
'Can't Be Done On 360' - What Does It Even Mean?

NowGamer: PLAY Magazine News Editor, Jon Gordon, defines the meaning of one of the most over-used expressions in fandom...

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stonecold15055d ago

david cage metioned also about heavy rain the 360 would struggle and nomura is making vs 13 exclusive to the ps3 because hes going further with the graphics and the 360 just cant do and 360 is nearly 5 years now and still dont have a game to top uncharted 1 and most of theres games this year have been running sub like alan wake splinter cell final fantasy but most of those games i metioned are multiplatform

Donny5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

games on the scale of uncharted 2. i have never seen a game come close to uncharted 1 on the 360, let alone uncharted 2, and the sheer size of content in the bluray disk makes epic games pretty much standard given the right developers, and we have alot of them on ps3.

Venatus-Deus5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Where as I do believe that multiplatform games on the 360 will get better and better and will ultimately beat the current crop of PS3 games…

I also believe that the PS3 1st party graphics will also continue to improve at the same rate and will continue to beat the competition for the remained of this generation.

Dragun6195055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Technically PS3 Exclusives such as MGS4, GOW3,Uncharted 2, or Infamous 2 can't be done on Xbox 360, because the game is developed to take advantage of the PS3's Cell processor and it's Six SPE Cores which Xbox 360 doesn't have. So you can't directly port it without sacrificing qualities of the game and you would have to recode much of the game to fit a new platform.

That's why Developers complained about PS3 Development in the beginning because they didn't know how to utilize the PS3 or port from Xbox 360 to PS3 which often resulted with a Sub par PS3 Version for example The Orange Box. Now, it seems Sony's Studio's are showing what the PS3 can do if you spread the game code between its cell and six SPE cores attracting attention from other developers such as Valve which they announced Portal 2 for the PS3 will be the best console version.
You know There is some truth to the saying, "it can only be done on PS3"

vsr5055d ago

1. MLAA cannot be done on xbox.
2. Half of the total PS3 ram runs 3.2GHz as cell. xbox ram runs poor 700Mhz.
3. HDMI 1.3 feasible for 3D gaming. it's not found on xbox
4. xbox can't run Bluray fullHD movies.
5. DTS Master HD sound is not found on 360. .... etc

NOT SURE about "Rage & Crysis XBOX VERSIONs". PC & PS3 versions are superior.

The-Tentacle5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

There has to be a limit to what consoles can do. In the article he mentions rage as a software solution to fix the limited 360 hardware issue but you have to wonder what the true expense of such software is? To me, looking at the Rage videos, it seems like they've done something to the viewing perspective kinda looks like you're viewing the world through wide angle goggles or something.

Bottom line is there have been no massive graphical leaps on 360 since gears and the PS3 continues to surprise us with eye candy and great exclusives.

extermin8or5055d ago

@double toasted yes they do have a better draw distance but with red dead if you turn the cam,era too fast the textures aren't there for a few seconds also uncharteds graphics are better and the style of the game means it is quite hard to get views like you'd find in an open world games.

Proxy5055d ago

Stating the clock speeds is only half the story. It's true PS3 ram is clocked at 3.2 ghz while 360 ram is clocked at 700 mhz, but the 360 has a much wider bus and thus only slightly slower in over all data transfer speed.

The numbers are often misleading. Let the games speak for themselves, and remember cutting edge technology isn't required to make a good game - with that said I return to playing Dwarf Fortress while my PS3 gathers dust.

5055d ago
Ju5055d ago

"more scale than UC2"

Wake me up, when they have UC2 character models, texture resolution and animation system. The only open world game which might probably match that will be inFamous 2.


u, do you know what scale means? That person was commenting about scale and you want to be awaken when other topics are involved? Nah, you continue to sleep, we don't want any worthless drivel coming from you.

Hotel_Moscow5055d ago

nope cant be done on 360


heres some high lights from the posts

"In Heavenly Sword, the Cell enables incredible numbers of enemies to be on screen at one time. The trick is that Cell treats entire regiments as a single unit of artificial intelligence when they are at a distance; as they draw closer, Cell gradually divides the army into smaller and smaller groups, so they eventually become individual troops with unique fighting styles and tactics."

"It's incredible to see huge levels and see the deferred rendering and note that on all the SPU’s, even on the heaviest load were coming up to about 60%," Haynes said. "They weren't coming close to maxing out. .They had about 40% of space before they started tripping or saw slow down on some of the processes."

We’ve solved most of our memory problems by relying on the SPEs to perform compression, both at load-time and at run-time, using techniques developed by ICE, SCEA Tools&Tech and the SCEE ATG group."

"For us, the most exciting part of the PS3 has been the cell processor, the SPUs specifically. In our highest density scenes right now, we are currently using about 30 percent of the SPUs' capabilities--with the SPUs doing lots of heavy lifting for us on rendering, visibility, particle systems, skinning, animation blending, and so on...this with scores of pedestrians, cars, fires, etc., all going on. And the best part? We've not made any significant attempts to even optimize the SPU code. I think it's reasonable to guess we could put 10 times as much stuff on the SPUs and still make our frame budgets. It's really pretty amazing."

Guay also expressed how impressed he has been with Blu-ray and the PS3's hard drive, noting: "The hard drive and Blu-ray are making our life easy considering FC2 is an open world continuously streamed around the player. That streaming bandwidth and disk space is very appreciated."

"Also, Epic isn’t a huge company. They don’t have unlimited resource. We have parachuted in some of our SWAT team of super engineers to help them. Specifically, to optimize for SPUs, which are the point of difference that the Cell Processor has. That process is under way. The benefits that it yields to end developers whether they’re writing exclusive titles or multiplatform titles is that the performance on PS3 goes up exponentially, and it will make for a much better game experience."

"It is hard to fully quantify how much potential the PS3 has. We certainly have a significant amount of untapped SPU power. Even though we moved many of our systems to the SPU's for COD4, we are planning on moving more of the collision and AI to the SPU. We are also investigating doing more procedural animation on the SPU for our next project. Using the SPU for procedural animation allows for another level of interactivity that wasn't really practical on the previous generation of hardware,

This just reaffirms how vital of a role the SPU's are to the PS3. Now that devs are starting to use the cell to perform similar tasks as a GPU would. The evident power of the PS3 is unfolding right before them. This also making the RSX that much more efficient. PS3 games are now going to be setting the bar higher than ever before."

moparful995055d ago

When it comes to scale and draw distance nothing comes close to god of war 3, Period.

gman_moose5055d ago

You're honestly trying to compare Bulletstorm to Killzone 3? Bulletstorm has some interesting ideas on gameplay, but at the end of the day, it looks like a mediocre FPS, which 360 and PS3 are already abundant in. My guess is Bulletstorm sells less than 1 million on PS3. It will only sell well on 360 because 360 owners buy ANYTHING because they have nothing good to play except MW2, Gears and Halo.

D4RkNIKON5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Bulletstorm LOOKS like a 360 game. Killzone 3 LOOKS like a PS3 game. One is multiplat, one is designed to utilize the full potential of one console. That pretty much sums it up now doesn't it.

How come PS3 games are the only ones that have been recently pushing forward with graphics and scale reaching new limits? What 360 games have been raising any bars? Since the release of Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, name ONE SINGLE 360 game that has come out since then that can even be mentioned in the same sentence.

ZootALarz5055d ago


I believe Valve's reasoning for Portal 2 being best on PS3 was really just Steamworks, since MS has blocked them on that -- not graphics.

ZootALarz5055d ago


>implying Killzone 3 won't be a mediocre FPS


Also, this:
>because they have nothing good to play except MW2, Gears and Halo.

The 360 has both exclusives that are fun and non-exclusives that are just as fun as their PS3 counterparts.

>my face when I realized that you guys can't stop drooling on DAT TRIPLE long enough to realize this

ChickeyCantor5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

"Technically PS3 Exclusives such as MGS4, GOW3,Uncharted 2, or Infamous 2 can't be done on Xbox 360, because the game is developed to take advantage of the PS3's Cell processor and it's Six SPE Cores which Xbox 360 doesn't have"

So what if these games were made for a tripple core system( each of these cores having HT technology)?

Im sorry but you are just talking nonsense.
Im not defending the 360...but talk like that makes me laugh.

Just depends on how dedicated the software is written for each system.

But in the end people pretend 360 games are ugly. They are just fine as is. People are spoiled like hell.

darthv725054d ago

the game was owned by sony and would never appear on ANY other platform not just the 360. Like seeing mario in a 360 or ps3 game would only happen if nintendo went software only like sega. Now you see sonic on everything instead of remaining true to his roots.

Performance, quality....there will always be compromises on a miltiplatform title. If the fundamental basics can be achieved then the notion of "never" sort of goes out the window. MGS4 could be done. Uncharted could be done. Even killzone could be done because all of those games are made by other companies. With the right tools and talent they could make the games work on the 360. Differences would be present but that is typical from one platform to another.

God of war...that is an example of a game that could never be done on the 360 because it is made by sony themselves.

Dance5054d ago

uncharted 2 is corridor shooter

N4g_null5054d ago

Ok holy Moscow where does it say on neo gaf that we can stop making sub 30 frame persecond games.

He is only organizing code and experimenting with get more done on the spu yet no where does he talk about the cost speed wise for doing such things.

Seriously you can do any thing in software yet when you don't assign a frame rate or preformance rating other than usage your or just saying your code is not totally maxed.

Any thing that can run faster and better doesn't leave 50% of it's power untapped.

I really wished some of you guys would try game development just so you can see how things work. All of this hype about spus when the hd5000 cards have hundreds of processors that actualy can handle code on their own.

Another thing is why do poeple claim that they can not do the same tricks on the tri core with hyper treading? I guess no one talks about it. It doesn't sound cool or it doesn't hype up the myth of the cell.

That's cool have your fun guys.

IdleLeeSiuLung5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

I think the idea that something can't be done on the 360 is just bullshit blanket statement. Let's face it, what aspect of a game can't be done on another console?

If anything, it is just the fact that a certain design choice is not suitable for another console making it difficult. It's like retro fitting a Windows application for Linux....

Doesn't mean the same results can't be achieved, but rather porting the software design is difficult (if not impossible) to carry over. There will always be some small exceptions to this, but I doubt any of them would matter.

Any software developer knows this, gamers most likely NOT!!!

HolyOrangeCows5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

Well, the Xbox 360 is still churning out sub-HD expansion packs from second parties.

"Can be done" isn't the same as "will be done"

PS3 has. 360 has not.

I'll bet you're the same people that said "LOL PSTREE HAZ POTENTIALZ SO WAHT?" and now you talk about potential like having potential means that it happens with the flick of a wrist.

PLAYstar5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

Yea, only PS3 exclusive games gets to talk!
Leaving your PS3 piling dust? You sounded like you are one f*cking poor broke-ass beggar who is waiting for the day you could ripped PS3 games, like the one you're currently playing.. dwarf fortress.. You want Tetris? Come dig my garbage bin its free. I'll also bonus you with a banana skin..

Nobody said 360 games look ugly. Just that when you compare them to the masterpiece of PS3 exclusives.. That's when they look ugly. Yea we are spoil brat, which is why we opt for THE BEST!

Saying that a day the 360 games would look exact of a PS3 games is like saying leaving a dog sh!t there for 1min would turn into a gold. It's IMPOSSIBLE!

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5054d ago
ssipmraw5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Marcus Fenix polycount of 15-20000
Nathan Drake polycount of 80000

ps3 wins

edit: most movies use less polygons than uncharted 2.... quite shocking

5055d ago
jetlian5055d ago

shrek 1 used 800,000 and fight night round 3 had 3 million on each character

bomboclaat_gamer5055d ago

this is what gaming has come to

counting polygons and who wins

stb5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

True, tired of numbers there for xbox and polygons here for ps3, but keep the entertainment guys, pretty neat.

Great, ps3 has more power, xbox sold more, end of the story.

rwarner1745055d ago

"this is what gaming has come to

counting polygons and who wins

Since I did my thesis on developing graphics hardware on FPGAs I can say counting polygons and coming up with ways to increase the number of polygons on a screen at one time can be quite fun.

I am sorry you have no interest in the time and effort that goes into creating a realistic gaming experience. Especailly from the hardware side.

That to me is what is sad.

ZootALarz5055d ago

>mon visage when polygon counts are used to gauge the quality of games and consoles

SonyPS3605055d ago

Googling polygon counts. Do you feel cleverer having done that now?

You know it takes more than polygon count to make a game look good, right?

If you had any idea about game design you'd know this, so quit pretending like you do.

"It can't be done on the 360" is just another fanboy term. The same can be said for the Ps3 with some 360 games, particularly upcoming ones.

Of course though, all that matters on N4G is which has the more persistent fanboys. Which is the Ps3, so I'll be showered with disagrees no doubt.

AK465054d ago

Polygons do make the game look better but it won't make the game play better. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, duh!

What ever can be done on the 360 can be done on the PS3, only a fool will say otherwise.

You'll be showered disagrees because you have no idea of what your talking about.

DaTruth5054d ago

""It can't be done on the 360" is just another fanboy term. The same can be said for the Ps3 with some 360 games, particularly upcoming ones."

It's always upcoming games, until the upcoming games become current games and suddenly it's 540p, bad textures, 5 hour gameplay and PS3 fanboys are the worst for rubbing it in!

HolyOrangeCows5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

"this is what gaming has come to
counting polygons and who wins

You're in the comments section of an article about abilities of game consoles.
Sorry for discussing game console ability in an article about game console ability.

You know what, Napoleon? If you don't like it, YOU CAN LEAVE!
You kids come in here complaining about the subject matter like you were dragged into clicking this article by wild horses!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5054d ago
n4gno5055d ago ShowReplies(4)
Venatus-Deus5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Double post

NastyLeftHook5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

said it well there dude. bubs for you

vsr5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

PC > PS3 (oneBD) > xbox (3-4 DVD)

SonyPS3605055d ago

I base this on absolutely nothing.

kevnb5055d ago

clever marketing, nothing else.

Sez 5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Agreed. But fanboys hang on every word Sony/MS feeds them. Sad really

Edit: maybe these dev's or PR reps should say something more believeable like. " it can only be done on one disk for ps3" that would be more true then this marketing BS.

moparful995055d ago

There's alot of truth in this statement. While the GPU on the 360 by itself is superior due to its main die and daughter die setup with up to 6xAA built in the ps3 can utilize one of the 6 SPE's on the cell to handle graphics processing. This is the key, the cell processor has a trick hidden up its sleeve that allows it to surpass the 360. It's ability to allocate processes to each individual core means that when a developer takes the time fully utilize the cores the amount of computation on the ps3 is 8x that of the 360. But because of the nature of multiplatform development most third party developers just use the single core on the ps3 which results in lower performance on the ps3. But one only needs to look at the first party exclusives to see exactly what the ps3 is capable of only 4 years into to it's life.. Imagine what kind of games we will have 4 years from now..

DORMIN5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Borderline ignorance for those saying otherwise and think both hardware are at the same playing level.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages but its clear the PS3 is the more advanced console. It paid its price with the steep launch price and later release date, but its evening out.

MLAA and BluRay alone is something that obviously 'can't be done on the 360' aside from the multitude of things. For those who still don't know what MLAA is even so many people are mentioning it, its a technique thats only usually done on high end PCs yet 4 years into the PS3s life developers managed to use this powerful technique on the PS3.

EDIT: @moparful: Beat me to it. ;)
Its not necessarily ONLY first party developers. The Sabotuer was actually the first game to RELEASE with the Cell's unique MLAA technique, technically even before GoW3 actually.

N4g_null5054d ago

Mopar that trick you talking about comes with a few penalties. First the spu bandwidth gets saturated when trying to share data and since the on board memory is so small you have to guess what keep copying data over and over and some times you even have to wait for a cell to finish what it's doing to get that code or data.

It's all great and actualy works better on pc gpu out now yet your stuck struggling to get more than30 frames.

I mean really you can get a ti calculator to run cool code also yet at what cost.

We are seeing the cost in Sony exclusives sure the art may be good but I hate to say the hardware really holding back these teams and this is also true for the xbox.

Yet a ps3 with a better memory sub system would be a system I would be excited about because we can play at over 60 frames a sec.

Seriously guys get a cell emulator and play with it. Get you comp sic professor to get Sony to lend them a ps3 dev kit and you can see it for your self.

I'll leave you guys with this even intel had to abandon a software driven model of gpucpu hybrid because nothing replaces dedicated hardware with a really fast memory subsystem. Also Rambos ram was first used by the n64 and old pentium chips nintendo upgramed to SRAM which is also in the 360. Look this stuff up guys. Have a better debate and who knows you might meet some smart guys and start up your own thing?

Back in the day gamers made our games now copy cats do. Know the pros and cons.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5054d ago
WeaseL5055d ago

They are strugling to keep up with the PS3.
This is why MS are now focusing on the casual Wii market.
You won't here Nintendo saying "Can't Be Done On 360".

raztad5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Article is putting to much faith in unreleased games, as usual.

Crysis 2 has not been running on top of a xbox360 yet but on a PC with "xbox360 settings". You dont know how the actual game will actually look once it gets to run on the real hardware.

Rage is a plain game with nothing going on for it, besides some nice textures. Still the game is in development and you dont know what can be scaled back.

My impression is the PS3 is much more capable in terms of physics calculation, particle effects, post-processing and a lot of more things that involve using the Cell. While the xbox is really good pushing textures at screen.

AW, for example, in order to use post-processing and lightning had to to scale back the resolution to almost SD levels. While KZ2 does that, and much more, w/o breaking a sweat.

candystop5055d ago ShowReplies(2)
MNicholas5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

The PS3's GPU's raw shading capability is sufficient to run Gears of War and Bioshock at maximum settings at better than 720P.

The cell processor does more than just help with basic rendering. It also does shadow map acceleration, anti-aliasing (up to 16x) and post-processing (such as depth of field), which are the biggest drags on any GPUs performance.

This effectively doubles the GPU's shading capability. In some cases, the "boost" provided to the GPU appears to be even greater than double.

That's why games like Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, and GT5 are visibly far superior to other games on any console while also being extremely dynamic.

Add to that the massive capacity of Blu-Ray, the upgradeable HDMI spec (already far superior to the 360s), 7.1 audio, etc. and it becomes obvious that when it comes to raw performance, there's no comparison.

This doesn't mean that the 360 can't do good games with good graphics and there'll always be unoptimized (particularly on the PS3 with it's extremely complex architecture) or even ugly games on any platform. It just means that the best on the PS3 will be vastly better than the best on the 360. And so it is.

raztad5055d ago

OK. I like your post bro. Have a bubble on me.

A question: Do you think eventually if devels can offload everything possible on the SPUs, games with KZ3 - level fidelity can reach 1920x1080 at 60fps?

Games like Wipeout HD, SSHD run flawless on 1920x1080 @60fps but they are not the best looking games on the PS3 by any means.

gravesg5055d ago

1080P games with KZ3 fidelity aren't possible due to the lack of memory, video and ram.

the cpu horse power is there, its just that 1080P textures take 1.5x more memory. and inside the ps3 512 total, just isn't enough for complicated games to do 1080P. as for the cpu though, hell when they were demoing the "cell" back in 2006, i think they did something like 16 1080P streams on it.
it really is an incredible cpu, i can't fathom what ibm and sony has up their sleeve for ps4

i have no doubt that when ps4 arrives, 1080p will be the standard.

Trroy5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

@raztad: Nope. True 1080p, for games with the complex shader ops of shooters like KZ3, will have to wait for next-gen. When it comes down to it, the GPU has to do the shader work and fill the screen buffers, and the SPUs can't really help there.

The memory concerns gravesg mentions are also an issue.

Just means there's room for PS4 someday. =)

N4g_null5054d ago

You do know most of what you said is done on the rsx right? The spu simply polute the framebuffer to produce after effect effects and then call is differed rendering. That same idea is built into the xbox frame buffer.

Yet with all that help and intakes power we still don't have an engine that can run most gameplay at over 30 frames a sec?

You know then we have the resolution issues also.

Sony knows it's fan well though. That's good. I never though gamers would put up with such low frame rates and game play.

The creation of I'd tech 6 and the new crytek engine will push every one harder and be more of an asset to gamings 3rd parties that need more horse power with out sacrifice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5054d ago
Inside_out5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

The reason they say it can't be done is because the PS3 exclusives live in a pre-rendered world. The games in there current state would not fit on a DVD. In terms of graphics and game play the PS3 exclusives fall short of the 360. The AI, graphics and physics on 360 can't be duplicated on the cell because as Steve Jobs said, " the Cell is to slow " and is why there are no cells on the Mac product line and why Sony is dumping the Cell next gen. PS3 fans in denial. This gen is coming to and end, so is the cell.

PS3 exclusives are 75% pre-rendered...UC2 you can't open a door without a cut scene...GOW, HR, MGS...C'mon now...you spend more time watching than playing. I got a question...where's all the 1080p, 60fps, 50hr game time, 100's off intelligent AI Sony promised 5 years ago...exactly.

This video here shows why...I would love to see ND or Guerrilla duplicate this demo with there game engines...it couldn't be done. Only on 360. The cell is good for pre-rendered movies and using the GPU to study stars going in circles...lol, that's about it..so far anyways.

BTW...Valve's Gabe Newell was right..." by the time you get a decent engine running on the PS3, this gen will be over "...yes Gabe, words of wisdom, even if you are trying to get all those PS3 guys to join Steam...lol

stuna15055d ago

And it's name is, "cez of rage"! The sad thing is you actually believe that garbage you spout. I guess Alice has made another friend in wonderland, lol.
OT: Optimisation is the key to unlocking the potential of each console, but also the architectures are vastly different, meaning in order to utilise what a console can do you also need an engine that is able to showcase those potentials! Sonys first party developers have ground built engines, Microsoft developers for the most part rely on mostly 3rd party engines or, middleware that closely mimic the pc architecture.

IRetrouk5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

lmao at you and gears, uncharted 2 is the best game on consoles to date and gears 3 still dont look anywhere near it. theres nothing wrong with the ps3 being more powerfull than 360 dosnt mean im gona have less fun on my 360, grow up and get out of your mums basement.

tinybigman5054d ago

i can see why you have only 1 bubble. are you a fellow american? because only my fellow americans would act in such a manner to defend an american product made in china.

on topic
isn't it impossible for PS3 games using the SPEs to run on a 360 because they don't have SPEs? i don't see why this is such a big deal.

TotalPS3Fanboy5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

"I would love to see ND or Guerrilla duplicate this demo with there game engines..."

Naughy Dog owned that demo with Uncarted 1.

Uncharted 1 - Gameplay Explosion

Gears of War 2 - Gameplay Explosion

Uncharted 1 - Polygon and Texture from Gameplay

Gears of War 2 - Polygon and Texture from Gameplay

"Steve Jobs said, 'the Cell is to slow'"

Steve Job's words got owned by the amazing graphics of the PS3. Which should I trust, the amazing graphics I can see and play it myself or the words of Steve Job?

"The cell is good for pre-rendered movies..."

The Cell is so good, and the graphics of the PS3 is so incredible that you can not tell the difference anymore, and you thought Uncharted 2 is pre-rendered.

The only thing pre-rendered about the PS3 is Microsoft's E3 presentation.

athlon7705054d ago

You are such a tool!

You can't come up with anything better than trying to downplay and spread dis-information.

Apple did not switch because their new OS at the time "Snow Leopard" is not PowerPC compatible.


PS3 exclusives are not pre-rendered, in fact, opposite of what you would state, almost all of the cut scenes on the PS3 are done in real time proven by the character you play has whatever clothing you have chosen to wear in game. Why as a matter of fact, the one game you would think was "pre-rendered", MGS4, allows you to control your character during its cut scenes.

The sad truth of it is you are so bent on slinging mud that you are missing out on some truely spetacular games. Having both the PS3 and the 360, I know from first hand experiance what the phrase "only on a PS3" means. Shame you are so deep in the mud you can't join the rest of us gamers.

You are the sort that give even the 360 owners a bad rap!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5054d ago
Independent_Charles5055d ago

im not gonna comment for my bubbles sakes

tinybigman5054d ago

i can see that this hasn't gone down well with some people

SaberEdge5054d ago

It's true there are certain things that can be done on the PS3 that can't be done exactly the same way on the 360, but there are also things that can be done on the 360 that can't be done exactly the same way on the PS3. This is because both consoles have their strengths and weaknesses.

I do wish Microsoft would invest in more first party development so that we could see more games that really push the 360.

BattleAxe5054d ago

When I play Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, the fan on my PS3 goes crazy fast at times......now if it were on the 360, it would probably Red Ring after about an hour of playing that game.

ImmortalLegend5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

I love how PS3 fanboys go on and on about how graphically superior their games are. As former owner of both systems, the PS3 graphics are not that much better as to where I'm like, "Wow the 360 graphics are just horrible...I'm never going to play it again." That's what PS3 fanboys makes it out to be. Sorry guys, I'm still enjoying my "less superior" console.

heroprotagonist5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

That's right. There is hardly any difference at all between the two. I'm completely baffled by people who act like there is some major difference.

Heisenberg5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

Cutting edge tech that generation. This gen, my opinion is that the games coming out for the PS3 are far superior in scale and graphics, and luckily, most of the developers utilizing this tech are producing games with great stories and production value as well. When I look at the best of both systems, the PS3 has far better to offer, that doesn't make me a fanboy, if MS' next system blows Sony out of the water, I'll jump ship no problem, I go for the best bang for my buck every gen.... This gen the most bang lies with the P S 3, IMO. But since I disagree with you I'm automatically a fanboy right?

ImmortalLegend5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

If you offer a sensible argument like that then there's no problem. Most PS3 fanboys just act like the 360 has Wii graphics or some shit like that when the difference is nothing major IMHO. I've owned both consoles and have played all the highly proclaimed games and actually have a right to come up to this conclusion. Most fanboys just pull shit out of their ass to justify their console of choice. But hey, since you're getting defensive maybe you are one otherwise you wouldn't have to end your statement that way.

Heisenberg5053d ago (Edited 5053d ago )

Well, come on dude, you talk as if anyone who's of the opinion that the PS3 is a superior electronic is grouped in with these fanboys, that's my point. It gets annoying when nobody can have opposing opinions without being accused of being a fanboy. I wasn't being defensive, just a healthy hint or sarcasm to send the point home.

Bottom line, you weren't addressing anyone specifically, just people who feel the PS3 is superior etc.. It's just a little irritating cause everyone calls everyone on the other side of the fence a fanboy, when in reality, we're just gamers with different tastes, the real fanboys aren't the one's who feel the 360 or the PS3 is superior, they're the douche bag trolls like GRoL and Cold who live to annoy.

Anyway, you maybe shouldn't throw the word around so much, like your last statement, where you basically say: well maybe you ARE a fanboy, cause I didn't like your last comment... Things like that are childish, I'm not a fanboy, I'm a 24 year old man, who puts very little importance in video games, I love playin them, but they're nothing to get upset about.

WLPowell5048d ago

After Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, and God of War 3 was released and seeing GT5, I do laugh a bit whens someone raves about how the graphics on most multiplats or 360 exclusives look like it's something never before seen. Yeah it looks good, but Mario Galaxy 2 looks good too... Just sayin.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5048d ago
Heisenberg5054d ago

It means there's a discrepancy in regards to space and processing power. This message will self destruct....

avengers19785054d ago

To be honest games like Mass Effect 2, Gears 3, and Even Halo:Reach look pretty good so IMO 360 has what it needs to get the job done. That being said God of War 3, Killzone2 not to mention KZ3, uncharted one and two are far beyond the what the 360 has been able to do. Plus Blu-ray disc give developers pretty much unlimited potential...that's why we're starting to see two or more games coming out on one Blu-ray. New Medal of Honor plus frontline, for the same price as the 360 disc that will just have the new game.

edgeofblade5054d ago

You know the sad thing? One of these days, you will have an opportunity to sell a PS3 to a 360 fanboy... but you're going to lose them cause your just too goddamn smug about it, deserved or not.

It won't matter that the Cell has 7 parallel processing units, or that Blu-ray has 50 gigs of space, or that PSN is free. All that will matter is that for all your rattling off numbers, trademarks, and lists of exclusive games, you are still annoying as fuck.

It won't be about buying the PS3 based on it's merits. It will be about NOT buying into you.

WLPowell5048d ago

Your pic hitting a little close to home there edge?

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5048d ago
Omega45055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Absolutley nothing. Kojima said MGS4 couldn't be done on the 360 yet MGS:R graphics surpass it and Rage and Crysis 2 surpass anything currently out and they are multiplat. In a year or two of anyone saying that they always look foolish.

It's best that PS devs just keep quiet, for their sake.

You would say that since you love your PS3 to death. But tell me a game only on PS3 that is open world, runs at 60fps and looks like Rage? Cause i bet you can't. And Crysis 2 looks miles better than K3, I mean for one it has colour, that alone makes it more impressive lol.

Cell shaded eh? Thats how you gonna spin it eh? Its called art style. What bout Uncharted then? It could only get those graphics by looking like a cartoon :)

FangBlade5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

But RAGE looks like another Borderlands and Killzone 3 looks way better than Crysis 2.
Besides, Uncharted 2 looks better than all 3 of them.
I think that only Uncharted 3 can surpass Uncharted 2.

From the videos I've seen, RAGE is not an open world game. (pretty linear actually)
And 60fps is not that hard to achive when your game looks like it's cell-shaded.

Unbiased15055d ago

since when it was assumed that 360 is as pwerful as ps3?
PS3 = faster proccesor, blue ray = enought to make it "only possible on PS3" a fact.

MNicholas5055d ago

Rage does appear to be partially cell-shaded. Additionally, nearly all the lighting and shadows you see on-screen is baked into textures. Even things like ceiling pipes are often just painted textures. The high-res bull-shots give away the lack of geometry and detail.

Between the shader operated texturing system and the decision to go with 60fps, the end result is that available shader processing time per frame is less than half of what's available to 30fps games like Gears or Uncharted.

bobdog6265055d ago Show
pixelsword5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

McDonalds hamburger= Billions served

porterhouse Steak = hundreds of millions served

filet mignon = likely less than two to five million served

since when did more sold ever meant "quality" or "better than what sold less"?

At any rate, like I tell everyone who wants to say this or that about any console being more powerful than what, or if a PC game is better than a console game is this:

Prove it.

Youtube has been out for years, so it shouldn't be hard to prove, even if you don't own a $5000 computer or a PS3, or a 360. The proof is in the pudding.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5055d ago
BlackBusterCritic5055d ago

MGS4 was COMPRESSED on a 50 gig disc. If you take that and put it on standard DVD9, how many discs are you talking about? Lets not forget that each disc for Xbox360 games is around 6 gigs, while the other 2 gigs is used for Microsoft's security protocols that dont work. So MGS4 on Xbox360 would be around 8 discs. So yeah, it is indeed IMPOSSIBLE for Metal Gear Solid 4 to work on Xbox360.

halojunkie5055d ago

a ask you gamer to gamer, have you ever seen a ps3 game? i mean surley you have seen heavy rain, uncharted 2, gow3. if you have a good monitor and connection go to youtube and look up killzone 2, and search for visari palace, i honestly think if you bought a ps3 dude you would be so much happier, im teling you this because ive seen rage on consoles and cysis and they do not look as good graphically as killzone 2, let alone 3.

ssipmraw5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

op is probably unaware that they created a seperate engine to the one used in mgs4. not to mention that they would have added more features on top of that since 4, cos you know we like our visuals to look better than before -_-"

TEFL0N_D0N_815055d ago

Most of that was audio. You try to talk like an expert, but quack like an idiot. I have, and played MGS4. Graphics are great. Probably takes a few discs on 360. Considering how linear the game is, I don't mind swapping discs. When FFVII came out on Playstation, that was multiple discs but I didn't ear complaints.

Look at Infamous. The size is 3.3 Gigs. The game's gorgeous. What's your f*cking point? I've played games on multiple discs for a long ass time, on Playstation, PC, etc. The one thing about MGS4 that pissed me off is the ridiculous load times. I've seen that boring loading screen of Snake smoking a long ass cigg a million times. Blu-ray or not, if multiple discs reduced the loading times, I would have preferred MGS4 that way.

You rookies think graphics and resolution is everything. No consideration on gameplay, design and artwork.

I think RDR, Prince of Persia (reboot), Gears 2, Uncharted 2 & GOW3 show the best visual standards right now. Excuse me if I left out a game or two.

Convas5055d ago

I wish there was some way for me to shake you hand. You show some of the intelligence that is so rare on this website. Sadly of course, the majority of bosom buddies on this site will disagree with what you said, but your point WILL be understood by those who aren't wearing their fanboy glasses.

Have a Bubble and Agree on me.

DaTruth5054d ago Show
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5054d ago
jjesso19935055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

lol do you belive what you say or do you just get kicks out speaking crap. rage looks good but is no where near quality of any ps3 exlcusive the same with crysis dont touch uc1 or uc2 or killzone 2 or killzone 3 pre alpha footage.

360 hardware cant touch ps3 thats a fact ps3 is more powerfull has hdd for install if needed has blu ray for 25-50gb of data the 360 cant use its hdd for advantages in games and has less disc space than the ps2-xbox 1. th day and xbox 360 game looks better than uc1 is the day i become billionair and thats never going happen.

SaberEdge5054d ago

"rage looks good but is no where near quality of any ps3 exlcusive"

Come on, man, I love my PS3, but what you said sounds plain loony. Any PS3 exclusive? Are you really claiming that Rage doesn't look better than games like Warhawk, Infamous, Twisted Metal, MAG or Resistance?

I'd say Rage clearly looks a lot better than any of those games.

Venatus-Deus5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Can we please just wait unless these games are finished before we hype them up to be graphical monsters.

Alan Wake was in some ways ruined by hype, the same hype that you contributed to.

FFS you have only seen a very small part of RAGE hand choosen by the developers.

BlackBusterCritic5055d ago

Dont even bother trying to convince him. I've seen 360fanboys claim that MAX PAYNE 3, Alien vs Predator, and Gears of War 2 LOOK BETTER THAN UNCHARTED 2. They're getting desperate for something graphically impressive.

kevnb5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

its a stupid argument, all those games just look like console games. You can tell a ps3 fanboy when they start talking about the cell lol. Its all about the gpu, and on the ps3 thats a gtx 7900, fact.

nickjkl5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

poor kev and his outdated way of thinking

kevnb5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

atleast I am thinking, much better than just going by what sonyor microsoft tells you.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5055d ago
5055d ago Replies(2)
Redempteur5055d ago

big troll let me explain to you ...

the reason MGS4 and many other can't be done on 360 is because they use a lot of space on the blu ray first ... look at ff13 it's 34 gb on ps3 and to go on 360 they had to compress it a lot and they needed 3 discs

Second most of these games ( uncharted , infamous ) have engine that work Way different than the PC Many effects and graphic librairy for examples are in places completly différent if that were a Simple PC game

Now that i increased your small knowledge a little big , you can go back and try to troll with one bubble

n4gno5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

"Bububbububu waiiit for alan wake, uncharted killer.."

you'll never learn (by the way, crysis on consoles can't even compete with kz2)

it's funny (again), to see worst trollliars like hacker, omega, cryint "waiiiiit for...game that don't exist for now" to prove that xbox can compete with ps3 (wich everyone knows it's impossible, since uncharted 1)

JayD-1K5054d ago

x game will save the PS3! now it's, x game will prove the 360 has graphic power!

CrAnKiTuP_015055d ago

And don't see the big deal. Not much going on on-screen from what I've seen compared to the chaos and hundreds of things going on in games I'm used to like Killzone 2 and God of War 3. Uncharted 2 made my jaw drop and my eyes melt. When I saw Rage, I thought "...... Cool he killed a zombie... another... another... great animations my ass!... *yawn* shot more zombies... Man this shit is boring!!" *gets off*

kevnb5055d ago

all those games you mentioned have barely anything going on, killzone 2 cant even keep a good framerate. As a pc gamer these arguments are just laughable, the games on 360 vs ps3 are almost the same with the ps3 games usually having slightly better art style and animation.

nickjkl5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

the only time i lost frame rate with killzone 2 is when i was causing massive explosions more so than the last level where the enemy started missle whoring

and in multiplayer on a small map where people start grenade missle whoring

Ju5055d ago

"all those games you mentioned have barely anything going on"

Oh, someone hasn't played KZ2. Man, they have so much particle smoke and debris going at times, that you have to make it a strategy to work around this because you will be simply blind - and dead in a second if you don't. I have never seen a game like this.

And then compare this with Rage, when you shoot at a wall or pillar. No effect at all. Nothing. Nilch, nada.

Mr_Bun5055d ago

This is EXACTLY why people like Omega can't be taken seriously. He knows that games like Uncharted/KZ can't be matched on the 360 so he lists 2 games that aren't even available to the public yet.

Nicaragua5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

The funny thing is though is how he cycles onto the next 2 games once his current choices actually get released and dont turn out that great.

"YES, YES! METRO 2033 IS THE KILLZONE KILLER !!! OMG man this game is gonna rock so hard...oh...ok"



kneon5055d ago

Unfortunately as each game fails to impress there is always another on the horizon

"Just wait until you see Kinectimals" :^)

extermin8or5055d ago

actually kojima said the octocamo could not be done on the 360 not the graphics, the reason being that they had several spu's dedicated to the camo alone, mgs:r has no octocamo does it? it also doesn't have long cutscenes ect and on the ps3 it was around 50 gb one of the only games to use a dual layer blu-ray disc...

Pennywise5055d ago

Can someone ban this guy already? I don't think Omega has EVER said one honest thing. Everything he has ever typed has been aimed to get people mad and stir reactions. After 4+ years of this garbage he is still allowed to roam this site and post his nonsense. There have been plenty of users who have done the same thing that are long banned and gone by now... How is it Omega4 gets a free pass?

I know he would just make another account, I am just tired of seeing the same name saying the same BS. It gets Reeaaallly old.

Denethor_II5055d ago

You forgot sound quality. BD holds linear PCM HD sound.

MNicholas5055d ago

Reality sucks for fanboys.

360 fanboys, in particular, are the worst. They keep looking to the future to provide a game that can "prove" that the 360 can compete graphically when time and again they've got their hopes up only to be badly let down.

It's no longer Microsoft's fault for misleading you folks about the 360's capabilties and value proposition.

It's like the old saying,

"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

pixelsword5055d ago

That's the problem, MNicholas:

It's not Microsoft or Sony or Nintendo fooling anyone, it's fanboys fooling themselves.

DaTruth5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

Remember the, "Oh, when teh MS dev tools Black engine releases, we will see". What ever happened to that. Probably been adapted to make crappy casual Kinect games!

candystop5055d ago ShowReplies(3)
Karooo5055d ago

You are the worst poster i have seen here.

milohighclub5055d ago

i dont know about rage but the lead development platform for crysis is the ps3 and even crytek have said their getting more power out of the ps3 dont dis uncharted its amazing,has more going for it than all those linear 360 games out there, except mass effect... but uncharted is still a better game.

N4BmpS5054d ago

Wow I literally see people taking sides, this is like....I don't know a flamewar? Could it be?

tinybigman5054d ago

see why you have 1 bubble too dude. MGS:R graphics will also be on the PS3 too since Kojima's team has experience on the PS3 (amazing right). also for 360 fans taking pride in 3rd party developers maxing system is pretty sad imo.

you would think their 1st developers would be able to do it also, but they don't have many of those. also when games run at 60fps they don't have max graphics so maybe Id found some tricks to make it look really good. remember it also is on the PS3.

wake me when one of M$ 1st party studios make game engines that rival Uncharted, Killzone, Heavy Rain, new Infamous, R&C, GoW3.

Jazz41085054d ago

Oh my god Omega u r so right. Uncharted looks like a cartoon which is exactly what I saw too. Ps3 is slow as hell. Most devs complain about the franerate and how the 360 does it much better and then the damn ps3 is slow slow slow at everything. Load this install that. If I wanted that bs I would be a pc gamer. I bought a ps3 and 360 to game and so far all I can say and see is the ps3 has no game.

PLAYWATCH5054d ago (Edited 5054d ago )

Is this your attempt at sarcasm??
Hope you're not agreeing with that blind fanboy Omega who spits out more Doodle than my ass.

WLPowell5048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

we will see if Rising has the same amount of content as MGS4 (reading my crystal ball I'm telling you already it won't. It won't have MGO on the same disk (that's if it even comes with MGO), It won't have the same amount of dialogue, It won't have the same amount of cutscenes, the levels' maps will be smaller, it won't have all the crap you could collect from the game: Octocamo skins, masks, weapons, ipod songs, etc. But hey Rising will be bluer and have better textures. So drink to petty victories) MGS4 was a testament to the benefit of Blu-Ray and all the crap you can through into an HD game.

@ MorganX: PS3 has it's Halo 3 it's called Resistance 2, PS3 has it's Crackdown it's called Infamous. Both look better than there 360 offerings, and do somethings better and don't do somethings better.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5048d ago
Quagmire5055d ago

I suppose games like uncharted and god of war cold be done in a 360, if they scaled back alot of things, placed it on multiple discs, and specifcially engineered for-

ahh, wat the hell am i saying. It just cant.

MorganX5055d ago

They wouldn't have to scale anything back for GOW III. I have it and was underwhelmed. Uncharted 2 is another story. It's hard to say if 360 could easily do it. I'm pretty sure it can, UC2 wasn't didn't raise the bar "that" high technically. XBOX core just like different games. The games they like wouldn't perform well with UC2 quality graphics and animation. Too much going on on screen at one time.

Could either console handle Halo or Crackdown with UC2 quality graphics? Won't know until someone does it.

silvacrest5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

i disagree with the GOW3 comment, unless your a dev you dont no what went into GOW3 to make it look that good and to have a game on that scale, just because you didn't like it does not mean it doesn't fall into the "uncharted 2 level"

"Could either console handle Halo or Crackdown with UC2 quality graphics? Won't know until someone does it"

i think bungie attempted this with reach and although it looks better then halo 3 it does not compare to uncharted 2

crackdown 2 looks worse then crackdown in my opinion so i doubt thats gonna change much with the third game if its ever made

MorganX5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

Don't have to know what went into it to know what came out. I was more impressed with Heavenly Sword. The scale, overrated. Make one big polygon and shrink the primary and you have scale. I'm not impressed.

And GOW III just doesn't look "that" good. It's a good HD button masher. Nothing spectacular. That's my opinion. I accept that you believe it is the "best graphics ever in a console game." I just disagree with that. Hell, I find Wipeout HD more impressive.

Edit: You cannot really compare a shooter with large numbers of persistent polygons with an action RPG with a limited number of moving polygons on the screen at any given time. Uncharted 2 is more comparable to a Splinter Cell Conviction. Uncharted 2 is definitely the best in its class.

silvacrest5055d ago

"best graphics ever in a console game."

lol, when did i say this? please dont inset your words into my mouth, i accept that you were not that impressed, please aacept that i was

heavenly sword is a good game but it does not compare in terms of graphics, dont you think thats why it can afford to have as many things going on as it does?

i never really liked wipeout that much so i cant comment but what ever you mean by "impressed" needs further clarification

i get why you would compare splinter cell and uncharted but in reality you probably shouldn't, i finished splinter cell 2 days ago and there is just less going on on the screen and of course, the graphics dont compare

raztad5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

"And GOW III just doesn't look "that" good."

What does that mean?

So you trying to say you werent impressed by GoW3 opening level, fighting again Poseidon on top of Gaia? because just yesterday I replayed that section and my jaw dropped again. CGI quality with massive scale + incredible particle effects everywhere.

jneul5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

oh you are so funny x360 struggles(YOU HAVE TO DROP RESOLUTION TO BELOW 720P TO ACHIEVE IT!!) to do 4xAA never mind MLAA which is the equivalent to 16xAA, come back to the forums when you are better educated the cell is different to pc architecture and is not as reliant on gpu/memory as the x360 is as the cell can perform graphical tasks such as pre-processing, by using the SPU's
It sucks when even a girl knows more about computing than you

moparful995055d ago

Speaking of halo reach. Wasn't it bungie that proclaimed "We are capable of killzone 2 graphics with halo reach."? Now that we have seen the game in action, while markedly improved over halo 3's cartoonish visuals, it is nowhere near the level of killzone 2..

MorganX5055d ago (Edited 5055d ago )

My bad. You did not say "best graphics ever." UC2 GOW threads running together in my head.

Heavenly sword definitely had framerate problems but I thought it looked better overall and would love to see it remade now that devs know how to take better advantage of the SPUs. I thought the voice acting and pacing/direction were in a league of their own, Uncharted 2 is in the same ballpark, and it set the standard for breaking the repetitiveness of button mashers with substantive and fun diversions. Just talking about it, I'm going to buy it again (sold it a while back with my fat PS3), used of course.

I mean they don't look good enough to me to make me question if another console could do them. UC2 maybe, but GOW, I'm not seein' it.

Impressed by the creativity yes, but technically, not so much. I think what most people found so impressive (the scale?) was just moving cut scenes to me.

Not saying it isn't a good or fun game, not even saying there is a comparable counterpart on the Xbox platform, there is not. Just saying I don't think it comes close to raising the bar in its genre the way UC2 does. Of course, I don't hide the fact that I think Heavenly Sword is the standard bearer in all phases in that genre. It's a shame what happened to it.

Biggest5055d ago

How about this one then. . .
Has any other console produced a game that looks as good as God of War 3? Is there a character model on consoles that looks as impressive as Kratos? Is there any game on consoles with the scale of battle on top of a moving object? If you can answer yes to any of those questions and give an example, you might be on to something, MorganX. Otherwise. . . Give it a rest. You promise things before you provide the service. Not 5 years later when we already see what you're providing.

MorganX5055d ago

I've already answered all of those, you just don't agree with it which is fine, except:

" Is there any game on consoles with the scale of battle on top of a moving object?"

No, but I don't find that to be all that impressive, definitely not something that would make me say, this can't be done on another console. Can't be, and hasn't been, are two different things. And that is the topic of this thread.

Biggest5055d ago

You haven't answered anything. The developers of games for the 360 and Wii haven't answered either. There are people who live in theory. Sometimes they apply their theory and it becomes reality. There are others who live in reality. It's always real. This is a perfect example of this topic. The theory that some have is that the PS3 exclusives are possible on other consoles. But the very real reality is that they are not.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5055d ago
Ju5055d ago

They would also run on the Wii when cut back. And the PS2 or XBox. And for sure on the GameCube.

Jazz41085054d ago

That's so funny about uncharted not comparing to halo. Yes your right Halo goes for a more real to life look while uncharted is a fricking cartoon. No crap sherlock.

darren_poolies5055d ago

Just my opinion but I believe it means it cannot be done on the 360, possibly?

Nike5055d ago

It means it can't be done on 360, actually. :)

emil15055d ago

best console graphics ever

god of war 3
uncharted 2

despite x360 1 year more on market and much easier to program for because architecture is 95% similar to pc and better graphics card than ps3's

MrBuffalo5055d ago

Its generally accepted that the 360 is easier to code for but even the 360 and PS3 share a power pc based CPU. As I understand it the 360 simply has a more straight forward design that lends itself to already proven techniques. Its not as simple as it being 95% similar. Judging by my experience I buy most multiplats (except RE5 because of the demos awful screen tearing and SF4 because I had sicks for Virtua Fighter already) on 360 and enjoy all exclusives on my PS3 (and exclusives on 360 too). Though UC2 is probably the best graphics I've seen this gen I haven't seen anything that well and truely blows the 360 out of the water. Gamings all good!!! and regarding best console graphics... sure it aint HD but people who've seen me play Okami on my Wii that aren't even gamers have said how great it looks. Thats a beautiful game despite it being on the Wii and PS2. Art Style and creative endeavour wins over technical skill every time!

moparful995055d ago

You have the basics right buffalo. While both are based on IBM power pc cores the 360 utilizes a 3 core unit with a xenos gpu that uses a main die/ daughter die setup on the gpu itself. This setup affords devlopers more pipelines for data transfer between the gpu and cpu which equates to a faster coding process. But faster in no way translates to better. With the cell, despite the underpowered gpu, that lack of graphics processing can be overcome by utilizing an SPE on the cell. However most developers just use the single core of the cell and leave the SPE's unused which is why multiplats dont impress on the ps3, with a few exceptions. Once the development community better grasps the cell and the user base on ps3 continues to grow we will see a shift in this philosophy and games will become better for this reason...

bobdog6265055d ago

With all that said and Done all 3 Games cant,out sell the first halo.Shame ODST have out sold all of them.Look at the Wii ,No Bluray No Hi Def Just Mario beating the Socks off of Sony.I Still Remimber the time they said Crysis could not be Done on the 360.Just a matter of Time Guys Just a matter of Time

Jazz41085054d ago

Also just a side note while you ps3 guys om here build each other up I'm working out in the real world in the gaming business influnceing people when it matters the most and the biased crap I see coming from ps3 guys is what turns me away from this console plus its just slow. I have bought 3 ps3s since it came out 2 for me and one as a gift so damn I support sony but this crap bs has got to stop since most of you don't own a 360 and just talk crap that is so wrong and uneducated. Don't bother responding to this as I will not be reading your comments. Back to work.

Show all comments (322)

Price Reductions Available Now on the Digital Xbox 360 Store - Closing July 29, 2024

Xbox 360 launched 18 years ago and was a generation-defining console that invited many people to jump into gaming for the first time and connect with friends around the world. We’re thrilled people continue playing their favorite Xbox 360 games on Xbox 360, or on newer consoles via Backward Compatibility for supported titles.

Read Full Story >>
Einhander19721h ago

"we believe in game preservation"

Remember the media reaction when PlayStation wanted to shut down the PS3 store (but then kept it open)... where is that reaction here?

CrimsonWing6916m ago

What are you asking? Like, if people got pissed at Sony for that? Because they did. We also got pissed at Nintendo when they did it.

You’re getting a chance to buy what you want before they close it. Moving forward digital stores should work like Steam. It’s just in this beginning they made it platform specific and closed off. A hindsight in their part and it sucks, but what is the percentage of people buying anything off these stores and what is the cost to keep the servers up?

I get it and yes making strives so this isn’t the case every gen we go into is absolutely a must. I mean PSN on PS3 is so convoluted to buy anything since you can’t use a credit card. Vita store is gone. It’s going to go away eventually.

1Victor59m ago(Edited 57m ago)

RIP Xbox 360 digital store and all its games.
It really grinds my gears that they are waiting till 10 days before closing to give the best discounts and the list as of now is 100 or less titles from the massive 360 library

Phoenix7640m ago(Edited 39m ago)

I should have enough points by the weekend to get £25 credit off MS, (hardly ever spend money on xb1), might look at a few of these.

DivineHand12532m ago

The Xbox 360 store was one of the only advantages the Xbox Series consoles had over the PS5. When I got my series X, I spent more playing Xbox 360 games vs current-gen Xbox games since that was the golden era for Xbox and several titles had enhancements such as 4k resolution and fps boost.

Closing this store will now only benefit the competition.


7 Deserving Games That Never Got Backward Compatibility

Backward compatibility works for many games on newer consoles, but titles such as The Simpsons: Hit and Run have been left out.


20 Best Survival Games of All Time

From base building to swinging willies, here are the best survival games around, which include a couple of less than obvious picks.

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Vader823d ago

No 7 days to die is criminal