
CRank: 5Score: 43870

Again, who said it's supposed to be that way? don't say everyone because then you're being disingenuous. people just saying they wish there was a third person option, not that CDPR needs to only make third person games the way they approve of.
And yet again, who is saying they know how to make cyberpunk better than CDPR? not one person.
You're just throwing around a lot of insults and false accusations for whatever reason. Almost like a temper tantrum be...

2278d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can you give me some examples of people telling CDPR how they are going to make the game? I see a lot of wishing for a third person option but no one saying they won't allow CDPR to make the game first person.
I think you need to take a step back and realize that not everyone enjoys first person. Doesn't mean we're standing out side their offices with pitchforks and torches. just means we'll pass on this one. Now we have articles and people like you telling us to ...

2278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@starchild, the vast majority of the time we know what we're getting well in advance. For instance, deus ex was very upfront about being first person, so i skipped it. cyberpunk had us all thinking it was going to be third person (or at least have the option) for over a year, so we were excited. and then we found out it was first person. for a very many of us, that's a deal breaker. So think about a game getting you hyped up for over a year and then essentially getting cancelled....

2278d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who said they don't know what they're doing? I see a lot of wishing for a third person option but not once have I seen someone say they don't know what they're doing.

2278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Normally i would agree but it seems their original plan was to have us able to switch perspectives, but they later chose to go first person only. So I don't really hold them at fault for that.
In the end it was a design choice and I trust they made the right one. It locks out gamers like myself but hopefully they bring in some new fans to replace us. As much as I'd like to play this in third person, I don't want CDPR to have a dip in customers because of it. they'...

2278d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, they're free to make the game they want and we're free to buy it if we want. free market. No one's forcing me to buy it, so I'll pass. and no one's forcing you to dislike first person, so you'll buy it.

2278d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually, their original plan was to have us be able to switch between first and third person. YongYea did a video that touched on this. Later they decided to switch it.
As for horizon, even back to the rumor stages, it was always thought to be third person, so we all knew what we were getting. The supposed backlash (which is really just people saying they'll pass or they wish there was a way to play in third person) is coming because we didn't know from the start it was...

2278d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, he just doesn't like first person. The only reason you can't accept that is because you like CDPR so much that everything they do is infallible to you.

2278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because he knows what he wants more than you do.
He's not saying to trust him that we all want third person, he's saying he himself wants third person.

2278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Trust me, I do.
Hope you guys have fun with it, but I'll be skipping this one.

2278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh my bad, read that wrong

2280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh, sorry man, I think you just missed the right time. Sony had a week long sale where they chopped $100 off and dell gave an extra $10 or $20 off if you bought from them. It was a sweet deal.
But I'm sure another will roll around. Black friday will be here before you know it.

2281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just got a new PSVR headset thanks to some credit and that temporary price drop I really only spent about $100 on the skyrim bundle. Honestly wanted the doom one but site I was using was out of stock.
I might actually try it. I usually can't stand bethesda games (fallout and elderscrolls) as I tend to find them... I dunno, a little soulless.
But then again I can't stand first person shooters, except in VR, so who knows? I might end up liking skyrim.

2281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never understood the appeal of watching someone else play a game. twitch, esports, never got it. I would have to personally know someone to even care and even then it'd better be them doing some cool stuff to keep me from getting bored.
Unless if you're stuck in a game and looking to see how others got pass that section, I just don't see where the enjoyment comes from.

2281d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

one game.
And I'd believe MS's excuse as much as I'd believe Sony's "protecting the kids".
no, for both of them it was about money. Ockham's razor at work my friend.

2281d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Happens all the time, in all of TV, movies, comics, video games, books, etc the only person I've ever heard of actually returning a check was Alan Moore.

2281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@rider 120 million would be insane. the second highest selling home console ever.

2281d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The same biased media that shows bias towards Sony?

2281d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

@yom, it's still on Sony. just because a system can be abused doesn't me it should be.

2281d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

they can lose from crossplay. ever wonder why last gen xbox didn't want to do cross play? when you're on top and the "it" console everyone wants, then your friends pick it up. people want to play where their friends are, so even if you usually gamed on xbox last gen, you buy a PS4. If there was no need because you could play with your friends even if you own an xbox, then why would you buy a PS4? so PS4 loses a sale. on the xbox side, they get to tell potential custome...

2281d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment