
Could Xbox 360 handle Infamous 2?

Infamous 2 couldn't be done on Xbox 360 - despite the fact that the game is currently only using around half of the PS3's power.

That's according to Sucker Punch game designer Darren Bridges, who told CVG that he believes the cell processor of PS3 gives it the kind of power other consoles can only dream of.

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MGRogue20174991d ago

Simple answer: No, Because that system doesn't have the CELL processor.

Dragun6194991d ago

Technically, No. 360 Doesn't have the Cell processor that Sucker Punch are Utilizing in the PS3 for Infamous 2.

CivAddict4991d ago

That is just one part of why the PS3 is so much more graphically powerful than the Xbox 360.

The Broadband Engine(Cell) chip
The crazy fast RAM the PS3 has and the 360 doesn't
The 25/50GB BluRay
The RSX and its much more powerful pixel pushing power

All that adds up to a massive graphical power advantage that is why the PS3 has destroyed the 360 graphically this gen.

Xeoset4991d ago

ITT: People that don't understand the architecture of this generation's system.

OpenGL4991d ago

I love when fanboys that know absolutely nothing about hardware try to act like an expert.

Chris_TC4991d ago

Well, CivAddict received 14 agrees, so clearly he's considered an expert.
After all, everybody knows how MASSIVELY important "crazy fast RAM" is for real-world performance. I mean, DDR3 triples your frames per seconds, right? RIGHT?

CivAddict4991d ago

"After all, everybody knows how MASSIVELY important "crazy fast RAM" is for real-world performance"

Now that is hilarious. You obviously didn't stop to think just how idiotic what you wrote was...

Chris_TC4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Oh really?
I won't waste more than 30 seconds on you, so here's the first RAM speed comparison Google brought up. Have fun:

Edit: This site is so awesome. I get disagrees for posting an article that benchmarks RAM modules.
So which is it: you don't like the results or you don't even understand the numbers?

Vicodin4991d ago

This is the first generation where a console, the PS3, has so totally annihilated its competition, the Xbox 360. There never has been another generation where a console has completely humiliated its competition in every single graphical area:

* Resolution
* Materials
* Lighting
* Animation
* Poly counts
* Particle effects
* Storage space/graphical data size

There isn't a single game where the PS3 doesn't destroy the 360 in each of those areas.

Every previous gen the competing consoles always had areas that one console was more powerful or capable than other consoles from that gen.

OpenGL4991d ago

If "Crazy fast RAM" is what makes the PS3 so powerful, what excludes the 360's 10MB of eDRAM that peaks at 256GB/s of memory bandwidth from the conversation? You do realize that the PS3's 256MB of XDR has 25.6GB/s of memory bandwidth and the RSX's 256MB of DDR3 has 22.4GB/s, right? The video memory speed is actually the same on both systems, the difference though is that some of the 360's memory bandwidth actually gets saved because the back buffer is rendered in the 10MB of eDRAM.

I'd probably argue that the PS3 is indeed the more powerful console of the two, but the biggest difference between them actually from Sony's OpenGL ES based graphics API and the openness it provides allowing developers to utilize hardware in new ways not previously imagined, in comparison to the 360's more strict DirectX 9.0C based API.

Vicodin4991d ago

Developers don't really use the OpenGL interface to the PS3 hardware. They did in the early days, but now developers use a more direct PS3 specific interface.

4991d ago
OpenGL4991d ago

So developers have stopped using the RSX completely then? You do realize that the RSX is based on Nvidia's G71 which has absolutely no GPGPU support, right? There is simply no way to use it without taking advantage of a graphics API like DirectX or OpenGL.

Vicodin4991d ago

"There is simply no way to use it without taking advantage of a graphics API like DirectX or OpenGL."

This is wrong.

OpenGL4991d ago

How is this wrong? G71 does not support CUDA, DirectCompute, or OpenCL.

Vicodin4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

You have direct hardware access with libgcm for the PS3.

gamingdroid4991d ago

RAM speed and size are to independent factor that affects your software in different ways depending on situation and how you design your software. I for one do not believe something is impossible on another system as both consoles are pretty much comparable.

Sony just happen to have a lot of first party studios that get a lot of freedom and time to work on said technology.

Sony and their affiliated keep claiming this is only possible on the PS3, but I would love to see a more detail explanation than some at best vague answer.

With that said, the story ends with:

"It's pure speculation, [Sucker Punch has] no idea of whether we can do it because we don't work on Xbox or any other console."

Perhaps Sucker Punch should then just STF! Clearly they don't know then why open your mouth!!!

OpenGL4991d ago

The PS3 actually uses LibGCM and PSGL (OpenGL ES 1.2 + Nvidia CG) Do you understand that it is just a stripped down version of OpenGL? Since OpenGL is open source Sony is free to take it and modify it how they want, but it is still at its core a version of OpenGL.

The fact remains that the RSX is an extremely dated GPU that uses discrete shaders without any sort of GPGPU functionality.

Vicodin4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

OpenGL, none of the things you are writing are making any sense.

No, libgcm is not 'a stripped down version of OpenGL'. libgcm is a low level hardware access API. The OpenGL ES implementation for the PS3 is built upon libgcm to some extent.


LOL @hoops!

Don't even know where to start with such stupidity.

The PS2 and Xbox had the exact same storage format/size. Standard single or dual layer DVD.

The PS2 destroyed the Xbox in graphics ram based effects thanks to the insane EDRAM. That's why games like the port of MGS2 to the Xbox ran so poorly because it couldn't handle PS2 level frame buffer operations/effects.

The PS2 destroyed the Xbox in floating point power leading to the PS2 having superior animation and bezier curve based graphic elements.

The only real area the Xbox had over the PS2 was in multipass rendering(aka 'teh Shiny'). And even that was mostly in the early PS2 days.

The game cube had its fast RAM and lightning quick seeking drive that gave it its edge.

All three consoles last gen were pretty much in the ballpark of each other in real world performance with all three putting out just about the same number polys per frame.

Just another clueless PC gamer throwing around a bunch of PC graphics hardware terms who is totally fucking ignorant of real console hardware.

hoops4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

"This is the first generation where a console, the PS3, has so totally annihilated its competition, the Xbox 360. There never has been another generation where a console has completely humiliated its competition in every single graphical area:"

The Xbox1 completey destroyed the PS2 in graphics, physics, RAM, Space, lighting effects and especially PIXEL/VERTEX shader performnce.
It was not eve close. Why?
Because the PS2 did not have a dedicated GPU and did not have hardware for programmable shaders...at all. Everything related had to be done with software. The Xbox1 had the first programable shader GPU inside. The Xbox1 had more bandwidth, more ram. More than 2 times as much as the PS2.
There was NO AREA that the PS2 could compete with the Xbox1 OR the GAMECUBE.
You stand corrected. The generation that was not close was not this one. It was last generation. Look at the specs...It's a pure blowout.
There was never a game on the PS2 that looked like Splinter Cell Choas Theory or Chronicles of Riddick or Ninja Gaiden. Nothing came close.
Get your facts straight

LOL. I am getting disagrees for stating the truth. Only on N4G.COM
The truth of the matter is, the PS2 did not even come close to the Xbox1 in terms of power. It had less RAM. Less bandwidth. Less pixel/Shader performnce. Less EVERYTHING.
The PS2 only had 32Megs of RAM. The Xbox had double this. The Xbox was the first gaming product to feature Dolby Interactive Content-Encoding Technology. It had a better sound chip.
It supported DX8.1 which had API features the PS2 did not support at all even when using OpenGL or its other API.

FlatulentGhost4991d ago

The GameCube,PS2,and Xbox all were almost identical in real world power last gen. All three cranked out games in 15-20 million polys per sec for leading games. Each console last gen had games that were doing things the other two console weren't: 60fps Metroid Prime on the GameCube, ICO/Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Gran Turismo on the PS2, and so on.

turok4991d ago

u make less sense than OpenGL

hoops4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Name me ONE game on the PS2 that had the technical apsect and graphics as Splinter Cell Choas Theory or Chronicles of Riddick Or Ninja Gaiden?
Good luck. There were none at all. I am not talking about ART DIRECTION. You spew a whole lot of garbage and know squat.
The same argument Sony fanboys use: Show us one Xbox360 game that looks like Uncharted 2 or KZ3.....
Well show us one game that looks better then the ones I mentioned above for the PS2? And the ones you WILL name are ART direction. Not graphics or physics.

Btw. Storage Space has NOTHING to do with visuals.
That comment makes you look stupid as rocks.
The Xbox1 had more RAM. Double TO BE EXACT.
The Xbox1 had a dedicated GPU. The PS2 did not.
Xbox1 exclusives such as Panzer Dragoon Orta and Ninja Gaiden and Chronicles of Riddick and Half Life 2 blew away EVERY PS2 game.
GOD 2 and FF12 had great art direction but not even the same graphic or physics direction.
Ask yourself why ALL multi games except that crappy version of MGS looked, ran better on the Xbox1?
They all did. And Because the Xbox1 had higher bandwidth, mofe memory and a moe powerful GPU that was PROGRAMABLE, game resoltuions were better. And the fact the PS2 DID NOT SUPPORT AA at ALL.
Ansiotropic Filtering on the PS2 was pitiful.
Dude you are blind. It was common knowlwedge that the Xbox1 blew away the PS2 in terms of visuals and everything else.
It was also the first Console to use a HD.
Look up the specs....i know you wont. Its clear you have your head up Sony's ass.
And you mentioning "particle effects"
The smoke and mirror effects of consoles. Its the easiest graphic calculation a system can perform.
Please dude. Take some Vicodin like HOUSE and no longer post.
You are clueless.
You actually said the PS2 blew away the Xbox1...LMFAO.
Dude was not even close.
When you can pull a game out that looked like Ninja Gaiden or Chronicles of Riddick or Splinter Cell on the PS2, then talk

FlatulentGhost4991d ago

"It was common knowlwedge"

LOL! Wait you're saying a bunch of dimwitted Xbots parroted a bunch of desktop PC based graphics hardware terms and made inane claims about the relative graphical power of their console?

Wow, sounds just like this gen...

This is why console developers despise Microsoft. Just because Microsoft was stupid enough to throw a bunch of expensive desktop PC graphics parts in a big ugly box, now every stupid little kid with a PC thinks they have a fucking clue about console graphics hardware.

ExplosionSauce4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Hey! GOWII and Shadow of the Colossus are beautiful PS2 games, as well as MGS3 and it managed RE4 quite nicely too. So the PS2 wasn't that pitiful. Considering it's huge success and how the mightier Xbox died so quickly as well as the GameCube.
Since when does a system's RAM and power, equal the fun a system can deliver? Give me some games!

@ plenty a tool
GTA4 was multiplatform. Not a PS3 exclusive that was later ported to 360. Your argument didn't make much sense.

Lifendz4991d ago

Who cares if it could? Why speculate when it'll never happen anyway? Unless Sucker Punch has worked on the 360 hardware and is willing to give an unbiased opinion on the matter, the rest of us don't possess the knowledge to make an intelligent statement on the matter.

DaTruth4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

If you want to do post processing effects on the Cell that are traditionally done on graphics chips, you will need fast RAM like the 3.5ghz XDR. MLAA is an example of this! That is why no post processing is done on the 360s CPU.

The 10MB of EDRAM in the 360 was found to be too little and can't hold an entire 720p frame! That is why all games on 360 with AA are 540p or have really low texture resolution like Unreal Engine games!

SilentNegotiator4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )


OpenGL4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

It is true that the cell has proven itself very capable of handing post processing effects.

Also, the eDRAM can hold an entire 720p frame, but only with anti-aliasing disabled. Anti-aliasing can still be achieved at 720p by resorting to image tiling. I'm not really sure what texture resolution has to do with it, as the textures aren't stored in the eDRAM anyway.

SeanRL4991d ago

I think the Xbox could definitely handle this game, but I'm no expert. Still, they could probably make it so that it worked with the Xbox's hardware, but that would take extra time and resources and it would be pointless.

sikbeta4991d ago

Pfffftttt.... I'm still waiting for teh KZ2 & UC2 killarz.....

kancerkid4991d ago

Well if they ported it to Xbox at least it would have AA

Ju4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

You will be surprised when this game will release with MLAA then (a first for an open world game, btw).

And btw, Vicodin, interesting read.

DatNJDom814990d ago

"That's good for us because we don't have to play to the lowest denominator of the consoles. We're playing to the PS3 and we're making a game that we can make, technology isn't limiting us."

The story of this generation of consoles.

Kurt Russell4990d ago

Serious nerd war going on in this thread... many lols!

Ladies one in one out you say?

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 4990d ago
mrcash4991d ago

if its only using half the power then yes, the ps3 is only 33% stronger than xbox well at least the cell is than the 360 cpu. But no because its only on ps3.

doa7664991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

not hard to see, just compare Heavenly Sword to Enslaved, both games by the same studio, one PS3 exclusive, the other multiplat

the 4 year old Heavenly Sword looks better than Enslaved, and to pass an opinion on this you need to have seen both on your own TV and then you'll know this is a fact

the difference is a lot more clear when you see them in motion

raztad4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Where that 33% came from? LMAO

@edhe bellow

"I honestly can't believe this stuff's coming up again after Rage et al. "

Sorry but if you visit any decent tech savy forum you will understand how weak RAGE technically is. It has nice textures and framerate but everything else was sacrificed.

Quote from the interview:
"That's good for us because we don't have to play to the lowest denominator of the consoles." LOL. Fanboys raaaage.

You can disagree, take bubbles away, but that doesnt change what the developer said.

4991d ago
CWMR4991d ago

Enslaved (at least on the 360) definitely looks better than Heavenly Sword.

forcefullpower4991d ago

You really haven't played the game on the 360 then. It doesn't screen tear as much but by god does the games slow down. There where so many points during the later levels showed the 360 could not handle what was going on onscreen.

And doa766 was right heavenly sword is graphically amazing compared to enslaved and that came out 4 years ago. I bet with 4 years they could have refined the ps3 engine they had and enslaved would have been jaw dropping.

At the end of the day tho. Enslaved is a great game shame they also couldb't have made it jaw dropping aswell.

raztad4991d ago


There ar some screen tearing, however the case in point is why a 4 years later game doesnt look leaps and bounds better?

If HS2 ever happens it would outdo HS by a mile.


Oh really? because both Enslaved SKU look pretty much the same.

mrcash4991d ago

heck now enslaved on 360 doesnt even look as good as gears 1 and its using the same engine


aztad, you should have put, "...if you go to any ps3 savvy forum..." ;)

Active Reload4991d ago

Raztad, its funny you use the words "leaps and bounds", when you're trying to take something away from a game that isn't a PS3 exclusive. Here is the thing though, there isn't anything on the PS3 thats leaps and bounds above anything, anywhere except for whats on the Wii.

Darrius Cole4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

It is rather amazing how delusional some people still are about this. It should be clear to everyone who watches both consoles now that there are several games on PS3 that could not be on the 360 without reducing the graphical output.

No 360 game, exclusive or multi-plat, looks as good as Uncharted 1, which is 3 years old now.

No 360 game, exclusive or multi-plat, looks any better than Gears of War 1 which is 4 years old now. Gears 2 is the only game to match and it doesn't look noticeably better than Gears 1.

Uncharted 1 looks better than Gears of War 1 and 2, yet there are several PS3 games that look better then Uncharted 1.

PS3 exclusives are still advancing their graphical output.

360 RPG's have started to hit storage limitations...most notably, Mass Effect 2 and FFXIII

Only with multi-plats do you get the back and forth of sometimes the 360 version looks better/sometimes the PS3 version looks better.

For anyone to say that there are no games on PS3 than the 360 can't handle without nerfing them first is just not reasonable.

raztad4991d ago


Dunno about it. Actually I was thinking about Neogaf. Come on, even Crytek in their tech talks has mentioned RAGE as an example of a game weak on the technical side. Fully pre-baked lightning and low polygon count are two of the main complains I have came across.

gamingdroid4991d ago

... and CryTek isn't a competitor of Rage?

4991d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
edhe4991d ago

Yes that's true, because you'd have to change the ISA over to x86 RISC which would be .. ooh a job of coding it.

Or maybe just run it on a middleware platform that will emulate the cell.


it's just a processor. Any processor can emulate any other processor given the right low-level code.

I honestly can't believe this stuff's coming up again after Rage et al.

blahblah4991d ago

congratulations, you've won the "most uninformed comment ever" award

emulation in real world? not on mine... if you have PC, try emulating PPC on it (use PearPC) and tell me how usable that is. now consider those two architectures don't differ much, at least they share same family as "general purpose processors" which translates into "jack of all trades", aka. can do everything decent, but has no specialization.

Cell is special purpose processor (performs well above average in his specializations and well bellow average in the rest). It has completely different way of executing jobs, aka. SPU pipelining and sharing. Emulating Cell on PC or PPC would be disastrously slow.

one thing where Cell over performs everything is single based arithmetic. and since games don't need precision it is perfectly suited.

vsr4991d ago

May be xbox 720p will do

Ju4991d ago

You guys know that both, the 360 and the PS3 run the exact same PPU core, right (PPC G3 based core, both are identical cause developed by the same team at the same time.). Just saying.

And for emulating: There is nothing which can emulate SPUs in realtime. Won't happen anytime soon. The only way this would ever work (if at all) would be with some sort of GpGPU streaming code on a latest generation (like a G300 or something).

It's quite easier to port ATI/Shader code and PPU threads to the CELL than the other way round. Unless, as some people have published in the past, you write generic C/C++ code which runs native on SPUs (first) and also compile straight to x86 (PC) and PPC (360) code.

Anyhow, byte ordering (LE vs. BE) and ISA (x86 vs. PPC) is not an issue because very little code is written in assembler (if at all). These routines can easily be re-written. Byte ordering can be handled with macro code (but needs some preparation).

TEFL0N_D0N_814990d ago

you fanboys just don't read the whole article. If there's one sentence that glorifies the PS3 over 360, all other sentences are ignored. This is straight from the article, "He added: "It's pure speculation, [Sucker Punch has] no idea of whether we can do it because we don't work on Xbox or any other console. ".

Basically, they're just talking shit. Can they be right? Maybe, but they just admitted that they're only talking shit!

Why the F*** is this even an article when it substantiates nothing? And there's nothing to disagree. The guy says it can't be done on the 360, and then says he has no idea in the same interview.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4990d ago
deadreckoning6664991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

@first comment- Unless ur a hardware specialist...u can't prove that. I'm astonished that you have 22 people who agreed with you. I'm betting none of these people even know how to write a line of code..much less determine what the 360 is capable of technologically.

And the ongoing struggle of fanboys trying to prove that they made the right console choice looms on.....

"If the 360 can, then why has it not shown it yet.........
It's been 5 years."

If Sony can implement cross game chat/party system to PSN..then why haven't they done it yet? It's been 4 years.

Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean its not possible.

Syronicus4991d ago

Why has it not yet done so? There is nothing on the 360 that rivals the games the PS3 has in its exclusive bag of games so if the 360 could actually run a game like inFAMOUS 2 or Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2 or even GT5, then why has it not yet done so? Waiting for the right time? I think not.

mrcash4991d ago

Infamous 2 doesn't look much better than Mafia2 on 360. Heck Castlevania looks better than I2, who knows if how its goin to end but at the moment I2 doesnt look like its on par with KZ2 or Uc2

CWMR4991d ago

The problem is, fanboys just claim certain games look better than anything on the 360 even when they don't. It's circular reasoning. I could ask the same thing by saying "if the PS3 could run a game like Alan Wake or Gears of War why hasn't it"? It's a form of begging the question.

First you have to prove those games are doing something that is more advanced than in various 360 exclusives or multiplats.

In my opinion other open world games like Red Dead Redemption (on 360) and Assassin's Creed look better than inFamous 2.

CimmerianDrake4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

"If Sony can implement cross game chat/party system to PSN..then why haven't they done it yet? It's been 4 years."

-Ask EA. You don't remember? Sony wanted to implement custom music and cross game chat/party chat, but it made some games look bad and didn't work for them. So, a large 3rd party publisher (most believe it to be EA) threatened to pull support from the PS3 if it was implemented because they didn't want their games to look bad. So, custom music was relegated to being the publisher/devs choice and cross game chat was put on the back burner until it could be more successfully and smoothly integrated. Super Secret I believe is the guy's name that told everyone this.

So, there's your answer. Now answer why the 360 can't do whatever the question was that was asked.

@CMWR: Alan Wake is unimpressive. That's why it's not done on the PS3. Gears of War has already been surpassed, why would it be done on the PS3? And finally, InFamous 2 is still in development, so what's all this comparing it to already released games?

CaliGamer4991d ago

Your Quote: ("if the PS3 could run a game like Alan Wake or Gears of War why hasn't it"? It's a form of begging the question.)

I think by now, it has been proven that with the correct budget and effort, the PS3 has produced some stunning results. It is up to the 360 at this point to show that it's exclusives can match what the PS3 has on hand for its consumers, not the othe way around.
The question of the 360's strenght is a valid one when you look at exclusives, in that respect the 360 is indeed running behind the PS3, that is plain to see IMHO.

Just Sayin.

4991d ago
gamingdroid4991d ago

"If the 360 could run a game like this then...
Why has it not yet done so?"

So everything in life that has happened is impossible?

Because it hasn't been done doesn't mean it is impossible.

But as somebody else pointed out, cross game chat must not be possible on the PS3!

noporcru6234991d ago

how on earth do you know if they can or cannot write a line of code, its not that hard dont assume that jus because theyre arguing about something potentially complicated that they have no idea what they r talking about even if they dont some may and they dont even have to know code for that kind of information, now you can find out the capabilities of systems anywhere or you can just look at the games like uncharted 2 and gt5 no doubt just cant be done on xbox as of yet

noporcru6234991d ago

Game graphics and content and size...HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SYSTEM FEATURES. thats not even a valid argument thats like saying strawberries taste better than bananas because the seeds are on the outside..its dumb

n4gno4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Wow, how delusional/denial fanboyz cwmr and others are, just buy some new eyes, please...

nobody with common sens can't deny the facts, graphics and polygons are not "art", and best ps3 exclusives are way better than anything on xbox (easier to program for ! so, if you did'nt see any game with uncharted 1 quality since the beginning, it's obvious they can't do it, don't be so naive/in denial)

Lol@fanboyz talking again of future games "bububu you'll see when halo3....uh...alan drake....uhhh bubububu rage, brink..." hilarious

incredible too see how they are in full force, denying the reality, even after 4 years and a lot of obvious proofs.

"I find it funny how the PS3 fan boys spend so much time commenting and defending there console on this site. While the 360 supporters are too busy enjoying there system to care what some snotty nosed, 13yo brat has to say. "

look around you, you 'll never see more xboboxs denial than here, some of the worst fanboyz pretending "uncharted2, kZ2, gow, heavy rain, etc to be "not so far away" from 360 best exclusives" = DENIAL POWER (or really bad 5" tv)

Syronicus4990d ago

"So everything in life that has happened is impossible? "

You have not answered my question. If it could have been done, why then by now has it not been done? Considering that the 360 had a full year head start on the market you would think it would show in the titles released but it has not. So I say to you that there in lies the answer to the question posed by the article. No, games like inFAMOUS 2 could not be done on the 360. If it could, the devs and publishers would have seen to it already. But as with anything else Microsoft, they are content as are the fanboys with mediocrity.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4990d ago
StanLee4991d ago

It can handle Rage and Brink. Both demoed running on the console at numerous trade shows and both look fantastic on the console and better than Infamous 2. If the XBox 360 is maxed out, how come further into the console generation it continues to showcase great looking titles. Microsoft doesn't have as many internal studios to tap the console and why would they care to? Sony marketed it's machine as the most powerful console, and it's built a software library to back this up. Microsoft has built it's console on being social so it's focus has been cooperative play and multiplayer. Uncharted 2 looks great, Halo Reach you can play 4 players splitscreen online with your friends. 2 very different software focus.

Chuk_Chuk4991d ago

I have seen Rage and infamous 2 in real life at Eurogamer on saturday. and its safe to say that while Rage does look damn good Infamous has that extra something that makes it look better. Like someone said above it seems a lot of things have been sacrificed to get such amazing texture quality in rage. Looking at rage it feels as if its missing something but i can't quite but my hand on it.

"Halo Reach you can play 4 players splitscreen online with your friends."

Warhawks says hi.

InTheKnow4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

The question is...could the Xbox 360 produce Infamous 2???

Infamous 2 doesn't do anything that Star Wars: Force unleashed 2 doesn't do...as a matter of fact, while different genre's, Force Unleashed does alot more...take a look...First up, Combat.


Next a walk-through opening level...


Can Infamous 2 be done on 360...it is already...it's called Force Unleashed 2 and is out in a couple of WEEKS THIS YEAR.

@Chuk...Warhawk is a single-player only game. Halo Reach has single-player, 4 player story based co-op, Firefight/horde mode, Halo Forge, award winning Multi-player and about 10 other things. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight...lol.

Chuk_Chuk4991d ago

I guess you've never played warhawks then, because if you did you would know it has 4 player split screen online. Also i think you mean multiplayer only.

Traveler4991d ago

Gears of War has not been surpassed for 5 years. Just sayin'.

TheBlackSmoke4991d ago

Oh cool, I didn't know the force unleashed was an open world sandbox game, wow guess infamous 2 can be done on 360 after all.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
Elven64991d ago

Simple answer: No, because it's a Sony IP...

And this is from a developer at Sucker Punch, of course they'd say something like this since they wouldn't be wrong in saying so due to IP ownership. I also doubt you or Sucker Punch have tried coding on an 360 (or you on a PS3 for that matter).

The same goes for Microsoft and Nintendo studios who make similar statements, I really hate this kind of talk from first, second, etc parties who are tied with the console makers.

Sez 4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

He mentions in the interview that he hasn't worked on the 360 or any other console for that matter.

"So yeah... Do you think [Xbox 360] could pull off Uncharted 2? Everyone's comparing us to Uncharted 2, so if you think you can make Uncharted 2 on Xbox then OK maybe you can make Infamous 2 on Xbox."

He added: "It's pure speculation, [Sucker Punch has] no idea of whether we can do it because we don't work on Xbox or any other console.

So he doesn't have any clue if 360 can handle IF2 if he has never worked on the hardware.

Edit: I love how I get a disagree for quoting the dev in a interview in which the statement came out of his mouth.

4991d ago
baodeus4991d ago

We need more logical people like you on n4g.

doa7664991d ago

"we don't have to play to the lowest denominator of the consoles."

music to my ears, I've been saying that for years

CimmerianDrake4991d ago

Really? You have a 360 game made by Sucker Punch you can show us that backs up your claim? Alright dude, link us. I'd love to see it.

karl4991d ago

maybe he is confused with insomniac?

4991d ago Replies(3)
Longrod_Von_Hugendon4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

So why are they talking about pointless hypothetical scenarios that haven't a chance in hell of becoming reality? Nothing else to ponder on the box side of the gaming world?

Oh how the mighty have fallen. lol4rl


And I'll be playing Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2 all of which will crush anything MS/box have to offer. lol

And the lead platform for Crysis 2 is the PS3. So my Crysis 2 will look better than your Crysis 2. :P We'll talk again when all the games are out.

CWMR4991d ago ShowReplies(4)
Seahorses4991d ago Show
Christopher4991d ago

Complex answer: Gameplay wise, yes. Graphics, physics, and lighting wise, no. 360 can process larger textures faster, but that's not what brings games like inFamous and Uncharted 2 to life, it's the constantly processed physics and lighting elements combined with both GPU and memory managed graphic textures that make it happen.

JsonHenry4991d ago

Does it matter? Regardless of what format it is on it going to still be low rez textures and only 1024*768. Granted, some companies have excellent artists that are good at making those games look fantastic even though they have an extremely small frame buffer and limited RAM to work with. But in the end, technically speaking, it is still low rez textures and sub "true" HD no matter what console it is on.

Besides, the game to "beat" is Uncharted 2. Hands down the best looking console game to date.

visualb4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

to use the most out of the PS3's architecture, which is very different to the 360's.

it could be ported, but like some 360 to PS3 ports, it'd be horrible and downgraded.

but to say no because PS3 is superior or the game is too hard for the 360 to run is stupid, because there's no way of proving this.

jony_dols4990d ago

The Xbox hasn't proven itself to be more powerful than the PS3.
I'am a rational person. If the graphics standard of Xbox exclusive games is superior to Ps3 exclusives, then I would hands down agree that the 360 is better, until then the PS3 has shown itself to be more powerful.

If all ye 360 fanboys think it is graphically superior, go and buy a 360 dev kit and prove me wrong. Because Remedy and Bungie havent surpassed Guerrilla, Naughty Dog or Polyphony

units4991d ago

360 can handle much better looking open world games like red dead and just cause 2 all in 720P

jellybalboa4991d ago

"He's not wrong. I tried it with the first Infamous, and if you put the disk in the 360, it doesn't run. Conclusive proof"


baodeus4991d ago

Lol, hahahahaha

That just make my day. Thanks jellybalboa.

SonyPS3604991d ago

You don't need a "CELL" processor to run superior graphics to this.

So the simple answer would be yes, actually.

number474991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Yet... never.. are..able.. to show it...Or bring up a multiplat that doesn't run 1/2 the physics/texture resolution/stream loading/amount of polygons on screen/etc.And anyone notice there are NEVER any articles asking of a 360 exclusive can run on the PS3? The irony is so amazing. Considering people pretend running a game with .5 more fps and texture filtering = powerful console.

-360 gets the sales, everyone agrees with that.
-PS3 pumps out the quality software that pushes technology forward. Only PS3 fans seem to agree. Look at Infamous 1 vs 2. Now look at Gears 1 vs 3.

Yet PS3 games are the bar for technology, and the target for debate and developer commentary.

gamer20104991d ago

Again, you are just stating your opinion. You haven't proved anything.

Infamous 2 is not doing anything special. Sorry, it just isn't.
As for the upgrade from Infamous to Infamous 2, I'd say it is decent, but not any greater than we saw from Halo 3 to Halo Reach. Probably less.

Moreover, the first Infamous was an average looking game, so even with the improvements it is not a bar-raising game.

If Sony didn't own Guerrilla and Naughty Dog I guarantee the PS3 would be seen as inferior all around. It's exclusives wouldn't be anything special and it's performance with multiplatform games still lags behind the 360. Just those two studios make all the difference. Sony should be thanking their lucky stars that they have them.

Persistantthug4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

XBOX 360's 2010 retail exclusives are SUB HD, PS3's are HD.

If XBOX 360 had equivalent power, it wouldn't have to do downgrade its latest and greatest to sub HD.

I'm tired of hearing XBOX 360's equiv. power, yet it continues to NOT show it.

I'm a reasonable guy, but if you tell me the sky is brown on a light blue sunny day, I'm gonna tell you that You are wrong, and that's that.

Stop telling me and show me, or just be silent. No offense, but that's the bottom line.

Edit in,
It's been 5 years, there's no more excuses to be made....game over, so to speak.

FACTUAL evidence4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

I suppose you beat infamous 2? So tell me oh great one.....what isn't so special about infamous 2?...

EDIT: Gamer...Sony doesn't own suckerpunch, and look how Infamous 2 is turning out. Nothing on 360 barely resembles those graphics. Well...what ever helps you sleep at night I guess...You should just stick to the whole, "xbl is better then psn" argument. Seriously, DEVS keep saying the ps3 is more powerful? WHAT DON'T YOU GUYS GET!?! Maybe you should go make an exclusive for the 360 with Infamous 2 graphics......That won't happen though now would it?

number474991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Ninja Theory, Zipper, Kojima Studios, Quantic Dream, Media Molecule, (whoever makes MLB the show), Polyphony Digital.. (motorstorm developers) all run circles around 360 titles.

Proof? name something to trump each of the following:

1. MGS4
2. Flower
3. Little Big Planet
4. MLB
5. Gran Turismo 5/Prologue
6. Heavy Rain
7. Heavenly Sword
9. MAG
10. Warhawk
12. Motorstorm 1 & 2
13. Singstar

Well I know you can't & Of course YOU don't think infamous is doing 'anything special' thats what all 360 owners claim. My opinion isn't Uncharted2 winning more tech/game awards than any game ever made. Again, you're a delusional 360 owner.
Infamous 2 has: Character Models/Lighting/Surfacing & Texturing/Post Processing effects that Infamous 1 didn't have. Simple close up screenshots or hell HD video will show you this, and listen to the developer commentary about whats different.

Halo is still SUBHD and the models are still low polygon in game, with textures used as armor. You guys pretend it has such an amazing scope, so thats why the visuals look nothing like the cut scenes... Jesus christ you're not trying to bring this up are you? And again, as I said.. 360 fans will claim all day that the PS3 isn't doing anything significant, yet can't name any 360 games that Trump what Naughty Dog or GG is doing. Thats the fact, thats not my opinion.

So Gamer what I need you to do:

1. NAME THE 360 games that are doing things more 'SPECIAL" than infamous. Right now.

2. Name the games that run circles around Infamous 1.

3. Name the games that have won more awards than Uncharted2 for tech/gameplay

4. Find an article that claims Halo/Reach wont/will/can run on the PS3.

SonyPS3604991d ago

Actually you'll find the PC is the bar for technology.

number474991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Not only can we all agree the 360 has absolutely nothing,

Name a PC sim game that has better visuals than GT5.
Name a PC Stealth game that has better visuals than MGS4
Name a PC arcade racer to top Motorstorm2.
Name a PC adventure game that trumps Uncharted2.
Name a PC baseball game to trump MLB
Name a PC game that trumps Little Big Planet

Crysis is 1 game. They dont' have retail releases for baseball/carsims/anything. The PC isn't the bar for visuals of genres just FPS. And even then, no one is targeting it for their "COULD THE 360 RUN A PC GAME" article, since we are talking consoles and graphics. Not 1 pc game.

The PC used to be the bar when PC dev's made PC games to prove that point, this is no longer the case as PC games are multiplatform games that just have better phys-x or directx use. GT5 is the bar for visuals for console and PC in sims. this is a fact. PC games don't release much, just multiplat games. Generally the unreal engine is used over, and over.

No 360 game can ever claim that.

Way to own yourself.

PC gaming isn't what Ninja Theory/Epic games claims they are reaching with their new release, no. Its PS3 games.Always has been, always will be.

The PC can produce better visuals than a PS3, sure. But thats not the bar for visuals for consoles. PS3 games are.

Uncharted2 won more awards than Half life2. Food for thought. And way more than any PC game.

Gam3s4lif34991d ago

lol u wud be comparing for ps3 games...everyone know tht a gaming pc is more powerful than a ps3

Comet4991d ago

Holy crap man, that's so true...
The only thing PC has going for it are the Real-time strategies, MMOs, and people who prefer moving their hands (mouse) over their thumbs (joysticks) on First-person shooters.

On PC, graphics may surpass consoles depending on your gfx card but the PS3 console has the games.

CellularDivinization4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

1. Splinter Cell
2. Starfox/Snake
3. RPGMaker
4. (dont play sports games)
5. Need4Speed
6. Monkey Island
7. Devil May Cry 4
8. Starfox(again)
9. Battlefield 1942
10.Call of Duty (lol im serious)
11.Forza 3
12.Forza 3
13.(i dont play karaoke games, im a man)

Bottom questions:
1. Red Dead Redemption... And its on PS3 also, so MORE players can enjoy this great game :D
2. Morrowind, Team Fortress 2
3. May be wrong with this, but Portal, and maybe GTA
4. Why are you relying on articles? You are so used to hearing what you want to hear from N4G, that you can only really cling to articles for facts

And for your next post:
Better game with better graphics than GT5= Crysis
Better stealth game than MGS4= imo, Thief
Better arcade racer= pc has racers?:S
Better game than UC2= Gears2 , Enslaved
Better PC baseball game= again, I dont play sports games, and i dont think you do neither
Better game than LBP= Garys Mod(definitely), RPGMaker, 3D game maker, Flash....

Ju4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Oh, yep. Nice list above. All I needed to know. LOL /s (I got a front seat in the comedy club, huh ?)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4990d ago
MNicholas4991d ago

still believes that the 360 is in the same league as the PS3 when it comes to raw performance.

Just look at how Forza 3, which is built on an engine that was continuously improved for 5 years, looks next to GT5 despite GT5 operating at a much higher resolution with twice as many cars per race.

The 360 still doesn't have a game that beats Uncharted 1. Many were hoping that Alan Wake would be the one but that failed on multiple levels, including resoltion (540P).

xboxlj4991d ago

I find it funny how the PS3 fan boys spend so much time commenting and defending there console on this site. While the 360 supporters are too busy enjoying there system to care what some snotty nosed, 13yo brat has to say.

GarandShooter4991d ago

And yet here you are defending your console...happy hypocrisy!

xboxlj4990d ago

I was at work and waiting for my code to compile while I wrote this. Which btw is the only time I comment on this site.

Jazz41084990d ago

the ps3 can't even handle multiplat games and when u ask the majority of the devs including the heavenly sword creators they claim the ps3 is just too hard to program. Ps3 wins with exclusives and 360 wins hands down with multiplats. With live and 0 installs and firmware updates I will take the 360 over the ps3 any day and I do as I own both consoles.

1Victor4991d ago

any game can be made/port for any console remember the halo on gameboy advance now will it be the same experience who knows but in my opinion I don't think so just look at the old ports from back in the days there was game that run better on one console and few people cared about it as long as the game was good.
disagree with a reply.

ChickeyCantor4991d ago

O look uninformed "techies".

As far as I can tell 360 might not have a cell, it still has 3 CPU's with Hyper threading. If used well you can get allot of power out of it.

Take off the fanboy goggles and be a bit realistic.

bill021384990d ago

but it's a pretty bad architecture.

Not only is it 3 really slow processors, it's 1MB cache causes a lot of cache misses.

It's weak and inefficient according to it's designer.

Consoldtobots4990d ago

yeah I dont think these kids get it, there is no bus on the 360 that can make good use of the dual threaded processors. It's like trying to drive 3 cars at once by yourself.

ChickeyCantor4990d ago

Hurpu durr durr.

If a system is utilized exclusively for software it can always do powerful stuff.

360 man4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

yes it can be done.

Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2 already looks better

the graphics dont lie. fast forward to 1:40 minutes


bill021384990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

In infamous 2, glowing objects cast light in real time, illuminating nearby objects.

Not so with Force Unleashed 2. The light sabres appear to glow but, in fact, aren't processed as light sources. As a result they do not illuminate nearby objects. Nearly all the lighting in that video is baked.

Even some PS2 games had more dynamic lighting than Force Unleashed.

For example, Champions: Return to Arms on PS2 had dynamic lighting and bump-mapping, smoke effects, and actual 3D interactive wave simulation among other cutting edge (at the time) features.


talltony4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

Bringing up the force unleashed 2 when it performs better on ps3 according to digital foundry.

"According to his figures, The Force Unleashed II's motion blur eats up 2.2ms of resources on Xbox 360 (give or take 0.4ms), while the five-SPU-powered PS3 version is much faster at 1.4ms (give or take 0.5ms). Compare this with the frame-rate upscaler, which runs at 1.5ms on 360, and 1.4ms on PS3 (again parallelised over five SPUs)."

"While there is some disappointment at not seeing this technique in the final, shipping game, what we've seen of the motion blur system in the Xbox 360 proof of concept looks good, and based on info revealed at the SIGGRAPH talk, the PS3 version should have a significant quality advantage."


bill021384990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

What the powerpoint put out by the Force Unleashed 2 developers showed was that the PS3's Cell processor performs, what is traditionally, a GPU operation, about 2-4x faster than the Xbox360's GPU.

This is why having the Cell onboard is such an advantage. It's almost like having a second GPU.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4990d ago
360 man4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

ps3 fanboys on this site are getting really rediculous. some of the comments ive read on this page are outrageous. you guys must thing the 360 is at the same power as the wii or something loool.

please you guys need to stop being delusional and open your eyes

solar4991d ago

these articles are great. arguing over HD consoles still 5 years behind in technology from the PC when said consoles were released. you guys are great.

xJxdOggyStYLe4991d ago

handle multi platform games..answer..NO lol

Dark Collosis4991d ago

I own both consoles. ID is Dark Collosis for both. I own and beat IF1, and it was a great game but the graphics were nothing special. Both AC2 and RDR are much better looking games. I expect more from IF2 but to say the 360 cant do it is nothing but PR bullshoot.. I dont think PS3 games are that much better than the 360 games(including UC2/GoW3/ and KZ2).. So many fanboys on here... O btw my 360 gets played 4 times more often than my PS3 for the record...

princejb1344991d ago

infamous 1 was excellent
beat it 3 times already
i know the fanboys gonna get me on this
i think the xb360 could handle this game
but it cant handle gow=]

TechnicalBS4991d ago

Yes it can. If they were to port the game, they would have to downgrade the graphics and put the game in multiple disc. I wouldn't care if the graphics were inferior or in multiple disc, it's the game in general that interest me, not the graphics.

It's probably never going to happen, but with so many companies going multiplatform, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm not holding my breath, though.

SkylineR4990d ago

Gears 3

infamous 2

Clearly that guy was patting his fat Sony cheque as he said that.

Both games aren't finished, yet Gears 3 already looks better. And on "inferior" tech.

Ju4990d ago

Back to "bullshots" vs. "gameplay", aren't we ?

Gotta throw everything in what you got, I suppose.

Consoldtobots4990d ago

what I find hilarious is that the 360 bullshot doesn't look much better than the Infamous 2 SCREENSHOT!! oh lawd....lol

saladthieves4990d ago

Saying that a game such as "infamous 2" is "impossible" would be absurd. In the way the game is designed, implemented and running on the PS3 as of now, then no, the 360 wouldn't work.

gedapeleda4990d ago

If they really are using 50% of teh cell why it's not 1080p

360 man4990d ago

exactly. its all PR bullsh!t

avengers19784990d ago

If sucker punch says no then no, if they are utilizing the power of the PS3 then No the 360 can't do it.

lazysey4990d ago (Edited 4990d ago )

You fanboys are full of yourselves. Its whether Sucker Punch can handle the Xbox 360 or not and how they work with what hardware is infront of them. Look at Crysis 2, Crytek optimized that for each system and it was PC-only capable game. Get your head out of the gutter.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 4990d ago
Natsu X FairyTail4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

yes but probably on 2 disc and with a lower resolution and more jaggies.

edit @ Killzone3Helghast below : How am I playing fanboy? gtfo I dont want no bubbles back I'm telling the truth Like I always do.

Lames can Die SLow

tatotiburon4991d ago

the first infamous size was 7gb and i don't think that sequel will be 25gb or more hahaha....so i call this bs...killzone 2 is only 12gb

edhe4991d ago

*cough* DVDs *COUGH*

And they're 9GB officially with less than that available.

Hence the DVD9 part of things.

TreMillz4991d ago

Most 360 games are below 6GBs, PS3 games use the processor it has to look so good and play well, thats why when people use the reach has so and so argument it means nothing.

SilverSlug4991d ago

I read somewhere that MS DRM takes a chuck of disc space, so since double layer is a little over 7gb, it would most likely be compressed some more to reach the single disc.

But inFamous 2 already has more diverse locations, bigger textures and such. 2 disc for sure.

As for textures looking worse and more jaggies, we won't know that. But the game is Sony only, so Xbox fans can keep dreaming or get a PS3. You know, now that Gears 3 is delayed, they have nothing exclusive for the first 8 months of 2011.

plb4991d ago

Yeah but xbox 360 games need to reserve a certain amount of space on disc for security and such. I forget the exact amount.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
Killzone3Helghast4991d ago

playing fanboy won't get your bubs back

edhe4991d ago (Edited 4991d ago )

Surely if it were multiplat it'd be a higher res with better AA like almost every other multiplat?


edit:Oh cheer up folks ffs, this is a gaming site not a wake.

karlowma4991d ago

lower resolution? more jaggies?

a bit off considering the 360 is the machine that can actually do multi-sample anti aliasing.

the ps3 has talented first-party devs but they are working with pretty limited video hardware. the cell processor is more advanced in that it can handle more ai and physics calculations.

SonyPS3604991d ago

It's usually the Ps3 version that has those problems when games are multi plat :)

KiRBY30004991d ago

oh really? heard of FFXIII?

i think you meant when games are PORTED.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4991d ago
theonlylolking4991d ago

Infamous 1 the 360 could handle but 2? Nope

GeoramA4991d ago ShowReplies(7)
beast242tru4991d ago

every sony dev always say same thing who knows mabe thier rite but it funny as hell but infamous 2 dose look wiked explosions and the lightning tornado oh yeah PLAY B3YOND

Show all comments (372)

inFamous 3: We Want A Second Son Sequel

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

Read Full Story >>
Alexious376d ago

I want it too. Make it co-op as well.

-Foxtrot376d ago

Yeah they had a lightning bolt in the shape of a question mark at the end of Infamous 2

They always went off the good ending for Cole so I think for Delsin it should be the bad ending

What he did in the bad ending, absorbing everyone’s powers, seemed like he was going to turn into something powerful.

Makes you feel like he could have been the real Beast and John was just an anomaly because of them messing with time

Sets up a Cole vs Delsin showdown

potatoseal376d ago

How would fans feel about a reboot? You know to bring a new audience in? Not a good idea? Good idea?

anast375d ago

Not a god idea. They let it sit for too long and the game hasn't been strong enough to carry itself all these years. There is so much other stuff out there right now.

masterfox376d ago

Second Son was released in 2014 was an amazing game visually and gameplay wise, sometimes I play it again on the PS5 and seeing it run at 60 fps is something to behold(yes an almost 10 year old game), if you haven't done that on your PS5 try it you won't be disappointed, pure eye candy, a PS5 exclusive of Infamous would be amazing no doubt.

gold_drake376d ago

meh, i want Cole to come back.

or maybe a reboot. with cole.

Show all comments (15)

Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic766d ago (Edited 766d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy766d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic765d ago (Edited 765d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils765d ago (Edited 765d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic765d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624766d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23766d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20766d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan766d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889766d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k766d ago (Edited 766d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

Show all comments (21)

Latest RPCS3 build brings major improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more

A brand new version of the best Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, brings major graphical improvements in Metal Gear Solid 4, inFamous 2, Ninja Gaiden & more.

Read Full Story >>
Game-ur1429d ago

If the PC can emulate the PS3, then for sure the PS5 would be able to do same. but dose Sony want it?

Mr Logic1429d ago

If there was money in it, then Sony would do it. People can bitch and moan all they want, but even if every person on this site used BC, that would still be a tiny fraction of gamers. Almost nobody really uses BC.

DethWish1429d ago (Edited 1429d ago )

I think there would be money if they made PS3 games downloadable through PSNow and added a bunch more.
Edit: I would get it if MGS4 was available

Mr Logic1429d ago


That would be an emulator. You're not making any sense.

DethWish1428d ago

Mr Logic, really? If PS5 could emulate PS3 games (BC) and PSNow would let you download and play PS3 games locally instead of streaming (like it lets you download PS4 games), wouldn't that be awesome? PSNow has some really interesting PS3 games, but I'd prefer to play them locally

MadLad1428d ago

Remasters of popular games do extremely well. MS basically hands them out for free. If people didn't want to play older games, then why do remasters sell so well?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1428d ago
anonymousfan1429d ago

I honestly would probably never ever use it... But I still think it would be pretty neat. Its one of the few avantages PC still has on console that is complete backwards compatibility. But for all the work needed to implement this I doubt it would be worth Sony's time.

Melankolis1428d ago

In my opinion.
The difference is independent emulator developer can build any emulator as an experiment that will be perfected for years, maybe more than 10 years. During that time, expect many glitch, bugs, and updates. They can do that because they do not have any obligation towards PC users or whatsoever.

Fos Sony, once they announce PS5 will be able to play PS3 games, they have to make it safe and playable for users. They do not want the emulator cause bricks, glitch, heating up or anything to the consoles and get sued for that.

Harkins17211428d ago

The amount of work it would require sony for each game probably isn't worth it. Maybe after rpcs3 is done they can patent it and use it. That's the dream lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1428d ago
Father__Merrin1428d ago

This has been going on for years any full game playable yet

EazyC1428d ago

Wish I never sold my PS3 for MGS IV alone, I'm dying to play it again

Gamerking821428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

Any ps3 owner has too own this masterpiece . My disk drive has just gone on my old super slim . So I bought the digital version no questions ask . If you have a ps3 own this masterpiece that’s all I can say . I replay it every year and still find loads of enjoyment . The last true metal gear in my opinion . V was good and gameplay amazing , but it’s just not a metal gear quality story wise .