
CRank: 5Score: 18970

I had my 360 premium for almost a year and then traded it in for a 360 elite.

Absolutely no problems with my premium (in fact I told the guy at the store "My premium has been running like a champ for almost a year, if this elite Red rings I'm gonna be pissed" which got a good laugh from him.) I just wanted the HDMI because I was getting an Onkyo 805 receiver and needed the component for other devices.

None of my friends local to me have had any proble...

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And once again WHY ARE YOU DAMNED SONY FANBOYS IN HERE AT ALL? If it has nothing to do with the PS3 then WHY CLICK ON THE DAMN LINK AT ALL?

You hate the system, WE KNOW. You think everything about MS is EVIL. WE KNOW.

Christ you people are lame.

Same goes for you Xbots that click on PS3 news. YOU SUCK TOO.

6178d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly, the RROD was REALLY bad situation, but it looks like the actual flaw has been fixed.

That's not to say that 100% of the repaired xbox360s that come back are going to be perfect, there is a difference between taking a used system and retrofitting it with the fix vs manufacturing a new console with the fix implemented.

MS got extremely lucky with this. If the PS3 had a library of titles that was equal to the 360 then the 360 would be dead. Instead you ge...

6178d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Aren't those games just demos?


What are they thinking?! Oh yeah..$99 for a 20 gig...


One of the worst decisions made in recent console history (first being nintendo giving sony the shaft when sony was creating the cd-rom drive for the SNES, which they later turned into the PS1...and we all know what happened after that).

Sucks that devs can't program a gam...

6179d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

On a serious note...

MS really did fudge things up with the way they did their skus. I'm still royally pissed off about the lame ass core edition. Now devs can't program with the HDD in mind because not all the consoles are going to have a hdd.

HORRIBLE move by MS.

Sony did things MUCH Better. You still get a good range of prices but you really don't lose any functionality that alters the way games are programmed.

So kudos to Son...

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok here you go.


6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah. the backwards compatibilty is a key factor for me. I broke my PS2 long before SOCOM 1 even came out. so there are a LOT of ps2 games I would like to catch up on.

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So again, how is a DIAGRAM showing the differences between the SKUs a part of the well organized smear campaign?

If this was a "How XBOX SKUS compare to differences in the PS3 skus" then you would have a leg to stand on.

*edit cause I gots no bubbles*

I'm DEFINATELY with you on this one. I see WAY too much trolling on BOTH Sides. I reads news that has nothing to do with the PS3 and 90% of the comments are "RROD!@# ROFLS PWNAGE&quo...

6179d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

uhm, #6...

Fanboy much?

In what twisted world do you live in when you can take something as innocuous as this and turn it into a flame attempt?

Freaking calm down. jesus.

6179d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah 800 points is $10. It better not freaking be 400 points. And I thought verizon was a bunch of nickle and diming bastards...well ok so verizon is still king of nickle and diming, but XBL sure is close second.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope it's only $2. erm. Hmm. Then again...it should have come with more tables to begin with. $10 for 3 tables? pfft.

4th one should be free.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have two local friends who were level 32 BRIEFLY. I guarantee they didn't cheat. Wouldn't even know how.

But still, When I would play with on a team I would see a LOT of BS from the other players. Ruined the experience completely for me. Being a lowly 19 or whatever (hell I forgot, but I never made it to 20), and getting my ass handed to me all the time just sucks. And it't not so much that they just outplayed me THAT much, but that there was a LOT of bs.

6179d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe there really wasn't a "problem" at all. Maybe it was just a MINOR workaround for each issue that was hardly worth making a note of, and any mention of these minor issues could only serve as flamefuel for the fanboys.

6180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bunch of damn fanboys on this site.

Nothing but trolling everywhere you look.

6180d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you can't spell out YOUR (ITS ONLY TWO FREAKING MORE LETTERS FOR GODS SAKE!) then you have no right to attack or criticize anyone.

And translated into a language you understand:

if u cant spell ur then u shuld shutup.

6180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

anyone else keep getting Two Worlds and Too Human mixed up :)

For some damned reason I keep thinking of "oblivion clone gone horribly wrong" when I hear Too Human.

6180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

BAH. You can't call yourself a gamer if graphics are the only thing you care about.

There are still NES/SNES games that I play to this day that are every bit as FUN as anything coming out these days. Arguably even better.

Hell, just 30 minutes ago I finally finished Super Paper Mario for the Wii. :)

Castlevania: SOTN is still better than any castlevania released since.

Seems kind of ridiculous when you say you have "too much d...

6180d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why though? nobody is going to do anything on your PS3.

Just don't have any sensitive data on any machines that are connected in any way to a wireless access point.

If your main router has wireless, disable it.

If you still need wireless and you want security get a seperate wireless access point and put a firewall between the wireless accesspoint and your main router to keep all devices on the wireless network away from devices on the main network...

6180d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very compelling argument you present. I like how you counter his claims with brilliant quips like "he's a douche bag."

Next time you feel like commenting...put the keyboard down.

6182d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

/me grabs popcorn and waits for the sony crew to show up.

Lord knows this doesn't have anything to do with the PS3 so of course they will HAVE to chime in ...

6183d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment