
CRank: 5Score: 43870

It's funny because I now feel myself moving away from Ubisoft

2267d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fabio says hi.

2267d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS has more money than Sony, BUT xbox doesn't have access to all of that money. MS could ditch xbox tomorrow and do just fine. Sony would hurt like crazy without Playstation as it's a huge money maker. Now you might take that as "MS has more money! MS WINS!" but what that really means is MS doesn't have to put that much effort into xbox as it's just a side thing for them. windows, xbox is not. But for Sony it's a big money maker so they put all kinds of car...

2267d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@zen not true at all but funny as hell.

2267d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's a tightrope, but there is a way. if they look to carve out a niche first then build up to something. streaming is a big let down, but remember google provides internet, so there's some room to play there. the single most important aspect will be games, which devs are they looking at, which publishers are they going to work with? Will they have AAA (or AA) dev teams in house?
Features are in the bag with built in chromecast. But what will they build on? Can I ord...

2267d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a nintendo kind of guy, but even still, I'd much rather see a race between nintendo and Playstation. It's not that I hate xbox, I've just seen that if they're not in 2nd or 3rd place, they try to take gaming to a pretty crappy place. At their most greedy we saw MS's vision for gaming, drm, no used games, forced kinect etc. With nintendo we saw some of their practicies (which I believe started with good intentions but got out of hand) the baggage that came wi...

2267d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@gamerzero, Ps4 is indeed beating the snot out of xbox 1 but it's not 3:1. for that to be true you'd have to believe the X1 has only sold around 25 million. They're at least in the low 30's, minimum.

2267d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@krib, pretty sure he's talking about "at this point in their life cycle"

2267d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had mine for 4 games, shenmue, kotor, jade empire and splinter cell.
I miss the old bioware. I think I just made myself sad.

2267d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The crossplay BS is just a new flavor of the month xbox fanboys hope will stick. Now it's cross play, used to be back wards compatibility, used to be 4k Bluray, and so on and so on. They're just looking for a win elsewhere because xbox is simply on a lower level when it comes to games.
Now I don't mind if gamer A prefers xbox, but don't go pretending these minor issues are game changers everytime one makes the gaming news.
I mean of all I've seen BC wo...

2267d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

@corndog, yeah and Drake actually gets shot and stabbed also. remember how uncharted two opened? Guess what happened? drake got shot, one single bullet put him down despite him taking dozens or even hundreds of rounds up to that point. So yes, just like in films, the hero also gets hurt from time to time.
As for the red, I said this earlier, but would have preferred if the screen flashed baby blue?come on. red= blood, ok. but we as gamers also associate red on the screen with g...

2267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No but if you read what she says, it's not based on luck in real life, it's based on luck that you see in movies, more akin to Indiana Jones getting shot at than a real life shoot out.

2267d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got a feeling this will be a sleeper hit. I can see a lot of people viewing it as a last of us clone or last of us light so they pass or wait for a sale and then after word of mouth spreads they start to come around and the sales, while never mind blowing, stay consistently good.

2268d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Vasto, but what you're preaching is actually harmful to gaming in the long run. certain people always give companies like Sony and CDPR for only putting out "one and done" games. But here's the problem. If everybody goes the route you say because profits, Then people will only buy call of duty and the current flash in the pan and play it forever. So because "profits for big companies". So then we'll only have a handful of games a year to choose from and...

2268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have, platinumed every uncharted game actually, even golden abyss. 1,2,&3 twice. But this is about when Drake appears to get shot and it being luck that he survives rather than a superhuman resistance to bullets.

2268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here, Markus was the one character I coudln't wait to get back to. I mean I actually did feel that way about all of them, but when Markus popped up on screen, it was like that feeling got amplified.

2268d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

if it's not about realism, then none of it should matter at all. if he survives a dozen gunshots or a dozen shots miss him, it's not realistic, so why does it even matter?
but again, if you don't buy the reasoning, then why would they be lying about it? just for the sake of lying? Amy wanted another news article about her because the one from last week was fading already and she has nothing on the horizon? She wants to put a spot light on her former employer? I just ...

2268d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey red, sorry to interrupt. but care to comment on what these estimated sales numbers mean for State of decay 2? For argument's sake, lets say VGchartz, who is known for being xbox friendly, is underestimating by 50%, (protip: they've never been off by anything even approaching that much) That would put them at well less than 300,000 sold retail. thoughts?

2268d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would be luck until he gets KO'd. I mean one bullet can kill you, one punch that you're ready for, most likely would not. Amazing that you seem ok with a T-shirt being enough protection for multiple gunshot wounds but not with the bullets missing him.
Ask yourself, this, why would she make this up? or the original poster that she was confirming? Is there a new uncharted game about to release? is there something to gain by fooling you?

2268d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

He's getting hit? I don't recall a drop of blood on him from those gunshots.

2268d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment