4point7BillionLoss5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

This photo-realistic toilet simulator is the phuture of gayming aparently ...

take a long hot shower and then leave the toilet seat up to annoy those pesky women you hate to much ...

Heavy Rain ... naaah ... you slipped and hit your head in the shower you muppet ...

nix5233d ago

but you pressed the wrong button! not 'B' you fool... press 'X'.

-MD-5233d ago

"but you pressed the wrong button! not 'B' you fool... press 'X'."

That literally makes no sense.

nix5233d ago

just like your existence, murderdoll. just like your existence. q:

nix5233d ago

i know... so is the guy above.

5233d ago
Michael-Jackson5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

You have to use "gayming", what a homophobic idiot.

nix5233d ago

yes.. we are. and so are you for joining in. come here, lemme give me a hug. ((:

nix5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

one down. millions to go! i'm on roll!

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi_5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

...go and play your 2010 xBox 360 Exclusive Games...Oh...er...erm...you have NONE!!! ;-D

Anyway -
To get the Demo, the '4 pieces of evidence' are -

» DEAD ChavBot drowned in the Bath(of his own TEARS)
» DEAD ChavBot swinging from a rope because he was bored of waiting for a xBox 360 Only game
» DEAD ChavBot O.D because he got RRoD again
» DEAD ChavBot because he didn't get a Valentine's Card off a ModBot this year
(i'm going to burn in Hell for that 1!!!) ;-D

4point7BillionLoss5233d ago

Don't forget to wash your hands and whiten your teeth droids ... that's the most fun you're ever going to have

nix5233d ago

i found one.. but this one is nor dead or alive. more like a zombie. must be because of staring at those red rings.

NateNater5232d ago

If that's all that you can see in this game 4.7BilLoss, then all you are is a blind and blatant fanboy...or girl. Open your eyes!

Droid Smasha5232d ago

no one is going to waste $8 to see this. Just go watch Avatar again

L-Teezy5232d ago

to any1 having trouble gettin the codes to work... create an EU account, and the same code will work 100% on that EU account. it must be region-locked and random between US and EU

mfwahwah5232d ago


What demo did you play? That **** wasn't in the demo.

Oh, what's that? You don't even own a PS3? Well fancy that.

CernaML5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

lol Why was my comment the only one deleted? Mods have very bad judgement.

L-Teezy5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

i almost completed 75% of qte's but still get karate chopped in my neck by that dude every gaadam time..lol. any1 notice that the (trailer spoiler)prostatute is the same chic from 1 of the original trailers? that trailer that the devs said was a test with that chic in the acting scene with the gun in the kitchen. yall know the scene im talkin about if you've followed this game.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
WIIIS15233d ago

Can't wait to do the mini game sequences of brushing my teeth and taking a crap in this game! A totally different and welcomed pace from most other types of gameplay.

captain-obvious5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

wow it looks like xbox fanboys are more interested in this game

well disagree all you cant
still doesn't change the fact that the first 2 poster in both zones are xbox fanboys

monkpunk15233d ago

Is that at the same time WIIIS1?

I'm kinda looking forward to this (in between all the other games out soon and now)love a good story in a game and change of pace from all the shooting and stuff, innovation at least these avenues are being explored.

One of my favorite games of all time is the broken sword games and this feels like a next gen version to me.....

How about this game with the Arc contollers does anyone else like me think that it could work?

krisq5233d ago

Downloading :). Thanks for the tip!

Baba19065233d ago

im getting this game anyway. so i dont care about the demo. it would just steal gameplay =D i dont even care about the reviews fahrenheit was awesome, this wont dissapoint me.

FamilyGuy5233d ago

Anyone else watch this weeks episode of Pulse and notice the chick mention a FREE Dynamic theme yet there was no "free" theme made available this week?

What gives?

AnttiApina5233d ago

Darn it! I need the code really bad! But I haven't registered to the 4 days thing :(

NewZealander5233d ago

well i got the demo, graphics are amazing, a bit emotionless but still stunning to look at.

gameplay is horrible though, trying to walk in a straight line is a chore, the story looks interesting, but im afraid i might fall asleep and miss it.

Hellsvacancy5233d ago

"We are currently working to address some site issues caused by overwhelming demand. Sincere apologies for the delay, and please check back shortly"

Perjoss5233d ago

seriously, are there parts where you do QTEs for brushing teeth and taking a dump? just asking.

HighDefinition5233d ago

Could some one please PM me a code to reach 'Karmic Overload'

Gain some XP.


Hellsvacancy5233d ago

When the sites runnin again (and of course i can get a code) ill create a dupe account and share wid ya/others (i did the same wid Home, GOW3)

Im nice like that

MisterNiwa5232d ago

Would you mind giving me one aswell? :I

Nemo885232d ago

I used to love Broken Sword cant wait to play this!

Sm0k3y_Bac0n5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

UYou get the four days thing off the store?

mfwahwah5232d ago


The tutorial involves your daily routine. Shaking yourself dry after a shower, drinking OJ, and just walking around the house to see what's up.

Most games have a tutorial level, but Heavy Rain makes it a little unique.

Unfortunately, trolls use that to judge the whole game on.

Pika-pie5232d ago

See this is why people get so frustrated at developers and Sony.

Have to register and log in, complete a mini game to get a code for a 2gig download!! Good luck, the servers down as they are now getting slammed with people trying to sign up.

Why do I, the customer, a potential purchaser of the game, have to jump through all these stupid hoops just to try it out. Im not sold on the game yet and the demo will be the decider as to whether or not I part with my cash.

Now im just annoyed at Sony and Quatic dream, and that annoyance will still be with me when im deciding what to spend my £40 on.

Great marketing

Marceles5232d ago

Man that demo was incredible, the presentation was amazing!

-EvoAnubis-5232d ago

I apologize in advance, because I don't plan on putting this delicately.

You're an idiot.

This is why developers, I imagine, can get frustrated with people. This isn't 'a hoop for you to jump through,' you moron, it's a REWARD for fans of the game who participated in the Four Days adventure, which by the way, they didn't have to even freaking do. Don't want to do it? Then wait for a week when the demo is available to EVERYONE.

This sense of entitlement some people have baffles me. Can't even do something special for your fans without people whining like 2 year old girls.

So, Alvadr, wait a week, have a coke and a smile, and shut the f*ck up.

mfwahwah5232d ago


At least you don't have to preorder the game for a demo.

And hey, you can always wait one week to download it off the PSN store. Oh but wait, that's probably bull****, too, right?

iamtehpwn5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

I got a code but whenever I type it in, it says its invalid...anyone else having this problem?

nvm. works on my UK account

thewhoopimen5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

I got the demo earlier this morning, and finally sat down and play.
Without a doubt this is graphically more impressive than Uncharted 2. The rain drops running off Scott Shelby's face, dripping on his nose, pattering off his coat is quite literally amazing. When you walk past a plastic trashcan you can hear the rain drops pattering on the cover. The raindrops drip on the dumpster and swirl on the metal is very convincing. The scratches in the wood, the whiteout graffiti, the labels on the trashed pkgs O_O. I was very very impressed with the mocap.

Slight cons: Voice acting a little flat. Pacing is a little bit slow, but the action sequences were convincingly good. When I put on the FBI glasses and the train roared by... I thought it was CG for a sec, until I looked at the grass.

This game is a graphical showcase bar none...

FACTUAL evidence5232d ago

and loved it...i need more! Feb 23rd can't come soon enough!

Hanif-8765232d ago

This game has to be the most amazing thing i've ever seen in my life... nothing else compares in the slightest bit. I really can't explain it but this game is something special its a MUST BUY!

Red Panda5232d ago

The fact that some of you are saying it surpasses UC2, makes me very excited. I enjoy intense visuals.

Elimin85232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

Love it.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
Sangria5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

I'm not fond of those real life investigation things, In Memoriam and Home's Xi already burned me half of the brain, I don't want to lose my other part for a simple demo code.
(even if I'm conscious it's a way to be into Heavy Rain atmosphere)

Edit: Oh well, they updated the article. It's a bit unfair but I guess it's better for everyone.

nix5233d ago

Xi was the only reason i was there at Home regularly. it was fun to run around. yeah.. the puzzles were too hard though. thankfully Wiki was there.

mullerhun5233d ago

Thx for the info, can't wait to try it out!:)

iwillpwnyou5233d ago

Got it! D/l now! Game of the year beetches!

SonySoldierEternaL5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )


Show all comments (271)

Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

Read Full Story >>
Fist4achin1296d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1296d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1296d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1296d ago (Edited 1296d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


The David Cage Experience: Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain

What exactly is the David Cage experience, and is it of value? We examine two classics, Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, to find the answer.

Read Full Story >>

Quantic Dream Celebrates Heavy Rain's 10 Year Anniversary With New Video Series

Quantic Dream has announced a new video series to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Heavy Rain. Check out the first part here.

Read Full Story >>
ClayRules20121453d ago (Edited 1453d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1453d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121453d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1453d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121453d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121453d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011453d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1453d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.