
CRank: 5Score: 18970

Ahhh keep the 60 gig. Backwards compatibility is a good thing.

6175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm. Ya know. I own all three current systems...and the ONLY thing that matters to me is the games.

And anyone who tells you that any one of those systems doesn't have some incredibly good games for it is full of it.

6175d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where's our BD-LIVE!

Thats it...I'm grabbing my torches and pitchforks and I'm heading to sony.


right after I finish ratchet and clank...
...And I still have to play god of war 1 and 2...
...and then there is warhawk....
...and then heavenly sword...
...ok maybe I'll go storm the sony castle after I'm done playing all their games...

6175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, I realize I'm standing in the middle of halo fanboy central. So I'll stop now.

I simply disagree that Halo 3's physics are worth the accolades they are receiving. That is all.

Have a nice day.


Damn wasted my bubbles on lame crap. heh.

Anyway about this stryker. I don't see anything that explains how it uses controlled blasts to alter the course of an rpg. Just that it can take a direct hit like it's nob...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you have a direct link that talks about that tank? After watching Myth Busters try to soften the impact of a falling dummy with a 500lb bomb...I'm skeptical that the shockwave of a blast can completely deflect ANYTHING with any kind of considerable mass.

Now don't leave out the other important information in my post to benefit your own argument. Like mainly the fact that the GUY STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO IT (I put it in all caps so you wouldn't miss it again) is still walking...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know you are new to the english language and all, but still TRY to make an attempt to type it out properly.

"plz dont show ur up u self plz" I would if I EVEN KNEW WHAT THAT SAID. Hell's sake man..

Second, I own all three systems. How about you chuckles?

Everyone is OOOH AHHHing over these physics, and saying how AWESOME they are and how they are among the best in the industry.

OK. So the SAME GRENADE BLAST that forces...

6177d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Did this moron REALLY just base his opinion of Halo 3's graphics and frame rate off of a HIGHLY COMPRESSED tiny streaming video?


I mean just...wow.

6177d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment



Call me crazy, but the explosion of a grenade COMPLETELY changing the course of a rocket doesn't seem like accurate physics at all. ESPECIALLY if said grenade blast doesn't kill someone if they are standing 4 goddamn feet away from it.

6177d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'd hate to be this guy's inbox.

6177d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting. I own both, and...How can you even begin to compare the two art styles?

The two games are so drastically different that they are beyond compare in any single aspect of the games.

That's just an absolutely retarded argument.

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ben heck deserves all the good fortune possible for stuff like this.

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope you weren't telling HIM to read next time.

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's actually pretty cheap for what you get. Actual arcade parts are expensive, plus you are paying for the time for one guy to hand build the thing. $149 seems fine to me (I'd actually upgrade to the 8 way/4 way switchable joystick for games like pac-man and frogger, etc).

I'd say it would have to be on a table.

Again this is meant for people who want as close to arcade perfect controls as you can get. If you don't know the difference between arcade controls a...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone said it earlier in this thread, and I think it was a VERYgood point.

We are a very small minority of the gamers. Most gamers don't pay attention to the future releases. Most of them walk into wal-mart or target and see what is on the shelves and make their decision based on that.

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright sit down. Actually the 360 IS outselling the PS2 RIGHT NOW. Not overall of course, thats just stupid.

But everyone is getting spanked by the DS.

6177d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

uhm, where?


Nothing in that list that comes CLOSE to the bundle you described. ESPECIALLY at $399.

6177d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats a bad comparison. Of course the 40gig isn't selling favorably compared to the 60gig. It was just barely announced. Hell none of the stores local to me have even had it in stock yet.

As for the AAA titles, it doesn't matter WHEN they came out (past tense) to people who are just buying the console. Just the fact that they ARE out. And to someone who doens't have either a PS3 or a 360, the number of AAA titles for the 360 look better.

People who already ...

6178d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gotta love teh intarwebs. Everyone is given a voice...even the idiots.

You could post something like "THE NUMBER ONE IS LESS THAN THE NUMBER TWO" and you would still get morons on this site disagreeing with you.

6178d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


You trolling there? Or do you have some actual sources that back that statement up?


See Also "The Cavuto" :)


A tactic also used to pass absolute crap as "news" here on this site.

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually the Falcon does NOTHING to fix the problem. TOTALLY different issues.

the CPU/GPU weren't overheating, the motherboards were getting warped and components were coming unsoldered.

The Falcon is a cost reduction solution. With the added benefit of running cooler.

EVERY modern console has undergone changes in the CPU size.

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment