
CRank: 5Score: 5030

Looking forward to this. Refreshing take on the FPS genre and the gunplay felt really good. I loved going back into tough areas with upgraded equipment and taking complete control of the situation. You could really feel the progression of your character. Will pick this one up.

4416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should I pick this up? I haven't played a wrestling game since PS2 days but after seeing all the hype around this I'm thinking about giving it another go. How is the career mode in these games? I could go and read past reviews but I'd rather hear it from you guys. Thanks in advance...

4417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHA—Me and my son still play this today. Every other week or so he wants to play Noby Noby Boy. It's mindless fun. I got it because I was a big fan of the Katamari series, but it doesn't have any structure really so it's easy to put down and forget about it. Still an original game and very quirky.

4417d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, the headline is good, but from there it should've just went into the games portion. I know Vita owners who are personally very happy with their purchase so it makes this paragraph sound off-base. I've been playing my Vita non-stop since release. New Vita games and PSP classics also. In my case there are a lot of games to play on the Vita. Could there be more? Absolutely, but you can't expect an avalanche of titles all-year round—especially in the first year.

4417d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm going to wait and see where it goes—but for $99 it'll probably just be an impulse buy when I'm shopping. Pretty cool as a smart tv/streaming device and I'd like to see what kind of indie games get developed for it. If it flops I still get a dedicated media centre. Much better than my Virtual Boy and 32x investments LOL.

4417d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL—I can't wait for the E3 reveal—A father and daughter playing Killer Instinct: Dance Grooves while video chatting to their relatives over XBOX Live. Bookmark this page!

4418d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think K3 will ever see the light of day. It's sad to say but I actually don't want to see Rare make it. I'd rather another developer get the rights (is this possible?) and do the game justice. Or at least port the arcade versions of K1/2 to XBLA (not sure if Nintendo has any rights to these games, anyone confirm?). Easy money right there.

4418d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If the game is influenced by Japanese culture and themes then I don't want the creators to "westernize" the game for our demographic. I'd rather they stick to their creative vision first and foremost. In any case I'll be picking this up soon!

4418d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

You will not be disappointed! I'm lovin' my Vita right now.

4418d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember getting my parents to buy an issue Nintendo Power when I was a kid just so I could figure out what the hell I had to do to finish Simon's Quest. Then I went to school and bragged to all my friends with a polaroid of the ending. I was king for a day LOL. Thank-you Nintendo Power.

4418d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll be picking it up soon, glad to hear people are enjoying it.

4419d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where's Gran Turismo 5? No Killzone, Demon/Dark Souls, MGS4, Journey etc... They should've just made a top 30 or 40 because it's quite strange these titles aren't included.

4419d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would go for it if I didn't already have both. Plus you would have more developers taking advantage of both screens. I like what Nintendo is doing with the Wii U—I could only imagine what Sony could do with their IPs if the Vita's integration was standard across the board.

4420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally don't know anyone whose PS3 has malfunctioned either (other than myself—no luck), but damn if I don't remember waiting in line on 360 launch day, dropping over $500 (C) in front of my wife (who thought I was nuts LOL), and then four weeks later the console red rings. Got it fixed and then a month after that the disc drive malfunctioned. I was so pissed at Microsoft I didn't get a new XBOX until last year when I heard more and more people saying the units were more sta...

4420d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm on my third 360, one RROD and one disc drive malfunction. My current 360 got the red ring but came back to life after a couple days of non-use (not sure how but it happened) and it's still going strong. I'm on my second PS3—first one YLOD (launch console), and my Wii doesn't read discs anymore so I'll be getting another one of those (or just wait for the WiiU). But seriously, this gen has been full of malfunctions. From last gen I still have a working Gamecube, XBOX, P...

4420d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I appreciate their efforts in apologizing for reporting something they themselves have found to be false. Integrity is hard to come by these days. Although working in the publishing field myself I would bet that someone from SEGA or Sumo did file a complaint to Eurogamer and asked them to clarify the statements made.

4421d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Reading that paragraph put a smile on my face and made me wish I had that job.

4421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's no reason to downplay games that others enjoy. In a way I agree with your argument but the same can be said of other companies. And while some games DO get stale over time—IMO Halo is not one of them. Give me a solid Halo every 2 to 3 years and I'll buy it so long as the quality that I've known to expect comes along with it—it's the same like I do for quality games on other consoles.

4422d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This. When I heard that music I felt the need to protect the universe.

4422d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I need to go build a pc now. This is just insane.

4422d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment