
Study: Men Prefer Gaming Over Sex

A recent study has shown that man prefer gaming over sex.

Canucks235103d ago

I would hate to be one of those "men"

Kalowest5103d ago

I agree, i like my consoles, but i would love some lips more.

darkmurder5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Who needs sex when you have the vibrate game on Xbox ... /s

How sad....

Cevapi885103d ago

must be a bunch of WoW players...if it was anything else then my logic fails

young juice5103d ago

im willing to bet a few fanboys are having sex with their consoles right now.

R2D25103d ago

a pig who refuses to eat Jews.

FarEastOrient5103d ago

@ Young Juice

You must've been watching Jack Black during the gamer awards show, him sleeping his consoles. ^_^

Trey_4_life5103d ago

I prefer to play games and then use my hand when needed ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
Shaka2K65103d ago ShowReplies(7)
Anon73495103d ago

You obviously didn't read it at all dumbass.

The men played video games for 30mins then had sex with their partner for 30mins and they did scientific studies.

So no, they aren't virgins but you on the other hand? Most likely.

facelike5103d ago

Well they played games they've never played before, vs a woman whom they know quite well.

If these were games they know very well, or these were women they didn't know, I'm sure the results would have been different.

nveenio5103d ago

If I was still a single bachelor, then sex would win 100% of the time. Even the chance of sex would win. I would drop a controller just to go look at girls.

But, as someone who has been married for a long time (and is monogamous), sex isn't always as interesting as it used to be. My wife would have to really turn on the heat to get me to pay attention. Does this mean I prefer video games to sex? No. It just means that my definition of sex has changed. And I'm lazier in my old age.

chrisnick5103d ago

If I have a choice b4 starting either, then definitely sex. But i swear if i'm in an engaging part of a game, like the train section in uncharted2, outside visari's palace right b4 radec in kz2, or any part of gow3...then truth is...It'll take some special nakedness to get me away from that game.

FACTUAL evidence5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

That's a DAM lie! I'd pause my game in a heart beat for some pu$$y!

chrisnick5103d ago

but sometimes being a little to enthusiastic is creepy and kinda goes along with the stereotype of gamers being pu$$y starved...the gamers without gfs anyway. Those of us who do can actually wait cuz its not like it'll be a while till we get any anyway, maybe that's just me though.

Lich1205103d ago

I agree chris. I think theres this weird need for gamers to act like they would drop everything to have sex. Likely as a result of the stereotypes that surround gamers (not very good with the ladies etc.) Call me old fashioned but I don't need to be having sex 24-7.

Army_of_Darkness5103d ago

you stop performing well in a game, you`ll die, start over and get to try again with barely any penalties...

But if you stop performing well and quit during a sex session with your GF, then well... I wish you the best on trying to get it again lol!

HxCGamer5103d ago

what you guys are talking about
but games>women
unless the girl is under 15 .. then that just gives me a better rush

Anon73495103d ago

I 100% Completely agree with you, but 15 is too old, it'll take less than that to get me excited....

HxCGamer5103d ago

i said under lol =]

nd chill jacksparrow i was jokin, but i still think games are better most of the times

nveenio5103d ago

How do you bubble down for being a pedophile?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5103d ago
leeger5103d ago

why not game while having sex!

TD_RJ5103d ago

You are already gaming while having sex!

gta28005103d ago

This study must have involved virgins only. I love games but when it comes down to gettin busy or PS3. I choose the poon. The PS3 will always be there for me, the poon can be gone some day lol.

Anorexorcist5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

When you live by the tenets of Leykis 101 and choose not to tie yourself down to a "girlfriend" and choose to not let a woman boss you around and tell you what to do or else (which the "or else" is her always holding off on sex until you give in to her demands, which is usually helping her mother pay her bills or buying her a new phone or something like that.)

Go over to her house, do the deed, go home and go to sleep. Then wake up in the morning nice and refreshed and play till your hearts desire without her nagging in your ear. If you don't become a man-boy slave and have balls of steel, you can have your console and play it too.

A change in the wind5103d ago

I too live by the tenets of Leykis 101, and I have reaped the benefits. I do what I want, when I want, how I want. I don`t need some woman nagging me all the time, keeping tabs on me 24/7. I`ve watched good men get consumed by the evil that Leykis warns his students about, and I`m glad I found him a while ago. If you are a man, and have never listened to Tom Leykis, get on youtube right now, and better yourself.

Anorexorcist5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Youtube is good for getting a taste of Tom Leykis and his show, but nothing compared to leykisonline.com

leykisonline.com is great. There is a large archive sorting by year, by month of broadcasts from The Tom Leykis Show going all the way back to 1990.

One of my favorite Tom Leykis quotes: "Women care more about the bulge in a man's back pocket than they do about the bulge in his front pocket, if you know what I mean"

Your sons need you back on the air Tom!!!

Leykis...or hate us. Oh Yeah!!! Keep it real!!!

ThanatosDMC5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

I get 4-11 turns a day... it wears you out. But i'd never say no to some action while im sitting down playing.

BkaY5103d ago

tht pic gives me creeeps... i love gaming and dont mind bewbzzz now and then....

ppl still think that gamers are some nerds, my mate is a model and once we played warhawk 12hrs straight.. not to mention tekken, street fighter and list goes on...


ps: big booty bitches...big big booty bitches aaaaaaaaaaaa.

Anon73495103d ago

Wow, N4G.

After reading all these stupid comments, I actually have LESS respect for you guys. Which is really difficult to do considering there was none to begin with.

Way to live up to the stereotype gamer image guys. I was kinda hoping for a little bit more than crappy unoriginal stuff like "Why not both HURR DURR."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This just in *N4Gers are Illiterate Virgins*
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About 90% of you retards didn't even read the damn article, especially you guys saying stuff like "THEY MUST BE VIRGINS HERPY DERPY."


One thing I find interesting, why would you think a virgin would enjoy videogames over sex anyways? They've never had it before, so don't you think they'd want it more than ever? Aren't you guys capable of simple logic?

Way to be N4G, you pretty much lived up to every gamer stereotype there is and above the sex deprived virgin one.

----------------------------- ------------------------
This just in *N4Gers are Illiterate Virgins*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Quagmire5103d ago

New study confirmed: Women prefer Quagmire over Sex...heh heh.

PCnPS3Gamer5103d ago

wow i feel sorry for guys that would rather do anything instead of having sex let alone for video games......like come on yes id agree men prefer playing video games then pampering there needy whiny gf's but seriously, you do not turn down sex under any circumstances.....lol:P

whats the next bs article going to be "men think that getting bj's while gaming is lame and to much of a distraction while playing online games" lol..needy girls should never be put before game but when sex is on the table thats that ps3 or 360 gets turned the f off lol.......

Nihilism5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

If i'm in the middle of a game and my girlfriend calls me for sex you damn well better bet that i'll say "just a minute!" and keep playing for half and hour or more.

I don't know why everyone is getting on the defensive saying "seks is the best!", seems like they might be a little self conscious or that you are controlled by sex and that your woman can hold it over you. My girl is making my lunch for me right now, guess what I have planned afterwords ;), and no I don't have to ask.

Life is good when you're not whipped.

Keep on begging for it though boys, i'm sure if you ask real real nice she MIGHT give you some.

PCnPS3Gamer5103d ago

theres a difference between being whipped and having no sex drive....its not like your dropping something important for sex like its a video game that you can pause and finish later like fuck....like ditching your friends for sex repeatedly is called being whipped, ditching your friends or video games to go shopping with your gf now thats whipped but sex come on...you cant be whipped if you want to do it. i guess you'd rather get trophies or achievements then get a real reward called an orgasm....whatever floats your boat man just don't be saying other guys are whipped cause they want sex.....

Nihilism5102d ago

If your girlfriend was in the middle of watching a movie she was enjoying and you walked in the room and said "wanna have sex?" I guarantee that 99% of the time she would tell you to wait because she's watching a movie, it's the same thing, no reason why sex should take priority above all else, if it does, then she has a power over you that will dictate your entire life

KenjiWB5103d ago

I love all the "quotes" that make people use to make themselves feel above the norm, clearly you're are a "man" for thinking this is bogus.

In my humble opinion, because that's all I can speak for, I can see where this would be accurate in many circumstances. For instance, take someone like myself, who has been married for close to a decade (happily, mind you) and yea, I probably get more excitement out of a new video game (use your imagination).

On the flip side, if you take someone single, that might have a different partner to 'experience' following every high school breakup in the history of forever, than I'm sure the opposite would be more common.

Sarcasm5103d ago

I'd take boobs and vag any day over gaming.

Heisenberg5103d ago

You've either never had sex, or you in fact AREN'T a man, but an asexual super geek from the depths of fanboy hell... Christ, these dudes need to go get themselves laid, FAST!

sid4gamerfreak5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )


video games - a hobby
girls - sexsexsexsex (oh, and of course,i care for her emotions and all that stuff)

And this is where pc gamers also rule supreme because i can go to my gf and make her feel awed that i built a magnificent gaming rig.

Then she can play games in full hd and enjoy the amazing pc gaming experience.

Leio5103d ago

Are they sure those are "men" ?

SaiyanFury5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Hah, I'm married. I love games very much but my wife even more. She loves relations even more than me, rare as that may be in most peoples' life. I love my life and that I was careful before I got married. I didn't marry the first girl in my life, we got to know each other first for a few years before we agreed to commit to each other. We married back in 2006 and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I've never been more content with a woman. I love my games, but not more than relations. Even if I'm into a single game, my wife loves me regardless, and for her love I am eternally thankful. I'm not a perfect husband, but she's a supportive wife, and for that I thank God for our chance meeting. She truly is the woman of my dreams. She's not an airbrushed model, but an actual woman and I love her every single day I'm alive.

Pika-pie5103d ago

Depends on who the sex is with

DTClown5103d ago

I routinely pause or quit gaming entirely to go upstairs and have sex with my wife. 4 times a week on average for 20 years now. Over those 20 years I NEVER chose to play a game, watch tv, smoke a bowl, or anything other than to go have glorious sex. This study needs to involve people who are currently having sex.

jessupj5102d ago

You guys should read the article, the title is misleading. Only 18% prefered games over sex. It was just that most men had more adrenalin levels when playing games.

As for me I love sex. But if I had conplete control of my perfect world I'd be playing games for 3 hours, having sex for 15 mins, playing for another 3 hours, having sex for 15 mins, etc. Sex is great and all, but after I'm done I wanna play games.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
George Sears5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Maybe if your 40 and you have a hog for a wife then you'll probably lose interest.

It depends on the age I guess because I sure as hell like them pink stuff more than gaming.

n4gn4gn4gn4g5103d ago

20 year old heifers out there too ya know.

ZombieAutopsy5103d ago (Edited 5103d ago )

Lol at least do what I and many of my friends do, put it to her then as soon as you're done walk out of the room power up your console and start killing stuff.

If the girl was very unattractive though i could see wanting to play games over that but still a video game isn't going to give you that kind of release.

Hell if i could put it too the women in that picture twice a day each i dont think i'd even care about gaming until about a month or two of doing it.

DigitalRaptor5103d ago

I'd rephrase that and say "Men who aren't good with girls, prefer gaming over sex, because they aren't getting any" :p

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A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

Skewed and Reviewed have written an Opinion Piece covering issues in the gaming industry, how current issues were issues years ago, and what can be done to help restore consumer trust.

anast2d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk2d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast2d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk2d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac2d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk2d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


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