up momentum.

Glad to see the future is looking bright.

andibandit4225d ago

A beautiful analogy, but fortunately not always the case. Some companies try to create an avalanche from the get go, with marketing and so forth.

Just for once it would be interesting to see Sony taking a diffrent approach, but im sure the Vita will be fine 2-3 years down the road.

KingOptimusOrigin1114225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

I want them to announce these games:

Third Party:
Resident Evil
Monster Hunter
Final Fantasy Type-0
Metal Gear Solid
Grand Theft Auto
Dissidia 3
Star Wars Battlefront
Dead Space
Tom Clancy
Level 5 Game
Namco Bandai Game
Atlus Game

First Party:
Jak & Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
Ape Escape
Tomba Reboot
Gran Turismo
Motorstorm (Console Quality)
Syphon Filter
Twisted Metal

But I know half of this won't happen but you never know.

Om3ga3704225d ago

I couldn't agree more. Those are some sweet sounding titles. :D

pandatomsk4225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )


Chrono4225d ago

God of War???? There must be one.

jetpacksheep4225d ago

The good news is a lot of those titles are highly likely to appear and a few have already been announced but no media has been released on them (Bioshock, Monster Hunter)

profgerbik4225d ago

Actually I see almost everything on that list a possibility other than a few dreamer games like MH.

Capcom is being stupid with that, so god knows when it will ever come to the Vita like it should be again.

I also don't see Socom coming back because I thought their development team was shut down or something.. Not sure the rest though I bet will happen.

Sucks so bad MH4 is only on 3DS.. I own both but I would much rather play it on the Vita, no questions asked.

360ICE4225d ago

In three years time, AT LEAST half of them will have happened. I'd be pretty much 100% sure about some of these releases.

Muffins12234225d ago

they already announced bioshock for it...

BABYLEG4225d ago

You mean you want them to port ps3 games?

bothebo4225d ago

I'd go crazy for a Jak and Daxter game as well as a Star Wars Battlefront game. I think Star Wars Battlefront could move tons of hardware.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4225d ago
colonel1794225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

Meant as a reply to KingOptimus:

That's the problem right there with the Vita! All those are in consoles! Yes, they are amazing franchises and games but what Vita needs is ORIGINAL, UNIQUE games for it. Example: Gravity Rush

I just can't understand why people want the same games that are available on PS3/360. Even if they are different games like Assassin's Creed 3. It's nice to have one ore two, but not all of them.

That's why I hate the Cross Buy promotion, because even though is a very sweet deal, resources are spent into making a port of the same PS3 game, instead into creating new, interesting and unique games ONLY for Vita.

kukouri4225d ago

In fairness, those resources wouldn't have been spent there regardless. They aren't not making those unique games because they are making these games. They aren't making them because they don't want to risk it or don't have ideas.

smashcrashbash4225d ago

Okay do you work for Sony? If you don't then how do you know what resources are being used for what. How do you know that resources for making ports for cross buy takes away from making original titles for the VITA? And also their are several games that are coming out for the VITA that are VITA only so I can't see why we can't have both. People still can't seem to understand that the whole point is that a VITA is portable. That is the good part. I can play the same game that I have on my system outside and away from my house.I can play it on the big screen and when I leave I can take it with me.What is so hard to understand?

Amplitude4225d ago

In all honesty... new IPs are incredibly important, but man, im loving these PS3-on-the-go games.

LittleBigPlanet was the best in the series by far. Cross play and cross buy with PSAll Stars and Sly Cooper and Retro City Rampage is just awesome too.

Gravity Rush was great, but if the Vita just keeps doing cross-buy stuff i'll still be happy.

Let's be honest here... There's a lack of Vita games that are actually worth the 40 dollar price tag. Spy Hunter should be 10 dollars. There's no reason for it to be 40. But when a good PS3 game is ported the vita at least you know it has had AAA support put into it.

Cupid_Viper_34225d ago

@ colone179

I would never say no to exclusive PS Vita games, but the song that your singing is getting kind of old in my opinion. Here are a few reasons why.

Nobody in the industry has track records that Sony does for coming up with new IPs, second of all, the PS Vita has plenty of exclusive games, and you can bet your life savings that it'll have more to come.

Secondly, the PS Vita is its own platform. I don't see anyone complaining when a multiplat game comes on the PS3,360,Wii, but the minute it touches the PS Vita a double standard kicks in and people refer to it as a port, as opposed to a multiplatform game. And to say that you hate crossbuy? It's like saying that you would hate the Idea of getting COD black ops 2 for free on the 360 for buying the PC version. I find that hard to believe.

profgerbik4225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

I seriously don't think Playstation has had a lack of unoriginal games.

All the games I have played that were worth remembering were on Playstation. Maybe just me? I don't know.

I love Gravity Rush and couldn't agree more that I would love to see more games like that.

At the same time though I know the Vita will have more games like that eventually. I also know that is what makes the Vita so special, is that it can actually play console games also.

Nothing wrong with best of both worlds. I mean the PSP had tons of original games, maybe most of them never released in the U.S. but they were still there.. and it couldn't do half of what the Vita does and it still was fairly successful even with it being heavily pirated.

I honestly think the Vita is going to do much better and again all it takes is the time to wait for developers to truly understand the system, then you start seeing tons of games for it.. like with any console really.

Sithlord-Gamble4225d ago

And i cant understand why some people think they speak for the majority of Vita owners when they b*tch about ps3 console ports to the Vita.

Maybe some people WANT console ports in addition to new IPs.
Why cant the Vita have both? It doesnt have to be one or the other.

I bought my Vita for a handheld CONSOLE experience, so shouldnt i be able to enjoy CONSOLE games on my handheld when im on the go or dont have the time to play on my console?

I welcome it with open arms. The more games on my Vita the better.

colonel1794225d ago

but wouldn't CONSOLE experience be better if it was a game that could also be on consoles (meaning tech, graphics, etc) instead of the same exact games as in consoles?

Sithlord-Gamble4225d ago

What u just said doesnt even make sense.

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Original Final Fantasy 7 - Is it Worth Playing in 2024?

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ravens5226d ago

Got to Zacks part in 7 Rebirth. Said f it. Finishing my game in 7 og. Just got to part 2 yesterday. I also got Crisis Core... So it'll be a while before I'm back to Rebirth. I just keep thinking about it too smh, want to get back to playing it. Not till I know Zacks story though. I beat 7 og sooooooo long ago, it's crazy going through it again and remembering things.

MrNinosan26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Got to Zacks part in Rebirth?
You mean you started the game and turned it off?
The game starts with Zack...

ravens5226d ago

... Really 🤓 lol. His second part, I've played for 80hrs lmao. <---- PS5 Run time, probably not all game time. You guys know how it goes.

VIK212125d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Did you not ever play the OG FF7? After you recruit Vincent, later in the game, disc 3, return to that basement and look at the pod, there's a whole Zack story that'll trigger as a memory.... it's well hidden in the game and a lot of things regarding Zack are cleared up. FF7 Crisis Core is basically an extend feature of that hidden flashback... It took me years to discover it back then lol


MrNinosan25d ago

80 hours in Rebirth by doing everything, and you should've reached Zacks story about 5 times 🤣

ravens5225d ago

Ye I kno that's y I said not all gameplay time. But also I am very anal when it comes to exploring.

ravens5225d ago

Not to mention fighting Titan at his full strength. Hours spent trying still haven't succeeded. Found all 3 ruins but I'ma masochist when it comes to games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 25d ago
Barlos26d ago

Very much so. Graphically it's dated but the story and the gameplay haven't aged a day. It's still one of my all time favourite RPGs and for me is better than Remake in some ways.

Barlos26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

It always takes me back to Christmas 1997, I got it as a gift and I was blown away when I played it. I couldn't believe games could look that good. The combination of pre rendered backgrounds and FMV really made it stand out. It definitely still has a certain charm that modern games can't replicate.

I can't imagine people will still be talking about Remake and Rebirth in 27 years.

Tapani25d ago

Fully agreed. To me the atmosphere, pacing, gameplay and music are all better than in the remake.

Rebel_Scum26d ago

Yes, play this, skip remake, start rebirth for new players.

I_am_Batman26d ago

Skip Remake? That's terrible advice.

leahcim26d ago

Remake is so amazing, pure FFVII Love, play it on PS5 please! aww the graphics the battles, the music... a dream come true.

Rebel_Scum26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I disagree Batman

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