
CRank: 5Score: 10390

If there's such a big graphical difference between the versions, I don't think we need such thorough analysis to find out for ourselves.

Gaming sites should be focusing on the BUGS, not the TINY GRAPHICAL DIFFERENCES (if any), so that we as gamers can get the same experience across all platforms.


5313d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

After rating a game, have a little chart that says "this game is better than ___ but worse off than ___"

Can't remember which gaming mag did it before, but I found it incredibly useful. That way, if a game got 9/10 for graphics, but was still considered "worse off" than another game that got 9/10, at least you knew how the games stacked up against each other.

5314d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

But I guess ignorance has its merits.

If you didn't know about the bias going on, and you just bought a game based on the reviews from whichever mag / site you use, you'll think that that's the true reflection of the game's worth, and you'll be happy.

I remember a time loooong ago when all I had was EGM to go on. I thought it was the bible of game reviews, so I used it solely to assist my game purchases.

That was when I was 10. Then, I discovered... the ...

5314d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You buying it for someone else in your household too? Like, you game on the Xbox, and your brother games on the PS3?

Because otherwise I can't think of why anyone would need two copies of this game, on separate platforms.

5314d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


Here are some tips on building credibility, and improving your game journalism.

1. Ensure headline MATCHES story - this article didn't do this. You made an assertion, but failed to explain why Fable 3 (F3) will be "one of the most unique RPG's ever".

Bad headlines give people a ripped-off feeling, like meeting a girl with username "SexyChick" and finding out that she's male.

2. Ensure THERE IS EVEN ...

5314d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If anyone who plays MW2 will think that, hey, I preferred COD4, and stay in the COD4 online community instead.

As with all sequels, I think most of the COD4 and COD5 players will be glad to upgrade to MW2. But there will always be this portion of players who will stick to the original after they find that they don't like MW2.

Wonder how many players the COD4 community will have soon.

5316d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consider this - not everyone working there is so blind as to the PS3's role in the gaming industry.

Yet, because of the general stance taken by Valve as a company, it is unlikely that anyone with a differing opinion there dares to speak up.

It would really suck if I worked at an office where everyone used Macs, loved Macs, refused to listen to why Windows might be good, and I'm the only guy trying to hide my Windows-laptop under the table whenever someone else walks ...

5316d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My main gripes with AC1 were:

- missions were too repetitive, after a few missions you kept doing the same things
- enemy AI was too predictable
- sidequests like flag-collection were... not exactly fun

And I know for a fact that reviewers already caught on to these problems the first time around. If for AC2 they can give high scores like 9/10, 10/10, it probably means that lots of things got fixed too.

Yay for developers making the effort to...

5316d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same feeling.

Game was announced at E3 06, when my friend's wife just got pregnant with their first kid.

Now, that kid is 3 years old, coming to 4, and can speak very basic sentences already.

How's that for a long wait.

5318d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember they said they will work on the 360 version only after the Jap PS3 one is completely done.

So if the Jap PS3 one is releasing in Dec 09, you mean... that now Square Enix has the ability to port it over in 3-4 months to meet the 09 fiscal year deadline?

Either (A) --> they really got some serious porting skills, or

(B) --> they've been working on the porting for some time.

5319d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you have kids next time, explain to them that when they make assertions, they should try to back it up with evidence. It helps convince the listener, generally.

It'll help your kids go that much further in life.

5331d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your 5 comments since joining 2 hours ago have... been quite critical of one console in particular.

No games coming out recently that you can buy for your system of choice?

5336d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The way I see it, any system with a wide range of genres is a good thing for gamers.

So there's hardcore games for the older audience, and more kid-friendly fare for the younger ones who need an introduction to gaming.

No point in having tons of AAA exclusives all being FPShooters, or all being Action Adventures, or Puzzles, or Platformers. Variety is the spice of life!

That being said, Ratchet & Clank isn't a kiddie game lol. Try getting 100% on it...

5336d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

"By the way storage space does NOT equal processing power."

Yes, I know that. But think of these scenarios:

ONE --> Tom Clancy and Dan Brown both have 500 pages in which to write a story. Both have the talent, so both fill up the 500 pages with a fully written story, with fleshed-out storylines, proper character development etc.

Both books get 9/10.

TWO --> Tom has the same 500 pages, but now Dan only has 90 pages. Dan tries...

5337d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Seriously, when Square Enix says there is no dumbing down of the PS3 version, and that both PS3/Xbox versions are maxed-out products of their visions, I smell BS.

How can it be? How can you, if given 50Gb of space, think "Oh ok I'm going to make the best game ever, but I'll keep it to 3x9Gb= 27Gb of space?"

How could I, as a developer, concentrate on realizing the game I want, when I have to make sure that it runs equally well on 2 systems with differing sp...

5337d ago 26 agree9 disagreeView comment

I'm just curious, why doesn't G4TV want their scores on Meta?

Was there a falling out or anything in the past? I've done a quick search on google but there's no story about it...

5348d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do hope they will consider the Xbox and the PS3, because that's where the real hardcore gamers are I think...

Especially once those two have their own motion control systems, it'll be a waste not to bring this game over there too.

5349d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yesterday I played Uncharted 2 MP Beta for about 3 hours.

Last week I replayed Jeanne D'arc on the PSP, clocked in another 15+ hours.

Today I played about 1.5 hours of LittleBigPlanet with my cousins, and I'm getting ready to play another 3-4 hours of inFamous or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 tonight.

Try telling my girlfriend that these 23+ hours ISN'T gaming. She'll give you an earful lol.

5349d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was an early adopter, getting my PS3 around the time the first Uncharted was released.

Man, those days were rough. I remember tons of negativity online about the PS3, and I was also always eagerly waiting for the next big release, cuz well, there weren't many compelling titles back then.

It's so different now. Wow. Always some new title around the corner that beckons.

5349d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

when I click the link and discover it's HHG.

5354d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment