
The Last of Us trailer is revealing of tired game tropes

The emphasis on violence and dehumanization in The Last of Us trailer reveals the narrative crutches of video games.

DaveMan4531d ago

Except Naughty Dog has said, "This isn't your average violent zombie game!!! But rather a game that's about survival, and the love of the man, and the young girl to make it through these post apoclayptic times."

But of course everyone loves to rag on Naughty God.

DaveMan4531d ago

No, intentional slip :P


Its safe to assume that your comment got this many dislikes because at least 2/3 of N4G is too dumb to know what a Freudian slip is.
for what its worth, i lol'd

nveenio4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

No, I think they disagreed because "Naughty God" is more defining of the team at Naughty Dog than their actual name is.

On topic, movies also "suffer" from this. But if you're watching movies for some artistic experience, you're missing out on some pretty sweet entertainment.

To blend the two together, Naughty Dog is great at giving some already hashed out ideas a new fire when it comes to video games. Hence the name "Naughty God".

Also, "Dog" = "God" backward....

morganfell4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

The only thing tiring are nickle and dime malcontents and their cheap, weak, and ultimately failed stabs at game journalism.

For every game genre that some adolescent with internet access laments is overdone, there are a hundred websites and penny ante blogs run by whiners, imbeciles, and extraordinary jackasses who wouldn't know real game journalism if it popped out of the toilet and bit them in their backside.

These loathsome instigators endlessly lament over titles which they fail to understand, about which they possess minimal information, or find not to their liking. They never once sit down and attempt to understand the title and its intended audience nor do they write a preview or review from the point of those millions of buyers who do prefer such games.

Instead every piece that should be objective and written for the reader is little more than the angry opinion of a self appointed and demented child king that failed to get the flavor of pudding he wanted for supper and now stumbles around the house slinging food and dribbling from the chin.

I want to see the crystal ball such morons use to predict the future of a game concerning which they have little to no knowledge. Then I want to take that same crystal ball and award them a much deserved bash on the head with it as punishment for their public display of stupidity.

The articles from such personages are little more than cannon fodder. If not angst ridden teenage diatribe it is the ever moronic "Top 5 this...." or hit inducing flamebait that, never meant to inform but rather serve as an outlet for some failed, disgruntled juvenile that lacks their own game development skills.

Yes Virginia there is indeed something tired in all of this. It is the fact true insight, wit, and service to the game community is far more scarce than a good game. We have had plenty of those this year from Gears 3 to Uncharted 3 and beyond. Yes, sequels that have more life and enjoyment in them than any game based article in recent memory.

Before these pretenders to the game journalism throne sit down in haste with their panties in a wad over some other perceived injury at the hands of a developer, they need to go take a long look in the mirror and bear witness to something gamers find truly tiring.

Skizelli4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

@morganfell: I see where you're coming from, but I trust Bitmob's journalism completely (where official staff is concerned). If you didn't know, it was co-founded by Dan Hsu, who has been known for speaking his mind about the journalists you speak of. This is obviously an opinion piece; nothing to take to heart and discredit them for. While I partly agree with it, I've also learned not to judge a movie or video game by its trailer.

Diver4530d ago

dude dan hsu is one of the worst ever.

the ps3 outsold the 360 worldwide from the day it launched. you can look at the official numbers. but dan hsu was editor of egm and just 3 months into the ps3 launch he chose a cover for egm that would be published 2 months later. that cover showed a ps3 with a tomato slammed against and asked what went wrong with the launch. he said in his editorial that he laughed when he showed it to some sony executives.

remember thas just a few months into the ps3 launch an it had not yet launched in the eu, just the us and japan. and it still outsold the 360 launch but he never asked what went wrong with that.

in all his time there he never put a picture of a 360 on the cover with a rrod. a billion dollars was dropped on that. he never asked what went wrong there. no, dan hsu is the last guy you should have brought up. no integrity at all.

IcarusOne4530d ago

disagree with Morganfell and others.

It's not flamebait to ask that the people writing our games strive to a higher level. I don't expect groundbreaking from ND. I expect the best of very well established formulas. They don't reinvent the wheel as much as they polish it and make it gleam.

But I agree with the author that, from the trailer at least, the tone of The Last Of Us may have missed some great opportunities to elevate game writing. Only time will tell.

Lifeequals424527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

@morganfell This is about as far away from the standard "preview" piece as you can get. As far as its front page material (and especially among Staff), Bitmob shies away from the standard reviews/previews cycle and for good reason--everyone else does it and it's boring. I'd say that "games journalism" needs more of this--real, genuine, criticism--over fawning adoration from individuals who consider themselves "press."

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4527d ago
h311rais3r4531d ago

People rag on naughty dog because their fan base hails them as gods. And it gets irritating. They're games are great but there are far better

jdfoster4531d ago

They don't believe me... You should check out the ND forums once in a while. Pros and cons. Ups and downs. Praise and criticism.

Faztkiller4531d ago

IMO their games are the best Uncharted 2 is the best game ever made imo

Biggest4531d ago

"People rag on naughty dog because their fan base..."

Oh! That makes perfect sense! You attack a thing because of some other thing. I think I'll go punch a baby in the face because their mom keeps telling me how awesome it is!

MysticStrummer4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

They're hailed as gods because they're one of the best development teams in the world. They have a long track record of new IPs and great games. Go ahead and name games you think are "far better". Guess what? Your list will be your opinion, not the truth.

OT- The people at Bitmob could spend the rest of their lives writing articles about games that feature "tired game tropes", but somehow I don't think they will.

Pyscho_Mantis4531d ago

so why does that make you so angry....they have fans that think they are the best and it is their fans opinion. They do not care about your opinion and likewise their opinion should not bother you....when you get angry over ones opinion (unless it is ridiculously stupid ) you are slowly becoming the spite of the gaming industry the disease.

undercovrr4531d ago

I agree some games are better, but 'far better'...no. You sir don't appreciate great games if you believe your statement.

chainer30004531d ago

@ Biggest

Bubbles for intelligence / well said. Nice way to put that.

Anyone who doesn't give credit to ND for making some of the best games this generation baffles me. Personally UC goes up there with Mass Effect and Skyrim (though they have longer, more fleshed out campeigns) for me, these are games that I cannot wait for.

ziggurcat4531d ago

@ pc_masterrace: lol epic... if there's anyone more guilty of tired tropes it's those idiots.

BIGBOSS084530d ago Show
Ser4530d ago

"Far better?"

Uh...I don't know about "far better."

Naughty Dog are pretty top tier when it comes to crafting entertaining video game experiences. You're just mad, bro.

Rageanitus4530d ago

They are NOT gods but they are the only developer this generation that has pushed CHANGE.

Have you seen any platformer out their that has incorporated cinematic feel, puzzles, good graphics, and descent acting... NO...

Sorry but games like Mario/Sonic/Tombraider are old school now.

What I don't understand is the praise from Bungie.. Sorry I played All the HALOS and they are pretty much generic shooters. But thexbox fanbase loves to think they are gods. Hell they even gave them technical achievement for Halo Reach just because it was Halo and xbox exclusive.... when there already exists way tooo many games much better technically.

GTRrocker4530d ago

Crash Bandicoot for the Playstation 1 is the greatest game ever created. It is even better than Skyrim or that Arkham City bullshit. Bethesda and Rockstar will all shit their pants when the Crash Bandicoot HD Remix is made. All hail Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog be praised.

Razmossis4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

There are plenty better games out there than Uncharted.

Like Bioshock, which actually has a story, unlike Uncharted which only has a theme.

Or Batman, which actually has good varied gameplay, leveling up and unlocking things that change how you play the game... unlike Uncharted, which just gives you a section where you climb, a section where you shoot, and a section where you solve the most simple (time consuming and boring) puzzle ever.

Or Metal Gear, whose characters actually have backstories and reasons for being the way they are and doing the things they do... unlike Uncharted with its cheesy one dimensional characters, whose lives we know very little about, they just always end up hunting treasure at the same time as 'the bad guy', you kill a thousand faceless mercenaries and destroy ancient cities to do so, and still end as the good guy.

It's full of bad dialogue, with an unoriginal and predictable plot, and its musical score is lackluster with no definitive melody.

What it does have is great graphics and technically awesome set pieces.

What The Last Of Us needs is the same technical mastery as Uncharted, but with the great story telling aspect of Bioshock (they have plenty of talking points now, since they made a post apocalyptic world with mutants running around).
They need to tell us more about the characters (why have 'they' survived, how did they meet, what did he used to do before all this etc).
They need to add new gameplay elements, survival elements, character progression, new toys to unlock throughout the game. If all we end up doing is climbing and shooting then it's just Uncharted with a new skin.

I'd also really prefer if the game was more open world (not necessarily sandbox), just not a linear A to B game... this would encourage more varied gameplay styles.
Imagine at some point in the story Ellie gets hurt, and you need to leave her to find a hospital for medical supplies... the street is full of mutants, you could find a way to sneak past them? Go down a different street? Blast through them risking your ammo supply? Or perhaps even go into the sewer to get past them, and down there you find more survivors (sort of like a resistance, planning to attack someday) safe underground because the mutants need sunlight?
This route could reveal more story by talking to the people you find? Or they could give you supplies, etc?

IMO this kind of game is much better than an A to B Uncharted style game.

Tonester9254530d ago

Who makes far better games?

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El_Barto4531d ago

What would you expect them to say? "Our game is cliche and we took a risk by doing a game in an supersaturated genre?"

So it's a survival zombie game that is going to focus more on a story element, I'm still not sensing a lot of originality in it.

CaveMan4531d ago

Yeah because how MANY games involve a man and a teenage girl surviving in post apoclayptic world that involves a serious, and an emotional narrative?

You say super saturated, but please name games that are like my description above?

L4D, Dead Island, Dead Rising, etc. are all zombie games yes, but there simply arcade zombie games that have stupid or silly narratives.

MrDead4531d ago


Its not worth replying to El_Barto, just look at his comment history he hates anything Sony. He has no intrest in games just what console they are on.

El_Barto4531d ago Show
Lionhead4531d ago

Why are you trolling this game so much if you have no interest?

Modern War type games are more over-saturated to the mainstream market than a Survival game is. If this is true survival like Naughty Dog makes it seem than there is a wide array of possibilities for originality.

I just don't understand how you can be so judgmental when nothing has been shown yet, and you know very little. Seems just as ludicrous as those proclaiming it GOTY already.

undercovrr4531d ago

Its ok El Barto, maybe Santa will give you a ps3 for Christmas this year.

Silly gameAr4531d ago

El_Barto haunts Playstation articles and spews nothing but negativity. It's best to pay him no mind in these articles, because nothing seems to be good enough for the kid when it comes to anything PS3 related.

I have faith in Naughty Dog and I know they're going to bring their A game as usual. Best not to judge The Last of Us until we know more about it. It's funny how bitmob thinks they know how the game and the story will play out when they probably know as little as we do about it.

Dee_914531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

@ el_barto
Every shooting game is the same .. every open world rpg is un-original oh and dont get me started on sports games. Madden is so unoriginal .. every single game is so unoriginal and have been done before. No games are good..
Your logic is the equivalent of a 5 year old's.
go sit on your hands clown

ziggurcat4531d ago

"So it's a survival zombie game that is going to focus more on a story element, I'm still not sensing a lot of originality in it."

... except they've explicitly said that it's *not* a zombie game...

ThatOneGuyThere4530d ago

The survivor horror game has been done. But why frown on a studio for making a better one? one that is more in line with what we want to see out of a survivor horror game? I honestly don't get you people.


i completely agree. i think that if youre open to the idea of yet another zombie lead-fest, this game will be one for the books! but it doesnt change the fact that the idea itself is incredibly cliche.
with that said, i dont think its THAT crazy for ND to be doing survival horror. what genre nowadays isnt played out to an insane degree?
either way, im really glad bitmob posted this article, because it gave me a chance to sit down and take a look at one of the best looking games in a looong time. just look at those visuals! ND is nothing but a story for the heart, and a feast for the eyes! if anybody can do cliche and make it shine, im pretty sure its all ND.

tarbis4530d ago

Can somebody pls give this guy his angry birds?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4530d ago
MsclMexican4531d ago


There honestly has been one trailer....


And already someone is complaining about it...

"Oh... its just another zombie game"

Here is the problem with zombie games, truth is Zombies are just used as some ploy or gimmick..

Look we have Yakuza of the dead, Dead Rising 2:Off the record, Cod Zombies, Plants vs Zombies, etc.

However the difference is that those games are about killing zombies.

The Last of Us is not...

This guy I complaining this is another game about killing zombies. He says the road is more emotionally compelling.

Let me explain the reason Joel cocked his revolver. Its not cuz "He wants to kill em all". Its because they have no choice. These creatures are superhuman. Joel and Ellie could not have taken them all on. That is why they made the ploy. Joel cocks his gun inorder for the mutant to approach him, thus giving Ellie an opportunity to stun the creature by stabbing it repeatedly with a knife, thus allowing Joel to get a clear shot on his head allowing them to escape.

They made the plan because if not, they are screwed, they can't just sneak away because these things were in close proximity. And by killing of one it lowers there numbers as the creatures hunt in groups.

This games not focused on killing crap. The focus is about a bond between two strangers, both surviving in a ruined world. But the story is about love. Not romance, but a tale similar to the love a father has for his daughter.

Some of the sketches and art is riveting. Joel and Ellie laughing around a campfire, walking amoungst deer on what used to be a busy free way, hiding from other survivors who only care about survival and will kill anything that moves.


This is why Im so excited for this game.

Naughty Dog did not make any mistakes in narrative or are they showing "tired troupes" in story telling. The mistake belongs to the writter of this article who just quickly dismissed this as "just another zombie game"

Hell might as well argue that Bioshock Infinite is not emotionally compelling based on the first trailer released. It was one trailer.

ND has impressed both an Acadamy Award winning composer and now he is making the music for this game(which sounds downright awesome) and HIdeo Kojima.

They must be doing something right... no scratch that


DigitalRaptor4531d ago

Very, VERY well said!!!

It's nice to see someone who gets it! :)

El_Barto4531d ago

This is N4G, so you expect people to take up arms for everything Sony related. I don't think it's a good idea for a game, but I'm sure it's a "Day one buy" for all the people here /s

Didn't Dead Rising 2 have a character fighting zombies to save his daughter? Doesn't every zombie game have characters trying to survive?

It's Naughty Dog, they did Uncharted 2 and blew everyone away, but we have been blown away by developers before and one hit doesn't always follow with more or better games or ideas for that matter.

Everyone attacks the article writer for speaking his opinion like it's wrong 100%, how can someones honest opinion be wrong? It's right for him/her and that's all there is to it.

I personally feel survival horror and especially zombie/mutant games have been done to death.

Will I be getting it? of course not. Will the game be a success? I don't know, a lot can happen between now and when the game is released. I do know survival horror and zombie games tend to be niche titles.

4531d ago
MsclMexican4531d ago Show
4530d ago
schlanz4530d ago

Did that fool seriously compare The Last of Us to Dead Rising?!?


Go back to the bridge you came from.

MsclMexican4530d ago Show
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4530d ago
kaveti66164531d ago

I don't like to rag on Naughty Dog. They're a great studio.

But I will rag on people who call them "Naughty God."

Why o why4531d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

Word play dude...lighten up. What is it with some guys. Why do some peoples love of things annoy others. Do you really think He thinks they are diety. I saw somebody getting pissed because somebody else said they loved a game/dev...how on earth do people get pissed or annoyed over that or take peoples hyperbole as literal speak other than that the praise was heaped on something on a console that wasnt their prefered one. People need to look at themselves for real. The people i mention should just end their comments with 'humbug'.

Why o why4530d ago


i like good sports more than i dislike party poopers

Pintheshadows4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

This thread sucks. The headline is deliberately inflammatory so we argue over games when we're all gamers. We're here for the same reasons. It's fine to have different tastes and enjoy different things but why bring it down for others.

This weed is nice.

Love to all gamers in this jolly season. Where heavy set people wearing red with grey beards can break into your house. Does that seem right to you?

Jayjayff4531d ago

What has me dumbfounded is the fact that this is the same trailer where we our main character beating up another survivor for his resources, a perfectly normal human being how do you humanize that anymore ? let alone that we don't really know the characteristics of the infected, those 3 might not represent the whole of the infected.

Hicken4530d ago

Is that what Joel did? You really don't know. None of us do, yet.

We came into that scene after the conflict had already begun, so it might have been some sort of negotiations that broke down, or that the other guy attacked Joel first. Perhaps he made some uncouth remarks in regard to Ellie, something that made him fear for the girl's life.

We've seen a very short trailer, and people everywhere are more than eager to tear it apart.

The author of this article assumes a hell of a lot on about two minutes of first look trailer. And your comment is really assuming that the article is correct in its assumption, which, based on ND's own words, it isn't. Then there are people like El_Barto and j-blaze above who are little more than trolls (and little more may be stretching it, as it is). Then there are the types like Gespent below who decide they can use one phrase or one instance from a game and make a blanket statement deriding them all (I mean really? You're looking for moral maturity in ALL video games? Don't forget: they're a form of entertainment; do you ask for the same "maturity" out of all movies?).

Instead of all this speculation built on speculation, why not wait until there's actually enough game out to judge?

Jayjayff4530d ago

@Hicken mnhhhhh that's true, i guess i did went over my head while picturing the whole trailer, but when it comes to the man being a human i guess there i can't go wrong.... yet then again he might have qualities that would really shy away the fact that he is human.

LedZeppelin4531d ago

I love how this guy wrote an entire article after one trailer. Jeez at least wait for some real gameplay or something

wsoutlaw874531d ago

lol what a silly article. Hes calling out The last of Us because what, he wishes there was no violence and in the game you just hid as if you were scared, but your not because its just a game. Movies and games are different. Moral issues work better in movies not gameplay, because its just a game. The monsters add a different dimension to the gameplay. No one said it was supposed to be "The Road"

Troll-without-Bridge4530d ago

Their games are usually built on cliches though.

ThatOneGuyThere4530d ago

I hate Honda. Their cars are usually build with wheels.

ForROME4530d ago

I have a great idea - how about we play the game first before we decide if its typical

Its not like ND is going to say their game is like anyone elses, but it very well may be different

cyguration4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

I see these kind of comments alot but usually most people are right in their first judgments of a game.

Given that it's Naughty Dog the game could be different but there's that striking gut feeling that it's Uncharted with vegetable zombies.

There are people saying that XCOM and Syndicate will be great games and we shouldn't "judge them before playing them" but both games look mundane and like Modern Syndicate and XCOM: World Warfare.

The gameplay trailers don't look enticing for either game...gameplay wise.

As for the Last of Us, it's hard to tell because it is an oversaturated genre...we've got Amy coming out that's basically the same thing except without vegetable zombies. I Am Alive is also somewhat similar, though vegetable zombies are replaced with post-apocalyptic zombies.

The main thing determines on how ND approaches the combat, the pace and the gameplay diversity. I think it's the last part that most people are afraid of.

syanara4530d ago

The article talks about de-humanizing the enemy but doesn't mention the other enemy besides the zombies, other survivors. if you want the ultimate humanization of an enemy in a video game, try other apocalypse survivors trying their best to make their way in whats left of the world. the desperation shown from them should be exactly what your looking for.

cyguration4530d ago

A little like the survivors in Limbo?

Don't mind that giant scary spider, look out for the guy with the hard-hat and the blow-dart.

Hicken4530d ago

The infected may not be completely mindless zombies, but they likely follow some patterns that are easy to read. More likely than not, instinct is a strong determining factor in their actions, and once you have a handle on that, you can predict what they'll do.

Other humans? There's NO telling what they'll do. They may have lost all hope, be concerned only with themselves, have some half-cocked ideas, be completely out of their minds, or have the same motives and goals as you. And no matter what, they're ALL dangerous, because even if you meet on the nicest terms, they could stab you in the back- literally- for your resources, or because they think you were going to attempt it first.

That's definitely not something you have to worry about in other "zombie" games, yet that, and the relationship between Joel and Ellie, are said to be the focus of this game.

Funny, though, cuz most of the people in here just wanna say "It's a zombie game. Those things are zombies and you fight em. Zombie, zombie, zombie." But does a game with zombies automatically make it a "zombie game?" And is everything remotely similar to a zombie actually a zombie?

ALL the Disgaea games have zombies in em, both as enemies and allies.

geddesmond4530d ago

Instead of being happy for a game that looks very interesting. He needs to have a big cry about it. Why the big cry?

Many gaming Journalists have some real issues and people wonder why we get sequel after sequel in gaming. Maybe its because when a new IP does come along, theres people in the gaming industry that don't be kind to the ideas.

KonGreat4530d ago

I thought most zombie themed media is originally supposed to be about survival?

showtimefolks4530d ago

Look devs like ND,bungie,bioware,Kojima production,sucker punch etc,,,,, knows what they are doing. You name me one top of the class dev team that did zombie gener or post apocalyptic gener justice? Don't say capcom with RE because even RE series has had it's share of problems.

I am legend

Or that UBI game I am alive which is now a download title only and has changed up big time from what I read. We all know ND are the #1 dev team in gaming and that's a fact not an opinion. They have done 3 great game series and now on to the 4th.

If the first 3 have not disappointed us what makes you think this will. This game has been in development for over 2 years by the time it comes out it will be about 3 plus years that's enough time for ND to do perfection look at uncharted 2 which was done in 18 months granted it was a sequel but 18 months for what many consider the best game of this gen now come on man

We will see people questioning ND till this comes out so more power to y'all I will wait and see and when ND are saying it's not another zombie game I will take them for their worse it's not like their ever lied to us before

cyguration4530d ago

I can't agree that ND is the best in the business when they haven't done a triple A open world, racing or RPG game yet.

While Uncharted is the best game series in the genre I can't say ND are the best ever when they haven't really proven they can tackle other subject matter like Heavy Rain, Grand Theft Auto or L.A. Noire.

zerocrossing4530d ago

Me thinks this article be trollin.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4527d ago
THR1LLHOUSE4531d ago

I do trust Naughty Dog to make a good game, but I'm really gonna have to see more than a cool trailer to get interested in another zombie game.

Especially after that last zombie game with a cool trailer...

DaveMan4531d ago

Please read this: http://playstationlifestyle...

Again, Naughty Dog has specifically said this is NOT a zombie game! They said if this was a zombie game they wouldn't have shown the zombies, making them more of a focus. They didn't do that. They simply went here's how are zombie sounds like, here's how they look like.

Again, it's a survival and love story. Not a run around with your 12 gauge shotgun and shoot anything that moves.

SybaRat4531d ago

...with zombies. Running zombies. By another name.

I'm curious why that's automatically considered a bad thing.

THR1LLHOUSE4531d ago

It's a game with zombies in it. That makes it a zombie game as far as I'm concerned. I don't care if it's not Left 4 Dead, it's still a game in which zombies play some sort of large role.

Large meaning they're important to the plot/setting/whatever, even if it's not ten straight hours of zombie shooting or whatever.

And if Naughty Dog is saying "It's not a zombie game, it's a love story!" that's blatant PR spin. Every studio does that, and I'm not gonna buy it until I see more from the game.

MysticStrummer4531d ago

I'm a huge fan of zombie related entertainment. I don't consider these creatures zombies any more than the ones in Dead Space. Those aren't zombies. Doesn't matter though. The same people who eat up another sci-fi story about aliens will hate on this, calling it out for re-imagining older ideas, just like 99% of all existing games do. It's just the nature of the hater.

Infernostew4531d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again... all zombies are undead but not all undead are zombies.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4531d ago
DigitalAnalog4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

Seriously SSS, are you too damn insistent with your notion that even a direct quote from the CREATORS themselves still doesn't convince you? By that logic I insist that the Kinect is just a USB camera... really it's just a camera as far as I'm concerned.

cyguration4530d ago

Dude, Kinect is just a USB camera...hook it up to your PC and you can use just like...a USB camera.

And yes, just because it's a vegetable zombie doesn't make it a non-zombie. I think when the average gamer sees vegetable zombie they'll assume "Oh it's just another zombie game".

I think I do agree with SSS that the creator's saying it's not another zombie is PR spin. Gameplay trailers are what's telling because didn't 2K say that XCOM is just like X-Com when both games are absolutely nothing alike? (and I'm not talking about XCOM being an FPS)

Sadie21004531d ago

I'm not sick of zombies yet! :)

Imalwaysright4531d ago

Me neither. Im still waiting for a worthy successor to RE4.

crazytown994531d ago

I'm waiting and seeing on this one, but like the author, I'm pretty skeptical.

GribbleGrunger4531d ago

if Sony invented the fountain of eternal youth these sties would complain that the water didn't come out fast enough

xtremexx4531d ago

gotta complain about something lol

CaveMan4531d ago

And it's idiotic that this game somehow becomes a scape goat.

This game looks brilliant, yet people still find a reason to shit on it. I mean everything sounds SO DAMN good about this game;

-Great looking graphics (tweaked UC3 engine)
-Oscar Winning Composer (Gustavo Sanotalla)
-Emphsis on surving, and the relationship between the 2 characters
-More wider enviorments, and exploration than Uncharted (according to preview)
-Naughty Dog

Still people will call this a worthless zombie game. Ugh. Even if it was a generic zombie game (which it's not). Then it'll be the best generic zombie game in the industry.

christheredhead4531d ago


Game looks brilliant? If you could link me to some gameplay that would be great. All I've seen is the trailer. I haven't got to see the actual game yet.

SnotyTheRocket4530d ago (Edited 4530d ago )

I'm pretty sure every PS3 owner who has seen the trailer is pumped, why, you might ask? They played Jak and Daxter, Crash, and Uncharteds 1, 2, and 3. They make spectacular games and DESERVE the hype and praise because they are one of the best.

h311rais3r4531d ago

Well according to Sony fan boys the ps3 is a fountain of youth....

a_bro4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

well considering the amount of exclusive the PS3 had this year and previous years, it really is a fountain of youth, and its pretty refreshing as well, you should jump in while the water is clean....

pc_masterrace4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

more like the fountain of exclusives. the games just keep flowing. harr

MysticStrummer4531d ago

Fountain of fun that can't be had on any other platform.

insomnium24531d ago

Are you really this much of a fanboy hellraiser?

You REALLY should've been here in the beginning of this gen. I wonder what your opinion of the gaming journalism and gaming in general would've been.

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crazytown994531d ago

That sounds more applicable to Valve than Sony.

Rageanitus4530d ago

Their are many haters for Sony out their, because Sony made products in the past that are proprietory and overpriced.... yes over priced at times but I have not seen another company that has pushed change.

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The Sounds of the Fireflies ("The Last of Us") concert kicks-off on April 28th, 2024

"The Game Music Foundation are today very proud and pleased to announce an additional concert, circling back to the roots of Game Muisic Festival in Poland. On April 28th, 2024, the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw will once again become a place to celebrate the art of video game music, featuring scores from The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II." - The Game Music Foundation.


The Last Of Us Series Has Remarkable Potential For Spin-Offs

Najam from eXputer writes "It's time fore a new installment in the series, not another pointless remaster."

anast100d ago

They are working on something new. Not to be rude but it is impossibility stupid to think ND next major announcement is going to be a remaster or their next Last of Us entry is going to be another remaster.

AlterRecs97d ago

I think this is in response to them releasing a remaster for the sequel, a game that didn't need a remaster.

Basically a "why did you put out a remaster no one asked for when you have all there options available"

anast97d ago

They remaster is to put out something quick while they are deving new stuff. I don't get how people can be so static.

AlterRecs96d ago

There's no news about a third game being in production, you're just assuming that they're working on something that they aren't

anast96d ago

When they release the news to start the hype-train, you can give me my props then.

DrDoomer100d ago

I want an alternate timeline spin-off, where part 2 never happened.

CrimsonWing69100d ago

They’ve already done Remasters of 1 and 2… what else is there to Remaster?

AlterRecs97d ago

Considering they remastered the first game twice, who knows lol

CrimsonWing6997d ago

That was a Remake. I guess they could do that to 2, but man…. They should wait a couple generations so it can look like a major upgrade.


The Last Of Us Online Devs Celebrate Their Experience With The Canceled Game

The team is sad for losing out on such a great project but celebrates its growth because of spending time on it.

Chocoburger145d ago

All they had to do was make a basic online mode like their previous games. Instead they wanted more money and choose to go live service which makes games worse in my opinion.

What a waste of time and money, what a shame.

seanpitt23100d ago

I can't wait for season 2 so they can kill Joel off in the first 2 episodes!! Then it will be just Abby and Ellies revenge plot!

Something is telling me that this won't happen though because it wouldn't make sense, oh wait

Linzoid144d ago

Not sure why they didn’t just make Factions 2. There was no need to make it a live service.

TLoU Factions was a great addition such a shame they couldn’t be bothered to remaster that for PS5 considering the crazy high price tag of the remaster of a remaster…

anast144d ago

This is something to be celebrated. This studio is smart and they get it, even factions 2 wouldn't've have been worth the time. I am surprised they didn't just remaster the first one though, but actually how popular was Factions?