
Uncharted 2: Buy a PS3 to Play It, It's that Good

Every system has that one game that makes the console worth owning and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is that title for the PS3.

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Madusha5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

I have to agree with this article 100%. It's definitely worth buying a PS3 just to play Uncharted 2. The other game is Gran Turismo 5.

They both may turn up being bad games but I highly doubt it.

Oh yeah, and Killzone 2.

Sk8boyP5329d ago

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time
God of War 3
White Knight Chronicles 2

PS3 owners, you know the deal!

Jamie Foxx5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

how MIGHT they both end up being bad games? apart from the usual low scores from gamedaily,gamespy and that joke tom orry (i urge people to compare his 360 and ps3 reviews) from videogamer how might u2 be a bad game?

as for gran turismo being a bad game it'll never happen despite 360 fanboys having dolls of Kazunori Yamauchi with pins stuck in it

5329d ago
bratman5329d ago

seriously? that's the best you could come up with?

mal_tez925329d ago

Is the exact way I felt about Drake's Fortune. I've played Uncharted over 30 times now in the past 2 years and am so excited for the sequel.

Uncharted is my facvourite all time game and if there's any game to knock it out of that spot it will be its own sequel.

SWORDF1SH5329d ago

LOL somebody is bitter.

On topic.

If people buy a PS3 it should be because of the broader range of exclusives. There is AAA exclusives for almost every genre.

UC2 & UC1 - Action Adventure
Rachet and Clank games - Platforming
Killzone 2 & Resistance 2 - FPS
LittleBigPlanet - Creation/Online Community
GT5 - Racing Simulation
MotorStorm - Racing
Demon Souls & VC - RPGS
God of War 3 - Hack and Slash
Heavy Rain - Undefined Genre???

Probably more. Just a quick list.

Sarcasm5329d ago

There is more than enough reasons to buy a PS3.

Uncharted 2 is just another super insanely big reason.

And for $299... come on folks... This isn't even a question anymore.

ZBlacktt5329d ago


It's so sad that he posted this twice. On both sides of the comments on this story ( Gamer zone and Open zone ). His opinion is worth as much as his bubbles.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

On a troll name name I called it "Unfarted Poo". Obviously I was just joking since it was a troll name, but that's way better than Who Farted 2: Among Cheese. At least Unfarted Poo actually kind of made sense since it refers to a wet fart that has yet to be released and Uncharted 2 hasn't come out and a 360 fanboy will think it's crap.

I LOVE MY PS3 AND I'M GETTING UNCHARTED 2! That was just something I said on a troll account, I don't mean it. Troll accounts are for when you're bored and want to make a fool of yourself. You don't say your true opinion on a 1-day troll account. Xbox Avatar's Shoe is my real account where I'm honest. From the looks of it, Guitarded seems to be that guy's real profile and that's his real opinion -- sad.

EliteAssass1n5329d ago

i just bought a PS3 slim for $220 CAN after I traded in 4 games. I feel like I robbed the store to be honest. Anyways, I bought it specifically for this game. Can't wait for it to come out.

mal_tez925329d ago

If you're a troll, then you're not a very good one.

If you aren't, then you should get into rehab because whatever drug you are abusing is having some serious effects.

Lifendz5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

It's pretty darn good. I recommend it whole heartedly just off the strength of the single player. Can't wait till the servers go up so I can get some multi-player going.

Edit: Some of you have "troll accounts"? Wow. I have one alt account and I only use it when my main is banned. But this is my main and the only account I use.

MmaFanQc5329d ago

they told me "THE PS3 IS DOOMED!!!!"

ia_studio5329d ago

FACT my ps3 broke and there's no way to fix it or reclaim warranty,
and I went to buy another without thinking.

It's that good

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jhooty145329d ago

this makes me happy and made me remember why i preordered it will not have any social life this winter break because of uncharted 2 and modern warfare 2 :)

FiftyFourPointTwo5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

Are there any exclusive game on the burnbox that can equal Uncharted 2? No? Then there's absolutely no reason to own a burnbox.

@below: You forgot MGS4. :)

Madusha5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )

Nope, nothing can match GT5, Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2.

Guitarded5329d ago

The difference in graphics is like Xbox to Gamecube
last gen. Not like Xbox to PS2(Those comparisons were a joke much like third party games between 360 and PS3) Too bad all those games put together don't equal the fun of just one 360 game. Who Farted 2:Among Cheese is not worth $300 for the PS3. Seems like all Sonys first party games are tech demos with lackluster gameplay. I guess that's what you get when you have to spend all your resources just trying to figure out how to use the stupid architecture that Sony put in the PoS3.

ZBlacktt5329d ago

It's simple really.. Blu-ray > DVD at the end of the day.

ZBlacktt5329d ago (Edited 5329d ago )


Interesting, seeing that the Xbox console is a piece of junk that fails more than 50% of the time. Let's see it's manufacture just try and get it right for once. I mean it's been 4 years and it's the worlds biggest failure in the gaming history of consoles. That says a lot of just how smart the consumers are that still buy into that lemon huh? You have the out dated format that lost the war. You have no Wi-Fi standard at all. You can't even play online without paying. Do they still scratch the game discs? What about sounding like a helicopter? I have never gotten why someone would want to deal with a console that fails that much. What a headache that must be and it will never have the quality of a blu-ray movie or elite AAA game. Yet, you can guarantee that it will fail on you at some point.

AliTheBrit5329d ago

Its nothing to do with having a game thats equal.

Stop comparing consoles, Look at the Xbox 360 on its own and think what does it offer that no other console can...

Xbox Live, the award winning online experience, PSN cant come close to offering the kind of premium online experience XBL Gold can.

Amazing games like, Gears of War series, Left 4 Dead series, Fable II, GTA: Episodes From Liberty City.

And those are just the AAA recent titles :)

N4G king5329d ago

"PSN cant come close to offering the kind of premium online experience XBL Gold can. "

XBL = 5 on 5 + LAG ( gears )
PSN = 265 player + NO LAG AT ALL ( MAG )

stupid bot

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5329d ago
FiftyFourPointTwo5329d ago

lol I had a good laugh. I'd give you another bubble for that if I could. :)

cmrbe5329d ago

As good as U2 is no one should fail their exams because of it. I am serious.

Sarcasm5329d ago

More like Uncharted 2: Lose your sleep

mal_tez925329d ago

I know I'm failing because of this game.

I asked myself: "Is wasting 13 years of schooling really worth playing the sequel to the greatest game of all time?", And have never answered no.

Bubble Buddy5329d ago

I know how you feel, I don't think I can buy it till next Friday or I'll fail the 3 tests and 2 projects I have next week >.>

HolyOrangeCows5328d ago

Uncharted 2: Among Insomniacs


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5328d ago
ikral5329d ago

And People are buying. PS3 failed? Yea, sure...

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Abnor_Mal1472d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1472d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1471d ago (Edited 1471d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1472d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1472d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931472d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1508d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1507d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.