
Why Aren’t These Characters in PlayStation All-Stars Yet?

MasonicGamer.com - There are already 10 confirmed characters featuring in Sony’s upcoming brawler, including new additions Heihachi and Toro, but there are so many more to choose from throughout Sony’s history. Although most of the current selection are from Sony exclusive games, the inclusion of Bioshock’s Big Daddy (Bioshock originally being an Xbox exclusive) shows that really, anyone is fair game in the roster.

Therefore, I’ve compiled a short list of 5 characters who really deserve a spot in the lineup. They may not be from games developed by Sony, they may even have appeared on other platforms throughout the years, but each and every one helped shape the PlayStation and grow it’s popularity. So lets start with number 5:

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ZodTheRipper4351d ago

Because they don't want to reveal all characters at once I guess.

Gaming1014351d ago

There's a little big planet level, so I think sackboy will make an appearance at least in some fashion.

jeseth4350d ago

Yeah, Sackboy is a sure bet.

I would love to see

Rau Utu (Mark of the Kri/Rise of the Kasai - PS2)
Nariko (Heavenly Sword - PS3)
Rayman (Multi)
Crash Bandicoot (Multi)
Kain and Raziel (Legacy of Kain - PSone)
Jak and Daxter (PS2)
Maximo (Multi)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil - PSone)
Cloud/Sephiroth (FF7 - PSone)

Ahhhh, so many!!! It maddening to try and come up with a full roster!

h311rais3r4351d ago

Yep. I'm gettin so sick of all these articles. Wait till the game is out before you complain about what's not in it.

pinwheelherman4351d ago

Complain? Who's complaining? Is there anything wrong with having a wishlist?

Nimblest-Assassin4351d ago

2 more characters next week, plus a few more at gamescom.

Capt-FuzzyPants4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

Hopefully they save a few surprises for the game as hidden/unlockable characters. I also hope there are a lot of characters like in Brawl.

And btw why haven't there been a lot of villains announced. I feel like there should be a villain for each hero. Like Lazarevic or Flynn. I just think there should be villains that are announced.

KwietStorm_BLM4350d ago

Your logic has no place on the interwebs. *Casts Banish*

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4350d ago
MrGunny944351d ago

Where is Gabriel Logan from Syphon Filter and Solid Snake?.. damm

Tonester9254350d ago

Too many people with guns lol

josh501874351d ago

solid snake is in it look at david hayters imdb its listed


JohnApocalypse4351d ago

I think it was pretty obvious that Snake was gonna be in the game

TheFirstClassic4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

It'll probably be old snake, since mgs 4 was a ps3 exclusive.

Edit: regarding your comment down below, I've also heard a lot of people say that about big daddy.

faysal4350d ago

i think they will announce cole and solid snake next... cz you can only see cole and snakes voice actors name that hasn't been announced yet, everybody else has been announced.

TheFinalEpisode4350d ago

Nice find! Bubs up for interesting

josh501874351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

double post my bad

TheLastGuardian4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

I'm getting tired of people saying Big Daddy shouldn't be in PlayStation All-Stars because it was on Xbox first. First of all, it was never an Xbox exclusive as it was released on 360 and PC simultaneously. Secondly, the PS3 version of Bioshock Infinite is receiving Bioshock 1 on disc as well as 3D and Move support. Not to mention the PS Vita is getting an exclusive Bioshock game. So stop acting like Bioshock isn't a big enough PlayStation franchise to get a character in PS All-Stars. Bioshock is my favorite FPS of this gen so I think it's awesome that Big Daddy is in this game.

Hicken4351d ago

The same people that will be- or already are- hating on the game and/or character roster, as usual.

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Inverno561d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69561d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop561d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard561d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi561d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin561d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus569d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer568d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.