
6 Reasons To Buy A PlayStation 3 Instead Of An Xbox 360

Forbes - If you still don’t have a current generation video game console, you may want to consider the PlayStation 3 over the Xbox 360. Here’s why.

Shok4329d ago

It's 2012 and we're still getting articles like this?

-Mezzo-4329d ago

I agree with you, but there are always some people that need a little more convincing, to come to the brighter side.

But the 6 reasons listed are pretty obvious, i honestly don't think that there's a person who doesn't know these reasons already.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

Yea and believe it or not there are ppl who like to stay a generation behind cuz it's cheaper. My brothers are still playing ps2 regularly, and are just now thinking about getting ps3.

darthv724329d ago

why do we need 6 reasons to begin with. My only reason for buying a ps3 was because i wanted one. I didnt need 5 more reasons to convince me.

Spydiggity4329d ago

it's not very expensive to have both. and then you get the best of both worlds.

also, if, at this point, you're finally considering buying one, then you probably aren't that interested in exclusives, so you're better off just going with whatever the majority of your friends play.

Boody-Bandit4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

I would place reason 5 with peripheral compatibility. IMO that is where the PS3 really shines. You have a lot more options with wheels, pads, keyboard, mice, fight and flight sticks, headphones, bluetooth technology, usb support, etc.

With MS everything has to be licensed and certified by them and that limits your options with peripherals. Example: I can use any FFB wheel (Logitech, Fanatec, Thrustmaster, MOMO, etc) with my PS3. With the 360 it's Fanatec or bust unless you're into plastic garbage (Madcatz over priced wheel) or low level wheels limited abilities (270 degrees of rotation, no clutch, gate shifter, FFB, rumble, etc).

I have them all (360, PS3, Wii and a gaming rig) and a ton of peripherals for all as well. I just hope some of my peripherals will be compatible with the new consoles when they are released.

mewhy324329d ago

Uhhh. OK. I have pc ,ps3, and 360 but that article sounded an awful lot like someone at Sony wrote it ROFL.

ALLWRONG4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

It's just begging to me

MaxXAttaxX4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

If you don't have a PS3 by now, then sadly you're missing out.
You either don't know what you're missing, are a fanboy or aren't that big of a gamer to care.

That's true.

This is a highly flammable article. I wish we could refrain from posting these.

thats_just_prime4329d ago

those are awful reasons.

1 free psn (you get what you pay for and xbl is ahead of psn in almost everyway)

2 blu ray ( you can buy one for like 50 dollars why pay 300 ?)

3 better exclusives (thats an opinion I like xbox games better myself)

4 controller is rechargeable (thats a good reason but once it does die its dead for good)

5 kinect isnt ready (isnt a reason to buy a ps3 it is a reason not to buy a kinect.

6 ps vita (what if you dont own or want a portable game system)



Just because someone is joining late doesn't mean this person don't care about exclusives or already have its favorite franchises that may be exclusive. People think that only the rich can be enthusiasts! Most people can't go out there and make day 1 buys all the time just because they like the games, a lot of people have to save money to keep this hobby.

Also, joining late or not, there a lot to consider... If you plan to play online, friends is a factor indeed, but also price and features. Not to mention non-game features that add value like media play capabilities, internet browser, etc.

The way I see, it's always up to games as choosing a console depends on what you want to play and multiplats are the same all around, so it's only natural to look at exclusives...

If someone really don't care about any exclusives I guess they'll just have to choose if they want to pay a little more to have a PS3 but add a Bluray player and have free online or choose to pay a little less for a 360 and have to pay for online but have more online features.

Other possibility is some people want motion controls... I would just get a Wii if I cared for that, as Wii have the biggest library of motion games. But some people may be looking for camera gameplay, Kinect has more appeal in that area...

Anyway, there's a lot to consider beyond what your friends play the most.

pandaboy4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )


Surely you wanted one for a reason or a variety of reasons though? It is rather imprudent to just want one for the sake of wanting. Imprudent and ignorant actually. Can't believe you got agrees for that... lulz n4g

Trebius514329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

If youre one of the dummies fighting this imaginary console war, and never bought a PS3 this generation, then you havent played some of the best games EVER in the history of gaming.

The reason i got my PS3 was because of the unquestionable 1st party support.

PS3 owns over 30 studios while Microsoft is sitting with just about 5. Theres just no contest when it comes to games.

The other reasons are just icing on the cake.

ALso, LOL@Thatsjustprime. Deluded much ... ?

GrandTheftZamboni4329d ago

One of the comments says:

"Xbox controllers are just as rechargeable as PS3′s, you just have to buy the rechargeable battery pack"

Some people shouldn't be allowed on the Internet ... or to have kids.

darthv724329d ago

why is it hard to believe that someone got one because they just wanted one? Truth be told I didnt get it for the bluray or the games. I really got one because i wanted one.

I own and still play every platform since pong (all the major ones and a few minor ones as well). I like collecting but more importantly, im a gamer at heart.

So if you want a reason other than I wanted one then i guess you can use the angle of "I have all the others so why leave this one out?"

IHateYouFanboys4329d ago

@Trebius51: "PS3 owns over 30 studios while Microsoft is sitting with just about 5. Theres just no contest when it comes to games. "

Care to show us a source for that pearler? You couldn't be further from the truth.

As of right now, Sony own 13 video game development studios (with a 14th that doesn't develop, but handles 2nd/3rd party exclusive relationships). Microsoft on the other hand currently own 19 video game development studios (with a 20th to handle 2nd/3rd party relationships). A large chunk of those were made in the last 2-3 years, and as such have not released a game yet.

Source - Sony developers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...
Source - Microsoft developers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

On the article - like someone said, how does an article like this even get approved? We're 7 years into the generation, if you haven't made your mind up by now, the only reason is price.

MaxXAttaxX4328d ago (Edited 4328d ago )

The proof is in the pudding when it comes to delivering games:

Despite the numbers, Sony makes good use of their studios, while Microsoft ruins good studios like Rare.

TCG_Returns4328d ago (Edited 4328d ago )


Sony currently have 18 first party studios (real link you happened to not post) http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Not counting the the various mini-teams part of SCE Japan studio.Also, not counting their various 2nd party devs who are essentially 1st party.

They had 20 as of last year, but they closed zipper/bigbig studios.

And how can you even consider THIS first party devs?

Microsoft Studios - Family – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios - Flight – Microsoft Flight
Microsoft Studios - Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios - LEAP – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios - Mobile Gaming – ilomilo
Microsoft Studios - Playful Learning – Untitled Project
Platform Next Studios – Untitled Project

Half of them aren't confirmed and the other half are making phone games or hardware apps lol.You truly a desperate kid.Always trying to further your fanboy agenda, mr hates fanboys *eye roll*

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4328d ago
EliteDave934329d ago

Like we dont already know PS3 is better right?

Playstation FTW!

chela4329d ago

didnt buy it, no regret.

JellyJelly4329d ago

I respect your opinion but I prefer the 360 myself.

xchamp4329d ago

Haha loving the agrees to this post, confirms that the site is pro PS3

Trebius514329d ago

Yeah .... this site is pro ps3 ... right ...

Just cause the majority see the PS3 as the better machine doesnt mean the site itself is pro sony. The fans have spoken... 360 just cant touch the ps3. Unless you love kinect shovelware, haha.

sGIBMBR4329d ago

Trebius51, as blind as they come... !

Ezio-Auditore004329d ago

You dont have to write this mate everybody has there own opinion. Your a disgrace to sony u clown

xursz4328d ago

I can't believe fanboy wars still exist. It's very, very sad. We're all gamers aren't we?

ape0074328d ago

me too, I like ps3 but 360 is better imo

thatdudesfrys4328d ago

Xchamp... Why don't you look at most of the likes and dislikes of the comments... It looks pro 360, idiot.

DasTier4328d ago

@thatdudesfry actually if you look at the likes and dislikes it just shows that most people are disagreeing with the blind fanboy comments, most of which are pro ps3. Maybe it would have made more sense to have written Playstation has more childish fanboys?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4328d ago
guitarded774329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

@ Shok

Exactly what I thought when I say the headline. Hell, if someone doesn't have one or both by now, they are not gamers anyway. And if anyone brings up the "I'm poor and eat government cheese" arguments, I'm gonna lose my mind. In the 6+ years the consoles have been out, you've had time to get a master's degree and a decent job, so STFU.

DragonKnight4329d ago

How could they get a masters degree if they can't afford the schooling?

guitarded774329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

@ DragonKnight

Ummm... Federal Student Loans. In the US you take out a low interest subsidized loan which you don't have to pay back until you finish school. The loan also doesn't collect interest. I know plenty of people who didn't work a day through college and all their bills where paid through loans. Oh and guess what. The worse off you are, the more money you're qualified for.


In many other countries, it's even easier to go to a university. I know foreign exchange students on a free ride from their country for being kinda smart. There are resources for everyone, but being lazy and retarded doesn't get you anywhere in life.

Ohh... look at the disagrees rolling in from the lazy and retarded. Apparently it does get you somewhere in life.

corrus4329d ago

This sounds like some fanboy

Trebius514329d ago

Why is he a fanboy for saying the truth ... ?

I think you sound like the fanboy for calling HIM a fanboy lol ...

Go kiss your 360 and tell it everything's going to be ok ... go play Kinectimals.

NewZealander4329d ago


kinect may be mostly for the kids but it sells insanely well, when sony has that wand thing...yeah move i think thats what it was called, it kinda failed to have any decent games, and it looks stupid.

and putting down kinectimals? ok again its for the kids, but whats sony got thats better? eyepet? LOL!

i own both consoles, i ONLY own ps3 for the exclusives, everything else i get on xbox, the online and marketplace poop all over sonys psn that still looks like its a freakin beta.

guitarse4329d ago

What would that matter, surely there are more cases for and against each console every year, with new features, hardware, games and partners making it a tougher choice for those consumers new to the console.

Anon19744329d ago

Shok said "It's 2012 and we're still getting articles like this?"

Indeed, Forbes is a little late to the party when it comes to considering the PS3 "not dead". Forbes certainly has a history of misleading statements with regards to Sony's PS3 console so for them to just now consider the PS3 as worth buying, I guess better late than never.

Forbes was always at the front, moaning about "slow" PS3 sales despite it selling far faster than the Xbox 360 (they never had an issue there). When the PS3 slim was launched and the price lowered, they bashed it saying it would never make a difference to PS3 sales. They were all over Sony at launch for selling the hardware at a loss.

Of course it's good of them to consider the PS3 when taking a break from filming their show for Fox News.

ThatsGaming4329d ago

I agree this gen is almost over... Doesn't matter anymore.

doogiebear4329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )

@ Shok:

yeah, because I know of people who are buying 360, yet are wondering why the awesome games they see on ps3 are not available for their 360. MS advertises very hard, yet provides less than stellar experiences (apart from 3rd party support). Also, they dont know about having to pay for xbox live until it's too late. When informed about the free nets from ps3, and the 40 plus exclusives of the last 2 years, it helps bring clarity to the consumer's decision making skills (since all they see is 360 ads that act as if games like COD are exclusive).

That's why.

yabhero4329d ago

I just got a PS3 last Friday and I've enjoyed a lot. It's one of the so called FAT PS3 and it looks awesome next to my Wii. I got it with Uncharted 3, but I bought 2 and haven't been able to stop. On thursday when my screen comes I will resume playing. Next week it's all about Uncharted and Skyward Sword. I think Gears Judgement and Halo 4 look cool... But I don't really see any other reason to own a 360. There are more exclusives here and PSN is free ( I'm going Plus, but still) and even for FPSes I prefer the joystick layout of PS3. As for Next Gen it's pretty obvious to me that WiiU will be able to support Unreal 4 and Luminous. It's already got CryEngine 3 and Fox Engine under it's belt. I love Nintendo so the exclusives like Zelda and whatever 3D Mario come salong will be great. Once WiiU does well it will have GTA and stuff. As for now, it's got all I want except for Watch Dogs. Rainbow 6 is coming, BLKOPS2 is coming, Pikmin, EA is on board and so is THQ, Vigil, Epic, WB games, Capcom, Namco. Super Smash is coming, Zelda, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect 3. My only big hope is that strong WiiU "core" gamer sales will encourage a GTA 5 port.
With my new PS3 and future WiiU I'll be covered for the next 4 years or so.

MostJadedGamer4329d ago

I will add a 7th reason. The 720 will probably come out in in late 2013 while the PS4 will probably come out in late 2014. The PS3 has more life left in it, and if your buying a console this late that is a very important factor.

Canary4329d ago

*looks at PS3 current library*
*looks at 360 current library*
*looks at PS3 release history*
*looks at 360 release history*
*looks at upcoming PS3 titles*
*looks at nothing*

How could -anyone- possibly see this as a fair contest between the two? The PS3 eclipsed the 360 a very, very long time ago. The only way people justify buying, or hell, even owning a 360 is "because my friends have it," or because they enjoy XBL for some reason.

tordavis4329d ago

OR because maybe they prefer Xbox exclusives over PS3 exclusives. Some people would rather play Halo than KZ and some would rather play Gears Of War over Uncharted. To each his own. There's no hard winner this gen besides Nintendo. People play what they want. It's as simple as that.

Canary4329d ago

Well, yeah, if you limit the games you're looking at to a single genre.

Ignoring quality entirely, and focusing on the two consoles solely in objective terms of library quantity and diversity, the PS3 is clearly ahead.

Bzone244329d ago

Lol. So it's quantity over quality now? Wow.

Canary4329d ago

Quality is subjective, but if you want to compare the quality of each library to the other, I'd say the gap between the two widens considerably.

tordavis4329d ago

Not entirely true. Xbox 360 has a ton of exclusives, especially stuff that came out prior to the PS3 launch like Project Sylpheed, Tenchu Z, Ace Combat 6, etc. Then you have the vast library of XBL arcade exclusives. If you think the Xbox is full of shooters, look at the PS3. Uncharted, Resistance, MGS4, Starhawk/Warhawk, Socom and Killzone are all exclusives and all shooters.

Looking at both systems OBJECTIVELY, it's clear that they both have a ton of exclusives, Sony is just putting out more at this point.

moparful994328d ago


Metal gear solid 4 is not a shooter lets get that straight. Also those titles represent a small part of Sony's massive catalog of exclusives. The uncharted series, heavy rain, little big planet, gran turismo 5, god of war 3, MLB the show, ratchet and clank, journey, flow, flower, mod nation racer, wipeout etc etc etc... I could keep going but the point is when it comes to diversity and quality Sony is where its at..

otherZinc4328d ago (Edited 4328d ago )


I'll add 1 more to tordavis's comment:
Some prefer a better online network than PSN.


You've just named some garbage exclusives except gran turismo 5 that was out matched by Forza 4. You can put:
Halo Wars, Fable, & Minecraft in there to name a few that aren't shooters.

moparful994327d ago

@otherzinc There's a reason you only have one bubble and your "subjective" comment points to that... SMH

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4327d ago
SheenuTheLegend4329d ago

the top reason is it have uncharted man

zeddy4329d ago

forget those other 5 reasons. the only reason to have ps3 is the games. if the 360 had the amount of great exclusives then i'd have that but it doesnt and relies on timed eclusives for demos and dlc, which is timed and the ps3 will get eventually.

TXIDarkAvenger4329d ago

Exactly, not too long ago I bought a PS3 and now I own all 3 consoles. You cannot go wrong with either console imo.

ferelinstincts4329d ago

Xbox 360 is 360x better than PS3.... EXPOSED!!!

: P


showtimefolks4328d ago

I will give you reasons to buy both xbox360 and ps3 so you can enjoy best of both world.

Mass effect 1,2,3
Gears 1,2,3,
Uncharted 1,2,3
crackdown 2
alan wake
fable 2,3
dead space 1,2
killzone 2,3
heavy rain
Yakuza 3,4 and dead souls
mirror's edge
star ocean
Dues ex
call of duty
borderlands 1,2
ni no kuni
assassins creed
asura wrath
ratchet and clank
ICO collection
god of war
grand theft auto
orange box
rayman origins
red dead redemption
nba 2k series
mlb the show
binary domain
final fantasy
MGS hd collection
Witcher 2
lego series

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4327d ago
wenaldy4329d ago

Where the hell have you been?????????

JBSleek4329d ago

It's 2012 and both have been out since 2005 and 2006. Just have both of them.

Ninjamonkey824329d ago

I like this persons answer that will be a bubble for you :).

Still for the life of me can't see the sense in the flaming and hate that goes on day in and day out. If you can afford it having as many options at hand is always the best choice.

It adds to your gaming horizion and makes sure you don't miss out on any the action as it comes round. Fanboy wars should have dead when Sonic jumped on Nintendo ;).

Snakefist304329d ago

Yeah I have both of them.But I prefer PS3 more than 360!!!

ChunkyLover534329d ago

I'd tell anyone to consider saving your money and just wait till the new consoles next year. Why waste $200-$300 when you can put that towards a next generation console? If rumors are true, according to that leaked Xbox 720 document, the next Xbox will have an SKU at $299.

I think the current consoles are at their saturation point, but if you are absolutely set on one, both have positives and negatives, so I'd say it depends on what your looking for as a gamer. People new to the Xbox 360 or PS3 will have HUGE back catalogs of exclusives and tons of other games.

CrazyInsane4329d ago

"I'd tell anyone to consider saving your money and just wait till the new
consoles next year" . I know this is your opinion but why should someone wait for something that isnt even announced ? There is no proof that next gen consoles will release in the next 2 years.So its better to get Ps3/Xbox and enjoy while waiting.

ChunkyLover534329d ago

Well this is strictly what I've said to a few people who asked me about game consoles recently. I would hate for someone to spend money on something like a console when there are most likely going to be new consoles released in less than a year and a half. If you've waited this long to jump into HD gaming, might as well wait for next generation.

Persistantthug4329d ago

ChunkyLover53, on Sunday morning said:

"If you think Watchdogs or Star Wars 1313 are current gen, you again need to wake up. I truly believe those are going to be next generation. "

And he also said

"1, 2 or 3 million of a particular game sold on a single console isn't anything spectacular. "

_____________________________ __________

Like I said,
This guy doesn't have a realistic perspective on business nor the realities of the video game industry......basically.

shadow27974329d ago

Wait, you don't think Watchdogs and Star Wars 1313 are next gen games?

Sure, they may bridge the generations and release on PS3 and 360, but they'll most definitely appear on next gen platforms.

CrazyInsane4329d ago

@Persistantthug He did have some good points but still it didnt make sense . @shadow2797 What makes you think these are next generation game ?

yabhero4329d ago

Just got a PS3 and I've been super satisfied... I have a lot of games to play...

As for next gen:

WiiU launches this fall...
The 8th generation officially starts Fall 2012.

ChunkyLover534329d ago


This idiot is still misquoting me, it must be rough that I sat you down so thoroughly.

What I said was that Watchdogs is probably a next generation title. Ubisoft would be under strict orders not to divulge any information about next generation platforms. It wasn't until people started to question what platforms it was supposed to release on that they said "Oh yea, Xbox 360 and PS3".

I have my doubts as to if it is current generation or not.

Also, he brought up the install base, I said considering the install base of these game consoles, 1, 2 or 3 million of a game sold isn't that impressive. Given that a lot of games have sold around that mark recently and haven't made a profit, I'd say I was right.

If you cant afford a new game console, don't blame me. I've had my Xbox 360 since 2005, PS3 since 2006 and Wii since 2006, I'm more than ready for new consoles.

kingofgames86u4328d ago

ps4 orbis and xbox durango will be released around xmas next yr

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4328d ago
Roccetarius4329d ago

And i'd say it would probably be a good idea to get a current gen console. Reason being that backwards compatibility doesn't seem to be likely (for Sony).

MS still needs to come forth with more details, so we don't know if that'll be BC.

dazzrazz4329d ago

1) PSN is free - but has 15 maintenance schedules per month
2)PS3 has Blu ray drive - don't care, don't buy movies
3)Better exclusives titles - problem is i haven't seen em so automatically i don't give a shit :)

4)The PlayStation 3 controller is rechargeable - but designed for 10 years old kid hands
5) The Kinect isn’t ready for the big leagues - who gives a finger about kinnect anyway

6)PS Vita, Sony’s latest and greatest hand-held gaming device - $ 300 for a gaming device that has not even one title that would remotely interest me at all

and that is my opinion

Not trying to bash on PS3 users but articles like that are completely pointless and i don't even understand how Forbes got into writing such a a junk

modesign4329d ago

1. this is the first maintanance since the psn was hacked over a year ago. your logic fails.
2. blu ray is used for more than movies, i know your not smart to realize ps3 games are on Blu Ray discs.
3. another halo lover cant find games on ps3, go back to stroking it to Gears of war.
4. the controller design is more popular with everyone.
5. kinect blows, that i can agree.
6. ps vita has a few worthy games, but it also does everything a mobile device does that the 3ds doesnt even come close to.

xPhearR3dx4329d ago

1. this is the first maintanance since the psn was hacked over a year ago. your logic fails.

PSN has maintenance all the time. Not 15 like he said, but this isn't the first.

2. blu ray is used for more than movies, i know your not smart to realize ps3 games are on Blu Ray discs.

The authors reason was primarily for movies but ALSO mentioned for games. For his primary reason, I don't care as I don't buy movies.

3. another halo lover cant find games on ps3, go back to stroking it to Gears of war.

Halo is meh, Gears is now meh, and so are many PS3 and 360 exclusives. 99% of the best games this gen have been multiplatform titles.

4. the controller design is more popular with everyone.

Riiiiight, which explains Nintendo blatant copy of the 360 controller as their Pro Wii U controller right?

5. kinect blows, that i can agree.

Motion gaming blows period.

6. ps vita has a few worthy games, but it also does everything a mobile device does that the 3ds doesnt even come close to.

Don't take about mobile gaming. Haven't for a long time.

Dms20124329d ago

Classic, he posted reasons why he was not interested in the Ps3, and you, much like most of your ilk, make it offensive and personal.

NewsForSnowflakes4329d ago


Bashing something then saying you're not bashing it doesn't automatically get you off the hook. If you weren't 'bashing' then you wouldn't need to pre-emptively defend yourself.

dc14329d ago (Edited 4329d ago )


Although I couldn't care less, I'm compelled to respond to your response. (N4G is great isn't it!)

To your response
1 - Its not 15 Scheduled Maintenance events, it more like .8 on avg with a down time of about 2 hours.

2 Blu-Ray industry is multi-billon; there are many, many folks who buy movies and 'care'

3 If you game, then you give a sh1* about game content and exclusives (whether 360,W11 or PS3)

4 The controls are find..very tired statement

5 and 6 I agree with you.

Peace and Love to all

DragonKnight4329d ago

1. Exaggeration is used when one doesn't have a legitimate point.
2. And obviously you don't play games either since the PS3's BR Drive is for games too.
3. You must not have any eyes if you can't see.
4. Dualshock design has won more industry awards than any other controller in the history of gaming, so yeah apparently you are disagreeing with experts.
5. Agree
6. $250, and that's your problem. No one else's

1. Better to have frequent maintenance windows, than to have one big one that causes problems you're fixing for a month.
2. Doesn't matter what his primary reason was as a primary function of the BR drive in the PS3 is gaming as well.
3. Debatable.
4. So? Again, DS design has won actual awards from actual experts. Nintendo is irrelevant to this conversation anyway.
5. Agree
6. Don't take about mobile gaming?

Rhythmattic4329d ago

2)PS3 has Blu ray drive - don't care, don't buy movies

But, do you watch movies in the cinema or on TV... Or steam them, maybe even Torrent them???

But you do watch movies yeh?

DontBanMeBro4329d ago

U must own a 360. No other reason for the crap that u just said

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4329d ago
Show all comments (230)

Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

Read Full Story >>
XiNatsuDragnel1d 6h ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga57m ago(Edited 56m ago)

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow19h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

OtterX2h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Tody_za2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno1h ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.


Sarah Bond dodges questions on Xbox studio closures

While on stage with Dina Bass at The Bloomberg Technology Summit the President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, was asked about the Xbox studio closures of Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios

23h ago
ApocalypseShadow19h ago

Of course she did. She's part of the problem and will just tow the company line.

VenomUK18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Bloomberg’s Dina Bass could barely read her scripted question without looking at her notes, whilst Sarah Bond who WAS expecting the question spoke without saying anything of substance or answering the question in any meaningful way. Clearly she’s had the same expert PR training as Phil, but this avoidance was disrespectful. In time the short-sighted decision to shut down Tango Gameworks will be seen as of the most notorious examples why Phil Spencer messed up his tenure in charge of Xbox. That’s a fully built out talented team that could’ve been put to work on any project.

Additionally, Phil Spencer should not be using Sarah Bond as a patsy for his mistakes- he should be answering that question.

gleepot15h ago

I think you are all really overselling Tangos value. Hi-Fi rush was a lot of fun. Ghostwire was incredibly dull. Evil within 1 and 2 were just okay.

lucasnooker15h ago

Evil within 2 was incredibly under rated. I thought that game was surprisingly good

NotoriousWhiz12h ago

Someone else said it best. I don't think it was a Phil decision. It was most likely a Satya decision. I think Microsoft is done giving out free money to Xbox.

Cacabunga9h ago

people please boycott Activision Bethesda next release and support Hellblade.
these people mus understand that they cannot treat their fans and employees that way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 9h ago
XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

Yikes you don't help Sarah 😬 making a problem worse

Christopher17h ago

She's playing her role. There's absolutely nothing any of them can say other than the truth, this is about profit margins and not quality, so they just don't answer anything and wait for gamers to forget.

shinoff21837h ago

I think news is coming of more ps5 release but they gotta be careful cause Xbox is still sitting on store shelves. They can't get left holding all that stock

Lightning775h ago

Come next month they'll flash nice looking games in our faces and expecting us to forget.

The only thing that'll be going through my mind at their showcase is how many of those studios will get shut down after release.

I'm not joking around either. MS probably expects every game to be like COD and do COD numbers. What a way to destroy gaming for the entire industry because they're dumb af at being realistic in what success means for each game.

-Foxtrot4h ago

Always feels she was brought in / promoted for this. Happened just before things started to be out in motion.

Phil and co have someone to throw under the bus and share the blame with

zaanan8h ago

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Hofstaderman18h ago

Like a deer caught in the headlights.....

notachance18h ago

I always wondered why xbox had multiple leaders with similar titles like Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, like, how many heads do you actually need?

Seems to me it would be more cost efficient to cut 2 of them instead of all those studios.

DarXyde17h ago

Frankly, I suspect she is the most competent of them. I don't mean that I like her more, I mean that she's the best at articulating herself and giving the talking points MS wants to give. The others are starting to sound more like her than her sounding like any of them.

Are any of these people "responsible" for what's happening? No. This reeks of Nadella. But that being said, I don't see any of the Xbox heads stepping down in protest.

"Don't shoot the messenger", sure, but at the same time, the messengers don't seem to take umbrage with the message. Not enough to remove themselves from it, anyway.

CS74h ago

I disagree. Nadella is looking for profit as a CEO should in my opinion.

The problem is Dr. Phil & Co. had 10 years to bring Xbox back on track and have been failing woefully.

Phil needs to sell to Nadella that if we are to make a profit, we need to make great games. And to do that we need employees here for the long haul and the freedom to work on creative projects.

But as Phil said himself he doesn’t believe great games sell consoles.

RpgSama10h ago

Dude, 100%, forgot Major Nelson and Aaron Greenberg, like what is the point for all these suits? They have more C-level executives than games released in a generation.

This is just so they can all pass along the hot potato one at a time and in between all of them can say a lot without actually saying anything, misinformation at its finest.

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The Games Industry Continues To Wonder What Is The Point Of Its Own Existence

While many gaming layoffs are cruel, Tango Gameworks being culled after Hi-Fi Rush doesn't even make sense.

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Psychonaut851d 4h ago

Good read. I think the point is important. Cuz the message it sends is, make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down. How the fuck are you supposed to feel any sense of job security under those conditions. The level of core incompetence at play in the upper levels of this industry is staggering. This is common sense shit. You can’t chase trends on a 2 year cycle when games take fucking 6-8 years to make. Just let artists fucking art for gods sake. They don’t understand the basic principle that they’re all haggling for the same slice of fucking pie and the market will not bear it. Find a different fucking pie.

TiredGamer1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

Might be a great game but it clearly did not make enough money to justify having the team make another game (under the MS umbrella).

It's never been just about whether your game is good or bad. The industry is full of great/underrated games that have a cult following or critical acclaim, but that fail to make great sales. Sad but true. It's a high stakes game, and at the end of the day, companies have to be profitable and make profitable investments. At the very least, there has to be the expectation of a long-term profit even if not profitable today. That goes for anything, no matter if the company is gigantic or a tiny mom-and-pop. We don't have to like it, but our buying habits played a hand in creating this monster.

I will keep harping that the industry has overreached its actual market and that it will implode. That implosion is already starting.

ApocalypseShadow20h ago

I partially agree with what you're saying in that companies need to sell well to make it in the industry. Something I've said again and again. Sony and Nintendo understand this about gaming by selling the game for as long as you can, then drop it on a service for additional revenue. It's why you won't see Sony and Nintendo expensively developed games on a service day one. It doesn't make business sense to do so.

The thing is about Tango is that they weren't given a chance after the acquisition when their game was shadow dropped on a console where gamers are told to not buy games but to rent them on a service for pennies. That kills day one sales even for small indie like developers who have big budgets for their company size.

Microsoft destroyed them in favor of pushing their services over investing in these developers futures or their games they created.

P_Bomb22h ago

“…make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down.”

I got chills. It shouldn’t have come to this.